



1、 2020-2021学年度第二学期六年级英语期中学业质量监测20214 听力部分 30分一、听录音,选择你所听到的内容。 (听两遍)(8分)( )1.A.sleep B.sleeping C.sleepy( )2.A.working B.walking C.talking( )3.A.loudly B.badly C.slowly( )4.A.go into B.go to C.go in( )5.A.letter B.little C.litter ( )6.A.meet B.mean C.meat ( )7.A.soft B.safely C.safety( )8.A.mouth B.mo

2、nth C.mouse二、听录音,判断译文是否与录音相符,相符的写T,不符的写F。(听两遍)(5分)( )9. 遵守规则并在马路上保持安全。( )10. 萨姆迅速地取来一些水并把它倒进瓶子里。( )11. 王兵早早起床,从不迟睡。( )12. 让我带你在城里转一圈。( )13. 她每天喝一点点水。三、听录音,根据所听问句选择相应的答句。(听两遍)(6分)() 14. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I'm not. C. Yes, I did.() 15. A. In the morning. B. Before bedtime. C. A and B() 16. A. Th

3、ank you. B. Yes, please. C. Yes, you can.() 17. A. Yes, I can. B. You can look at the traffic lights.C. You can run quickly.() 18. A. I often do my homework. B.I did my homework.C.I'm doing my homework.() 19. A. He was in the study. B. He is in the office. C. I'm in the classroom.四、听录音,补全短文。

4、(听三遍) (11分)David is a good boy. He 20 21 22 in the morning and 23 goes to bed 24 . He usually 25 his homework before dinner. He 26 to his teachers at school. He also 27 his parents at home. He 28 his room 29 and 30 .笔试部分 70分五、按要求写单词。(5分)31. happy(副词) 32. safely (名词) 33. left (反义词) 34. tomato(复数) 35.

5、 catch(过去式) 六、选择填空。(10分)( ) 36. He helped the rabbit . A.gets out B.got out C. get out( )37. , you can wait here and look out for cars. A. To keep safety B. Keep safely C. To keep safe ( ) 38. Don't_. He is tired.A. wake up him B. wake up her C. wake him up ( ) 39. _ a healthy diet, there is a l

6、ot of fruit and vegetables.A. In B. To C. On ( ) 40. The tiger_ angry and he wanted to_the monkey.A. is; eat B. was; eat C. were; eating( ) 41. There is so_ milk in the fridge.A. many B. much C. lot( ) 42. Vegetables are_ for our health.A. good B. bad C. well( )43. Sam hits the ball and it away. A.

7、hard flies B. hardly flies C. hard flew ( ) 44. You can find many _ in Aesops Fables.A.Chinese stories B. animal stories C. fairy tales( ) 45. In , people drive on the left side of the road. A. the UK B. the USA C. China七、翻译下列词组。(10分)46. 把书摆放整齐 47. before bedtime 48. 当心汽车 49. from then on 50. 喝太多可乐

8、51. brush ones teeth 52. 寻找一条斑马线 53. follow the rules 54. 在人行道上 55. eat a little at a time 八、用所给词的正确形式填空,每空1分。(10分)56. Amy ( finish) her homework early on Sundays.57. Who (wake) up my brother? Tom did. 58. Bobby and Sam are talking ( loud ) .59. The old man can (walk) (quick). 60. There is not (many

9、) food in the fridge. We have to (buy) some this evening. 61. (keep) safe,you should cross the road (careful).62.His little brother is drawing _(bad).九、根据首字母提示填空,每空一词。(10分)63.Elephants have l_ bodies.64.The knife is very s .65.I have a few bad h .66.My brother usually f_ his homework before dinner.6

10、7.I cant see any t lights here.68. It's very important for us to know the traffic r . If you want to cross the road s , you must look for a zebra c . Look at the traffic lights and w for the green man. There he is! Now you can walk. Please stay s on the road.十、按要求改写句子,每空一词。(10分)69. Two men caugh

