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1、九年级月考英语试卷在困境中,不要把自己当做鼠,否则肯定会被猫吃掉仓听力测试(共30分)1. 听何子,选出句子中所包含的信息。(6*1)1 .A. June 2 nd B. July 22 nd C. June 22 nd D. July 2 nd2. A. LastB. shortC. FastD. Lost3. A. I like white best.C. I quite like black.4. A. Having a talk.C. Having a walk with talking.B. I like black betterD. I don ,t really like whi

2、te.B. Having a walk.D. Having a talk without walking.5. A. Students are reading the passage.C. Students are choosing questions.6. A. Claire doesn ;t like my parents.C. Claire is back now.II.听句子,选出该句的最佳答语,7. A. Yes, I did.C. I like coffee without sugar in it.8. A. Thank you for helping me.C. That'

3、;s all right.9. A. She looks very well.C. She likes her mother.10. A. Yes, I think so.C. The biggest problem is food.B. Yes, thanks.11. A. No, let's have dinner in the dining room.B. Students have answered all the questions.D. Students have read the passage.B. Claire doesn f like the country.D.

4、Claire is living in another city.(6*1)D. I like water better.B. Why don 't you put on yours?D. Oh, thank you.B. She likes it a lot.D. She is tall and pretty.B. Just so-so.D. We haven't enough room to live in.B. Sorry, I can ;t take it.C. It's a good idea.D. I don 't want to have dinn

5、er.12. A. Are you sure you 've lost it?B. I 'm going to return it to the library.C. It must be yours.D. Where did you find it?III .听对话和问题,选择适当的选项。(4*1)13. A. Flood.B. Waste water.C. Fire.D. Air pollution.14. A. The USA.B. Australia.C. France.D. Canada.15. A. 5,218B. 5,280C. 5,208D. 5,28816.

6、A. JenniferB. JessieC.JennyD.JuneIV .听对话、短文和问题,选择正确答案。(9*1) 下面请听第一篇材料,并回答第172。题17. A. Room 2101B. Room 2201C. Room 2301D. Room 230218. A. Tree days19. A. December 6 thD. It's hard to say.B. Four days C. Five daysD. Six daysB. Septembers th C. December 16 th D. September6 th20. A. It's bad. B

7、. It ,sjust so-so. C. It's excellent.下面请听第二篇材料,并回答第 2125题21. A. Her husbandB. Her son. C. Her daughter.D. Her sister.22. A. White.B. Red.C. Blue.D. Orange.23. A. It's cheap.24. A. 490yuan.25. A. Downstairs.B. It's expensive.B. 580yuan.B. At the counter.C. It looks old.C.590yuan.C. At the

8、 cashierD. It 's heavy.D. 980yuan.'s. D. Upstairs.书面测试(共90分)IV单项选择.(1*20)26. I was moved by movie I saw last night.A. a B. an C. the D. to27. We planted some trees along side of the river.A. both B. neither C. each D. none28. This problem is hard to deal.A. of B. with C. off D. out29. great

9、weather it is!A. How B. What C. What a D. How a30. My sister when I came in her room.A. drew B. is drawing C. draws D. was drawing31. Teenagers should to choose their own clothes.A. is allowed B. allowed C. be allowed D. be allowing32. Yao Ming is a great basketball player is now in NBA.A. which B.

10、whose C. who D. that33. I wonder last night.A. where you are B. where were you C. where you are D. where you were34. Bill hardly ever watches TV every day,?A. has he B. isn't he C. doesn't he D. does he35. Grace be at home now. She has gone to England.A. mustn 't B. might C. can ' t

11、D. may not36. Jim, can I borrow your bike?一 Sorry, I it to Mary.A. lent B. borrowed C. have lent D. have borrowed37. I will visit you next week.A. sometimes B. some time C. sometime D. some times38. We all know the of studying hard.A. important B. influence C. importance D. influent39. Mr. King will

12、 go for a picnic if it tomorrow.A. doesn't rain B. rains C. will rain D. sunny40. How nice room !A. Lucy and Lily B. Lucy's and lily 's C. Lucy and Lily 's D. Lucy 's and Lily41. Can you show me the machine?A. how to use B. use C. what to use D. to use42. Bob did from the rest of

13、 his classmates.A. same B. the same C. different D. differently43. I didn 't go to bed my mother came back.A. until B. after C. when D. while44. There two football matches next week.A. will have B. is going to be C. are going to be D. has45. will your brother come back from America?In about two

14、days.A. How long B. How often C. How soon D. HowV.完型填空.(1*10)Ring, Ring, “the telephone suddenly rang. Sam got up to answer the call. It was his aunt.Sam, _46 are you still at home?” sheasked surprisingly.Sam looked at the clock. It was already 7:30 am.Oh, my goodness. There is an important _47_toda

15、y." Sam shouted out.He hurried to wash his face and get48_ .When he was going to leave the house,he 49 that he had not put away his books. He ran quickly to the desk and put them in to the bag. He then went to the bus stop _50to go to the classroom. His classmateswere _51on their papers.Why are

16、 you so _52? ”asked his teacher.“lam sorry, sir. " Sam answered, afraid of looking up. It was my clock. It 53_to wake me up this morning and ”Don't _54_ anything about it. " his teacher stopped him. Don't try to come late next time! ” Sam said yes and walked to his seat quickly. Bu

