



1、非谓语动词 ( 2015届高三. 咏华)非谓语动词就是在句中不作谓语的动词, 有动词不定式、动词-ing形式和动词-ed分词。一.非谓语动词的形式变化(结合前面的“时态和语态”专题,推测非谓语动词的各种时态和语态相结合的形式,完成下面的表格填空)。非谓语形式构成(以行为动词do为例) 时态 语态 复合结构 否定句 主动 (及物动词的)被动不定式一般式 to do (发生在将来) to be done 完成式 to have done for sb. 在to前面 (发生在谓语之前) to have been done to do sth. 加not或进行式 to be doing / 或 nev

2、er (与谓语同时发生) of sb.完成 to have been doing / to do sth. 进行式 V-ing一般式 doing being done sb.doing或 在v-ing前 (与谓语同时发生) sb.s doing 加not,如完成式 having done having been done (作主语时只用后者) not having (发生在谓语之前) doneV-ed一般式 (不及物动词的过去分词) done / 在前面加not二分析下列各组句子,划出非谓语部分,判断非谓语在句中充当的成分,总结非谓语动词在句中充当同一种成分时的用法及区别。1 Learning

3、 is important to modern life. 学习对现代生活很重要。 To see is to believe. = Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。 To obey the law is important. = It is important to obey the law. It is no use crying over spilt milk. 覆水难收。归纳:作 主 语l 通常,v-ing表抽象的或习惯性的动作,不定式表具体的或一次性的将来动作。l 不定式和v-ing作主语常放在句末,主语位置用形式主语it,即It + is/was +adj./n.

4、(如:easy/difficult/(im)possible/likely/good/a good idea等)+ to do sth.但It + is/was + 某些adj./n. (worth/useless/no use/no good/of little use/ of little good) + v-ing.2 The story is interesting. My job is teaching. (= Teaching is my job.) I am deeply devoted to education. The window is broken. My dream i

5、s to be admitted into an ideal university.归纳:作 表 语l v-ing 表主语(物)的性质(令人.的)或内容;l v-ed 表主语(人)的情感(感到.的)或所处的状态;l 不定式表将来动作,在表“目的aim/goal/purpose、愿望wish/hope、梦想dream、需求demand”等的名词作主语时其表语用不定式。3. Shall we go to the swimming pool ? This is an interesting story. The excited fans are shouting and waving to the

6、film star. China is a developing country while America is a developed country. I have a lot of papers to type. She was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize. Mary is the best person to do the job. The question being discussed now is very important. = The question which is being discussed now is ver

7、y important. We have read many novels written by this author. =We have read many novels which were written by this author.归纳:作 定 语l v-ing 表被修饰的名词/代词(物)的性质(令人.的),表动作的主动或进行,表被修饰名词的用途;v-ed表被修饰名词(人)的情感(感到.的),表动作的被动或完成;不定式表将来的动作,序数词或最高级等后常用不定式作定语l v-ing短语、v-ed短语和不定式放在被修饰名词/代词的后面,作后置定语;其中,v-ing短语、v-ed短语作后

8、置定语时,相当于一个定语从句。4. Mary often goes back to her hometown to visit her grandparents. Im so glad to see you here. Jack was too busy to have his hair cut. He came back home only to find his home stolen. They went out of the classroom, talking and laughing. Having been shown around the lab, we were taken

9、to see the school library. = After we had been shown around the lad, we were taken to see the school library. A heavy storm hit the area, causing a great loss to the local people. Confused by the problem, he decided to turn to his teacher for help. = As he was confused by the problem, he decided to

10、. Seen from the top, the stadium looks like a bird nest. =When it is seen from the top, the stadium looks like a bird nest. United as one, we wont be defeated. = Once we are united as one, we wont be defeated. 归纳:作 状 语l v-ing(短语)和句子的主语构成主动关系,v-ed(短语)和句子的主语构成被动关系;l v-ing(短语)和v-ed(短语)可做时间状语、原因状语、条件状语、

11、让步状语,相当于对应的状语从句,还可在做方式或伴随状语,v-ing做结果状语时,表自然而然的结果;不定式可做目的状语(to do/ in order to do/ so as to do)、原因状语(放在作表语的表情感的形容词后)、结果主语(tooto; only to do则表意外的结果)。5 He promised to keep the secret for you. I suggest organizing a student group to help each other. I heard of his having been chosen to be coach of the t

12、eam. Id like to make a suggestion. = I feel like making a suggestion. The TV set needs to be repaired. = The TV set needs repairing. She forgot having paid the money. She forgot to pay the money. He feels it a duty to help the disabled.归纳:作 宾 语l 介词 + v-ing (v.);vt. + v-ing : 可带v-ing做宾语的vt.有“学英语,很容易;

