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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Part1时间:共2分钟内容:考官与考生分别交谈,考查考生在日常生活中与他人交流的能力。问题一般为个人信息,兴趣爱好,日常生活等。回答技巧:考生需要仔细听考官的问题,然后给出相关的回答。避免只回答一个单词,要用完整的句子回答,第一部分回答1-2句为佳Whats your name? My name is Whats your surname? (Or family name, second name)My surname is XXX( 自己的姓)How do you spell it?ItIts XXX ( 改为自己的姓大写拼音)Whats your given n

2、ame? (First name)My given name is XXX (改为中文名拼音)Where do you come from?I come from XXX! ( 改为自己所在城市)Do you study English at school? Do you like it?Yes, I do. I have English class almost every day at school. I quite like English because its useful.Whats your favorite color? My favorite color is bl

3、ue, because it makes me calm.What do you enjoy doing in your free time? I like playing football with my teammates in my spare time, its quite fun and football is What's your favorite school subject? Why do you like it?My favorite school subject is Chinese because our Chinese teacher is a yo

4、ung lady and she is very patient and nice. Tell me more about your family.  (At least 3 sentences)There are 3 people in my family, My Mum, Dad and I. My Mum is an e-business women, she is very busy every day; and My Dad is a yoga teacher, He runs fitness center. (建议改为父母的真实职业,孩子背起来更容易)Tell

5、me more about your school.My school is called(这里改为孩子真实学校名字)which is not far from my home, its not big but beautiful and clean, all teachers are nice and patient, I love my school.Tell me more about your English teacher.My English is called Sally, she is nice and teaching us lots of difficult grammar

6、, sometimes she teaches us English song, we all love her!Could you tell me something interesting about your city?My city is interesting because it has lots of fantastic museum and beautiful parks.What is the most interesting thing in your town? The most interesting part of my town is the zoo because

7、 you can see lots of different animal such as lions, elephants and zebras. Lots of people like visiting the zoo.Im sorry, could you repeat it again please?Where do you live?I live in a gorgeous flat in the city center which has two bedrooms, a big living room and a tiny kitchen.Do you have any broth

8、ers or sisters?No, I dont. But I have many cousins, they are all older than me.Which do you think is better: living in the countryside or in the city?I think living in the countryside is an excellent choice. I find nature fascinating and the views are wonderful. The only negative is that it is somet

9、imes inconvenient and dull.What kinds of sports do you like doing?I like playing football. In the past loved swimming, but now I prefer football. Next weekend Im going to play it with my teammates.What music do you enjoy listening to?I used to like pop music, but since I watched the film “the Queen”

10、, Im keen on listening to rock music now. I listen it almost every day. Next month Im going to a concert to listen to my favorite band.What do you want to do in your future?Im not sure what I want to do, but Im considering becoming an artist because I think art is charming and I really enjoy it. Do

11、you like studying English?Yes, I like studying English because I think it will help me in the future, no matter study or work. And I really enjoy watching English film, it helps me understand it better.其他常见话题常见话题:ShoppingQuestion:- Where do you often go shopping?- Who do you go shopping with?- What

12、do you often buy?- How often do you go shopping?- do you like shopping? Why?EntertainmentQuestion:- What do you do in your free time? (尽量避免说 Do homework)- How often do you go to cinema/museum/park?- Whats your favorite TV programmer?- What do you usually do with your friends/classmates?Family activi

13、tiesQuestion:- do you often have parties at your home?- do you often go out for fun with your family?- What do you often do at home?Traveling Question:-where did you go last summer/winter/weekend?-who do you often travel with?-do you like traveling?-did you have good time during your trip?- What wou

14、ld you want to travel at this weekend?注意事项Speak in full sentences 说完整句子,Add extra information 回复额外的扩展信息Speak clearly and confidently 回答要清晰响亮,自信Ask the examiner if you dont understand something 如果没听清问题,要问考官常用口语Its interesting it amusing英mjuzits thrilling英rl紧张的;扣人心弦的; 令人兴奋不已的; 太刺激了(比interesting 和excit

15、ing程度更深)太棒了的表达Thatsawesome英sm.那真是太棒了Thatswonderful.那真是太棒了Thatsgreat.那真是太棒了Thatsincredible! 让人难以置信的She is gorgeous!她太美了 (比beautiful 和 pretty 更美)He is smartHe is handsomeItscool!很好,很棒!表达高兴的词HappyPleasedexcited兴奋的surprised惊喜的Good- excellent 这些单词可以换个词来表达Interesting- fascinating fæsnet adj.极有吸引力的; 迷

16、人的Nice- wonderful Boring-dull人描述图片的内容,所以需要描述到图片中物品的名称、颜色、人物衣着、时间、天气等图片描述可以简述为: 什么人在什么地点干什么事,让孩子按这个思维进行扩散时间:每位考生1分钟内容:官给两位考生每人一张彩色图片,考生需要用1分钟的时间描述图片。本题考查考生组织语言和词汇来描述视觉信息的能力。回答技巧:考生描述图片时,不要随便加自己想象的东西,可以说说自己对图片内容的猜测,但是不宜过多。描述的过程中需注意词汇的丰富性,注意变换句式,使用不同的连词,使语言结构更加丰富完整。如果图片中出现人物,需要尽可能地描述人物的活动。想象自己是在为看不到图片的

17、在图片描述中, 需要用到方位词,和人物的描述,以及颜色等词汇, 下列词需要背熟PART 3方位: on the left, on the right, behind, near, next to, between,above, below, in the corner, through, outside,inthemiddle ofon the opposite天气: sunny, raining, pouring with rain, windy, snowy, freezingCold, foggy, cloud, warm, hot 人物: curly, straight, blonde

