已阅读5页,还剩15页未读 继续免费阅读




1、四川省绵阳市1年中考英语真题试题第I卷(选择题,共100分)第一部分:听(共三节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案 转涂到答题卡上。第一节:听句选图(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7. 5分)听下面五个句子,每个句子后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三幅图片中选出与 你所听到那个句子内容相符的图片。听完每个句子后,你都有秒钟的时间来回答有关小题 和阅读下一小题。每个句子仅读一遍。第二节:短对话(共5小题,每小题.5分,满分. 5分)听下面5段小对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从每题所给的A、B、三个选项中选出 最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置

2、。听完每段对话后,你都有5秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。6. Whtsthecolor f he robs oat?A Rd B. le C White.Holong did lcepd on em?.Hal nu. B. o ou. C.ne hour.8. Watare hey taing abot?. A write. B. ook. C. A hl. Watsthe time o?A. 7:2. B.7:30. C.:0.10. Watid the a thinkf the mvi?A. Boring. B mazing. C. Nsy第三节:长对话或独白(共

3、1小题,每小题1.分,满分15分)听下面4段对话或独白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有10至15秒钟 时间阅读各小题;听完后,各小题将给出秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 请听下面一段对话,完成第1至第1小题。11.How may pagehasthean read?A. . .3. C7.2. Howid t wn feel bout it?A. Satisied B.Disained. C. Bored.请听下面一段对话,完成第3至第14小题。13. Whee is themasmter?A. I

4、n cim. B. n asho. C.I a osptl14. hat will hey do?A. G shopi. B. Goo thbeach C. Gotoh ve.请听下面一段对话,完成第15至第7小题。15. Where did th convesation take lae? I an offie. B. In bustation. C. On he pon.6. Wht da s it tody?A. rsda . ueday. C. Wedneay. 17. Wenilhm seeh cto? A. 6:15. B. 6:30. C.5:30.请听下面一段独白,完成第18至

5、第20小题。1. Whr willhe tp tart from? A.The Tianamen quar B.Te ace uem C.Te bi rse garden. How ll they go to theTianan Squae? A. Bybus B. By ca. C. On fot20. H ng will hetrp last? A.bout twours. B.bouhal an hour. C.Abt oe hour第二部分:读(共35小题,满分0分)第一节:阅读理解(共0小题,每小题分,满分4分) 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答

6、题卡上将该项涂黑。 A The we twfisermen naed om Jack.The were cos pals. da they entou to cacish togeth andhea fshma in theied. Thyst at a stan nd star huntig for is. Tgota iad betifulsin feminte. H wsso hapy and lacd th fish in e icebox. dcided ocotefihin tenoo. He spet oe mr imand ah few mor fh. He deie t ak

7、ea randma it thefishAlo, hefrozea w fishto take thembak he. Afte an hor or so, Tomwnt toJac to se fh ne ay help. ack said no. I a fewminues, Jaccugt a la fsh Hoeve, e t bac ino the lke. Tom ws surpried at his act, but h rmained sient. Jackcaught mor gs, and pt them al bck in the le. Very frusrae, To

8、 angrily ased him, “Arou ma? hy do y put ourfish ckinoth aer? Te re eutfuladbig!” Ja replied, I know he ae bi, but I dont have thebig pan(锅) ocook t ig fsh! oIm okin r asllr fi at f y ooking pan! odis troublingme day.”1. Wat didTm dJc go outfr?( A ) A. T cac fi. .To have a oy ride. . To ea ot ogete.

