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1、汇报人:XXXScientific Management1Brief Introduction2Four Principles of Scientific Management3Summary目录Brief IntroductionBrief Introduction1管理是一直存在的,在泰勒提出科学管理之前,美国社会中通常使用一种称之为“积极性加激励”的管理制度。Management of Initiative and IncentiveManagement of Initiative and IncentiveOriginal text:The management of “Initiat

2、ive and Incentive”, in which those on managements side deliberately give a very large incentive to their workmen, and in return the workmen respond by working to the very best of their ability at all times in the interest of their employers.Free translation: 这种制度中管理者的职责就是如何刺激着工人多快好省地完成任务,并且作为回报,工人可以

3、从雇主那里得到“升迁、提薪、改善工作环境”等特殊激励。Brief Introduction1科学管理制度则可以做到完全、充分调动工人的“积极性”。Advantages of Scientific ManagementAdvantages of Scientific ManagementOriginal text:The initiative of the workmenthat is, their hard work, their good will, their ingenuityis obtained practically with absolute regularity, while

4、under even the best of the older type of management this initiative is only obtained spasmodically(断续性地) and somewhat irregulary By far the greater gain under scientific management comes from the new, the very great, and the extraordinary burdens and duties which are voluntarily assumed by those on

5、the managements side.Free translation:老的管理方式特点是“任何成就都必须依赖于工人积极性的调动”,泰勒认为该方式的效果在现实运作中调动工人积极性的目标是不可能完全实现的,而科学管理制度则可以做到完全、充分调动工人的“积极性”,只是要求管理者和工人都需要承担各自的责任。Brief Introduction1泰勒将管理者的新责任可以归纳为四个方面,并将这四点称为“科学管理”的原则。Principles of Scientific ManagementPrinciples of Scientific ManagementOriginal text:These n

6、ew burdens and new duties are so unusual and so great that they are to the men used to managing under the old school almost inconceivable. Free translation:这些新的担当和责任是如此的艰巨并且非同寻常,对于那些习惯于运用守旧派管理体系的人们来说是不可想象的。Four Principles of Scientific ManagementFour Principles2以“科学”替代“经验”是四大原则之首。1 1、D Develop a sci

7、ence to replace the evelop a science to replace the oldold rule-of-thumb knowledge rule-of-thumb knowledgeOriginal text:The first of these four groups of duties taken over by the management is the deliberate gathering in on the part of those on the managements side of all of the great mass of tradit

8、ional knowledgeThe duty of gathering in all this great mass of traditional knowledge and then recording it, tabulating it(制表), and in many cases, finally reducing it to(归纳为) laws, rules, and even to mathematical formulae, is voluntarily assumed by the scientific managersThe first of these principles

9、, then, may be called the development of a science to replace the old rule-of-thumb knowledge(经验法则).Free translation:1、提出工人操作的每一动作的科学方法,以代替过去单凭经验从事的方法,他经过长期的系列实验和观察,拆解每个工人在每一个时间段内的每一个动作,开拓出对提高效率问题的动作研究和时间研究领域,提高效率用数据为例证而非工人们的主观判断。Four Principles2选择“第一流的工人”。Original text:It becomes the duty of those

10、on the managements side to deliberately study the character, the nature, and the performance of each workmanfinding out his limitationshis possibilities for development(more important)as deliberately and as systematically to train, help, and teach his workmanfinally enable him to do the highest and

11、most interesting and most profitable class of work for which his natural abilities fit him.Free translation:2、科学地挑选工人,并进行培训和教育,使之成长成才,而不是像过去那样由工人选择各自的工作。当然,泰勒认为要科学挑选工人也并不是要挑选一些特殊的人,而只是从非常普通的人群中挑选少数特别适合从事这类工作的人,问题的重点是要对工人进行科学选择并培训。2 2、Scientific Selection and Scientific Selection and Progressive Deve

12、lopment of Progressive Development of the Workmenthe WorkmenFour Principles2管理者与工人密切合作Original text:The third of the principlesis the bringing of the science and the scientifically selected and trained workmen togetherThis word “bringing” has rather forceful sound; and, in a way, when it is first he

13、ard it puts one out of touch with what we have come to look upon as the modern tendencySo that the word “bringing” applies much more forcefully to those on the managements side than to those on the workmans side.Free translation:3、管理者与工人密切合作,以确保所有工作都按照所指定的科学原则行事,争取做到让工人将其主管和指导老师看成是帮助他们挣更多工资的朋友,而非强迫他

14、们做苦工的工头和强迫他们超负荷劳动却只给一般工资的人,这有助于避免罢工。同时,合作的责任主要在于管理方。3 3、Bringing the Science and the Bringing the Science and the Workman TogetherWorkman TogetherFour Principles2劳资双方的平均分配Original text:The fourth of the principlesis perhaps the most difficult of all the four principlesIt consists of an almost equal

15、division of the actual workThe work which under the old type of management practically all was done by the workman, under the new is divided into two great divisions, and one of these divisions is deliberately handed over to those on the managements side.Free translation:4、管理者与工人的工作和职责几乎是均分的,归纳起来,“在

16、积极性加激励”的管理制度下,实际上全部的问题由“工人决定”,而在科学管理制度下,一半的问题由“管理者决定”,管理者需要预先制定任务计划并实施计划,管理者要告诉工人每项任务要做什么、如何做以及何时完成。4 4、Equal Division Between the Equal Division Between the Workmen and the Management Workmen and the Management Summary3SummaryOriginal text:Of course I do not wish to be understood that there are never any quarrels under scientific managementI think that scientific management can be justly and truthfully characterized as management i


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