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1、同安一中2019-2020年(上)初一年期中考试 word无答案版(不含听力)同安一中2019-2020学年(上)初一年期中考试英语试题(满分 :150分 考试时间:120分钟)姓名 班级 座号n.选择填空:(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)()21.下列一组是元音字母的是:A.a,e,I,k,uB.a,e,I,o,rC.a,e,I,o,u( )22.This is red apple. That is orange orange.A.a,anB.an,anC.an,a( )23.Jenny. name is Tom.A.I'm;MyB.Her;My C.I'm;His()

2、24.-What is your quilt?It's purple.A.numberB.color C.name()25.-is she?-She is my sister.A.whoB.What C.Where()26.-Excuse me, the tape?-It's on the table.A.WhereB.What'sC.Where's()27.We have a dog.color is yellow and black. nice.A.Its,It'sB.Its,ItsC.It's,Its9 / 10( )28.-this is

3、 a very big room. Yes,it is room.A.Jim and Tom B.Jim and Tom's C.Jim's and Tom's()29.-Gina's book are Yes,It's not clean and tidy!A.everywhere B.whereC.somewhere( )30.Let's play .I have two new bats.A.ping-pongB.soccerC.volleyball()31.Come on,Mary! We're !A.lateB.goodC.ti

4、dy( )32.Peter likes sports very much, he doesn't like soccer.A.andB.butC.or( )33.It's for me to play soccer.I like it very much.A.difficultB.boringC. easy()34.-Does your father any baseballs?Yes,he has ,they're over there.A.habe;one B.have;someC.has;a( )35.-Thank you for helping me! It&#

5、39;s kind of you.出.完形填空:(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)Hello, boys and girls!I'm Paul. I'm an 11-year-old boy.Frank is my friend.36 is an 11- year-old boy ,too.Frank and I 37 a schoolbag this afternoon.38 schoolbag is blue and white.A pencil box,a book and a watch 39 in it. What's in the 40?Oh,th-

6、ere are 41 pens.One is black .The other ( 另夕卜的)two are red. The book is 42 _UFOs.What color is the 43 ? It's yellow.Is the schoolbag 44 ?If you lost your schoolbag ,please 45 Frank or me.My phoone number is 227-8043.Frank's is 2278046.()36. A.SheB.HeC.I()37. A.lostB.seeC.found()38. A.AB.AnC.

7、The()39. A.beB.amC.are()40. A.pencil-boxB.classroomC.picture()41. A.twoB.threeC.four()42. A.inB.forC.about()43. A.baseballB.mapC.eraser()44. A.myB.yourC.yours()45. A.e-mailB.callC.thankIV .阅读理解(共两节,25小题,满分40分)第一节阅读下面ABC三篇短文,根据短文内容,从题中所给ABCD四个选项当中选出最佳答案。(共20小题,46-60每小题2分,61-65每小题1分,满分35分)AFound:Is th

8、is your English book? Please call Jim at 530-7534.Lost:My notebook.Black and white. Call Tom at 456-9800.Found:Is that your black pen? Please call Mary. Her phone number is 486-5956.Lost:My dictionary. My name is Jerry. Please call487-2635.Found:A cat. Yellow and white. At the school gate. Call Lisa

9、 at 422-9856.Found:A ring. Please call Lily at 498-2456.A.Yellow and white)47.Please call()46.What color is Tom's notebook?B.Yellow and blue C.Black and white D.Red and white.She found a yellow and white cat.A.LisaB.MaryC.JimD.Jerry)48.Lost a dictionary andfound an English book.A.Jerry,JimB.Jim,

10、JerryC.Lily,LisaD.Lily,Jim)49.I lost my ring.-Callat.She found a ring.A.Jim,530-7534B.Lily,498-2456C.Tom,456-9800D.Lisa,422-9856atA.Lisa,422-9856)50.If you lost your black pen,you can callB.Tom,456-9800C.Mary,486-5956D.Lily,498-2456BHi, I 'm Tom. I have a pencil box. It 's big and it 's

11、pirple.It's my good friend.It's from my mom.What's in the pencil box? My ruler is in it.It's blue and red.That is a pencil.It is black and white. It's not my pencil.It's Cindy's.She likes black and white.You can see a green pen and an ereaser in it,too. The pen isn't