9、 . To feed the fis n he lake.2. y did Tpu hisfih in a ce box? ( )A. o kee i alie B. Tokee it freh orh me.C.o i fromgngaway. D To ep it awayrom is fien.3What did o wnt t do whenhe went to is fien? ( )A.To give sme is B.To frsome he. . To ask im o ook is fish. D. Tok oofJacks ish for himslf.2. Why asT

10、oangrwithi riend? ( )A. He coulntunerstan hiac. He was fond f eaing big fish . H thughtitas nfar or mallfish. . He didnt catchany ig fish imself.25. Whawold eTos dvice for hsrind t th ed of thesr? ( ).AskGodt send him oly sall fish,B.ak a bggr pan wh himnext time. Changis fishing pole to catch all f

11、h.D. Cutthe bg fish ino smallpieesto fithis pan.B cld aTacher!Grehancs for y n t morewitur -day eahin TsteCours !Find ot watitsrallke to be a teacher ina priar r eodryschool and spenneay n chol;Learnaboutth difre ad to teachin - ful ime, part ie, inudinghow yocan rwhile you tain;Fndot aboutthe job,.

12、g eaers pa nd he conitionsof te wrk;Or currefunded(资助) y eaersTiningAec andso only co u20. ur next corses are be hld:noln ( clnshre) 25 t7 Jue 18cunthorpe ( t Lolnshre) 16o 8Spteber 20Stamfod (incolnshie) 3o5 Decber218Bevrley(EastYrkshir) 21 to 2January 2019ston ( Lcolnsr) 11to 3 Febuay 201ntereted?

13、o anapiahon frm(中请表) and fll deails,e: 0146 51278Emal:enquiries mdiect o. k26. Where is tisafrom( ) . uali. B. USA. C. aada. . 7 ou mightbe inteete nthis ad.if you . ( ) A. arealeady teaher B. want to be a teacerin thfutr C.ant o wofor hTeachesTraing Ageny D. ae looking fo aood scho r your cildren28

14、 What can ogetu f is cure? ( ) What it taes t be agoodteahr. . A lactotea in a local sol. . qick tse ofwha thngisot. . A anc to visit fferetpartsofte coutry. How any couse ar onthe yf oumistisoe? ( ) .7. B.6. C. D.4.3. Whicof te follwig stue accringto th d. ? ( ) A. The course last cotnuus for fienh

15、s. B.20 each cannot cove th cost ofhe oure. C. he oure is not oen to ole rom oter counties. D. Youhaveto go to mirect person f yu wan o hva ry. On Septeber 13th,I woep i the est mood.It was lae tar, so I got ose in.Notonl di Iet myfull ighthus of s, bu an aditionalwo mre ours well. Igotedy,dance n m

16、y oom to myavorie usiwile I pkd o my clthes, me yun, n s n m ay to scool. I arved at 9:50. m l ddI kow, inhe xt 20 miutes, my lifeul change feer. AsIg ut mycassoo, thee h wa, holdin te gn. Atoughevrythng hapend at, ina tef abut 4miutes,I remberit clery. I remebrevery fe I sw,and I emee every ound I

17、ard.Irememberhe far ante pi f theukown. An lst, I rembunning.Rnnngr my lf. I ran don the stars, ot of eschools fron doors, ad dwn the stre to he pray school. remembe oongdown at yfet. As ook down Ithoht to myelf, “How a runnig sofst?” I finallade ito a safeclassoom, and 0 other studens nd Isttld inf

18、orckdown. Westaed c to one nothradrie. It felathoh thearsong down our faces wou neverstop Weased ou ones around o text or lovedes tht we wre se ndthatthere wascol shotr,hot erefired, and stdents were injuretus r. The cdn lated bout3iuts, eve huh t lt lke forever. headmaser mae his y to our roomad ex

19、plainedthat thshooer had be cauht ad weweal goint make o way to the footall fid,31. w i the wie eelbfore ong ohol? ( ) .Relaxd B Woried. C,care . ued.Whadoes te pras “slp n” prbbly eann aagrap ? ( ) .sleep in bed B sleepwith cloteson . lep wiih fa cvere Dlelorhan usual 3.Wht did h sudnt do wen h sho

20、oting bega? ( ) A.Calinghepoi for help B.Run awa inlldiretios. C. igtinback gain te shooe D.Textin ther eoved ones bou t. 4 Whedidthewrite find afty in teshoing? ( ) A. On a ootbal iel B. n a nighboring scol. C. In a classrom of hr schol. D Ba at er w hme. 3.What cn we tell frm h tory? ( ) .The head