17、t when he tried to do the test paper, he could not sit in a right away. He put his head on the desk and said,What a bad it has 55 for me!46. A. what B. why C. how D. where47. A. day B. exam C. party D. lesson48. A. dressed B. lost C. washed D. home49. A. forgot B. remembered C. thought D. was afraid

18、50. A. early B. quick C. much D. quickly51. A. free to write B. busy to write C. finishing writing D. busy writing52. A. late B. early C. worried D. hurry53. A. forgot B. failed C. wanted D. liked54. A. say B. speak C. talk D. tell55. A. looking B. waiting C. been D. been awayVI.阅读理解.(2*20)AI am a s

19、ixteen-year-old girl.My problem is that I never meet any boys.I go to a girl 's school and I haven't got any brothers.My parents don't understand that I need to mix with boys as well as girls.They say there is plenty of time for all that later.We even quarrel about it.I feel really fed u

20、p and lonely.There is something wrong with wanting to be friends with boys,is there?LynnMy father died two years ago and I live with my brother and my mother.The trouble is,my mum is not very well at the moment and I have to look after her.I am five years older than my brother so I do everything for

21、 him, too.Sometimes I get really fed up when I see my friends going out together and having fun.Also, my school work is suffering(苦恼,痛苦).EvaI can not decide what to do next year.This is my last year at school and my parents say I must go to university.I want to get a job and earn some money.I don

22、9;t really like studyingthat much and I really want to get on with a career (职业).I am interested in fashion and I want to work in a clothes shop to start with.My father goes crazy every time I talk about it.Emily56. How are the three girls feeling now? A. Tired. B. Sick. C. Frustrated. D. Worried.57

23、. Lynn wants to.A. have some brothers B. make friends with boysC. get on well with her girl friends D. go to a boy 's 58. Eva has to.A. take care of her brother B. work and earn moneyC. go out with her friends D. stop studying59. Emily 's father would like her to the following year.A. find a

24、 job B. start a clothes shopC. go on her study D. decide what to do herself60. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?A. It is bad for a girl at Lynn 's age to make friends with boys.B. Eva likes to stay at home and looks after both her mother and her brother.C. Emily 's parents might be a

25、ngry if she doesn 't go to the university next year.D. The three girls can help each other very well.BOne day an Australian farmer Joe saw a bright light in the sky.The light came nearer and nearer and suddenly Joe saw that it was a spceship.The spaceship landed in a field quickly.The door of th

26、e spaceship opened and two strange beings (怪物)climbed out.They seemed to be half man and half bird. Joe was afraid of them.He tried to run away.But the spacemen walked towards him,picked him up and carried him into the spaceship.They put wire (电线)from a machine onto his head and then they were able

27、to speak to him in English.They asked him questions about Earth. We are from Venus( 金星they said. But it is getting very hot there. A lot of our people are dying and we have not much time left. We are trying to find a new home. ”After some time they freed(释放)Joe and at last the spaceship took off and

28、 couldnot be seen.Joe told his friends about the spacemen.But no one believed his story. You will believe me one day. "Joe told them. The spacemen will come back.”61. The bright light in the sky was.A. the sun B. a spaceship C. a shinning bird D. Venus62. The strange beings came to Earth to.A.

29、visit Joe B. catch Joe C. find a new home D. live with Joe63. Joe was the spaceship.A. carried into B. asked into C. afraid of D. happy to get into64. The strange being before them let him go.A. had found a new home B. had asked Joe to mend their machineC. had asked Joe several questions D. had give

30、n Joe some wires65. People didn 't believe Joe because.A. the strange beings should have landed on an American country.B. they didn 't welcome the strange beingsC. they hadn 't seen the strange beings beforeD. they wanted to see the strange beings very much.CIn the past when people had p

31、roblems,they went to their families or friends to get advice.Today it is possible to get advice fromradio shows,TV programs and telephonehot lines, too.Most telephone hot lines are completelyanonymous callers do not haveto asy their names or telephone numbers.Most hot lines usually do not need to be

32、 paid,even if the callers are from faraway places.At some hot lines,the advisers (指导 者)are volunteers.Other hot lines pay their advisers for their work.Usually the advisers are professionals (专家)with years of education and experience,but sometimes the advisers have only taken a short class before st

33、arting to work on the hot line.AII the advisers listen to people and help them work out their problems.66. Today when people have problems,.A. they can only ask their families for helpB. they can only get help from their friendsC. they can get help from telephone hot lines D. they go to the advisers

34、 to get help67. The word anonymous " probably means.A. with a name B. without a name C. free of charge () D. interesting 68. Callers the hot lines for the advice or the phone calls.B. pay much B. have to pay C. don't have to pay D. get money from 69. The advisers working at the hot line.C.

35、are all professionals B. have all taken a short classD. can work out any problem D. are not all paid 70. How do the hot line advisers work?E. They do what the callers tell them to do.F. They go to the callers to help them.G. They give advice to the callers by phone.H. They ask people to come to see

36、them.DTom felt ill and his forehead was very warm.Tom's father took him to the clinic.Therewere many people at the clinic.71.Tom had to wait a long time before his number was announced by the nurse.72. The doctor examined Tom and told him to stay in bed for two days.They headed for the dispensary (医务室)to collect the prescribed (处方)medicine. Then he could be well again.After thanking the doctor,Tom and his father left the examination room.73.The next day, 74. He felt better. He wanted to go out and play,but he had to stay in bed for anoth


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