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1、安徽省英语中考试题第二同部 英语知识运用(共两大题,忌分值45分)VI.单项填空(共15小JH;可囹I分,总分«115分)从6J地所论的A、B、C、DW个透项中选出,个可以质入空白处的最正确选项.36. -How can I get sonicabout the 2016 Olympic Gaines?-Why not search the Internet?A. informalkm H. experience C. pniclicc D. mjcccsx37. -Cathy, can you answer U* door?! the room.-Em coming, mum.A.

2、 clean B. cleaned C. have cleaned D. am cleaning38. IXeanis are beautiful. However. 10them needs lolx of time and work.A. discover B. find C. achieve D. stop39. We planned to meet at 10:30 at the station last Sunday, but Bob didn'tuntil 12:00.A. turn up B. give up C. ?»Uiy up D.grow up40. G

3、oing to (he movies in good.I really only like listening «)muxic.A. and B. bui C. so D. or41. Now people have more free time. Square Dancing is becoming more and more.A. comfcxlablc B. diRlcuh C. dilYcrcnl D. popular42. -Whai do)ou think of your Junior Mtddle School life?-1 think it is colourful

4、I am always busy.A. ifB. thoughC.MiikD. Until43. hive slowly. Mary.is xxnwlhing ahead un (lw road.A. itB. thisC. thatD. there44. -Do you have any plans for this Sunday?-rm n<x Mire. Igo (o the countryside to see my grandmolhcr.A. I hope so. tooB. What's the weather like in winter?C. Is (hut t

5、rue?D. I don't think so.E. Thank)ou for your kindness.F. Thank you for your kindness.G. Yes. it*s really a nice and bright day.H. Whai about your hometown?A.canB.must C. may D. need- WociM you like to play foocball after school?-. I have al(M of homework to do.A. l*m afraid nolEnjoy yourself C.T

6、ake your time D. It takes no limeVIL充形埃空 供20小题:ijffi 1.5分.也分值知分) 阅读以F短丈.从每题所给的AB、C、D四个逸项中选出一个揪正确选项.ASilienci. a 90-year-old Kenyan grundmothcr, has become the world's oldest pnmar>, school Mudent She is studying at the local primary school io learn io read aikl write. She is from a small _46_

7、 in Kenyan. She ha$ spent mo$i of her life _47_ as a midwife(接生篓X helping women (0 give birth to babies. She wants to pass on her midwife skills(o the young. She said she didn't have a chaiKC to go yo school when she was _48_. So she wants all the children in her village to _49_.The hciid (c*her

8、 at the school saidrl'm proud _50_ her She is loved by every pupil. They all want to learn and play with _51_.* He also said.She is doing well considering her _52_. I can say 1 have seen a big difference in this school 53_ she came/Siticnci often said. "I want to tell children* _54_ girls i

9、n poor nrcas, that _55_ will be your weahh.* She added, "With education, you can be whatever you want to be a docior, a ieacl»er. ascicniist. and &o on.”46. A.schoolB.villagcC.townD.city47. A.readingli.writingC.playingD working48. A.youngB.oldC.fainousD.free49. A.studyB.workC. leaveD.l

10、istcn50. A.fbrB.withC.ofDin51. A.herB.meC.himD.you52. A.ehaiKCB.agcC.&kilkD.ways53. A.aftcrB.whcnC.siiKeD.bcforc54. A.naturallyB.cpccially C.luckily Dxcrtainly55. A.friendship B.t'uiure C peiilion D.educaiion56.第三局部阅读理怀(共两大H. A分值45分)VIIL补全对话(共5小题:仰题1分.综分值S分)根据对话内容.从方枢内的选顼中逸出能培入空白处的爆正确选项.其中有商

11、个为务余逸项. A: It is such a lovely day. I love sunshine.H:_66_A: 1 hope it stays like (his.B:_67A: Is the weather usually like this here?B: A bii lM>ner dun today.A:_68_B: lt*s pretty cold and it otkn snows in wintcr._69_A: A kx like the weather here, l(x> hot or cold.B: I heatd ic raiiu a lex. _7

12、0_A: Mmm. yes. 1( rains but rxx any more than other places.IX. 何读理解(共20小通:粉题2分.总分值40分)阅读以下.短文.从柯网所给的A、B. C. D四个选项中迭出一个故正筋选项.ASomelimex I really <!<>ub< whether (here is love bclwccn my parent%. Even1 day they are ven* busy trying to make money for my schooling.One day. my mother was sewi

