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2、化的方法被采用,结果表明Int1物流公司的经理层理解联合全球物流网络和网络营销的重要性和益处。关键词:B2B营销,全球化,物流网络,商务发展承诺某些人对我的论文给予了帮助并且使得我对这一课题的研究成为可能。首先我想感谢我的指导老师Peter Naude教授,他对研究满腹热情以及一体性的观念带给我极大地影响,同时我要感谢Aghdasi教授,他的善意的支持,点评和在召集毕业班的学生有趣的方法,让大家各抒己见,这对论文非常有帮助。此外,我还想感谢David Yukom和Mark Marouwitz,他们分别是WCA的主席和副主席,感谢他们的评论和对基于不同国家物流公司经理数据收集的支持。最后我还想谢

3、谢我的妻子Salome,谢谢她在整个MSC课程期间对我的耐心,对我的支持和鼓励以及我的孩子Lillian 和Arman,谢谢他们无条件的爱,我很高兴他们的等待最终得到了回报。Luleå 科技大学Tarbiat Modares 大学Faramarz Ghorbani2007.04第一章导言全球物流体系网络营销的问题已经被工业专家关注了好几年了。有些人研究它并讨论它的重要性,然而另一些人则没有将其视为严谨的方案和工具(这些实际上不够重要不足予以关注)。这两个观点都是有效的,但是近几年来,主要由于物流服务提供商其运输的国际化和全球化,人们普遍认为网络营销在许多企业商务进程中占重要地位,同时

4、对它的研究也是相当重要的。背景1.1. 从链到网从20世纪60年代直至今日,物流发展的总概显示“整体”已经被极大地优化。在20世纪60年代和70年代,企业并不像今日在谈论物流。那个时候的人们关注商品品质因为他们必须与物流操作(例如运输、仓储和处理)相关的技术方法来完成它,导致极大地本地优化。在20世纪80年代初期,公司试图优化商品流来削减物流成本。他们产生了三步法,包括销往外国的(例如分发),全国的(例如产量)和归内地的(例如提供)三流提高。管理的规模变得明显,这些问题已经变得和技术规模一样重要了。在80年代中叶,公司觉得需要优化“整体”流来发展管理信息和商品流的整体过程,同时架构一个整体物流

5、方法(在公司的级别上)。一步一步地,公司明白物流的策略力量,但是优化跟着被限制于公司的边界。不断发展的整体物流,工业化和商业化的公司开始外包物流操作来增进成本控制和灵活度。他们逐渐地把运输,储存,仓库管理和法令交给物流提供商照管。到了20世纪90年代,物流既被视为竞争优势和同时也被认为是一个繁杂的过程,这一过程不能仅限于单个公司的能力。提高整体物流服务以最小的成本给那些终端客户,这一趋势已变得明显,借着高度的灵活性,公司之间应当合作,协调他们的活动。(例如Christofer1998)1.2. 研究和调查问题的目的研究的目的不仅仅是表明在问题中某一缺陷的严重性,而且提出了某些理念,这些理念有助


7、,因为它不总是像今天这般被认定为合法的和重要的。能够达到以上所陈列地目的,下述的调查问题要被进一步研究。从物流公司管理者的角度,成为网络成员的利益是多么重要?一家小型的物流公司是怎么通过加入网络和网络营销来扩展它的活动?网络营销中物流公司的起源国的效果如何?1.3. 研究的重要性这一特殊的研究对世界各地工业物流和货运的管理者们来说是重要的。它不仅对公司股东和管理者有重要的意义,对于那些想要在各个领域发展他们的商业,同时又能使用其他公司资源的有同样重要的意义。这背后的缘由,即网络营销不是将要远离的,也不是仅仅将要被“治愈”。在未来可能管理和解决这一问题更新更好的想法会出现,然而这一研究又对相关的

8、物流&货运的未来是重要的,因为它将会带来大量的课题领悟和许多目前存在的相关讨论,这些观念将被使用并将领域未来纳入考虑。1.4. 研究的范围这一特殊化研究的范围是非常宽阔的和深入的,因为有太多的公司涉及其中,不仅是现在,更是未来也是如此。研究的范围之前已经被简单地提到,因为当前的公司(可能正在处理组织或者扩展他们的网络营销)到目前为止不仅影响当下,还影响到未来。研究的范围如此广泛的另一原因就是它可以被扩展到囊括那些还未加入到物流网络,但未来必将会加入其中的公司。对于现实的研究,关注点都会停留在世界货运联盟(WCA),这些都会被调查者们经文献综述所检测出来,并且在世界货运联盟WCA,数据都

