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1、选修7 Units 1-3单元综合测试题满分100 时间60分钟姓名 班级 得分 自我评价 第一节 单项选择(每小题1分,满分40分)1. The government has _a new economic policy.A put away B put out C put forward D put off2. Mary felt that she herself, rather than the boys, _ for the failure of the volleyball match.A were to blame B was to blame C were to blame D

2、was to be blame3. The professor_ at the meeting will give us a lecture last week.A referred B referred to C referring D referring to 4. With trees, flowers and grass _everywhere, my native town had taken on a new look.A planting B planted C to plant D to be planted5 He tried to get someone to _ the

3、old worker but could find none.A in place of B instead of C take the place of D take place6 .The boy wanted to play football in the street, but his mother asked him _. A not to B not to do C not do it D dont to 7. Little Tom easily _ himself to the American life as he moved to the USA with his paren

4、ts when he was only three.A. suited B. adapted C. matched D. fit 8. I have to go to work by taxi because my car _ at the garage.A. will be repaired B. is repaired C. is being repaired D. has been repaired9. I never _ one day being a famous pop singer when I was a little child.A. dreamt about B. drea

5、mt that C. dreamt D. dreamt out 10. Having fish at meals regularly can be of great _ to your heart.A. benefit B. help C. contribution D. use 11. Always read the _ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine. A. explanations B. instructions C. descriptions D. introductions 12. Im th

6、inking of the driving test tomorrow. Im afraid I cant pass this time. _! Im sure youll make it.A. Go ahead B. Good luck C. No matter D. Cheer up13. Nobody wants to_ especially in public.A. make fun of B. be made fun of C. making fun of D. made fun of 14. Mr President, do you plan to educate your two

7、 daughters to be officials? To tell you the truth , 1 hope they can do whatever_ their interests.A. fits B. matches C. suits D. needs15. I went there yesterday_ to see my uncle.A. special B. especially C. specially D. especial 16. My friend, David, was not used _ by air, so he felt unwell.A. to trav

8、eling B. to travel C. traveling D. travel 17. I' m sorry, but I didnt mean_ out your secret.But you know, letting out one's secret means_ one' s feelings.A. to let; to hurt B. letting; hurting C. to let; hurting D. letting; to hurt 18. He has been absent _ class for quite a long time.A.

9、in B. for C. with D. from19.I'd also like to _ you on your good work in these two years.A. congratulate B. celebrate C. wish D. hope20. Though he had tried to climb to the top of the mountain several times, he didn't _.A. get it B. make it C. arrive it D. do it21. All the people _the meeting

10、 were very important. A. attending B. present C. attended D. presented22. So seriously _ in the accident that he was sent to hospital at once. A. he was wounded B. was he hurt C. he did injure D. did he hurt23. It is not where you come from or what you are, but the ability to do the job _ matters.A.

11、 oneB. thatC. whatD. it24. She had a computer at home, and her parents desired that she _ all her work at home.A. doB. doesC. must doD. would do25. The bank is reported in the local newspaper, _ in broad daylight yesterday.A. being robbed B. having been robbedC. to have been robbedD. robbed26. Peter

12、 _ the papers he was marking and reached for his cigarettes and matches.A. set out B. set offC. set in D. set aside27. Many people stood near the bus stop, nervously waiting _.A. to pick up B. picking up C. to be picked up D. being picked up28. Don't leave matches or cigarettes on the table with

13、in the _ of little children.A. hand B. reach C. space D. distance29. I am going to Shanghai. Do you have anything _ to your parents?A. to take B. takenC. taking D. to be taken30.I dont know who invented _ telephone, its really _ most useful invention.A. the; a B. the; the C. a; a D. 不填;不填31.It seems

14、 difficult to _ “hurt” from “injure” in meaning.A. judge B. tell C. divide D. separate32.She remained _ for a while after the movie ended, which made others _.A. sitting; puzzling B. sitted; puzzledC. seated; puzzled D. seated; puzzling33.Sometimes, the entrance tickets are _ free of charge from the

15、 university.A. available B. valuable C. imaginable D. comfortable34._ you keep on practicing English, Im sure you will be able to speak it fluently.A. As soon as B. As long as C. Even if D. As if 35.As we have already known, dolphins use sound to communicate _ each other.A. to B. through C. in D. wi

16、th36. Im sorry Im late. I got held up in the traffic on my way here. _A. You are always late. B. You should be blamed.C. It doesnt matter. Im also late. D. Never mind. Come and sit down.37. I dont think highly of this kind of flower _, I dont care for it.A. in other words B. all in all C. after all

