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1、Fiber Glass MeltingIntroductory Training玻璃纤维熔化介绍培训OWENSCORNINGn Electric Boosting n 电助熔Goeff Kaercher, Paul Sanik,&Jim Macphee60Composites Electric Boost Training 复合电助熔培训n Electricity n 电n Glass Melting with Electricityn 用电熔化玻璃n Electrodesn 电极n Power Systemsn 电力系统n Operation & Safetyn 操作与安全n

2、 Preventative Maintenancen 预防性的维护n Electric Boost Monitoring n 电助熔监测n Submerged Throat Firingn 沉降式流液洞加热Electricity 电 Ohms Law 欧姆定律 V=I *R V RI+- Resistance = voltage/current电阻电压电流 1Ohm = 1 volt/1 amp欧姆伏特安培Power 功率 P = V*I = I2 * R 1 watt= 1 volt * 1 amp瓦特伏特安培Electricity 电 n Paralleln 并联2 ohm2 ohm 2

3、ohm Total R = 1/2 +1/2 =1ohm总电阻1/2 +1/2ohmCurrent flows in the path of least resistance电流所需最小电阻Electricity 电 Power Triangle功率的三角关系Complex or Apparent Power (KVA)显示功率(千伏安)Reactive Power KVAR反应功率无功千伏安Real power (KW)实际功率(千瓦) Power Factory = cos = KW/KVA功率因数cos = KW/KVAElectricity电n Direct Current (DC)

4、- Uniform voltage with time n 直流电(DC)随时间变化电压不变-Battery电池n Alternating Current (AC) Alternating voltage with timen 交流电(AC)电压随时间变化NS Simple AC Generator简单的交流发电机-V+VvoltageAC Waveform交流电波形V sin wttimeElectricity电n Circuit Elements电路元件-Resistor (ohms)电阻器 (欧姆) Current & voltage in phase同向电流和电压Capacit

5、or (Farads ) 电容器(法拉)-Inductor (Henrys) 感应器(亨利)Current lags voltage电流滞后于电压n Series n 连续性 2 ohm 2ohm Total R = 4 ohm总电阻欧姆Electricity电 Comparison to Mechanical Systems与机械系统的比较 Electrical Mechanical Hydraulic电的机械的水利的 Charge Position Volume (COULOMB)负荷(库仑)位置容量 Current Velocity Flow (Ampere)电流(安培)速率流量 Pot

6、ential Difference Force Pressure (Volt)位差(伏特)应力压力 Resistance Friction Pipe Friction电阻摩擦力管道阻力Glass Melting with Electricity用电熔化玻璃 Glass Raw Material Composition玻璃原料成分Wool Glass E Glass Advantex矿物棉玻璃玻璃Advantex玻璃Silica 60% Silica 32% Silica 38%硅石60%硅石32%硅石38%Limestone 4% Limestone 25% Limestone 23%石灰石4

7、%石灰石25%石灰石23%Soda Ash 15% Soda Ash 1% Burnt Dobmite 6%纯碱15%纯碱1%烧结白云石6%Borax 13% Clay 28% Clay 31%硼砂13%粘土28%粘土31%Dolomite 7% Colemanite 13% 白云石7% 硬硼酸钙石13%Sod.Nitrate 1% Fluorspar 1%硝酸盐1%氟石1% Glass Melting with Electricity用电熔化玻璃Relationship Between Glass Oxides and Resistivity玻璃氧化物与电阻系数的关系Glass oxide

8、Resistivity玻璃氧化物电阻系数CaO Highest最高TiO2B2O3,FeO,MgO Higher (equally high)较高(平等的高)SiO2Al2O3K2O Low低Na2O Lowest最低Glass Melting with Electricity用电熔化玻璃几个典型玻璃的电阻系数电阻系数 温度Glass Melting with Electricity用电熔化玻璃 典型的底部成对电极插入Glass Melting with Electricity用电熔化玻璃 RESISTIVITY COMPARISON GLASS AND REFRACTORY 电阻系数比较玻璃

