1、降低采购成本的优选渠道降低采购成本的优选渠道Optimized Channel for Cutting Down Purchasing Cost中国顺德中国顺德龙江龙江 亚洲国际家具材料交易中心亚洲国际家具材料交易中心China Shunde Longjiang Asia International Furniture Material Purchasing Center总经理:钱江总经理:钱江GM: Qian Jiang引言引言 Foreword经商之人重诺、多思、善夺。Business men pay more attention to honesty and are good at th
2、inking什么事物都多提几个为什么。Ask more whys for everything. 请带着这样几个问题来观赏我们的推介Please bring the below questions to listen my introduction马来西亚的采购商需要什么?What do Maylasia purchasers need?为什么马来西亚的采购商要到中国顺德亚洲国际去采购材料?Why do Malaysia purchasers have to buy materials from China Shunde Asia Star?为什么亚洲国际能帮助马来西亚乃至全球的采购商降低采购
3、成本?Why Asia Star can help Malaysia or even global purchasers to cut down purchasing cost?以下,请允许我来为您一一解答Now, please let me answer those problems for you目录目录Content全球家具行业与中国的关系Relation between global furniture industry and China1马来西亚采购商到亚洲国际采购的好处Advantages of purchasing in Asia Star for Malaysia purch
4、aser 2亚洲国际与马来西亚未来合作展望Furture cooperation between Asia Star and Malaysia34顺德、龙江、亚洲国际 对全球家具产业的影响Effect of Shunde Longjiang Asia Star on global furniture industry2009年世界家具总产值将年世界家具总产值将为为3500亿美元,中国将占亿美元,中国将占到全球总产值的到全球总产值的20%以上以上,超过美国,超过美国19%的份额,的份额,首次位列世界第一。首次位列世界第一。2009年中国家具出口预计年中国家具出口预计253.3亿美元,比亿美元,比
5、2008年下年下降降6%,12月份家具出口月份家具出口30.9亿美元,同比增长亿美元,同比增长10.8%,比,比11月份上升月份上升26.56%中国家具内销总额中国家具内销总额3250.3亿,比去年亿,比去年2866.2亿增长亿增长13.4%内销大国内销大国Domestic sales dominant country出口大国出口大国Export dominant country家具生产大国家具生产大国Dominant country for furniture production全球家具看中国全球家具看中国Turn to China for Global Furniture中国家具备受全球
6、瞩目中国家具备受全球瞩目China furniture is the global focusThe forecast for China furniture exporting in 2009 is 25.33 billion USD, which decreased by 6% compared with 2008. Furniture export is 3.09 billion in December, which is increased by 26.56% compared with November.The GDP of world furniture is 35billion
7、USD in 2009. China covers more than 20% of the global GDP, which exceeds USA(19%) and it ranks No. 1 for the first time.The total domestic sales of furniture is 325.03 billion Yuan which has 13.4% increase compared with 286.62 billion Yuan in last year.勒流勒流Leliu乐从乐从Lecong伦教伦教 Lunjiao均安均安Junan容桂容桂 Ro
8、nggui大良大良Daliang中国家具看顺德中国家具看顺德Turns to Shunde for China Furniture 龙江龙江 Longjiang木工机械之城木工机械之城The city of woodworkingmachinery布料、涂料之乡布料、涂料之乡The hometown of cloth and coating五金配件重镇五金配件重镇The main town of hardware accessories展会、商贸流通展会、商贸流通Exhibtition and trading center家具商贸之都家具商贸之都The capital of furniture
9、 trading家具原辅材料之都、家具制造重镇家具原辅材料之都、家具制造重镇The capital of furniture materialThe famous town of furniture manufacturing 顺德顺德龙江的家具制造与家具原龙江的家具制造与家具原辅材料总产值约占全国的辅材料总产值约占全国的1015%1015%,总额达总额达600600多亿元人民币,从业人员多亿元人民币,从业人员5 5万多人,占地万多人,占地460460多万平方米。多万平方米。GDP of Shunde Longjiang Furniture and furniture raw and auxi
10、liary materials covers 10-15% of Chinas GDP and the sales amount is more than 60 billion RMB, with more than 50 thousand of employees and more than 4.6million m2 of areas. 据统计,据统计,20092009年龙江镇现年龙江镇现有家具制造企业有家具制造企业18321832家,家具家,家具材料企业材料企业30103010家。家。According to the statistics, furniture manufacturing
11、 enterprises in Longjiang town are 1832 in 2009 and the furniture material enterprises are 3010. 龙江镇家具制造企业个龙江镇家具制造企业个数每年保持约数每年保持约6%6%的增长,而企的增长,而企业总产值则保持约业总产值则保持约15%15%左右的增左右的增长幅度。长幅度。The number of furniture manufacturing enterprises in Longjiang town is increasing about 6% every year, while the outp
12、ut is increasing about 15% every year.实木、板式、软体(含沙发实木、板式、软体(含沙发、床垫、床垫)、玻璃、金属、竹藤、塑料等)、玻璃、金属、竹藤、塑料等。其中:家具五金零配件其中:家具五金零配件90%90%都可以在都可以在龙江采购或落单订造。配套产业涉及了商贸会展,物流配送,网络营销、木工机械、木材加工、涂料化工龙江采购或落单订造。配套产业涉及了商贸会展,物流配送,网络营销、木工机械、木材加工、涂料化工和包装印刷等产业。和包装印刷等产业。Solid wood, plates, soft furniture materials(including sofa
13、, mattress), glass, metal, rattan, plastic and so on. 90% of the hardware accessories can be purchased and ordered in Longjiang. The equipped supporting industry is including exhibition, logistics, website marketing, woodwork machinery, woodworking, coating, packing, printing and other industies.顺德家
14、具看龙江顺德家具看龙江Turn to Longjiang for Shunde furniture顺德龙江的基本介绍顺德龙江的基本介绍Basic introduction for Shunde Longjiang龙江镇家具材料及配件主要为下列成品家具配套龙江镇家具材料及配件主要为下列成品家具配套The main furniture materials and accessories of Longjiang are as below: 项目规模项目规模Project Introduction家具龙头家具龙头亚洲国际亚洲国际Furnitrue leader-Asia Star 亚洲国际于亚洲国际
15、于20042004年启动,总投资额逾年启动,总投资额逾3030亿元人民币,占地近亿元人民币,占地近6060万平方米,总建筑面积约万平方米,总建筑面积约120120万平万平方米。是中国家具原辅材料的最大集散地,汇集了来自国内外的家具材料经销企业。方米。是中国家具原辅材料的最大集散地,汇集了来自国内外的家具材料经销企业。Asia Star was started in 2004, with total investment of 3billion RMB and 600thousand m2 areas. The total floor area is about 1.2 million m2.