17、D. meanwhile38. The moment the 28th Olympic Games _ open, the whole world cheered.A. declared B. have been declared C. have declared D. were declared 39. The _ on his face told me that he was angry.A. impression B. sight C. appearance D. expression40. There is no doubt that he is a _ musician, as he

18、 could compose some music from his childhood and now he is very famous all over the world.A. qualified B. talented C. clever D. diligent 二完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)The Spring Festival marks the first day of a new year, so the first meal is rather important. People from the North and the South have di

19、fferent 41 about the foods they eat on this 42 day. In Northern China, people 43 eat Jiaozi. The word Jiaozi in Chinese means the 44 and the beginning of time. According to historical 45 , in the past people from the North and the South both ate Jiaozi on Chinese New Years Day. Perhaps 46 the areas

20、in Southern China47 more rice than those in Northern China, southern people slowly 48 to eat many other kinds of food on New Years Day. 49 , the most common foods for the first 50 are noodles, New Year Cake and Tangyuan. The noodle 51 long life. The New Year Cake is called Niangao in Chinese, which

21、52 the hope of improvement in 53 year after year. Tangyuan is a symbol of 54 according to the Chinese.To 55 a New Year visit to relatives and friends is an important activity during the Spring Festival. People also send cards to 56 a New Years greeting. What children love most is to set off firecrac

22、kers. 57 , as the pace of life is becoming faster and faster, people have 58 new ways to celebrate the Chinese traditional New Year. For example, many people no longer send out greeting cards. 59 , they use short messages or emails. Also to travel during the New Year holidays has come into 60 .41. A

23、. word B. habits C. meanings D. stories42. A. usual B. unforgettable C. common D. special43. A. seldom B. usually C. always D. hardly44. A. end B. future C. result D. effect45. A. reasons B. records C. notes D. stories46. A. as long as B. though C. when D. because 47. A. caused B. took C. produced D

24、. brought48. A. understood B. knew C. made D. began 49. A. Besides B. Therefore C. Consequently D. Usually50. A. subject B. title C. program D. meal51. A. symbolizes B. reveals C. shows D. indicates52. A. transports B. represents C. fetches D. takes53. A. health B. family C. life D. work54. A. reuni

25、on B. luck C. happiness D. harmony 55. A. do B. pay C. get D. carry56. A. express B. describe C. establish D. define 57. A. Luckily B. Unfortunately C. However D. Besides58. A. given away B. made out C. got into D. taken up59. A. Instead B. Fortunately C. Moreover D. Furthermore60. A. fashion B. eff

26、ect C. sight D. power三阅读理解( 15题,每题2分,共30分)AMovie makers at one time worried that they might be put out of business by television. Recently, however, more and more people have been going to the movies. This may be partly because the economic situation in America has worsened. When at the movies, peop

27、le forget their troubles, as they get involved in the story on the screen. Also, directors have recently been producing pictures that large numbers of people want to see. Americans in the millions are returning to their love affair with the movies. Motion picture industry experts see two main factor

28、s responsible for this: an increased need by Americans to escape from economic worries and a large number of new movies with broad audience appeal.Movie makers admit that their rising popularity is partly the result of poor economic conditions, which traditionally bring an increase in theater attend

29、ance. “When people are fearful about the future, they look for escape,” comments Jack Valenti, president of the Motion Picture Association of America. “In a shaded theater, with a 65-foot screen, you lose yourself for two and a half hours and people find this beneficial.” 61. What did movie makers w

30、orry about before? A. That no one would go to the cinema. B. That movies couldnt be a business any more. C. That their movies might be played on television. D. That people preferred watching TV to seeing films.62. Why are so many people going to see movies now? A. Because people now have much more m

31、oney. B. Because people have troubles. C. Because people wanted to escape from real life. D. Because watching movies is now much cheaper than watching TV.63. The main topic of American movies is about . A. economy B. loveC. traditionD. not mentioned64. According to Jack Valenti, why have movies beco

32、me popular?A. Because Americas economy is bad and people want to escape from their economic worries.B. Because a large number of new movies have broad audience appeal.C. Because the directors have cut the budget in making movies.D. Because the films are worth seeing and are excellent motion pictures

33、.65. Whats the passage mainly about? A. That more American people are watching movies than before. B. That television will take the place of movies. C. Americas economic depression. D. That Americans prefer to watch movies rather than watch TV.BOn the first day of the 11th grade, our new math teache

34、r Mr Washington asked me to go to the blackboard to do a math problem. I told him that I couldnt do it. He asked, “Why not?” I paused, and then I said, “Because Im educable mentally retarded (可教育智能迟滞).” He came from behind his desk and looked at me. “Dont ever say that again. Someones opinion of you

