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1、中文3275字附录一外文翻译A Short Course on a part of Automatic Transmissions The automatic transmission gearbox, as an important part in automobile driving system is used to make up the shortcoming of engine torque and rotary speed. It can change the vehicle speed and tyre torque in a big scope, cut off the po

2、wer transfer from the engine, and also provides a reverse traveling direction for the vehicle. Therefore, the reasonability of the structure design of a transmission gearbox directly affects the vehicle's dynamic performance. It is usually required shifting gears rapidly and conveniently, saving

3、 force, and having a higher working efficiency and low working noises.The modern automatic transmission is by far, the most complicated mechanical component in today's automobile.  Manual transmissions contain mechanical systems, hydraulic systems, electrical systems and computer controls,

4、all working together in perfect harmony which goes virtually unnoticed until there is a problem. This article will help you understand the concepts behind what goes on inside these technological marvels and what goes into repairing them when they fail.TransmissionThe transmission is a device that is

5、 connected to the back of the engine and sends the power from the engine to the drive wheels. An automobile engine runs at its best at a certain RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) range and it is the transmission's job to make sure that the power is delivered to the wheels while keeping the engine wit

6、hin that range. It does this through various gear combinations. In first gear, the engine turns much faster in relation to the drive wheels, while in high gear the engine is loafing even though the car may be going in excess of 70 MPH. In addition to the various forward gears, a transmission also ha

7、s a neutral position which disconnects the engine from the drive wheels, and reverse; which causes the drive wheels to turn in the opposite direction allowing you to back up. Finally, there is the Park position. In this position, a latch mechanism (not unlike a deadbolt lock on a door) is inserted i

8、nto a slot in the output shaft to lock the drive wheels and keep them from turning, thereby preventing the vehicle from rolling. There are two basic types of automatic transmissions based on whether thevehicle is rear wheel drive or front wheel drive. On a rear wheel drive car, the transmission is u

9、sually mounted to the back of the engine and is located under the hump in the center of the floorboard alongside the gas pedal position. A drive shaft connects the rear of the transmission to the final drive which is located in the rear axle and is used to send power to the rear wheels. Power flow o

10、n this system is simple and straight forward going from the engine, through the torque converter, then through the transmission and drive shaft until it reaches the final drive where it is split and sent to the two rear wheels. On a front wheel drive car, the transmission is usually combined with th

11、e final drive to form what is called a transaxle. The engine on a front wheel drive car is usually mounted sideways in the car with the transaxle tucked under it on the side of the engine facing the rear of the car. Front axles are connected directly to the transaxle and provide power to the front w

12、heels. In this example, power flows from the engine, through the torque converter to a large chain that sends the power through a 180 degree turn to the transmission that is along side the engine. From there, the power is routed through the transmission to the final drive where it is split and sent

13、tothe two front wheels through the drive axles. There are a number of other arrangements including front drive vehicles where the engine is mounted front to back instead of sideways and there are other systems that drive all four wheels but the two systems described here are by far the most popular.

14、 A much less popular rear drive arrangement has the transmission mounted directly to the final drive at the rear and is connected by a drive shaft to the torque converter which is still mounted on the engine. This system is found on the new Corvette and is used in order to balance the weight evenly

15、between the front and rear wheels for improved performance and handling. Another rear drive system mountseverything, the engine, transmission and final drive in the rear. This rear enginearrangement is popular on the Porsche.Transmission Components The modern automatic transmission consists of many

16、components and systems that are designed to work together in a symphony of clever mechanical, hydraulic and electrical technology that has evolved over the years into what many mechanically inclined individuals consider to be an art form. The cyeloid driveThe cyeloid drive has the essential advnatag

17、es sueh as Wide rnage of tranmsission ratio,eompact surtcture,high relibaility nad long wokrnig lief,So It gets borad application and its rsearch goes deep eonstnatly. The drive has been not only applied to traditionalt rnasmissionfield but also has alluring applieation in the aspeets of micro machi

18、ne,robot gear ,preeision machine taansmission,super mini cycloid drive,asrtonaut cquipment,measurment apparatus,tenement intelligence and high-tech equipment. In the family of the cycloid drive,the AFcycloid一pin wheel plnaetary driver educer is a new .Trnasmission device.Compared with the common cyc

