



1、供应链管理SCM集中采购与分散采购采购可以是集中式的Centralized也可以是分散式的Decentralized。集中采购Centralized Purchasing是指所有采购任务由“一个专门部门”负责,而分散采购Decentralized Purchasing则指各部门或各独立单元“自行满足”其采购需求。有些组织同时运用以上两种方法进行采购管理,允许独立单元自行购买某些细项,同时又集中采购另处一些细项。如,少量订货与紧急订货可以由本部门就地on the spot处理,而大量、高价值物品则采用集中采购,既可利用数量折扣又可以获得更好的服务。集中采购(1) 集中采购的优点集中采购的优点是可

2、能获得数量折扣、价格折让和更好的服务等。 数量折扣和价格折扣把所有订单集中起来,利用大量订货取得的数量折扣,集中采购可以得到比分散采购更低的价格。 服务集中采购可以获得更好的服务,引起供应商更大的注意力。 效率集中采购一般都能促使公司把专项任务分配给特定的专家,使他们关注于较少的事务,而高效率地工作。(2) 集中采购的缺点分散采购分散采购的优点则是可了解不同地区的需求,更好的回应它们。另外较快捷。在各单元极度分散的情况下,分散采购能够通过就地购买节约运输成本,为创造社区信誉reputation增加吸引力。全球采购Global sourcing全球化供应链至少要考虑以下因素:(1) 距离(2)

3、交货时间(3) 语言与文化差异(4) 货币差异与币值波动(5) 额外的运输模式The term Global Sourcing applies to buying components and inputs anywhere in the world. It means that the manufacturer, rather than relying solely 5sEu(l)li独自地, 单独地on its local suppliers, casts out a much wider net in search of 寻找sources. The Internet has facil

4、itated global sourcing since vendors located nearly anywhere can have catalog-like product displays on the Web.Global sourcing development modelA global sourcing development model 全球采购发展模式would include the following components kEm5pEunEnt部分: (1) Planning(2) Specification(3) Evaluation(4) relationshi

5、p management(5) transportation and holding costs(6) implementation(7) monitoring and improving.Questions that must be answeredQuestions that must be answered include the following:(1) Does our firm have the expertise to manage global sourcing in-house, or should its managers consider the use of a tr

6、ading company partner?(2) How important is the certainty of materials supply? How stable, politically, are the countries from which we might be importing? How good is their infrastructure?(3) How will we manage the lengthened and sometimes more variable lead times that global sourcing implies?(4) Wi

7、ll there be problems in specifying what we want?(5) What about fluctuating currencies? Can barter be used?(6) What terms of sale should be used?(7) How does this choice impact upon landed cost?(8) Can our lengthened supply chain be designed and managed so that the bullwhip effect, caused by each par

8、tys multiplying the dimensions of some alteration, is not a problem?Import quotasImport quotas are absolute numeric limits on the items imported from specific countries within a specific time frame进口限额是特定时期从特定国家进口货物的绝对数量限制。Some firms adopted the 60 Minutes sourcing rule 60条采购备忘录, that is, they avoided sourcing where the source mi


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