9、是经分析得来的。1.5. 问题定义和调查假设由于全球化和地方到全球不断变化的商业环境和策略;合并者和获得物,不断地塑造新的联营企业和联盟已经变成惯常的日常事件,中小型的物流公司在以下方面面临着严重的问题和困难A)营销他们服务B)提供高水平&广泛运输服务和方案 C) 站在竞争的层次上这一研究背后的逻辑依据的重要环节到目前为止都还没有其他哪个研究可以做到它这个程度。因此做这样的研究提供了新的独特的信息,同时这一过程又是困难的,因为这类研究没有真正地前辈让后来的研究者去跟进。这样一份研究的潜在问题可能将会在理论环节得到解决,因为他们是重要的关注点好比中小型国际物流公司不得不赖以生存的策略和发


11、数(至少目前所涉及到的)都归纳与上述所列的三大假设。这三大假设是经过深思熟虑而不是泛泛注重细节,以至于更多的信息尽可能地被收集和研究。1.6. 研究总述这份研究的长度和重要性都需要总述以至于读者能够提供一份路线图使他们意识到研究中确实涉及到的东西。第一章节细述了一些基本信息,这些基本信息都会被剩余的研究所利用。(剩余的研究包括问题的陈述和进行研究的原因)这些都是非常重要的值得讨论的问题,因为他们为后来者提供了平台。原文:The Role of Network Marketing in International Logistic Companies´Business Developm

12、entAbstractAs the Business environment becomes more and more competitive, companies are forced to push themselves to a very edge of their capabilities. Ultimately the success of the companies relies on their human resources and business and marketing strategies which can help them to show up in glob

13、al market. So network marketing has become an increasingly used method in order to enhance the small medium size Intl logistic companies performance.The purpose of this study is to provide a better understanding of how Network marketing is used as a marketing strategy and toolto develop logistic com

14、panies business in new millennium. To reach this purpose I have conducted a case study of WCAF “World Cargo Alliance” family of logistic networks. I also investigated the objectives with Internationalization, network marketing and how the effects of network marketing can be measured.In order to anal

15、yze data which obtained from questionnaires allocated to the managers in different geographical regions quantitative methods have been used and the results showed that managers of intl logistic companies understand the importance and benefits of joining global logistic networks and network marketing

16、.Keywords: B2B marketing, Globalization, logistic networks, Business developmentAcknowledgementThere are several individuals who have contributed to my work and made it possible for me to conduct this thesis.Initially I would like to thank my Supervisors Prof. Peter Naude who overly enthusiasm and i

17、ntegral view on research has made a deep impression on me and Prof. Aghdasi for his kind support, comments and interesting method in gathering his graduate students and letting them share their ideas about dissertations which was very helpful .Furthermore I would like to thank David Yukom and Mark M

18、arouwitz WCA president and vice president for their comments and support in collecting data from logistic Co. managers of different countries.Finally I would like to thanks my wife Salome for her patience , support and encouragement throughout my MSC course and my Children Lillian and Arman for thei

19、r unlimited love , I am glad that their waiting has finally been rewarded.Luleå University of TechnologyTarbiat Modares UniversityFaramarz GhorbaniApril 2007CHAPTER ONEINTRODUCTIONThe issue of network marketing in global logistic networks is one that has been noted by industry experts for a few

20、 years. There are individuals that study it and discuss how significant it is, and there are others that havent taken it a serious strategy and tool which is really not important enough to focus on. Both of these are valid points of view but, in recent years and mainly due to internationalization &a

21、mp; globalization of Freight forwarding and logistic service providers, it has generally been accepted that network marketing is significant for many companies business progress, and that the study of it is also important.Background1.1. From chains to the networksAn overview of the development of lo

22、gistics from the 1960s up to the present shows that the whole to be optimized has changed considerably. In the 1960s and 70s, companies didnt talk about logistics as it is defined today. They took care of physical goods because they had to and they did it with a technical approach related tologistic

23、s operations such as transport, warehousing and handling, resulting in very local optimizations. In the beginning of the 1980s, companies tried to optimize goods flows in order to cut logistics costs. They developed a three steps approach including the improvement of outbound (i.e. distribution), in