19、loid drive,it has a series of advantages such as small volume,lihgtweight,wide range of tranmsission,diversity transmission,long lief time,high rigidiyt,high slewing precision,stbale preeision,high effieiency and stable transmission.The design of the drive daopts a lot of advnaced theories and techn

20、ology methoods and uses a kind of innovation stureurte,so the FA drive has overcome the defect of the traditional surtcture,enhnaccd the transmissin efficency,volume,and the transmission precision. Automatic transmissions contain many gears in various combinations. In a manual transmission, gears sl

21、ide along shafts as you move the shift lever from one position to another, engaging various sized gears as required in order to provide the correct gear ratio. In an automatic transmission, however, the gears are never physically moved and are always engaged to the same gears. This is accomplished t

22、hrough the use of planetary gear sets. One example of a way that this system can be used is by connecting the ring gear to the input shaft coming from the engine, connecting the planet carrier to the output shaft, and locking the sun gear so that it can't move. In this scenario, when we turn the

23、 ring gear, the planets will "walk" along the sun gear (which is held stationary) causing the planet carrier to mm the output shaft in the same direction as the input shaft but at a slower speed causing gear reduction (similar to a car in first gear). If we unlock the sun gear and lock any

24、 two elements together, this will cause all three elements to turn at the same speed so that the output shaft will mm at the same rate of speed as the input shaft. This is like a car that is in third or high gear. Another way that we can use a Planetary gear set is by locking the planet carrier from

25、 moving, then applying power to the ring gear which will cause the sun gear to turn in the opposite direction giving us reverse gear. The clutch pack is used, in this instance, to lock the planet carrier with the sun gear forcing both to turn at the same speed. If both the clutch pack and the band w

26、ere released, the system would be in neutral. Turning the input shaft would turn the planet gears against the sun gear, but since nothing is holding the sun gear, it will just spin free and have no effect on the output shaft. To place the unit in first gear, the band is applied to hold the sun gear

27、from moving. To shift from first to high gear, the band is released and the clutch is applied causing the output shaft to turn at the same speed as the input shaft. Many more combinations are possible using two or more planetary sets connected in various ways to provide the different forward speeds

28、and reverse that are found in modem automatic transmissions. Some of the clever gear arrangements found in four and now, five, six and even seven-speed automatics are complex enough to make a technically astute lay person's head spin trying to understand the flow of power through the transmissio

29、n as it shifts from first gear through top gear while the vehicle accelerates to highway speed. On newer vehicles, the vehicle's computer monitors and controls these shifts so that theyare almost imperceptible.Computer ControlsThe computer uses sensors on the engine and transmission to detect su

30、ch things as throttle position, vehicle speed, engine speed, engine load, brake pedal position, etc. to control exact shift points as well as how soft or firm the shift should be. Once the computer receives this information, it then sends signals to a solenoid pack inside the transmission. The solen

31、oid pack contains several electrically controlled solenoids that redirect the fluid to the appropriate clutch pack or servo in order to control shifting. Computerized transmissions even learn your driving style and constantly adapt to it so that every shift is timed precisely when you would need it.

32、 Because of computer controls, sports models are coming out with the ability to take manual control of the transmission as though it were a stick shift, allowing the driver to select gears manually. This is accomplished on some cars by passing the shift lever through a special gate, then tapping it

33、in one direction or the other in order to up-shift or down-shift at will. The computer monitors this activity to make sure that the driver does not select a gear that could over speed the engine and damage it.Hydraulic SystemThe Hydraulic system is a complex maze of passages and tubes that sendstran

34、smission fluid under pressure to all parts of the transmission and torque converter.The newer systems are much more complex and are combined with computerized electrical components. Transmission fluid serves a number of purposes including:shift control, general lubrication and transmission cooling.