9、和难熔物Glass Melting with Electricity用电熔化玻璃Resistance电阻 R=*(I/A) I= length of conductorI=导体长度 A= cross-sectional area of conductorA=导体的截面积Zone resistance R=(/*)*(In(x/d)区域电阻= glass resistivity for given temperature=给定温度下的玻璃电阻系数= insertion length of electrode=电极插入长度x= spacing between electrodesx=电极间距d=e

10、lectrode diameterd=电极直径Glass Melting with Electricity用电熔化玻璃Zone Resistance Comparisons区域电阻比较n Zone Resistance is inversely proportional to electrodes insertionn 区域电阻与电极插入成反比 R2/R1= 1/2n Zone Resistance is proportional to cube root of electrode spacingn 区域电阻与电极间距的立方成正比 R2/R1=x2.33/x1.33n Required vol

11、tage is related to both electrode insertion an spacingn 所需电压与电极插入和电极间距成正比 V2=(2/1)*( x1.33/x2.33)*V1Glass Melting with Electricity用电熔化玻璃n Current Densityn 电流密度-5 amps/sq. inch exposed electrode in E glass暴露在玻璃中电极的电流密度为安培平方英寸-10 amps/sq. inch exposed electrode in wool glass暴露在矿物棉玻璃中电极的电流密度为安培平方英寸n Ex

12、posed electrode =* diameter * insertion lengthn 暴露电极*直径*插入长度n Allowable current flow per pair 3 dia. Electrodesn 每对英寸直径电极可允许的电流Glass Melting with Electricity用电熔化玻璃Electrode insertion Max. Electrode Current电极插入长度最大电极电流 16 750 amps 24 1125 amps 32 1500 amps 37 1750 amps 44 2075 ampsn Power Dissipation

13、 near Electrodesn 电极周围的功率消耗- 85% of energy released with 3 diameters of electrode电极直径85%的能量释放- vertical temperature gradient also impacts power dissipation垂直温度梯度也会影响功率消耗Electrodes电极n Molybdenum used for 2600 deg. C melting pointn 钼合金应用在2600的熔化点n Oxidizes rapidly above 600 deg. Cn 在600以上氧化反应迅速n Densi

14、ty of molybdenum is 637 Ibs/cu.ft.n 钼的密度是637磅立方英尺Electrode Dia. Weight per Inch Cost per Inch电极直径每英寸重量每英寸价值 2 1.16 Ibs $21 3 2.48 Ibs $ 45 4 4.41 Ibs $80Electrodes电极 Commercial Molybdenum Issues钼的商业问题n Teledyne Wah Change went out of business April 2000n 在2000年月Teledyne Wah Change不再从事该业务n Plansee (o

15、f Austria) preferred supplier based on lab testsn 奥地利Plansee首选基于试验测试的供应商Herman Walser in Reutte 43(5672)600-2834H. Nicastro (Schwarzkopf) 508.553.3800CSM Industries (Coldwater, Michigan) cannot meet OC grain size specification for 3 diameter electrodesCSM行业(Coldwater,密歇根州)不能达到OC对3英寸直径电极的颗粒尺寸要求Electr

16、odes电极重量损失EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON OXIDATION OF UNALLOYED MOLYBDENUM非钼合金氧化物对温度的反应2*1*0.055 inch samples exposed to moving air for 30 minutes at temperature.2*1*0.055英寸的样品在室温下暴露在流动的空气中分钟Electrodes电极n One piece block cooler/purge can designn 一个整体的冷却器净化可被设计- All stainless steel construction 全部不锈钢结构- Te

17、flon coated graphite fiber packing gaskets包上一层碳纤维衬垫的聚四氟乙烯- Reduced sleeve length 减小套管的长度- 4 diameter electrode block英寸直径电极块- Low melting glass降低熔化玻璃Electrodes电极n Purge Gasn 净化器- Liquid nitrogen supply system液氮供应系统- Maintain low pressure at purge gas panel维持净化器低压- Sonic leak detection on piping 管道上的音

18、速泄漏检测- Non-conductive hose replace when brittle绝缘胶管脆化后更换- Maintain 1 w.c. back pressure保持英寸的回水压力- Check valve for compressed air backup to bubblers检查支持鼓泡器的压缩空气阀门Electrodes电极n Electrode installation proceduresn 电极安装步骤- Required equipment所需要的设备- Initial installation at startup 在启动时的初始安装- Extending exi