21、master it care abouthi stuent. B.Thee was more thoe soot in tekilln. . tl the21tudents tok phones it hem. D.he shooter ille himelfn he end.D Chinese hyusedtoprizeorig brnds,thkng ha odcsmae y Amecan orEuropen companesare f hhe uity(质量) tha Chese ons. canly, thats no loger t case. Cinee pope bon befr

22、 1985 generally tin tha freig bandsae eter thn Chieseone, biionire Wlia Litod sines nsider durin recet intrview on CCTV 9. Bufrthse ho wre orn afer 1985 ,it s iffernt piture “hen I frst went t the Unite Kingm i 197, thgt tt thffence tweenCia and uope wa quitbg,” Li said. “But for toe bornine 1990s,

23、whnhe vsirope r the US, theydo thinkth i a bi ferenc.” The cang in hkin mong Cinesebyers is showing upin many maret n Cin whereweten cmpnie used tol. Auy by edt uise publised in rch fund tt yong hinese uyers arenceasingly showing ahme bran bas.” More tha 90% of youn Chiese uyers woldpf to bym aplian

24、ce brands, ccrdingo the udy. ewhie, hmecompniesproduig fd, drs, orpersol careprducts increaed heirshare of the market b , 3ver the lttn yers o nearly 70%. “Chnes buyers, especiay te youner ne, dont justelivetha fein randar beter.Rght now, Chine buersthin China is god Made in Cina s not at all,” Cari

25、C, hed of Cina uyr esearch at redit Suss, td ouh China onig ost in ac. he Chinese smrtphn makt iscontrlled y home copnesawei,po,Vio, n iaom. Ape isth oyforein rand in te t fie, ut has lt le grn oth hoe brand iecenyers. Its marketshare isbelied he no37% rom a 205 hihof 54%.36. Waisthi psag milyabou?

26、( ) A. he qai f Mae in China. B. Th chne in Cinesebuyes thikig. C. Chinse prcts in h eeof oreine. ffernce betwee oder d youger Cinese buyrs.7. Whchof te ooigis trueaccorng tthe tet?( ) . Morend mre frigner g t buy inese roducs. B Foreg pductsare ore expensive thn hinse oes. C. Mor ndmoe Chines byers

27、refe Chinee products. D Older Chinee eol dnt lie reignpodcs ay e.38 hc fct est elins “hoe brad ias”? ( ) A. Applhad a markehr of 54% n 5. B More than 90% f young Chinese uyes per ome brands C. Chies peoe bor bfor 985 thinktoreigbrand ae beter. D. llim Lou abig difrenc between Chia and Euren 997.9. W

28、ho did ost f he resch r tsrepor? ( ) Credit Suisse. CV9. C. Suth Chin Moig ost. D BuinesInsider.0. Whatt bst tide orthispasage? ( ) A. Cieeproduts moroular thom oung hnes ar cray for forein rand C. Mae in Cina welcd all over he rld D.Ape has st large ground to uawei nChna第二节:完形填空(共15小题,每小题2分,满分0分) 阅

29、读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、和D)中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A There was a irl called Anna,wo wasstudying i EsmahVil,a prmary choolin th Unitd Sats.Se wa he most 41 girl at er hoo Her mk eehihe ta h othes. Shewas e st,and almosteveryby wntedob hr 42 .Thy wand to play with her. One ay,theteaher et a exma

30、a oy caed obert 3 his x usingnasnae. So when the ther allthe eas, Ann foudot hhad fied e xam, ande orkids wee 45 . ater on, Robert apolied to nna, nd fillyey ameod frnds.41 ( )A. goig . eautif . careul D. hardworng42 ( ). ebo B. fiend C. classm D. teahr43. ( )A. igned B set . oer D.wote44 ( ) A.mark

31、ed B.finsd trned chaged45. ( ) plase B. mod C. shked D scared B yungawswlki in he desert. Hefet very 6 . stthen h sudenly foud a springof deicius ad clear water. he watr was ool and t ra ma who had 47 it fo uch alongie. He drak lot, and thenh 48 h tlso thah col ring soe back to hs villg andgve it to