35、Unlike the engine, which uses oil primarily for lubrication, every aspect of a transmission's functions are dependant on a constant supply of fluid under pressure. This is not unlike the human circulatory system (the fluid is even red) where even a few minutes of operation when there is a lack o

36、f pressure can be harmful or even fatal to the life of the transmission. In order to keep the transmission at normal operating temperature, a portion of the fluid is sent through one of two steel tubes to a special chamber that is submerged in anti-freeze in the radiator. Fluid passing through this

37、chamber is cooled and then returned to the transmission through the other steel tube. A typical transmission has an average of ten quarts of fluid between the transmission, torque converter, and cooler tank. In fact, most of the components of a transmission are constantly submerged in fluid includin

38、g the clutch packs and bands. The friction surfaces on these parts are designed to operate properly only when they are submerged in oil.Valve BodyThe valve body is the control center of the automatic transmission. It contains a maze of channels and 'passages that direct hydraulic fluid to the nu

39、merous valves which then activate the appropriate clutch pack or band servo to smoothly shift to the appropriate gear for each driving situation. Each of the many valves in the valve body has a specific purpose and is named for that function. For example the 2-3 shift valve activates the 2nd gear to

40、 3rd gear up-shift or the 3-2 shift timing valve which determines when a downshift should occur. The most important valve, and the one that you have direct control over is the manual valve. The manual valve is directly connected to the gear shift handle and covers and uncovers various passages depen

41、ding on what position the gear shift is placed in. When you place the gear shift in Drive, for instance, the manual valve directs fluid to the clutch pack(s) that activates 1st gear. it also sets up to monitor vehicle speed and throttle position so that it can determine the optimal time and the forc

42、e for the 1 - 2 shift. On computer controlled transmissions, you will also have electrical solenoids that are mounted in the valve body to direct fluid to the appropriate clutch packs or bands under computer control to more precisely control shift points. 关于自动变速器部分简介变速器是汽车重要的传动系组成,在较大范围内改变汽车行驶速度的大小和

43、汽车驱动轮上扭矩的大小。变速器能在发动机旋转方向不变的前提下,使汽车倒退行驶,而且利用挡位可以中断动力的传递。所以变速器的结构设计的合理性直接影响到汽车动力性和经济性。设计要求达到换挡迅速、省力、方便、有较高的工作效率、工作噪声低。手动变速器到现在为止是汽车上最为复杂的机械部件。手动变速器包含机械系统、液压系统。这些系统配合在一起,能够非常的协调。本文将帮助您了解变速器的一些常识和一些技术问题以便帮助您解决一些问题。变速器 变速器是连接在发动机背后的一个装置,从引擎传送动力到飞跑的轮胎上。一个汽车引擎最好的状态是在某一的范围内每分钟的转数,它传输的工作要确保动力是被传到轮胎上的与此同时引擎要保

44、持在那个范围里。它做这个动作要经过不同的齿轮联动。在第一挡,引擎要涉及到驱动器所以转动的要快得多;在高速挡是空转的即使汽车大多保持在时速70公里。除了不同的前进装置,变速器在驱动器离开引擎时它处于空挡;相反的,导致驱动器变为反向就允许倒挡了。最后有个停车位置。在这个位置上,闭锁的机械装置是被嵌入从动轴的一个槽里去锁住驱动器并阻止转动,从而防止车子转动。 自动驾驶有两个基本类型:汽车是后驱动还是前驱动。 后驱动的汽车,变速器通常安装在引擎后面并定位于油门旁的车底板中心隆起的下边。主驱动桥连结变速箱的背面到最后的位于后车桥并用来传送动力到后轮。在这一个系统方面的动力流量是简单的和笔直前方从引擎去,

45、经过扭力变换器,然后经过变速箱和驱动桥直到最后传动的时候是分送到两个后轮胎的。 前驱动的汽车,变速器通常连接最后传动到一个形状为驱动桥的地方。在前驱动汽车的引擎通常安装在车子面对后轮的引擎一边的驱动桥缝摺下。前车桥直接地被连接到联合传动箱而且提供动力给前轮。在这一个例中,电源从引擎流动扭力变换器达到一个巨大的链上通过180度沿着引擎转到变速器。从那,动力通过变速器被发送到最后的传动,通过驱动的车轴送到两个前轮。 许多其他的安排包括前驱动的从前到后代替从一旁的引擎的车子以及到四轮驱动的是目前为止描述的最流行的。少量流行的后轮驱动,变速器直接安装在后面并通过主动轴连接到仍绑在引擎上的转矩变换器上。

