高中英语 Unit23Bulletin Board导学案 北师大版选修8_第1页
高中英语 Unit23Bulletin Board导学案 北师大版选修8_第2页
高中英语 Unit23Bulletin Board导学案 北师大版选修8_第3页




1、Unit23 Conflict Lesson 3 War MemoriesPeriod 2Language Points(使用范围:Unit23 conflict)Step1:Learning Aims(学习目标):1. To learn the words and phrases of the text.2. To understand and learn some sentences. Important and Difficult Points(重难点):To learn the words and phrases of the text.Step2:Revision(知识回顾)Lets

2、 review the words of last lesson together.Step3: Preview detection(检查预习) Check their books to ensure they have previewed the text.( page31)Step4: Self-study and Cooperation(自主学习与合作探究)Read the text quickly and translate the text into Chniese.2. Read and learn the following expressions.1).disappoint v

3、t. 令人失望,使人扫兴 disappointed adj. 失望的,失意的 disappointing adj. 令人失望的disappointment n. 失望;令人失望的物或人引申:be disappointed at sth 对某事物不满意be disappointed with sb/sth 对某人或某物不满意I was much disappointed at his absence.I am afraid youre very disappointed with me(my bike).to ones disappointment 令某人失望的是2).throw away 扔掉

4、,抛弃;浪费(金钱等);坐失(良机)You shouldnt throw away yesterdays newspaperTom didnt go to Amercia and threw away a chance to make a fortune.引申: throwthrew-thrown 3). expectation n.期望,盼望;前程 expect v.beyond expectation(s) 出乎意料地come up to sbs expectations 符合某人的期待in expectation 在期望中的,期望着The weather is

5、0;usually changeable, and sometimes beyondone's expectation.   天气经常是变化无常, 有时很是出乎预料. His new book did not come up to expectation.  他的新作没有达到预期水平。4).talk v. 谈话,讲话 talk about 谈论,议论 talk of 谈到某人或某事 talk over 商量,讨论 talk with 与交谈 talk to 对谈话 Please

6、 don't talk about it in front of the children. 请不要当著孩子们谈论那事。We may talk of beautiful things, but beauty itself is abstract.我们尽可谈论美的事物,然而美本身却是抽象的。He invited me to his home to talk over old times. 他邀我到他家里去聊聊过去的事。Don't talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话! 5).pe

7、rsistent adj. 坚持的,固执的 persist(in) vi. 坚持,持续 persistence n. 坚持,毅力He persisted in carrying on the experiment in spite of all kinds of setbacks.尽管遇到很多挫折,他仍坚持做实验。Step5:Showing and explaining(展示与点评)Have sevral students to explain the expressions in step4 and give them a hand if necessary. Step6

8、: Test(当堂检测) Fill in the blanks with the right forms of the given phrases:1.They_ _ with the result of the experiment. 他们对实验结果感到失望。2.You are a . 你令人感到失望。3.What news it is! 多令人扫兴的消息!4.He the old sofa. 他把旧沙发扔掉了。5.Dont this opportunity. 不要错过这个机会。6.The result was . 结果出乎我们意料。7.We must the arrangements wi

9、th them. 我们必须和他们详细商议这项具体安排。8. If you breaking the law you will go to prison. 如果你再继续违法的话,你会坐牢的。9. His great success cannot depart from his   effort.他取得这么大的成功和他坚持不懈的努力分不开。Step7: Summary(课堂小结)Ask one or more students to summarize what you have learned today.Rewarding.Step8: Homework(课后作业)Read the text fluently. 2. Master the words and phrases learned .1.were disappoi


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