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Terms of payment 国际贸易支付方式_第5页
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1、Terms of PaymentDraftWordlist:Bill of exchange/draft 汇票(B/E)drawer 出票人drawee/payer 受票人/付款人Issue出票Presentment/Presentation提示Acceptance承兑Payment付款Endorsement背书Dishonor and recourse拒付和追索Procedure:1)出票(issue)。 出票人在汇票上填写付款人、付款金额、付款日期和地点以及受款人等项目,签字后交付给收款人的行为2)提示(presentation)。提示是持票人将汇票提交付款人要求付款人承兑或付款的行为,是

2、持票人要求取得票据权利的必要程序。either the delivery of documents under a credit to the issuing bank or nominated bank or the documents so delivered交单 指向开证行或指定银行提交信用证项下单据的行为,或指按此方式提交的单据。3)承兑(acceptance)。指付款人在持票人向其提示远期汇票时,在汇票上签名,承诺在汇票到期时付款的行为。具体做法是付款人在汇票正面写明“承兑(accepted)”字样,注明承兑日期,签章后交还持票人。付款人一旦对汇票作承兑,即成为承兑人,以债

3、务人的地位承担汇票到期时付款的法律责任。 4)付款(payment)。付款人在汇票到期日,向提示汇票的合法持票人按汇票上的金额付全款。持票人将汇票注销后交给付款人作为收款证明。汇票所代表的债务债权关系即告终止。 5)背书(endorsement)。票据包括汇票是可流通转让的证券。根据我国票据法规定,除非出票人在汇票上记载“不得转让”外,汇票的收款人拥有以记名背书的方式转让汇票权利。即在汇票背面签上自己的名字,并加注被背书人的名称,然后把汇票交给被背书人即受让人,受让人成为持票人,是票据的债权人。 6)拒付和追索(dishonor & recourse)。持票人向付款提示,付款人拒绝付款

4、或拒绝承兑,均称拒付。另外,付款人拒不见票死、亡或宣告破产,以致持票人无法实现提示,也称拒付。 Types:1)According to date:Sight Bill or Demand Draft or Draft at sight (即期汇票)Time Bill or Usance Bill or Draft after sight (远期汇票)2)According to drawerBankers Draft/Bill(银行汇票)Trade Draft/Bill(商业汇票)3)According to attaching shipping document or notDocumen

5、tary Bill(跟单汇票): accompanied by shipping documents.Clean Bill(光票): without4)According to different acceptor(承兑人)Traders Acceptance Bill(商业承兑汇票): drawn on and accepted by a traderBankers Acceptance Bill(银行承兑汇票): drawn on and accepted by a bankerPromissory Note一、定义出票人本人签发给受款人的、保证在见票时或在指定的或可确定的将来某一时间无条

6、件支付一定金额的书面承诺。二、种类1、现金支票 - 支票上印有“现金”字样,只能用于支取现金;2、转帐支票 - 支票上印有“转账”字样,只能用于转账;3、普通支票 - 支票上未印有“现金”或“转账”宇样,可以用于支取现金,也可以用于转账。在普通支票左上角划两条平行线的,为划线支票,划线支票只能用于转账,不能用于支取现金。CheckProcedure:Def:支票的出票人预留银行签章是银行审核支票付款的依据。银行也可以与出票人约定使用支付密码,作为银行审核支付支票金额的条件。Types:记名支票(CHEQUE PAYABLE TO ORDER),是在支票受款人一栏,写明受款人姓名,如“支付 XX

7、X 或指定人”(PAY XXX OR ORDER),取款时须由受款人签章,方可支取。 不记名支票(CHEQUE PAYABLE TO BEARER),又称空白支票。支票上不记载受款人姓名,只写“付来人”(PAY BEARER)。取款时持票人无须在支票背后签章,即可支取。 划线支票(CROSSED CHEQUE),是在支票正面划两道平行线的支票。划线支票与一般支票不同。 一般支票可委托银行收款入账,也可由持票人自行提取现款。而划线支票只能委托银行代收票款入账。使用划线支票的目的是为了在支票遗失,被人冒领时,还可能通过银行代收的线索追回票款。 Modes of Intl PaymentRemitt