19、sting electrodes扩充现有的电极Electrodes 电极Electrodes 电极Electrodes 电极Electrodes 电极Electrodes 电极Electrodes 电极Power Systems电力系统n Primary power supplyn 主电源- High voltage feed with large electric boost systems为电助熔系统提供的高压- Emergency stop system for emergencies为紧急事件的紧急停止系统- Electric lockout procedure for routine

20、 outages为日常损耗的电力停止程序- Look away to operate HV disconnect switches 把脸转过去来操作高压闭合开关- Visually check for open switches目检断开的开关Power Systems电力系统n Transformersn 变压器-Coupling between electric and magnetic circuits电磁回路的联结- Voltage and current relationship电压和电流的关系- Nameplate rating标示牌等级- Operating temperature

21、 affects life运行温度影响寿命-Dry type versus water-cooled空气冷却与水冷却对比- Check cooling fan operation检查冷却鼓风机的运行- Check transformer vault HVAC检查变压器间的高压交流电-Cooling air to assist convective heat rise冷却风来帮助对流热上升Power Systems电力系统n Power Regulatorsn 功率调节器- SCR Silicon controlled rectifierSCR可控硅整流器- SPS Series paralle

22、l switchSPS串并联转变- Three phase controller三相控制器- Auto-tap controller自动点控制器- Phase angle versus burst firing 相角与点燃烧相对- DC elimination直流电排除- Current/power/voltage control mode电流功率电压控制方式- Secondary disconnect to prevent voltage backfeed此联接断开以防止电压后退Power Systems电力系统 TRANSFORMER ACTION 变压器原理Power Systems电力

23、系统n Varivoltn 变化电压- Continuously varying auto-transformer不间断变化的自耦变压器- Controls total power控制总功率-Sliding contact- minimize operations滑动触点最小化操作- Oil-filled油的注入Operation & Safety运行与安全n Molten glass is electrical conductorn 熔融玻璃是电导体n Isolate all metallic items in contact with glassn 隔离与玻璃液接触的所有金属物质-

24、Electrodes电极- Thermocouples 热电偶- Bubblers 鼓泡器- Water Jackets水套n Thermocouple signal is isolated from control systemn 热电偶被从控制系统中隔离n Clay flux isolates glass contact refractoriesn 粘土剂隔离与玻璃接触的耐火材料Operation & Safety运行与安全n Ground electrode shields voltage from formingn 接地电极屏蔽来自成形的电压n Ground current f

25、low indicates isolation breakdownn 接地电流显示隔离击穿n Electrode voltage-to-groundn 电极的接地电压- Signals glass temperature difference用信号通知玻璃液温差- Zero volts = accidental ground电压偶然接地- High volts = damaged electrode高电压被损坏的电极- Balanced volts = normal operation平稳电压正常运行Operation & Safety运行与安全n Restrict access ar

26、ound operating electrodesn 严格限制靠近运行着的电极n Two people on jack platform when power is onn 当送上电时两个人在插座平台n Dry cotton gloves and long sleeve shirtsn 干的棉手套和长袖衬衣n Use insulating tools and ladders- FRP/woodn 使用绝缘工具和梯子玻璃纤维增强塑料木头n Use emergency stop system for abnormal conditionsn 异常状况下使用紧急停止系统Preventative Ma

27、intenance预防维护n Use true RMS meter with SCRsn 使用正确的含可控硅整流器的RMS仪表n Monthly cable readingsn 每月的电缆检查n Open both primary and secondary disconnect switchesn 打开一级和二级分离开关n Maintain cooling water systemsn 维持冷却水系统n Check transformer cooling fans and winding temperaturesn 检查变压器冷却风机和线圈温度n Change transformer air

28、 filters monthlyn 每月更换变压器空气过滤器n Proper housekeeping on jack platformn 对插座平台的正确管理n Proper housekeeping in transformer vaultn 对变压器间的正确管理Electric Boost Monitoring电助熔检测Electrode Resistance Monitoring (ERM)电极电阻检测(ERM)n Current transformer for each electroden 当前的每个电极的变压器n Electrode voltage between firing