13、坚持(insist/keep)练习(practise)不逃避(escape);建议(suggest)完成(finish)少延期(delay/put off);享受(enjoy)忍受(stand)不介意(mind);避免(avoid)否定(deny)与妒忌(envy);思考(consider)冒险(risk)想象(imagine)力;承认(admit)错过(miss)原谅(forgive)你。” 另有 appreciate, resist等。动词短语+ v-ing:词类动词短语有cant help, feel like, succeed in, be fond of, object to, in

14、sist on, set about, look forward to, devote oneself to, be worth, be busy, adapt to等l vt. + to do: 可带不定式做宾语的vt.有“要想干,同意办,成与不成,愿意愿意,决定尽量干”。 “想要/希望/要求”: want, wish, hope, expect, intend, demand “同意” : agree, promise, afford “成/不成”: fail, manage “意愿”: care, refuse “决定/企图”: choose, plan, decide, determi

15、ne, offer, try, attempt, pretendl vt. + v-ing vt. + to do , 此类vt.有begain, start, like, hate, prefer, continue; sth. need/require/want to be done = sth. need/require/want doingl vt. + v-ing vt. + to do 此类vt.有 stop , remember, forget, regret, try, mean, go on, cant help (可参考名师金典)6 I found the film int

16、eresting. I found the students interested in the film. I heard the song sung in English. I often hear her sing in English. (比较:She is often heard to sing in English.) I felt my heart beating violently. (比较:My heart was felt beating violently.) We can make water power produce electricity. (比较: Water

17、power can be made to produce electricity.) I expect them to win the game.归纳:作 补 语(宾语补足语 & 主语补足语)l v-ing 表被修饰的宾语(物)的性质(令人.的),表动作的主动或进行; v-ed表被修饰的宾语(人)的情感(感到.的),表动作的被动或完成; ask/beg, expect, get/ tell/order, want/wish, inspire/encourage, allow/permit, forbid, force + sb. + to do sth.使役动词&感官动词 +

18、sb. + do sth.(强调动作已完成) (变为被动句时,要还原成to do sth.)使役动词&感官动词 + sb. + doing sth.(强调动作在进行)一“感”feel;二“听”hear, listen to;三“让”make, let have;四“看”see, watch, observe, look at;还有一个要“注意”notice三. 总述:非谓语主语 谓语宾语定语状语表语补语同位语不定式 v-ing v-ed v-ing 可表被修饰的名词/代词(物)的性质(令人.的),表动作的主动或进行; v-ed 可表被修饰的名词(人)的情感(感到.的),表动作的被动或完

19、成; 不定式可表将来的动作。非谓语动词专题练习一用动词的适当形式填空:1. Im going to have my radio fixed (fix).2. The girl sitting (sit) under the tree is my cousin.3. Followed (follow) by some officials, Napoleon inspected his army.4. Helen had to shout to make herself heard (hear) above the sound of the music.5. Most of the artists

20、 invited (invite) to the party were from the UK.6. Given (give) more attention, the flowers could have grown better.7. The murder was brought in, with his hand tied (tie) behind his back.8. The manager stayed up deep into the night, preparing (prepare) his annual report.9. The problem is puzzling (p

21、uzzle), so many students feel puzzled (puzzle) and dont know how to solve (how, solve) it. 10. It is no use asking (ask) a stubborn man to change his mind.11. He feels it a duty to help (help) the disabled.12. She is the first woman to take (take) part in the Olympic Games.13. The TV set needs repai

22、ring/ to be repaired(repair).14. Its important for the figures to be updated (update) regularly.15. His first book to be published (publish) next month is based on a true story.16. It rained heavily in the south, causing (cause) serious flooding in several provinces.二句型转换(更多同类练习见名师金典):1. Walking in

23、the street, I saw him. = When/While/As (I was) walking in the street, I saw him.2. Working hard, you will succeed. = If/As long as/So long as you work hard, you will succeed. Work hard, and you will succeed.3. Though he had failed many times, he didnt lose heart. = Having failed many times (fail) ma

24、ny times, he didnt lose heart. = Although beaten/defeated (beat/defeat) by failure many times, he didnt lose heart.4. His rich parents died, leaving him much money. = His rich parents died and left him much money.5. Scolded by the teacher, the girl sat there feeling sorry.= As she was scolded by the

25、 teacher, the girl sat there and felt sorry.6. The teacher entered the classroom, and he was followed by a group of students.= The teacher entered the classroom, followed by a group of students.7. An old man, dressed like a beggar, entered the restaurant and sat down at the table.=An old man, who wa

26、s dressed like a beggar, entered the restaurant and sat down at the table.三翻译:1. 你能来看我,我很感激。 I appreciate your/you coming to see me.2. 你的无私帮助让我深受感动。Your helping me selflessly made me moved deeply.3. 没有得到另他满意的回复,他很沮丧。 Not having receive a satisfying reply( As he hadnt received a satisfying reply), he felt upset.四写作运用:下星期一将有外宾参观你们的学校, 你要代表学校向外宾用英语介绍中国的春节, 请根据以下内容写一篇发言稿。中国的农历新年, 也叫春节, 在农历1月1日庆祝, 世界各地的中


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