8、anceDef:指不同国家(地区)间一方向另一方转移资金, 也就是说,某一银行(汇出行)应其客户的要求,将一定货币金额转移至其海外分行或代理行,指示其付款给某一指定收款人。Wordlist:remitting bank 汇出行the remitter 汇款方Mail Transfer, M/T 信汇payment order付款委托书Bills for Collection 托收票据Telegraphic Transfer, T/T 电汇Demand Draft, D/D 票汇Procedure:Types:1)Mail Transfer, M/T 信汇汇出行根据进口商的指示,以银行信件邮寄指

9、示出口商所在地的汇入行,委托其向出口商或其指定人付款的汇款方式。(Cheap but slow, seldom used)2)Telegraphic Transfer, T/T 电汇汇出行根据进口商的指示,以电报/电传/SWIFT等电讯方式指示出口商所在地的汇入行,委托其向出口商或其指定人付款的汇款方式。(Fast and safe for exporter to get the money; The most commonly used type of remittance)3)Demand Draft, D/D 票汇进口商在本地银行购买银行汇票直接寄给出口商,出口商凭以向汇票上指定的银行收

10、取款项的汇款方式。(Flexible to draw money; Convenient for the exporter)CollectionDef:托收(Collection) 是指债权人(出口人)出具债权凭证(汇票等)委托银行向债务人(进口人)收取货款的一种支付方式。采用托收方式应注意的问题:1)严格审查客户资信2)贸易术语应争取使用CIF或CIP 以避免货物在途中发生损失,买方不接受单据和货物。采用CIF或CIP,卖方尚可向保险公司索赔。如争取不到上述术语,卖方可投保卖方利益险,以弥补以上损失。Wordlist:The Drawer/Principal 委托人/出口方The Drawe

11、e付款人/进口方The Remitting Bank托收行/出口地银行The Collecting Bank代收行/进口地银行Clean Collection 光票托收Documentary Collection 跟单托收documents against payment (D/P)付款交单documents against acceptance (D/A)承兑交单Against: 表示交换关系以.抵付; 凭.换取Financial documents金融单据(指汇票、本票、支票或者其它用于取得付款的类似凭证)Commercial documents 商业单据(指发票、运输单据、物权凭证或其它

12、类似单据,或除金融单据以外的任何其它单据)Types:1)Clean Collection 光票托收It means collection of financial documents not accompanied by commercial documents. 指不附带商业单据的金融单据的托收。Mainly used for small amount transaction, advance payment(预付款), installment payment(分期付款), commission and costs of samples etc.2)Documentary Collecti

13、on 跟单托收It means collection of financial documents accompanied by commercial documents;指附带商业单据的金融单据的托收;(a) Documents Against Payment, D/P付款交单The collecting bank may release the documents only against immediate payment. It can be classified into D/P At Sight and D/P After Sight. 出口商的交单是以进口商的付款为条件。指出口商

14、将汇票连同商业单据委托银行代收款项时,指示银行只有在进口商付清款项后才能将商业单据交给进口商。又可分为即期和远期付款交单。*Documents against Payment (D/P) 付款交单 D/P at sight Upon presentation, the Buyer shall pay against documentary draft drawn by the Seller at sight. The shipping documents are to be delivered against payment only. D/P after sight The Buyer sh

15、all duly accept the documentary draft drawn by the Seller at××days sight upon first presentation and make payment on its maturity.(b) Documents Against Acceptance, D/A承兑交单The collecting bank may release the documents against the buyers acceptance of a draft (for instance, drawn payable 608

16、0 days after sight or due on a definite date). After acceptance, the buyer(importer) gains possession of the goods before the payment is made. The buyer will make payment when the time draft is mature. 出口商的交单是以进口商在汇票上承兑为条件。指出口商按照合同规定装货后,开具远期汇票连同商业单据交当地托收行(寄单行),指示并委托其在进口地的与其有和约关系的代收行(提示行)向进口商做出提示,进口商

17、承兑远期汇票,便可领取商业单据、提取货物,待远期汇票到期时再付清货款。Letter of CreditDef:A L/C is a conditional written undertaking given by bank on the request of an importer to pay at sight or at determinable future date a certain amount of money to the exporter against stipulated documents, provided that the terms and conditions

