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1、已发布的中华思想文化术语2014年12月发布的中华思想文化术语一The One圣Sage / Sageness神Shen (Spirit / Spiritual)义Righteousness虚Xu性Xing (Nature)心Heart / Mind物Wu (Thing / Matter)王King天Tian (Heaven)仁Ren趣Qu情Qing气Qi (Vital Force)理Li德De道Dao (Way)诚Sincerity隐秀Latent Sentiment and Evident Beauty选举Select and Recommend虚静Void and Peace性灵Xing

2、ling (Inner Self)太学Imperial Academy书院Classical Academy社稷Sheji (Gods of the Earth and the Five Grains)美刺Extolment and Satirical Criticism六义The Six Basic Elements科举The Imperial Civil Examination System江山Rivers and Mountains / Country or State Power肌理Reasoning and Structure讽谕Subtle Admonition悲慨Melancho

3、ly and Resentment宗法Feudal Clan System自然Naturalness滋味Nuanced Flavor中庸Zhongyong (Golden Mean)中华Zhonghua中国Zhongguo (China)直寻Direct Quest知音Resonance and Empathy缘起Dependent Origination有无You and Wu阴阳Yin and Yang意象Yixiang (Imagery)养气Cultivating Qi雅俗Highbrow and Lowbrow玄览Xuanlan ( Pure-minded Contemplation

4、)兴象Xingxiang (Inspiring Imagery)五行Wuxing无为Non-action文气Wenqi文明Wenming (Civilization)王道Kingly Way (Benevolent Governance)天下Tianxia (All Under Heaven)体用Ti and Yong体性Style and Temperament太极Taiji (The Supreme Ultimate)神思Imaginative Contemplation熔裁Refining and Deleting日新Constant Renewal人治Rule by Man情景Sent

5、iment and Scenery良知Liangzhi (Conscience)良史Trustworthy Historian / Factual History九州Nine Zhou (Regions)教化Shaping the Mind Through Education华 UHuaxia格调Form and Melody封建Feudal System法治Rule by Law大同Universal Harmony般若Buddhist Wisdom霸道Despotic Way本末Ben and Mo (The Fundamental and the Incidental)诗缘情Poetry

6、 Springs fromEmotions.诗言志Poetry Expresses Aspirations.赋比兴Narrative, Analogy, and Association风雅颂Ballad, Court Hymn, and Eulogy史才三长Three Strengths of a Good Historian民惟邦本People Being the Foundation of the State六经皆史The Six Confucian Classics Are All About History.自然英旨Charm of Spontaneity紫之夺朱Purple Prev

7、ailing over Red有教无类Education for All Without Discrimination修齐治平Self-Cultivation, Family Regulation, State Governance, Bringing Peaceto All Under Heaven兴观群怨协和万邦文以载道为政以德顺天应人人文化成利用厚生怀远以德发愤著书有德者必有言信言不美,美言不信象外之象,景外之景声一无听,物一无文厉与西施,道通为一乐而不淫,哀而不伤不学诗,无以言Stimulation, Contemplation, Communication, and Criticis

8、mCoexistence of All in Harmony Literature Is the Vehicle of Ideas.Governance Based on VirtueFollow the Mandate of Heaven and Comply with the Wishes of thePeopleRen Wen Hua ChengMake Full Use of Resources to Enrich the PeopleEmbrace Distant Peoples by Means of VirtueIndignation Spurs One to Write Gre

9、at Works.Virtuous People Are Sure to Produce Fine Writing.Trustworthy Words May Not Be Fine-sounding; Fine-sounding Words May Not Be Trustworthy.The Image Beyond an Image, the Scene Beyond a SceneA Single Note Does Not Compose a Melodious Tune, Nor Does a Single Color Make a Beautiful Pattern.A Scab

10、by Person and the Beautiful Lady Xishi Are the Same in the Eyes of Dao.Express Enjoyment Without Indulgence and Express Grief Without Excessive DistressYou Won' t Be Able to Talk Properly with Others Without Studying The Book of Songs.2016年1月发布的中华思想文化术语Fortress / CityMetropolisLord / Nobility /

11、Monarch坤 礼 命 乾 思 体 学 元 八卦 比德 辨体 别集 楚辞 辞达 独化 非攻 干城 刚柔 革命 卦爻 国家 国体 海内 海外 画道 会心 浑沌 活法 兼爱KunLi (Rites / Social Norms)Mandate / DestinyQianReflecting / ThinkingTiLearnYuan (Origin)Eight TrigramsVirtue ComparisonStyle DifferentiationIndividual CollectionChuci (Ode of Chu)ExpressivenessSelf-driven Developm

12、entDenouncing Unjust WarsShield and Fortress / Dukes and PrincesGang and RouChanging the Mandate / RevolutionTrigrams and Component LinesFamily-state / CountryGuotiWithin the Four SeasOutside the Four Seas / OverseasDao of PaintingHeart-to-heart CommunicationChaosLiterary FlexibilityUniversal Love经济

13、 境界 君子 妙悟 名实 气象 取境 人道 人文 三玄 上帝 神韵 诗史 斯文 四端 四海 四书又早 五经 逍遥 小人 业去 八付 兴趣 养民 艺术 后加To Govern and Help the PeopleJingjie (Visionary World)Junzi (Man of Virtue)Subtle InsightName and SubstancePrevailing FeaturesQujing (Conceptualize an Aestheric Feeling)Way of ManRenwenThree Metaphysical ClassicsSupreme Rul

14、er / Ruler of HeavenElegant SubtletyHistorical PoetryBe Cultured and RefinedFour InitiatorsFour SeasFour BooksSon of HeavenWriting and Writing TechniqueLiteratureLiterary WritingFive ClassicsCarefreePetty ManXingji (Association and Inner Sustenance)Xingqu (Charm)Nurturing the PeopleArtAesthetic Conc

15、eption意兴 宇宙 政治知行 总集本色 形而上 形而下安土重迁 别材别趣 唇亡齿寒 道法自然 法不阿贵 格物致知 过犹不及 和而不同 厚德载物画龙点睛解衣盘礴 经世致用 境生象外 居安思危 开物成务民胞物与上善若水 神与物游 师出有名Inspirational AppreciationUniverse / CosmosDecree and Governance / PoliticsKnowledge and ApplicationGeneral Collection / AnthologyBense (Original Character)What Is Above Form / The

16、MetaphysicalWhat Is Under Form / The PhysicalAttached to the Land and Unwilling to MoveDistinct Subject and Artistic TasteOnce the Lips Are Gone, the Teeth Will Feel Cold.Dao Operates Naturally.The Law Does Not Favor the Rich and Powerful.Study Things to Acquire KnowledgeGoing Too Far Is as Bad as F

17、alling Short.Harmony But Not UniformityHave Ample Virtue and Carry All ThingsAdding Pupils to the Eyes of a Painted Dragon / Rendering the FinalTouchSitting with Clothes Unbuttoned and Legs Stretching OutStudy of Ancient Classics Should Meet Present Needs.Aesthetic Conception Transcends Concrete Obj

18、ects Described.Be on Alert Against Potential Danger When Living in PeaceUnderstand Things and Succeed in One ' s EndeavorsAll People Are My Brothers and Sisters, and All Things Are My Companions.Great Virtue Is Like Water.Interaction Between the Mind and the Subject MatterFighting a War with a Moral Justification实事求是Seek Truth from Facts天人合一Heaven and Man Are United as One.大人之分Distinction Between Man and Heaven温柔敦厚Mild, Gentle, Sincere, and Broadminded吴越同舟People of Wu and Yue Are in the Same Boat.虚壹而静Open-


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