12、mine. I found it in the clasroom this morning.It's Tim's. His name is on it. He isn't at school now. Tim's telephone number is 8069-4725. I can tell him. The nice eraser is my sister,Linda's.()51.What color is the pencil box?A.PurpleB.Black and whiteC.Blue and red D.Green( )52.Th

13、e pencil is.A.Tom'sB.Cindy'sC.Linda'sD.Tim's()53.Tom found a in the classroom.A.red rulerB.green pencilC.green pen D.red eraser()54. things(东西)are in the pencil box.A.TwoB.TheeC.FourD.Five()55.Which statement is right?(哪一项陈述是正确的)A. Tom's telephone number is 8069-4725 B.Tom likes

14、black and whiteC.The pencil isn't Tom'sD.Linda is Tim's sisterMy name is Jim. My favourite( 最喜欢)day is October 18 th, because it's my birthday. I am very happy on that day. I eat egg for breakfast.Then my friend come to my home and play with me. We sing and dance,someone plays the pi

15、ano and someone plays the guitar.Lunch is very nice.After lunch,my parent take me to see a movie. My favourite movies are comedies( 居 1) and action movies ( 动作片)。After supper,my parents ,my sister and I watch TV. Then I go to the bed at ten forty-five.i don't do my homework on that day. I am ver

16、y tired but happy on my birthday.()56.Jim's birthday is .A.October 8B.October 18 thC.December 8 thD.December 18()57.Jim's favourite movies are .A.ComediesB.action moviesC.thrillersD.A and B()58.What does Jim eat for breakfast?A.cakesB.applesC.eggsD,bananas()59.Does Jim do his homework on his

17、 birthday?A.Yes,he does B.No,he doesn't C.No,he isn'tD.I don't knowA.tiredB.happy but not tired C.tired but happyD.happy()60.How is Jim on his birthday?DNow emojis (表情符号)are very popular(流行的).Lots of people use them. Usingemojis is becoming( 变成)a part of many people's life( 日常生活).Emo

18、jis were used in Japan first.Now more and more Chinese people also like to use emojis on QQ and Wechat( 微信).Some funny emojis are even created(创造)in China. For example, the popular emoji “Funny" is created in China.Do you like emojis? Do you want to have emoji pillows(枕头)? There are different k

19、indsof emoji pillows. You can buy them on the internet( 在互联 网上).Amy,an English girl said:" I love emoji pillows very much. They are lovely. When I seethem, I feel very happy. ”()61.Now Chinese people like to use emojis .A.Only on QQ B.Only on Wechat C.On QQ and Wechat D.Only on their blogs()62.

20、Emojis were first used in .A.ChinaB.JapanC.AustraliaD.America()63.Why does the writer mention( 提至U) the emoji “ Funny" ?A. To shou how funny emojis are.B. To show why people love emojisC. To show emojis are very popularD. To show some emojis are created in China()64.According to(根据)the text, yo

21、u ca buy emoji pilllows .A.In a school B.on the Internet C.in a hospitalD.in a marketE. 65.What does Amy think of(认为)emoji pillows?A.She likes themB.She doesn't like themC.She doesn't mind themD.She can't afford them第二节 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的5个选项中选出能填入短文空白处的最佳选项,使短文通顺、连贯,意思完整。(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)EL

22、ook! This is a picture of my teacher's famliy. This is Mr.Smith. 66 His wife is a doctor. She is nice. They have a daughter and a son. 67 they are both students. They are in the same school. 68 Look!The son is like his mother. The daughter is like her father. 69 they love China. 70A. The boy'

23、;s name is Sam and the girl's name is Kate.B. They go to school on their bikes.C. Now they are all in China.D. He is my English teacher.E. They love Chinese food,too.V .情景交际(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)71 .早晨在公园里遇见邻居,你可以这样打招呼:72 .老师想知道那个物品在英语中怎么说,她该怎样问你:73 .你想向父母介绍自己的老师们,你可以这样说:74 .你想告诉对方:自己的铅笔在文具盒里,可以这样表达:.75.你想询问Gina有橡皮吗,可以这样询问:VI.看图写话(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据每小题所提供的图画情景和提示词,写出一个与图画情景相符的句子。76777879/ E076.(name,Lucy)77.(lost,library)78.(how,spell)79.(Tom,nice)80.(this photo) 口.连词成句(每小题2分,共10分)81.is ,what ,his , name82.is ,China, map , a ,of, this83.on, boo


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