29、pairn 两电极之间的极间电压n Signals multiplexed through Omnimacn 多元化的信号n Electrode alarm limits set in subhostn 在主机中设置的电极报警极限n Design based upon 1980s wool systemn 基于年代的矿物棉系统设计Electric Boost Monitoring电助熔检测Electric Boost Monitoring (EBM)电助熔检测n Current transformer for each electroden 当前的每个电极的变压器n Voltage to gr

30、ound signal for each electroden 每个电极的接地电压信号n Resistance calculations and alarm limits in PLCn 在可控硅整流器中的电阻计算和报警极限n Design based upon 1995 PLC templaten 基于1995年PLC模板的的设计n Compensates for glass temperature changesn 玻璃液温度变化的补偿n Monitors electrode block temperaturesn 监控电极块温度Electric Boost Monitoring电助熔检测

31、n High resistance alarm broken electroden 高电阻报警已损坏的电极n Voltage to ground increases to maintain current flown 接地电压升高以维持电流n Current released at the end of stubn 末端的电流释放n Electrode block temperature increasesn 电极块温度升高n Molybdenum oxidation most likely cause of breakage in electrode blockn 钼的氧化最可能导致电极块的

32、断裂Electric Boost Monitoring电助熔检测n Low resistance alarm zircon meltdownn 低电阻报警锆石熔化n Always occurs near melter hot spot (i.e., front row)n 总是发生在窑炉的热点(例如:第一排)n T06 > 2650 deg F begins zircon dissociationn T06 > 2650华氏度锆开始分裂n Zirconia 100x better conductor than zirconn 氧化锆100x传导性比锆好n Portion of cu

33、rrent flows through refractory, not glassn 部分电流通过耐火材料,不通过玻璃n More zirconia takes more current n 越多的氧化锆占据越多的电流n Molten zirconia eventually leaks, followed by glassn 熔融的氧化锆会随玻璃液一起泄漏n Zircon meltdown can follow broken electrode high resistance alarmn 锆石熔化,随之电极损坏,最终导致高电阻报警Electric Boost Monitoring电助熔检测

34、ELECTRICAL RESISTIVITY OF ZIRCON REFRACTORIES 锆石耐火材料的电阻系数WORKING WITH THE ANALYTICAL LABORATORY与分析实验室一起工作Who to call找谁Area范围 Phone电话Email电邮Jim Davis, LeaderAll areas所有范围740-321-7617Davis, James A.John GreenTrace elements, contaminants微量元素、污染物740-321-8025Green, JohnHarry Glasses and raw materials, gl

35、ass audits玻璃与原料,玻璃核查740-321-7521Robinson, HarryKen Walczakraw materials, Supplier Lab certification原料,供应商实验室证明740-321-8049Walczak, Ken Guidelines for Sampling, Labeling, Packing, Shipping 样品、标签、包装、运输指南v Sampling v 样品Ø If sample is not homogeneous specify areas of sample to analyze, i.e. colored

36、 zones, coarse or fine particles, glass or crystalline material, etc.Ø 如果样品不一致,制定样品范围做分析,例如,颜色范围、粗糙或细小的颗粒,玻璃或晶体原料等等Ø Suggested sample weight: Glass & raw materials,-500gØ 建议样品重量:玻璃或原料,500gv Labeling v 标签Ø Identify the sample with DATE (time if important)Ø 用日期鉴别样品n Glasse

37、sn 玻璃l Plant and furnace, Glass type, Batch Number, Production Datel 工厂和窑炉,玻璃类型,批号,生产日期l Sampling location (e.g. Forehearth, bushing#,) and name of samplerl 取样点(例如,通路,漏板)和取样人n Raw Materialsn 原料l Use Chemical name or mineral name (e.g. silicon dioxide or quartz, calcium carbonate or limestone, etc; d

38、o not write dirt, soil, dust, )l 使用化学名称或矿物名称(例如,二氧化硅或石英,碳酸钙或石灰石等等,不要写成污物、泥土、灰尘)l Sampling location (e.g. Bin#,railcar,bag#,truck#,)l 取样点(例如,料仓号,料袋号,货车号)v Packaging v 包装Ø Use a clean, dry containerØ 使用一个干净、干燥的集装箱n Thick walled plastic bag ( double bag if sharp fragments present)n 厚的塑料袋(如果有锋