32、 his tche whoha aght im nmiddeol Aer aur-da 49 , hegavetewater o the old ma nd htook deep drnk, smewarmly ad 50 hs stuen fr tewet wtr.Th young man rurnedto his ome wit happ het Lae,the teacher let anoerstudet asthe water. He spat i ouat nce, sayinit as 1 . Th sdnt aid he water had come bad becase th

33、e ote as oo old. The tudentsd i tacher, “ater, te watras bdand it ws bitte Wh d o 5 toh that youliked t?” Te techer repid, “Yo onl tasted te ter 53 Itated te gift The water ich has e put in ovngd indnes isn ae.” Notingcould e 55 than love.4. ( ) A thsty B. tred . hungry D anry47( ) . avoide . esed .

34、 exected D.chek48 ( ) A. pend . filed C. empted D. ried49 ( ).illness B. holday C.rest D. trip50. ( )A taked B.praisd paid D. tauht51. ( ) Awderful B. awful C saf Ddangerous5. ( ) A.repr B. sy . lie D. explain .( )A. afr efo C. whn D. while4. ( )A.acually Bsily . mtly ealy5( ) A. wete B. heavr . .de

35、ar D ceaner 第卷(非选择题,共0分) 第三部分:写(共三节,满分4分) 第一节:语法填空(共0小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个恰当的词或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置。 agret always 5 ( give) hr friens d n Christmas Day. he thik it s ageaway otlah othrhow much s vas ir 57 (fe). Last ee,Margat ent to seldifferen 58 ( store) looking fpial crds for her f

36、rinds Margat les lte frieds aly. She wantetofndacardor ach riend tha as roa,and e wantd th ardsto als lok srt of 5 sme,Mraretspet oer an houlookin atcards, but she could ot find te cards 60 were rght. Magaret ad geat dea. She would ak cads for ah ofer ends t h wasnt sure ow to maecad. reembred (ea)

37、omewhere about hrismaCards that 62 (mke) by hn oera hndrdyear . She ued the Internto fnd o (man)aboutthee crds he made nts fr all the trial s would ned ad wnt bak o e oe t e them. arret spn sevral ours workigote Chistmscads 64 (careful). That ight at innr, Mrgaretshoed herfamythecars shhad made forh

38、r reds Evenerrotherthought hey we great, d he lmot never thik agrt idas are great. rgret 65 (ece) o mk eh o he parens Critmas crd and ne foher broth, t第二节:信息摘录(共小题,每小题2分,满分1分) 阅读短文,然后在文后表格内完成内容摘要,每空不超过三个词,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置。 Jack ndo was brninan Franiso in 186. Liewas ardwen Jak wa growingup and he star

39、ted worknghenh a 1. He did lo of different js. his free t wnto eibry and he spent myhoursher, rding. In14 e wen b toschl,d plisisfrstho sory Typhoon, o h oast f Japa. Then in18 he wen o te Uiveriy oCaiora at Bereley, ut he ado leaveeause of oey probems. I 1h eft for eKlnkeGoldshiAlska. However, heec

40、ame ill an caeome ad tard wrking as a flimewrer. He ot shrtstorie nd on he wswl-kno. n 190 woe hi most famou story: heallofthe ild. Hs nex novel was The Sea-lf (10) which s erhaps is best liteynol. Wth the arnishe bought a e farm ilifonua, whe e diein 116, eony 40 years od. London was a profic witer

41、 inisshort ife. Betwn1905nd 916 e puisenovel ndsix llectins o stors, aswell sapay,varouswrks oonfiti n a bioaphy. He is est-nwnfo hi dscrptinsof ture and thanimal world.第三节:书面表达(共1小题,满分20分) 假定你是班长李华,请回复新同学Mke的求助邮件,给他至少3条建议并说明理由。词数80-10,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。To:Li Hua om: Mik Hi LiHa,You kow am ew here fnd t hard for meo getalon well with peophre. enIhavtroble wit my


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