18、, grey hair, handsome, cute, pretty,good-looking常用词汇: Look as if 看起来好像In the background 在后面,在背景里A group of 一群 A group of people, a group of boys, a group of girlsSitting around 围着什么坐图片类型1 群体图片群体图片的描述,找群体特征,群体特征包括年龄,服饰,在做什么,整体气氛,可以猜测群体关系。人数在3个以上,归纳为群体图片更好处理。群体图片描述避免说单个人物,除非这个人物特别突出。在描述完群体特征后,开始描述背景,背

19、景就是在除了人群可以看到的景物,然后转到天气。如果孩子口语本身不是特别流畅,一般10句左右就差不多1分钟了,这种情况下家长要提醒孩子说慢一点,有的孩子本身基础不是很好但语速又很快,几句说完时间没到,出现冷场,就容易扣分。如果孩子本身口语就很好,可以适当快语速,多说点,表达更完整。 这幅图里面,群体特征为:一群男孩, 都穿体恤短裤,年龄大概12岁左右,正在打篮球, 他们看起来很开心兴奋,可以猜测他们为同学,猜测地点在公园或者学校。背景描述为草地,树,围墙。天气:阳光, 晴朗,猜测现在为夏天。家长首先要训练孩子找群体体征。2-3人的图片2-3人的图片,一般简单描述各自的头发,衣服,表情,正在干什么

20、,猜测相互的关系以及在什么场所。然后描述背景,天气等。如下图。下图的背景是非常简单的,那么就需要对人物的描述稍微多两句,这个要灵活处理。一个人的图片 要从以下几个方面来描述人物:头发:(长发或者短发, 卷发还是直发,头发颜色),比如 She has curly brown long hair. 脸部:(看上去可爱,漂亮,帅气,是表情是严肃,还是快乐,还是忧郁),比如 He is smart and looks serious服饰 :穿什么颜色的衣服,长袖短袖,长裤或者短裤,鞋等描述。形象:胖瘦 高矮 年龄,猜测职业(学生,老师, XX工作人员)场所 背景,天气季节。Part3情景讨论:时间:两

21、位考生讨论2分钟内容考官给出设定的情景以及图片,两位考生需要根据题目设定和图片的提示进行讨论。本题考查学生运用适当的语言进行交际的能力。回答技巧每个图片都需要讨论到,而不是急于做出结论。考生根据设定的情景,结合图片给出自己的观点,或者向对方提问。两位考生讨论的过程中,可以使用不同的交际用语,回复对方的观点,使讨论顺利进行。下面两句可以作为对话的开始部分,任选其一,背熟即可。A: So, Its about.(图片主题). May I go first?B: OKA: Lets start from this picture, I think. How do you think?Agree I

22、think you are right. I also think. I agree with you, I think. Its a good idea !I think.I think so Making suggestionsI think he/she should do.I think . is a good idea, because.How about doing.?Well , I think . is good, because.In my opinion, is a good choice, because.I think he/she/they probably need

23、 ., because.I think he/she/they should do., because.LetsWhy dont we.DisagreeingI dont think he/she should do.I am not sure about it, because.I m afraid I cant agree with youI dont think its a good idea, because.Ask for opinionsHow about you?Do you agree?What do you think about.?What if.在PART 3 部分里面,

24、孩子的得分是可能被同伴影响的,这部分的注意事项为:1:如果是选某项礼物,不能用我喜欢,我想要来表达(Dont us “I like ,I want”,这是比较容易犯糊涂的地方。比如在六个图片里面为一个婴儿选礼物,首要要考虑礼物对婴儿的安全性,现在的年龄是否适用,婴儿是否能用上,其次考虑价格,是否便携等。2:在做结论的时候避免争执吵架。这个是在考场中真实发生过的。教会孩子妥协,这是考试,目的是顺利完成任务,不要偏执的非要对方来同意你的观点你的选择。如果对方坚持自己的选择,那么一句“I Think you are right ” 就可以结束争执完成考试。3: 遇到一个强于自己还喋喋不休抢话的同伴怎

25、么办。大概率下,遇到这样一个伙伴,会比较吃亏。但如果不幸遇上了,要勇敢插话,勇敢去打断对方的喋喋不休,因为在两人对话中,老师是不会来插话的,必须得自己去找机会表现。可以这样打断插入:I dont agree with you! I have different opinion! 说话音调要提高,看着对方眼睛,保证对方能听到,不管对方停不停不间断说出自己的观点和选择。如果你的音量比较大态度坚决,那么是可以打断对方的喋喋不休的。在这个部分中,教导孩子去作主导方比较有优势,但不要教导孩子去表现去抢话,有来有往,互相引导的搭配合作才是双赢。4. 遇到一个很弱的同伴怎么办。在PET的考场上, 二次上战场

26、的小朋友很多,那么没有做任何准备去裸考撞运气的小朋友也很多。当一个做足了准备的小朋友,遇到一个裸考撞运气的小朋友,基本就是一个独角戏。这个时候做足准备的小朋友占了很大优势,但这个项目是考沟通交流,虽然你一个人也可以完成任务,但一个人完成任务能证明你的英文沟通交流能力吗?善良才是最大的通行证。遇到一个很弱的小朋友,你的引导能力才是得高分的关键!要去引导他说出自己的看法,结论,如果对方连看法观点都没法表达出来,要引导他给出结论,比如直接问:Do you think its a good choice or a bad choice? Its ok or not ok?遇到一个比较弱的小朋友,最大的问题是六幅图片,可能没法一一讨论完,这个时候后面剩的图片可以统一讨论,假设还剩3幅图片没讨论,可以这样引导对方“In these three pictures, th


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