大学核心商务英语写作教程unit 7 Insurance and Agency_第1页
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1、LOGO Unit Seven Unit SevenInsurance and AgencyInsurance and Agency大学核心商务英语写作教程大学核心商务英语写作教程 acquiring knowledge of writing letters concerning transportation insurance To know the different kinds of risks of insurance Acquiring knowledge of writing letters related to agency. words and expressionsObjec

2、tivesMain Theme Insurance was originally applied to losses at sea where risks were always great, but it is now applied to cover almost any kind of occurrence that may result in loss. As a high percentage of our trade in and out in a country goes by ship, what mainly concerns us is the Marine Insuran

3、ce. Agency is a means frequently used in international trade. When a company seeks to develop its market, it often resorts to the help of agents, who will be employed to represent the company and sell its products in an area too distant to be effectively covered by the company itself.Exploring the T

4、opic1. What are the three types of marine transportation insurance?vFree From Particular Average (F. P. A.)vWith Particular Average (W. P. A.)vAll Risks2. What are the commonly used types of agencies?vAgentvSole agent / exclusive agent3. Can you list some indirect trade forms in international trade?

5、vAgencyvCompensation trade vProcessing tradevConsignmentI. Introduction II. How to Write Letters Related to Insurance?III. Insurance SamplesIV. Writing PracticeSection I InsuranceI. Introduction v Insurance is very closely related to foreign trade. In international trade, the transportation of goods

6、 from the seller to the buyer is generally over a long distance by air, by land or by sea and has to go through the procedures of loading, unloading and storing. During this process it is quite possible that the goods will encounter various kinds of perils and sometimes suffer losses. v In order to

7、protect the goods against possible loss in case of such perils, the buyer or the seller before the transportation of the goods usually applied to an insurance company for insurance covering the goods in transit. v But now it covers almost all kinds of occurrence that may result in loss. As far as fo

8、reign trade is concerned, marine insurance is still our major concern. What is the purpose of insurance?v The purpose of insurance is to obtain indemnity in the event of any damage or loss, so marine insurance is a contract whereby the insurer (insurance company), on the basis of a premium paid, and

9、 undertakes to indemnify the insured against loss from certain risks or perils to which the cargo insured may be exposed. v It is an indispensable adjunct of international trade. Without sufficient insurance and protection of the interests of those with goods in transportation, international trade c

10、an not be ensured.What are the three kinds of insurances? v1. Marine transportation insurancev2. Land transportation insurancev3. Air transportation insuranceWhat are the three types of marine transportation insurance?v1) Free From Particular Average (F. P. A.)v2) With Particular Average (W. P. A.)v

11、3) All RisksII. How to Write Letters Related to Insurance?v When writing letters related to insurance, the writer ought to bear the following points in mind:v 1) The methods of insurance (whether its a policy or an open policy);v 2) The risk or risks to be covered;v 3) The consignment to be insured;

12、v 4) The voyage to be covered;v 5) The premium rate;v 6) The mode of payment;v 7) The validity of the insurance.Pattern Model I: Importer Asks Exporter to Cover Insurance v Paragraph 1: Mention the contract, goods etc. We refer you to Contract No. With regard to our contractv Paragraph 2: Suggest th

13、e terms of payment and the reason. As we shall be glad if you As you know, we suggest v Paragraph 3: Wish the reader to accept and ship the goods early. We wish you can accommodate us in this respect. We hope to receive your favorable reply.Pattern Model II: Sellers Reply to the Buyer v Paragraph 1:

14、 State that you have received their letter. Your Letter datedhave been received.v Paragraph 2: Give your reply of agreeing or refusing and your reasons. We agree to With regard to we regret being unable to acceptv Paragraph 3: State the goods will be sent soon, etc. We sincerely hope that we can We

15、have insured the goods1. The Insurance InsuredvGenerally speaking, the stages of covering insurance are as follows:v1) The insured completes a proposal form.v2) The insurer assesses the risk and fixes a premium to be paid.v3) The insured pays the premium and the insurance becomes valid.v4) If a dama

16、ge or loss is suffered, the insured files a claim for compensation.v5) The claim is investigated, and if reasonable, the compensation is paid.1. The Insurance InsuredvA letter requiring for insurance rates should include the following elements:v1) The name of the goods to be insured.v2) The value of

17、 the goods to be insured.v3) The port of discharge and the name of the vessel to be used.v4) The destination to which the goods will be delivered.v5) The kind of insurance you are requesting.2. The Insurance ClaimsvA letter claiming insurance should provide the following information:v1) The name of