11、t the lion with a large net. (对划线部分提问) two men the lion?70. Jane woke up early this Monday. (改为否定句)Jane up early this Monday.71. He has some rice and meat for lunch. (对划线部分提问)What he for lunch?72. You mustn't run on the road. (对划线部分提问) you do on the road?十一、阅读理解。(10分)(A) One day, an old woman is

12、 walking in the street. She sees a little boy trying to reach the doorbell(门铃). But the boy is so short that he cant reach the bell. The old woman is kind(善良的) , so she says to the little boy, “Let me help you.” Then she pushes(按) the bell so hard that people can hear(听见) the bell. The little boy lo

13、oks up at her and says, “Now lets run away. Come on.” And then the old woman knows what is happening. The naughty(淘气的) boy runs away.( )73. An old woman _ in the street. A. is taking a walk B. is riding a bike C. is playing with a child( )74. The little boy _. A. is playing in the street B. is tryin

14、g to reach the doorbell C. is helping his grandmother( )75. The boy is so _ that he _. A. fat; cant run fastB. kind; wants to help the old woman C. short; cant reach the bell( )76. The _ pushes _ doorbell.A. old woman; the boys B. boy; the old womans C. old woman; the( )77. The old woman is so _ tha

15、t she _.A. happy; helps the boy B. kind; helps the boy C. naughty; pushes the doorbell(B)Our environment(环境) is important to us. What should we do to protect it?Dont waste things. We should use things up. Dont throw away the paper when we use one side(面). We should use two sides of the paper. We don

16、t always need to have new things. If your shoes are broken, repair(修理) them, please. Think over before we want to buy something new. If you are cooking dinner and you need a butter sandwich, but there is no butter, you can have a cheese sandwich. In this way, you can use your cheese up.( ) 78. If yo

17、ur shoes are broken, _. A. throw them away B. buy a new pairC. repair them( ) 79. When we use paper, we should_. A. use one side B. use two sides C. waste it( ) 80. We should _before we want to buy something new.A. think over B. ask our teachers for help C. ask our parents for money( )81.You can hav

18、e a_ instead of (代替) a butter sandwichA. pear sandwich B. hot dog C. cheese sandwich( ) 82. The passage(文章)mainly tells us how to _. A. buy things B. protect our environment C. cook dinner十二、书面表达(5分)83.一个健康的饮食习惯对我们很重要,请以“My healthy diet”为题写一篇短文,要求: 语句通顺,书写认真。(不少于五句话) My healthy diet 六年级英语期中测试听力稿 202

19、1.4一、听录音,选择你所听到的内容。 (听两遍) 8分1.The baby is sleeping now. 2.The old woman is walking across the street.3.My father sings very badly.4.They go into the living room.5.Liu Tao drinks a little water every day.6.I have a lot of meat for dinner.7.How can you cross the road safely?8.The little mouse bit the

20、net with his sharp teeth.二、听录音,判断译文是否与录音相符,相符的写T,不相符的写F。(听两遍)5分9. Follow the rules and stay safe on the road.10. Sam brings some water quickly and pours it into the hole.11. Wang Bing gets up early and never goes to bed late.12. Let me show you around our house.13. She drinks a little water every da

21、y.三、听录音,根据所听问句选择相应的答句。(听两遍) 6分14. Did you have a lot of sweet food?15. When should I brush my teeth?16. Don't be sad. I can help you.17. How can I cross the road safely?18. What did you do yesterday evening?19.Where was Liu Tao just now?四、听录音,补全短文。(听三遍) 11分David is a good boy. He gets up early i

22、n the morning and never goes to bed late. He usually finishes his homework before dinner. He listens to his teachers at school. He also helps his parents at home. He keeps his room clean and tidy.六年级英语期中测试参考答案 2021.4听力部分 30分一、听录音,选择你所听到的内容。 (听两遍) 8分BBBA BCBC二、听录音,判断译文是否与录音相符,相符的写T,不相符的写F。(听两遍) 5分T F T F T三、听录音,根


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