13、ng a quil“8t被了). I silently sat beside her."Mum. is there love between you and Dad?* 1 asked in a very low vokc.With surpnse in her eyes, she slopped her work tor a while. Then she said,w,Susan, look al this thrcad(?J>. It can hardly be seen, but it's really dwre. It makes the quik stron

14、g. If life is a quilt, love should be a thread. Love is inside/I anildn、undcreUind her until the next spring. At that time, my liitbcr suddenly got sick scnously My incxler had to stay with him in die hospiu! for a inonih.After they were back, my mother helped my father walk slowly on the country ro

15、od every day. They were so kind to each o<hcr and it seemed (bey were the happier couple.After <wo months my father $lill couldn*! walk by himself."Dad. how arc you feeling now?* 1 asked him one day."Susan, don't worry about me." he said.'l jusl like walking with your mu

16、m. I like this kind of life? Reading his eyes, I knew he loves my m<xhcr deeply.Now I underMand lhal love is just a thread in (he quill of our life. Love is insxfe. nuking life strong and warm.71. Why arc Susan's parents busy trying to make money?A. Tb send Susan to school. B. To go to see th

17、e doctor.B. To buy a strong quih. D. To show lheir love.72. Susan's father stayed in hospital fbr.A.onc day B one month C.two mooihs D.lhrcc months73. Suan came to understand her nmlher.A.whilc her mother was sewing a quik B.bcfore her father was in hospitalC.wbcn she was silting beside her mexh

18、er D.aftcr her father was seriously skk74. What am we know from the passage?A. Susan's father is very lazy B. Sudan's mother u a nurs.C. Susan's parents love each other. D. Susan doesn't like her father.75. Which of (he fallowing could be the best title for the passage?A. How (o Make

19、 a Quih Stnwg B. Ia»vc is JuM a ThreadC. Walking on the Countiy Road D. A Seriously Skk Father第四局常 写(共两大JS,总分值M分)X. 单词拼R (共5小题;fif® I分,总分值5分)根据泞字RJ及汉语提示,完成以下机词的拼写,使句惫明确.诰白通顺.91.1( is p(礼貌的)to offer seals <o the old on (he bus.92. When su imming. you slu>uld pul s(平安)first.93. The new

20、ly-opened museum certainly w(值很)a visit.94. Could you please I(ffi) me your dictionary?95. Please accept our bcM w(祝愿)fbr yuur exams.XL书面表达(共I小0怠分(fl 25分)假定你足李华.你的英国笔友Peier来信询向汉语中一些流行的阳络讷3.的意思,根据以卜 提示回一封电子航件.点贽Dionzan):资同、喜爱任性(Renxing):Rfi心所欲,杪杀快速到达H的 土家(Tuhao):很富有注& I.WttSO lOO:2. 清不要逐句翻电M适当发热3

21、 .文中不能出现立实的校名和人名;4.邮件的开头和结足已为你与好,不计入忌词数'Dear Peter.As the internet is developing fast, more und more new words and phrases have been created in Chinese. Here arc some examples.All the best!Yburs. Li Hwi英语试题参考答案及评分标准第一局部听力理解1-IV. 1-5 BACAC 6-IOAABBC II-I5BBACC 16-20 BABCB 21-25 CACAB26. live 27.1

22、uiKh 28.big 29.toVI0 AO.wcckdays 评分标分.2630中的爪词拼与错误课的情扣分.第二同部英语知识运用31-35. CBDAD 36-40. ADCAB 41-45. DBDCA计分标准:31-45 JaWffil分,46-M BDAAC 51-55. ABCBD 56 60. BDBCD 6165. BAFXTA第三目部阙读理解66-70. FABGC砰分标准:66.70 4415®! I分71-75. ABDCB 76-80. BDABA 81-85.ADBBC 86-87. AD88. (Because) no oik would help.89.

23、 A snake (was c&ughi).00. (Remember) when any one of us is in (renibk, we may all be in (n>uhle.'We should hdp others when they are in trouble.评分标准i 71-90题每即2分.(龄90题每对即可) 第局部写Ql.piMite 92. safety 93.wonh 94.lend 95.wi4ies评分标准:91-95题初8g I分.XLOnc possible version:Dear Peter,As the Interiwi

24、is developing faM. more and more iww and phrases have been created in Chinese. Here arc some examples.One of the most popular words is Dianzun. which is often used when you quite agree with someone. Annllwr example is Renxing. When you say sonuibiMly is Renxing, you nKaxi lhal【Key will do whatever ilwy like. The phrase Miaosha first came from online shopping, which means you can complete your shopping orders


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