46、这个系统在新的Corvette并为了因为改进的性能和处理使重量被均匀的平衡到前轮和后轮而使用。另外的一个后轮驱动系统展开背面的每件事物,引擎,变速箱和最后的传动。这一个后引擎布置是在流行的保时捷上;变速器的构成 现代自动变速器由许多成分和系统组成。让在机械的、水压的和电器技术的能够灵活的和谐的一起工作,那么多年已经发展成了许多机械倾向的个体当作是个艺术的形式。摆线针轮行星传动摆线针轮行星传动具有传动比范围大、结构紧凑、可靠性高和寿命长等显著特点,因而获得了广泛的应用,研究也不断深入。该传动不仅广泛应用于通用传动领域,而且在微机械、机械人传动装置、精密机械传动、超小型传动、宇航设备,测量仪器、住


48、中,齿轮仍然从未本身的移动总是和同样的齿轮紧紧贴合在一起。通过行星齿轮组的使用是完全实现的。基本的行星齿轮组包含了一个中心齿轮,一个环形齿轮和两个以上的行星齿轮,所有的都经常啮合。行星齿轮通过一个普通的允许齿轮旋转在附属于架子的叫做“小齿轮”的轴上彼此连接着。 一个这种方式的例子:这个系统可以使用是通过引擎上的环形齿轮和输入轴连接在一起,行星齿轮和输出轴连接在一起并把中心齿轮锁住那样就不会移动了。在这个情景下,我们转动环形齿轮,行星齿轮就会沿着中心齿轮“行走”了从而在同一个方向行星齿轮去旋转输出轴以及输入轴也是如此,但是在一个缓慢的速度下会导致齿轮变形(类似于汽车在低挡)。如果我们锁住中心齿轮


50、速器中被发现许多的组成可能使用两个或者更多行星齿轮联结成各种的方式去提供不同的向前和相反的速度。一些零活的齿轮安排被发现有四个,现在五个、六个甚至七个挡的自动变速器,这足够复杂的去制作一个技术性灵活的能够放置在较新的车辆上,车辆的计算机检测而且控制这些变化,以便他们几乎察觉不到。计算机控制 计算机使用引擎和变速器上的传感器捕捉类似于减速、汽车速度、引擎速度、引擎负荷、制动踏板等等的东西,去控制准确的变化点。一旦计算机接收到这个信息,它会向变速器里电磁线圈发出信号。电磁线圈包含了几个电控螺线管为了控制挡使改变流向离合器底座的方向。计算机处理的变速器甚至会获悉到你的驾驶风格并在不断适当的调节那样在


52、循环系统(液体甚至是红的)甚至几分钟的操作当压力的缺少都是有害的甚至对变速器的寿命是致命的。为了保持变速器在一个正常的运作温度,液体的一部分是通过一到两个钢管传送到特殊的地方那样在水箱中防冻剂被淹没。液体穿过这个地方是冻住的然后通过其他钢管回到变速器。一个典型的变速器在变速器、转矩变换器和冷却器中有一个平均十夸脱的液体。事实上,一个变速箱的大部份结构不变地在包括离合器底座和传送带的流体中被浸水。只有当他们在油中被浸水的时候,在这些零配件上的磨擦表面被设计适当地操作。阀体 阀体是自动变速器的控制中心。他包含了一连串的电路和通道,直接将液压机液体传到众多的阀上然后适当的使离合器底座和传输带活跃起来

53、,每次驾驶操作系统适当的调整到平稳移动以及适当的传动。阀体中的每个阀有明确的作用并因为它的作用而命名。比如2-3换挡油阀刺激二挡到三挡或者3-2的延时挡这个在调低速挡发生的时候就会这样。最重要的阀就是你直接控制的手控阀。手控阀是直接传动机构中挡,盖着和未盖的各种通道依靠使换中挡放置的位置上。当你放置使换中挡在驾驶中,这种情况手控阀直接到离合器底座刺激到一挡。它也会设立监控车子速度并进行减速,以便它能为12挡变化决定最佳的时间和力。电脑控制的变速器,你也不得不用安在阀门部分的电磁线圈使之直接流向离合器底座或传输带再到更好的控制点。 教师见习报告总结期待已久的见习已经结束了,在龙岩三中高中部见习听



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