1、演讲稿示范文本 | Excellent Model Text 资料编码:CYKJ-FW-211编号:_节约用水英语演讲稿编辑:_日期:_单位:_节约用水英语演讲稿用户指南:该演讲稿资料适用于特定的情境中供口语表达使用,并具有逻辑严密,态度明确,观点鲜明的特点,能实现引导听众,使听众能更好地理解演讲的内容的效果。可通过修改使用,也可以直接沿用本模板进行快速编辑。Water is the source of human life. Without water, people can not survive, things will not grow, the world will not be s
2、o colorful. Therefore, we should cherish the water, love water, saving water, from what I start."Water conservation is everybody's responsibility", that is always hanging in her mother's lips. Who are we wasting water every time the mother will not help the water came up to us Let&
3、#39;s talk about a multi-purpose. "You see, you see, how can such a clean water drained? It can also wash the face and feet of water, wash cloth, wash Mop . . The water waves to the more than a pity if ah! You think about it, those who If the water to those areas of water scarcity the people, d
4、o you know what kind of value this water? you to think ah, if there is no water,Everything will be extinct, mankind will die, the world would be . . "has been endless talk about one of our water is used in a point. If people come to my home is, this certainly unfortunate comrade. Because my mot
5、her would The comrade as naive as the small BB to look at to ensure that ultimately, listen to my mother's there, nagging words: bath time, as the first wet from head to toe look, we painted the body shower gel, the last washed clean. Do not separate wash your hair, washing upper body, lower bod
6、y and feet washing. Do not use a bath of opportunity "for convenience" laundry, ah, ah pants, skirtsAh . . if the time is taking a bath bath, losing no time, do not leisurely, or play while you wash. Remember: Time is the water, ah, the children have been talked about . . you can observe t
7、hese principles so far.Many of the words while his mother, but her mother's nagging has also helped many people's busy then! For example: a neighbor's aunt was about to put clothes in the water drained, but her mother heard the wolf-like (I am such a metaphor just want to reflect the fol
8、lowing mother was the sharp voice shouting only) and a shout, aunts, stopped his hand, first a leng, but also do not know her mother's intention. Where the seriousness of the mother but said: "hey - do not pour ah! This Mop water can also wash about it! Otherwise you would also like to re-W
9、ash Mop drainage, multi-waste ah!" Neighbor's aunt a thought, also ah ! This can be considered to conserve water ah!"En! This method is a good ah not only develop the good habit of saving, but also saves water! Really a good way to achieve both ah! I also have helped promote propaganda
10、!" Auntie, he told himself. I listened to the hearts of secret self-hi, it's nice to feel a good mother ah!. .Energy conservation is everyone's responsibility.Water conservation, Live Life.Please treasure every drop of water.Water conservation is to cherish life.To save water is our res
11、ponsibility.Please cherish, cherish every drop of the source of life.Water conservation is everyone's responsibility. Only when all attention to water conservation, and water shortages can be moving away from us, life will only stable and harmonious environment only pleasant. Our students understand that these principles then, not only sh
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