18、the goods damaged or lost.v2) The quantity involved.v3) The degree of the damage and estimate.v4) The cause of the damage or loss.v5) The evidence, if available.v6) Request the insurance company to compensate.III. Insurance SamplesvSample A: (Importer asks exporter to cover insurance)v Glory Trading

19、 Company Ltd.v 2 Binhu Road, Xiamen, Fujian gloryyahoo v (0592) 8600245 Fax: (0592) 8600212v April 6, 2010v James & Sons Ltd.Nelson House, Newell Street v Birmingham B3 3ELUnited Kingdomv Dear Sirs,v Re: Our Order No. CM437 Covering 100 M/Tons Canned Meatv We wish to refer you to our Order No. C

20、M437 for 100 M/Tons Canned Meat, from which you will see that this order is placed on CFR basis. v As we now desire to have the consignment insured at your end, we shall be much pleased if you will kindly arrange to insure the same on our behalf against All Risks for 110% of the invoice value. v We

21、shall, of course, refund the premium to you upon receipt of your debit note or, if you like, you may draw on us at sight for the same.v We sincerely hope that our request will meet with your approval.v Yours faithfully, Mack LiuSample B: (Agreeing to cover insurance and arrange shipment)v Hong Kong

22、Pro-rich Fiber International Limitedv Nathan Road, Kowloon. Hong KongFax:prorichgmailv June 2, 2009v Shanghai Far East Trading Co., Ltd.651 Gubei Road, Shanghai 200336,v China v Dear Sirs,v We take pleasure in acknowledging your letter of May 25th, requesting us to effe

23、ct insurance on the 1 000 M/Tons Chinese Rice for your account.v We are glad to confirm having covered the shipment with the Peoples Insurance Company of China against All Risks for US $. The policy is being prepared accordingly and will be presented to you by the end of this month together with our

24、 debit note for the premium.vFor your information, this consignment will be shipped by s/s “Hope” due to sail on or about June 10th. We shall send you shipping advice in due course.v Yours truly, Yale Stiffen Sample C: (Asking for a special insurance rate)vDear Sirs,vWe regularly ship consignment of

25、 pottery to Toronto, Canada by both passenger and cargo liners of the Shanghai Shipping Line. vWill you please say whether you can issue an All Risks policy for these shipments and, if so, on what terms? In particular, we wish to know whether you can issue a special rate in return for the promise of

26、 regular monthly shipments.v Yours sincerely,v Wang Jingyi Sample D: (Letter of insurance & claim)v Dear Sirs,v When the s. s. “Good Luck” arrived at Karachi on 5th July, it was noticed that one side of case No. 5 containing the radio receivers was split. We therefore had opened the case which i

27、nvoiced as containing forty-eight receivers, twelve of them were badly damaged and absolutely without any value.v We enclose the certificate of survey and the policy, for which your immediate and amicable settlement will oblige.v Twelve replacement receivers will be required. Please arrange to suppl

28、y these and charge to our account.v We hope no difficulty will arise in connection with the insurance claim and thank you in advance for your cooperation.v Yours faithfully, David BlankIV. Writing PracticevStep 1. Read the samples above and learn how to write letters related to insurance.v1) Fill in

29、 the blanks with the following words and expressions.arrangement insured coverage covered surveybe consigned premium to cover insurer strikesva) The so-called “All Risks” does not include coverage against war, , riots, etc.vb) Wed like Chinaware against ALL Risks.vc) Should any damage be incurred yo

30、u may approach the insurance agents at your end and submit an insurance claim supported by report.vd) The goods will by rail. You are required to effect insurance accordingly.ve) We can provide such additional at a comparatively higher premium.vf) It is the responsibility of the insured to make to p

31、ay extra premium.vg) In that case, this insurance shall remain in force, subject to an additional premium if required by the .vh) The insurance company undertakes to insure the under-mentioned goods at the request of the .vi) We have covered for 110% of the invoiced value against All Risks.vj) As re

32、quested, we the shipment with the PICC against All Risks of $52 000.keysva) strikes b) to covervc) survey d) be consignedve) coverage f) arrangementvg) insured h) insurervi) premium j) covered 2) Read the letter and complete it with proper words.v Dear Sirs,v Re: Insurancev We take pleasure in a) yo