35、 does not have to become your reality,” he said. It was a very special moment for me. Doctors said that I was educable mentally retarded in the fifth grade, and I was put back into the fourth grade. When I was in the eighth grade, I failed again. But Mr Washington changed my life. This person always

36、 gave students the feeling that he had high expectations of them, and then all of the students did their best to live up to what those expectations were. He often said, “You have greatness within you.” One day, I caught up with him in the parking place and said, “Mr Washington, is there greatness wi

37、thin me, sir?” He said, “Yes, Mr Brown.” “But what about the fact that I failed English, math, and history? What about that, sir? Im slower than most kids.” “It doesnt matter. It just means that you have to work harder. Your grades dont determine who you are or what you can produce in your life.” “I

38、 want to buy my mother a house.” “It is possible, Mr Brown. You can do that.” And he turned to walk away. “Mr Washington?” “What do you want now?” “Uh, Im the one, sir. One day youre going to hear my name. Im the one, sir.” School was a real struggle for me. Mr Washington put many demands on me. He

39、made me believe that I could do it. At the end of that year, I was on the honor roll for the first time in my life. Years later, I produced five programs on public television. When one of my programs was shown on the educational television channel, I had some friends call him. I was sitting by the p

40、hone waiting when he called me. He said, “May I speak to Mr Brown, please?” “Oh, Mr Washington, is that you?” “Yes, its me. You were the one, werent you?” “Yes, sir, I was.”66. What does Mr Washington mean by saying “Someones opinion of you does not have to become your reality”? A. You neednt have t

41、he same opinion as others.B. You should believe what other people say.C. What other people say about you may not be correct.D. The doctor made a mistake.67. How many years did it take the author to finish the tenth grade? A. Ten years. B. Eleven years. C. Twelve years. D. Thirteen years.68. What hap

42、pened to the author at last? A. He entered a good university. B. He earned much honor.C. He got a good job. D. He made television programs.69. In the passage, the author implies that _. A. people shouldnt believe what doctors say B. no one can be successful with hard work and confidence C. no one is

43、 really educable mentally retarded D. a good teacher can change a students life 70. The best title for the passage would be “_”. A. Dont believe others B. I succeeded at lastC. My best teacher D. I am the oneC“Why should I care about the environment?” some people ask. There is a very simple reason:

44、We live on the earth, and it is the only place we can live on right now, as we cannot live in space yet. If we treat the earth like a garbage dump, it will become dirty and unlivable. If we treat it well by being eco-conscious, the earth will stay clean and suitable for living, for ourselves and for

45、 our children. What is “being eco-conscious”? Being eco-conscious means being aware of your actions, and what you do to the environment. For example, you might think, “Using hairspray is great for fixing my hair.” However, if you are eco-conscious, you would ask, “Does this hairspray have CFCs in it

46、? Could I be destroying the earth by using hairspray?”How can I be eco-conscious? You can find many simple ways to help the environment in your everyday life. When you go shopping, bring a bag or a basket with you. Please try not to use plastic bags as much as you can. You can go to work by bike or

47、on foot if it is not far from your home. You can put your rubbish into different bags, which makes it convenient for recycling. You can eat less chewing gum. You can use your own chopsticks instead of the disposable ones in your company or in restaurants. You can put batteries in a special box inste

48、ad of in garbage bins. You can use the water which has been used for washing vegetables or fruits to clean the floor and the toilet or to water your garden. You can turn off the decorative lights in your room when watching TV. You can turn down your air conditioner by one degree, as this will cause

49、a 10% reduction in energy use. You can use recycled paper. Every ton of recycled office paper saves 380 gallons of oil. You can also use recycled glass instead of glass made from raw materials. This will reduce the related air pollution by 20%, and the related water pollution by 50%. Please believe

50、that. If you do a little, it will make a big difference.71. Human beings should care about the environment because _ . A. if we make the earth unlivable, well have to live in spaceB. it can help our children live betterC. if we dont, the earth will become a garbage dumpD. it will help to make the wo

51、rld a good living place72. If your deskmate is an eco-conscious person, he should _.A. be aware of the importance of protecting the environmentB. use plastic bags when he buys somethingC. know nothing about CFCsD. turn his air conditioner to a higher degree73. If you want to help the environment, yo

52、u should do all the following EXCEPT _. A. share a car with your colleagues B. use paper bags instead of plastic bagsC. use hairspray containing CFCs D. use recycled glass instead of glass made from raw materials74. It can be inferred from the passage that _. A. its very hard for human beings to keep the earth clean and comfortableB. protecting the environment is the duty of everybodyC. we should protect the environment together, as its no use doing it individuallyD. its very easy to be eco-


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