39、利的碎片存在使用双层塑料袋)n HDPE screw-top containern HDPE螺旋盖集装箱n IMPORTANT: Use GLASS jar or vial if organic carbon is importantn 最重要的:如果有机碳是很重要的就使用玻璃罐或玻璃瓶Ø Secure samples with protective packing (e.g. bubble wrap, peanuts, etc.)Ø 使用保护性包装的安全样品Ø Ship in a rugged containerØ 在有皱纹的集装箱中运输v Shipp

40、ing v 运输Ø Include a name on the package addressØ 在包装地址上包含一个名字n Glass: Bob Schafer Bldg. 21n 玻璃:Bob Schafer Bldg. 21n Raw Materials: Jerry Wright Bldg.22n 原料:Jerry Wright Bldg.22Ø Let the contact person know it is coming, the date shipped, and airbill#Ø 让联系人知道货已发出,发货时间,和空运账单Ø

41、 Ship to:Ø 把货发到: Attention: (B. Schafer, J. Wright, or other Granville contact)注意:(与B. Schafer, J. Wright或其他人联系) Owens Corning Science and Technology CenterOwens Corning科技中心 2790 Columbus Road, Route 162790 Columbus路,线 Granville, OH 43023Fiber Glass MeltingIntroductory Training玻璃纤维熔化介绍培训OWENSCO

42、RNINGn Viscosity, Liquidus Analysesn 黏度、液态分析Bob SchaferFiber Glass MeltingIntroductory Training玻璃纤维熔化介绍培训OWENSCORNINGn Advantex Conversions n Advantex 转变 Jim Hill, Pascal LecrenierFiber Glass MeltingIntroductory Training玻璃纤维熔化介绍培训OWENSCORNINGn Energy Analyses, Measures & Controlsn 能量分析,测量与控制Jim

43、HillSubmerged Throat Firing 沉降式流液洞加热Electric zones compensate for lack of glass flow缺少玻璃液流的电助熔区域补偿n During initial startup and batch filln 最初启动和加料阶段n After power outagesn 电能储备损失之后n During low production conditionsn 在低产能阶段Submerged Throat Firing 沉降式流液洞加热Refractory submerged throat yields high resista

44、nces沉降式流液洞的耐火材料产生较大的阻力n Cover block is below melter floor elevationn 盖砖低于窑炉池底砖n Radiation is shadowed under cover blocksn 在盖砖之下辐射热被遮盖n Backflow of cooler glass from main channeln 来自于主通路的玻璃液回流n Short electrode insertionn 电极插入短n Large volume of surface area for heat lossesn 较大的表面积使热量损失Submerged Throat

45、 Firing 沉降式流液洞加热n High glass resistance requires high voltagen 高的玻璃液电阻需要高的电压n Adjust manual secondary switch with unit deenergizedn 用降压单位调节手动二级开关- 960 volt series connection for cold glass为冷却玻璃液的960伏特串联接法- 480 volt parallel connection for normal temperature为正常温度的480伏特并联接法n Check throat thermocouple

46、and electrode isolationn 检查流液洞热电偶和电极隔离n Replace FRP angles supporting thermocouplesn 取代玻璃纤维增强塑料来支撑热电偶Submerged Throat Firing 沉降式流液洞加热n Typical 11 electrode layout for throat/well-upn 为流液洞而涌现的典型的11电极设计n Recable 3 firing zones in throat junction boxn 在流液洞接线盒重新排布个加热区域n Minimize use of well-up electrodes in chromen 减少铬电极的用量n Test fire throat firing zones once per monthn 每月检测流液洞加热区的加热情况n Backup generator for throat unitsn 为流液洞的后备发电机Fiber Glass MeltingIntroductory Training玻璃纤维熔化介绍培训OWENSCORNINGn Furnace start-up n 窑炉启动 Jim Hayward Furnace Startup Assistance窑炉启动帮助l Determine custome


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