1、在SDL中显示GBK点阵汉字 大家注意到没有,RA2的中文版本使用的是GBK点阵字库,这样做有一个好处:不管玩家是用的简体还是繁体都能识别显示的文字。 GBK的意思大概是“国家标准汉字扩展字符集”吧,记不清了。但它的确是个好东东,比GB2312、BIG5什么的强多了。因为它包括GB2312、GBK的所有字符而且还补充了很多字,另外,还包括日文、朝鲜文以及大量的符号字符。 我在UCDOS for win版本里面找到了GBK的点阵字库(HZK12.GBK、HZK14.GBK、HZK16.GBK)。分析了一下,知道了结构。这里是我写的一个演示程序,程序编
2、译需要有sdl库。遵循“惯例”,按F4切换全屏/窗口状态,Esc退出。程序把标准输出和标准错误重定向到"stdout.txt"和"stderr.txt"中。 #include time.h> #include stdio.h> #include stdlib.h> #include string.h>#include "SDL.h" #include "SDL_image.h" /- #define STDOUT_FILE "stdout.txt" #define STD
3、ERR_FILE "stderr.txt" SDL_Surface *screen; Uint32 fps; Uint32 AppStartTime = 0; Uint32 frame_count = 0; static Uint32 frames; SDL_Event event; SDL_Surface * SetMode( int Width, int Height, int BPP, int Flags ); SDL_Surface * LoadBMP( char * filename ); void MainLoops( int ( * EventFunc)( )
4、, void ( * DrawFunc )( ), int DelayTime ); void Blt( SDL_Surface * image, int x, int y ); void TileBlt( SDL_Surface * image, int x, int y ); void SetTransparentColor( SDL_Surface * sprite, int R, int G, int B ); void IoRedirect( ); void cleanup_output( ); void initfps(); /- Uint8 HZK12574560; Uint8
5、HZK16766080; bool HZ_Init(); bool HZ_TextOut( SDL_Surface * image, int x, int y, int width, int space, const char * str ); /- int ProcessEvent( ); void DrawFrame( ); SDL_Surface * bg, * font; int ix, iy, jx, jy; int Width = 640; int Height = 480; int bpp = 16; int ScreenMode = 0; int main() char Tim
6、eString256; time_t timer; struct tm *tblock; HZ_Init(); frames = 0; timer = time(NULL); tblock = localtime(&timer); strftime( TimeString, 256, "Time=%Z: %Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M:%S", tblock ); printf( "%sn", TimeString ); SetMode( Width, Height, bpp, SDL_SWSURFACE|ScreenMode ); SDL_
7、ShowCursor(0); SDL_WM_SetCaption( "demo", "demo" ); bg = IMG_Load( "2k_bg.jpg" ); ix=iy=0; jx=jy= Height>>1; srand( (Uint32)timer ); MainLoops( ProcessEvent, DrawFrame, 0 ); printf( "ScreenMode=%d*%d*%dnFPS=%u", Width, Height, bpp, fps ); return 0; int P
8、rocessEvent( ) Uint8 *keystate; keystate = SDL_GetKeyState( NULL ); if ( ( keystateSDLK_ESCAPE ) | ( keystateSDLK_q ) ) return 0; return 1; void DrawFrame( ) char tmp256; int step = 4; / sprintf( tmp, "TotalFrame=%u", frames ); TileBlt( bg, 0, 0 ); if ( rand( ) % 400 < 2 ) jx = rand( )
9、% ( Width - 10 ); jy = rand( ) % ( Height - 10 ); sprintf( tmp, "FPS=%d", fps ); HZ_TextOut( screen, 10, 300, 12, 0, "正面面板"); HZ_TextOut( screen, 10, 318, 12, 0, "电子对抗显示" ); HZ_TextOut( screen, 10, 334, 12, 0, "陈青山" ); HZ_TextOut( screen , 10, 380, 12, 0, &quo
10、t;高度表 ");ix += step; iy += step; /- /- SDL_Surface * SetMode( int Width, int Height, int BPP, int Flags ) /* Initialize the SDL library */ if ( SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_VIDEO ) < 0 ) fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %sn", SDL_GetError( ) ); return NULL; /* Clean up on exit *
11、/ atexit(SDL_Quit); /* Initialize the display in a 640x480 8-bit palettized mode */ screen = SDL_SetVideoMode( Width, Height, BPP, Flags ); if ( screen = NULL ) fprintf( stderr, "Couldn't set %dx%dx%d video mode: %sn", Width, Height, BPP, SDL_GetError( ) ); return screen; /- void initfps( ) AppStartTime = SDL_GetTicks(); frame_count = 0; /- void MainLoops( int ( * EventFunc)( ), void ( * DrawFunc)( ), int DelayTime
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