



1、2022年三年级下册英语语法填空考前专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 按要求写单词。1dad(书面语)  2grandma(书面语)3kangaroo(复数) 4mango(复数)5mother(口语)2. 根据图意,写出相应的单词。1 Who is she?Shes _ Fang.2 Whats your _?Im Alice.3 You cant _ the window. Its a rainy day.3. 选词完成句子。1Look at the elephant.It''s ver

2、y _ (big/bag).2Can I have some _ (Mike/milk)?Sure. Here you are.3How old are you?I''m _ (sit/six).4This is my monkey._ (It/It''s) so fat!4. 选词填空。1Whose trousers _ (is; are) these?They _ (is; are) my trousers.2It''s my fat

3、her''s car. _ (Her; His)car is white.3_ (Is; Are) this Liu Zhao yangs skirt. No. It _ (is; are) Alices.4What color _ (is; are) the socks?They _ (are; is)blue.5. 看图,选择适当的单词或短语完成句子。(填序号)A. swims   B. walks   C. goes fishing   D.

4、flies a kite1.   In spring, Tim _in the park.2.   In summer, Ann_in the lake.3.   In autumn, John_under the tree.4.   In winter, Mary_in the snow.6. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1_(ride) is a very interesting activity.2Alice found_(her) alone in a long, low hall.3Mike_(not go) 

5、;to bed until 12 o''clock last night.7. 用适当的单词填空。1._is it? It''s an apple.  2.It''s small and yellow. It''s sour. It''s a _.  3.I like candy. It''s _. Yummy! Yummy!  4.I like _. It''s cold and sweet.8. 根据图片填单词。1Loo

6、k at that_. It has a _nose. 2This is a_. It is so_.3It is a _. It has a _tail.4It is a_. It has _ears.5Look at this_. It is so_.9. 选词填空。me, my, I, I''m, you, It''s1Are _ Liu Tao? No, _ Tom.2This is _, _ am Mike.3Look at

7、 _ new skirt. _ nice.10. 选择合适的单词填空 。What   long   eyes   have   Do1It has small _.2It''s really _.3_ does it look like?4I _ a rabbit.5_ you have a pet?11. 将句子补充完整。1Its _har

8、d outside.2My clothes are_ in the rain.3Mother asks me to _my clothes on my own.4The _s neck is very long.5The tiger is _. Because it is on the land.6The _is very small.12. 看图,选出正确的单词补全句子。1Hes my _  (grandma / grandpa). 2Shes my _  (sister / brother)

9、. 3Mr Li is a _ (teacher / pupil). 4This is my _ (mother / father). 13. 根据所给词的适当形式填空。1I love_(it) very much.2Here_(be) a dog for you.3Thank_(you) very much.4It _(be) a toy.5Here is a card for_(you).14. 给下面每个算式选出正确答案。A. fourteenB. nineteenC. tenD. eighteenE. si

10、xteen1twelve + seven= _2three × six=_3four × four=   _4nineteen - five=_5twenty ÷ two=_15. 根据汉语选择正确的短语补充句子。A. playing the flute B. playing basketballC. making cakes D. eating hamburgers E. listening to music1I''m_(听音乐).2I''m_(做蛋糕).3They are_(吃汉堡).4I'

11、'm_(吹笛子).5I''m_(打篮球).16. 找出不同类的单词,写在横线上。1head  arm  school _2pencil  body  pen _3this  hands  legs _4your  my  me _5touch  wave  nose _17. 写出下列数字的左邻右舍。1_ eight _ 2_ five _3_ seven _ 4

12、_ four _5_ two _ 6_ nine _18. 选词并用其适当的形式填空。have  do  look  play  be1I see! Your friend _ a computer.2It_ like a TV.3_ a TV have a mouse, too?4A computer _ a keyboard.5I _ with him every day.19. 选词填空。A. He   B. She1Lingling is a girl. _&#


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