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1、Section A 1a-2cUnit 5It must belong to Carla.Whose sports shirt is it ?It be .Yao MingsIt must belong to YaoMing.mustIt could be _.two facesCan you guess what it is?It also might be_ a vase(花瓶)(花瓶)could=may/might可能可能 (20%-80%)hair band 发带-Whose hair band is it?-It might / could be _. Because _.It ca

2、nt be _. Because _.Jim Kate Katesshe often wears a hair bandJimshe is a boycant不可能不可能 (0%)Sample conversation 1:A: Look! Whose book is this?B: It must be Marys. (It must belong to Mary.) Because Hemingway is her favorite author.Practise making conversationsA: Look! Whose toy car is this?B: It must b

3、e Janes little brothers. (It must belong to Janes little brother.) Because he was the only little kid at the picnic.Conversation 2:Janes little brothers.must toy carHe was the only little kid at the picnic.Tommight/could/maystory bookHe likes telling stories.A: Look! Whose book is this?B: It might/c

4、ould/may be Toms. Because he likes telling stories.意思推测程度must一定,肯定一定,肯定100%的可能性的可能性maymight/could有可能,也许有可能,也许20%-80%的可能性的可能性cant不可能,不会不可能,不会可能性几乎为零可能性几乎为零 2c Fill in the blanks with may /must /could /might /cant /couldnt . Then tell your partner why you choose the words.The notebook_be Mings. It was

5、 on her desk.The homework_be Carols. She wasnt at school today.The soccer ball_ be Johns or Tonys. They both play soccer every day, dont they?The French book_be Li Yings. Shes the only one whos studying French.might/could/maycant may/might must I cant find my backpack. It _be still at school.The photo _be Lus. Those are his parents.The red bicycle _be Tinas. She has a blue bicycle.This ticket _ be my uncles. Hes going to the concert.might/could/maycant might/could/maymust


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