33、ur letter of May 5th in b) to insurance.v In reply, we are pleased to c) you of the following:v All Risks We generally d) insurance WPA & War Risk in the e) of definite f) from our clients. If you desire to cover All Risks, we can provide such g) at a slightly higher premium. Breakage is a h) ri

34、sk, for which an extra i) will have to be j) . The present rate is about%. Claims are payable only for that of the k) that is over 5%.v Value to be insured: we note that you wish to insure l) to you for 10% above m) value, which is having our n) attention.v We trust the above information will o) you

35、r purpose and p) for your further news.v Yours truly,v Davidkeysva) acknowledging b) regardvc) inform / advise d) coverve) absence f) instructionsvg) coverage h) specialvi) premium j) chargedvk) loss l) shipmentsvm) invoice n) duevo) serve p) waitStep 2. Language: Vocabularyv1) The following words a

36、nd expressions are often used in letters related to insurance. Try to translate them into Chinese.aviation insurance cargo insurance cover note extra premium insurance agency insured amount insurance clause insurance conditionsinsurance coverage insurance document vinsurance instruction insurable in

37、terestvinsurance proceeds marine insurance vrisk insured to renew a policy vabnormal risk risk of errorvrisk of shortage risk of non-delivery vactual total loss full value insurancevland transit insurance vsupplementary insurance vcompromised total loss vduration of insurancekeysv aviation insurance

38、 航空险航空险 v cargo insurance 运输险运输险v cover note 承保单承保单 v extra premium 额外保险费额外保险费v insurance agency 保险代理保险代理 v insured amount 保险金额保险金额v insurance clause 保险条款保险条款v insurance conditions保险条件保险条件v insurance coverage 保险范围保险范围 v insurance document 保险单据保险单据v insurance instruction 投保通知投保通知 v insurable interest

39、可保权益(原则)可保权益(原则)v insurance proceeds 保险金(保险收入)保险金(保险收入)v marine insurance 海险海险keysv risk insured 承保险项承保险项 v to renew a policy 保单展期保单展期v abnormal risk 特殊风险特殊风险 v risk of error过失险过失险v risk of shortage 短重险短重险 v risk of non-delivery 遗失险遗失险v actual total loss 实际全损实际全损 v full value insurance 全值保险全值保险v lan

40、d transit insurance 陆运保险陆运保险 v supplementary insurance 追加保险追加保险v compromised total loss 约定全损约定全损 v duration of insurance 保险期限保险期限2) The following sentences are often used in letters related to insurance. Read and try to translate them into Chinese.v a) Our terms of insurance is to be effected by the

41、 sellers for 110% of invoice value against All Risks and War Risks.v b) We regret our inability to comply with the buyers request for covering insurance for 150% of the invoice value, because our contract stipulated that insurance should be covered for 110% invoice value.v c) Please cover insurance

42、on these goods against All Risks for 110% of the invoice value.v d) Buyers request for insurance to be covered up to the inland city can be accepted on condition that such extra premium is for his account.v e) Please effect insurance for 150% of the invoice value against All Risks and War Risk, as r

43、equested by the buyer.v f) As theft occurs frequently at this port, T. P. N. D. is to be covered in your price.v g) If claims arise, please contact the agent of the Peoples Insurance Company of China at your end with reliable evidence.v h) Please quote us your best rate for the insurance on the comp

44、uters against All Risks from Wuhan to New York for the value of US $ 30 000.v i) You are to compensate us for the damage or loss of the goods, if any.v j) We have covered insurance on the 10 000 sets “GELI” Brand air conditioner for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks with the Peoples Insura

45、nce Company of China.keysva)合约中保险条款规定,由卖方按照发票金额的)合约中保险条款规定,由卖方按照发票金额的 110%投保一切险和战争险。投保一切险和战争险。vb)很遗憾,我方不能依照贵方所提的按发票金额)很遗憾,我方不能依照贵方所提的按发票金额的的150%投保的要求办理,理由是,我们的合同规投保的要求办理,理由是,我们的合同规定保险是按发票金额的定保险是按发票金额的110%投保。投保。vc)请按发票金额的)请按发票金额的110%为这些货物投保一切险。为这些货物投保一切险。vd)如果额外保险费由贵方负担,那么贵方提出的)如果额外保险费由贵方负担,那么贵方提出的货物