18、of the credit are complied with.信用证之所以复杂,其原因是因为信用证涉及的法律上主体较一般的合同要多得多。一张信用证至少涉及三个主体:开证申请人、开证行、受益人*L/C belongs to bankers credit while collection belongs to commercial credit. 信用证属于银行信用,而托收属于商业信用。*Based on the sales contract, but once opened, L/C is independent from the sales contract. 一经开出,信用证就成为独立于买

19、卖合同之外的另一种契约,不受买卖合同的约束。*In L/C business, banks are only bound by the credit, and make payment against documents which are fully in conformity with the credit. 信用证交易中,银行受信用证条款约束,仅凭与信用证规定相符单据付款。*就性质而言,信用证与可能作为其依据的销售合同或其它合同,是相互独立的交易。即使信用证中提及该合同,银行亦与该合同完全无关,且不受其约束。 Wordlist:Negotiating bank 议付行(是根据开证行在议付

20、信用证中的授权,买进受益人提交的汇票和单据的银行)Paying bank 付款行(是信用证上被开证行指明须履行付款责任的银行,一般为开证行本身或开证行的代理行)Reimbursing bank偿付行(是受开证行指示或由开证行授权,对信用证的付款行,承兑行、保兑行或议付行进行付款的银行)Confirming bank保兑行(是应开证行或信用证受益人的请求, 在开证行的付款保证之外对信用证进行保证付款的银行)Applicant/opener: always the importer; Beneficiary: always the exporter;Opening/issuing bank: th

21、e one which issues a letter of credit at the request of an applicant to the beneficiary; Advising/notifying bank: the corresponding bank of the issuing bank or its head office or subsidiary located in the exporters countryDocumentary Credit & Clean Credit 跟单信用证和光票信用证Sight L/C & Time L/C 即期信用

22、证和远期信用证Irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证Confirmed L/C & Unconfirmed L/C 保兑信用证和不保兑信用证Basic steps of L/C:1)Issuance:describes the process of the buyers applying for and opening a documentary credit at the issuing bank and the opening banks formal notification of the seller through the advising bank.2)Examin

23、e and amendment: After receiving the buyers L/C, the seller should examine and verify it in contrast with the contract. The content of L/C must be consistent with the contract. If there is any discrepancy, amendments are necessary. To amend the L/C, both parties and the issuing bank must agree. The

24、beneficiary must give notification of acceptance or rejection of the amendment to the advising bank.3)Utilization: describes the procedure for the sellers shipping of the goods, the transfer of documents from the seller to the buyer through the banks, and the transfer of payment from the buyer to th

25、e seller through the banks.Types of L/C1)Documentary Credit & Clean Credit 跟单信用证和光票信用证Clean Credit:光票信用证是开证行仅凭不随附单据的汇票付款的信用证。Documentary Credit:跟单信用证指凭汇票连同规定货运单据或仅凭规定的货运单据付款的信用证。*“单”: 指代表货物所有权或证明货物已装运的货运单据, 比如运输单据、商业发票、商检证书、海关发票、产地证、装箱单等。2)Sight L/C & Time L/C 即期信用证和远期信用证Sight L/C : 开证行或付款行见

26、受益人提交的符合信用证条款的单据和即期汇票(有时可不附即期汇票)即付货款的信用证。Time L/C: 开证行或其指定的付款行收到受益人开来的远期汇票或单据以后, 并不立即付款,而是先行承兑,等汇票到期日再行付款的信用证。3)Irrevocable L/C 不可撤销信用证4)Confirmed L/C & Unconfirmed L/C 保兑信用证和不保兑信用证Confirmed L/C : 开证行在出口商的要求之下,开立信用证之后,要求另一家出口地银行, 对该信用证进行保兑,即承诺如果开证行不能付款的情况下对信用证进行支付。5) Acceptance L/C承兑信用证6) Negotiation L/C 议付信用证7)Transferable L/C and Non-transferable L/C可转让信用证和不可转让信用证 8) Revolving L/C 循环信用证9) Reciprocal L/C 对开信用证10) Back to Back


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