24、ternal (i.e. production) and inbound (i.e. supply) flows. It then became obvious that the management dimension of those questions was as important as the technical ones. In the middle of the 80s companies felt the need to optimize total flow, to develop an overall process for managing information an

25、d goods flows and to structure an integrated logistics approach (at the company level). Step-by-step, companies understood the strategic power of logistics (Fabbe-Costes and Colin, 2003), but the optimization was then restricted to the borders of the company. While developing integrated logistics, i

26、ndustrial and commercial firms began to outsource logistics operations to gain cost control and flexibility. They gradually left transport, storage, warehousing and order receiving in logistics providers care. In the 1990s, logistics is seen as a competitive advantage as well as a complex process th

27、at cannot be restricted to the border of an individual company. It became obvious that in order to improve the overall logistics service offered to the end customer at minimum cost and with high flexibility, companies should co-operate and coordinate their activities. (e.g Christofer 1998 )1.2. Purp

28、ose of the study and Research QuestionsThe purpose of this study is to not only show the seriousness of the problem in question, but to come up with ideas that will help to show how this problem can be reduced in size and find out about new strategies in doing business in global market and also bett

29、er solutions for companies marketing problems. The best way to do this is to first analyze the problem in question to determine just how serious it actually is,and then use that seriousness as a wake-up call for those that have been looking the other way and avoiding dealing with the issue and it is

30、 time to change.There are many companies out there that are concerned about this problem, and they must be located and helped. All studies must have a strong purpose, and this one affects one of the nations most precious resources the economy and specifically logistic and freight forwarding industry

31、. This desire to identify these businesses that are struggling with network marketing so that they can be assisted is at the heart of the purpose for this study, since identification of these companies is crucial to seeing that they are assisted properly. The study also hopes to show how network mar

32、keting has been evaluated and treated throughout history, since it was not always recognized as being as legitimate and important as it is today.To be able to achieve the state purpose above, following research questions will be further investigated:-How important is the benefit of being member of t

33、he networks in the logistic Cos managers point of view?-How does a small Logistic Co. expand its activity through joining networks and Network Marketing?- What would be the effect of logistic companies country of origin (COO) in network marketing?1.3. Importance of the StudyThis particular study is

34、important to many managers in logistic and freight forwarding industry around the world. Not only does it have importance for Company owners and managers, but it also has importance for those that are considering a way to develop their business in various markets and use other companies resources as

35、 well. The reason behind this is that network marketing is something that is not going to go away, and something that is not simply going to be 'cured.' It is possible that, in the future, new and better ideas for managing and addressing it will come about, however the study is important to

36、the future of logistics & freight forwarding because it will give a great deal of insight into the topic anddiscuss many of the concerns that exist now and the ideas that are being used, as well as what is being considered for the future of the field.1.4. Scope of the StudyThe scope of this part

37、icular study is very broad and far-reaching, because there are so many Companies that are being involved in it now and will be involved in the future. This was mentioned briefly earlier, as the current companies that may be dealing with moving into or expanding their network marketing are by far not

38、 the only ones that are affected or will be affected in the future. Another reason that the scope of the study is so broad is that it can be expanded to include those that are not yet joining logistic networks, but will be in the future. For the actual study, the focus will remain on the WCA “ World

39、 Cargo Alliance “ that were examined by the researcher through the literature review, and that is also where the data will come from for the analysis.1.5. Problem definition and Research HypothesisDue to globalization and changing business environment and strategies from local to global; where merge

40、rs and acquisitions, shaping new consortiums and alliances are becoming usual daily events, small and medium size logistic companies faced serious problems and difficulties in A) marketing their services B) offering high standard & broad transportation services and solutions C) stand in a compet

41、itive level.An important part of the rationale behind this study is that there have not been any other studies done specifically like this one. Doing a study like this therefore provides new and unique information, but it can also be difficult, since there is really no precedent for this type of stu

42、dy that the researcher can follow. The potential problems that a study like this could have will be dealt with further in the methodology chapter, since they are important concerns like strategies that small medium size international logistic companies can have to survive and develop their business

43、and opportunities of competing with big market players in global market that must be addressed and discussed.There are three hypotheses that must be pointed out here as well, so that they can be studied during the data analysis and either validated or invalidated by the conclusion of the study.They are presented here in bullet form:Hypothesis One Managers understand importance of joining networks as a marketing strategy and competitive advantage.Hypo


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