46、保险到内地城市的要求可以接受。货物保险到内地城市的要求可以接受。ve)按照买方要求,请按该货物发票金额的)按照买方要求,请按该货物发票金额的150%投投保一切险和战争险。保一切险和战争险。keysvf)此地港口偷窃严重,贵方价格必须包括偷窃和)此地港口偷窃严重,贵方价格必须包括偷窃和提货不着险。提货不着险。vg)一旦发生索赔,贵方可凭借有效凭证,接洽)一旦发生索赔,贵方可凭借有效凭证,接洽中国人民保险公司在贵地的代理机构。中国人民保险公司在贵地的代理机构。vh)请报武汉至纽约保额为)请报武汉至纽约保额为30 000美元电脑投保美元电脑投保综合险的最低费率。综合险的最低费率。vi)如发生破损,你

47、方必须赔偿我方的所有损失。)如发生破损,你方必须赔偿我方的所有损失。vj)我方已将)我方已将10 000台台“格力格力”牌空调按发票金额牌空调按发票金额的的110%向中国人民保险公司投保一切险。向中国人民保险公司投保一切险。Step 3. Write a contract according to the information given below.vWrite a letter to ask the seller to arrange shipment and insurance according to the following instructions.v 买方已就93-366Y销

48、售合同项下的1 000 箱铁钉向中国银行纽约分行开出了保兑的、不可撤消的第35730-11号信用证,有效期截止为4月15日。买方要求按发票金额的150%投保一切险。keysv Dear Sirs,v Referring to the 1 000 cases of Iron Nails under Sales Contract No. 93-366Y, we are pleased to inform you that we have established with the Bank of China, New York, the confirmed, irrevocable L/C No.

49、35730-11, in the amount of US$, valid up to April 15th.v Please see to it that the above mentioned goods are shipped before April 15th and the insurance is covered for 150% of the invoice value against All Risk. As we understand that as per your customary practice you only (provide insurance) insure

50、 the shipment for 10% above the invoice value, the extra premium for additional coverage shall be borne by us.v Please arrange insurance according to our request and meanwhile, we are expecting your shipping advice.v Yours faithfully,v JerryI. Introduction II. How to Write Letters Related to Agency?

51、III. Agency SamplesIV. Writing PracticeSection II Agency I. Introductionv International trade forms refer to the common practices and channels between countries for the flow of the commodities or services. Every import or export is carried out through certain trade form. Besides the direct trade bet

52、ween the seller and the buyer, there are some indirect ones commonly used in international trade as well. Such trade forms include agency, compensation trade, processing trade, consignment, etc. These forms of trade can help to acquire new technology and attract foreign investment, to create new exp

53、ort markets or promote exportation. Agency is widely used in international trade nowadays. In practice a lot of business work is handled not only by direct negotiations between buyers and sellers, but also by means of agencies and intermediaries. When a company seeks to develop its markets, it often

54、 resorts to the help of agents, who will be employed to represent the company and sell its products in an area too distant to be effectively covered by the company itself.Qualifications of an Agent What researching enquiries must be made about a prospective agent?va) his reliability and financial so

55、undness;vb) his market connections and the effectiveness of his sales organization;vc) his technical ability to handle the goods to be marketed;vd) the nature and extent of other agencies they may hold, and in particular, whether they are connected with the sales of competing products.An Agency Agre

56、ement After an agent is appointed, it is desirable to draft a formal agreement by which the rights and obligations of both parties are determined. This will prevent any dispute between the principal and the agent. The agreement usually stipulates the commodity, validity, territory, minimum purchase

57、amount, payment terms for the agent commission, terms of price, exclusive rights and obligations, remedial measures for breach of the contract, market information, the governing law and method of arbitration in the event of dispute, etc.Types of Agency v 1) General Agentv2) Sole Agent / Exclusive Ag

58、entv3) Brokerv4) Factorv5) Forwarding AgentII. How to Write Letters Related to Agency?v Elements of a Letter Aiming to Apply for Agencyv1) State the intention directly;v2) Offer reason why he is interested in agency, and competence he has for agency;v3) Expect for a favorable response.II. How to Wri

59、te Letters Related to Agency?vElements of a Letter Aiming to Find an Agentv1) Self introduction;v2) Reasons why new agents are needed;v3) The intention of looking for an agent;v4) Expectation for a quick and favorable response and good cooperation.II. How to Write Letters Related to Agency?Elements

60、of a Letter Aiming to Grant Agencyv1) Acknowledge receipt of the application;v2) Make a decision: acceptance or declination;v3) If the response is positive, express expectations for good cooperation;v4) If the response is negative, decline the application politely. And an explanation and a good wish are neces


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