16、Asia Star is the biggest collecting and distributing center for furniture raw and auxiliary materials in China, which collected the furniture material distributing enterprises from home and abroad.项目整体鸟瞰图项目整体鸟瞰图Birds eye view of the whole project 亚洲国际家具材料交易中心亚洲国际家具材料交易中心Asia International Furniture
17、Material Purchasing Center中国家具材料总部基地中国家具材料总部基地-China Furniture Material Headquarters 成熟市场成熟市场 Mature Market成熟成熟A区区Section A皮革皮革B区区Section B(leather)旗舰旗舰C区区Flagship Section C 场内设五金、皮革、布艺、板材、涂料、辅料各专区;目前原材料销售企业达场内设五金、皮革、布艺、板材、涂料、辅料各专区;目前原材料销售企业达10181018家,物流配送家,物流配送企业达企业达180180多家。交易中心平均每天车流量达到了多家。交易中心平均
18、每天车流量达到了1200012000车次、人流达到车次、人流达到2200022000人次。其中人次。其中A A、B B区经过近区经过近五年运营,市场已经非常成熟;旗舰五年运营,市场已经非常成熟;旗舰C C区招商反应热烈,定位高端旗舰品牌。区招商反应热烈,定位高端旗舰品牌。亚洲国际家具材料交易中心亚洲国际家具材料交易中心Asia International Furniture Material Purchasing Center中国家具材料总部基地中国家具材料总部基地-China Furniture Material Headquarters家具龙头家具龙头亚洲国际亚洲国际Furnitrue l
19、eader-Asia StarIt has setspecial sections respectively for hardware, leather, fabric, plate, coating and auxiary materials; At present, furniture raw material sales enterprises are amount to 1018 and logistics enterprises are more than 180.The daily traffic flow and people flow are amount to 12000 a
20、nd 22000 respectively in Asia Star. After five year management, section A and section B has been developed very well; The flagship section C is aso get good response from market,which only sales the high-end flagship brand products. 产业升级产业升级 Industry upgrading2010年重点工程年重点工程中央商务区中央商务区2010 key project
21、-central business center生活配套生活配套高级公寓高级公寓Living area-advanced apartment家具龙头家具龙头亚洲国际亚洲国际Furnitrue leader-Asia Star 总体规划为四大主题经营区、中央商务区、会展区及综合配套区,涵盖商铺、商务办公楼、会展中心、宴会中心、高级公寓、商务酒店、会所等多种商业物业形态于一体。随着2010年中央商务区、会展中心项目以及精英商务公寓的全面启动,亚洲国际的产业链将进一步得到跳跃式升级,为打造享誉国际的知名品牌而努力不懈。亚洲国际家具材料交易中心亚洲国际家具材料交易中心Asia Internationa
22、l Furniture Material Purchasing Center中国家具材料总部基地中国家具材料总部基地-China Furniture Material HeadquartersThis project contains four main business trading sention, central business center, exhibition center and comprehensive supporting section, including store, office building, exhibition center, banquet cent
23、er, advanced apartment, business hotel, club and so on. With the starting of central business center, exhibition center and elite business apartment in 2010, the industy chain for Asia Star will upgrade very well and we wont spare no effect for creating the global well-know brand. 有五金配件、天然(合成)皮革、家纺布
24、艺、造型弯板、海绵、木纹纸、胶黏有五金配件、天然(合成)皮革、家纺布艺、造型弯板、海绵、木纹纸、胶黏剂、各种辅料等家具原辅材料一应俱全,上百万个品种,总能轻松找到您所需要的。剂、各种辅料等家具原辅材料一应俱全,上百万个品种,总能轻松找到您所需要的。There are hardware accessories, natural(synthetic)leather, fabric, bent wood, sponse, wood paper, adhesive and all kinds of furniture raw and auxiliary materials with more than
25、 hundreds of thoudands of brands. You can find what you need easily here.皮革皮革Leather各种综合辅料各种综合辅料Varies kinds of comprehensive auxiliary materials造型弯板、海绵造型弯板、海绵Bend wood, sponse五金配件五金配件Hardware accessories胶黏剂胶黏剂adhesive业态丰富业态丰富With rich products家纺布艺家纺布艺Fabric马来西亚采购商到亚洲国际采购的好处马来西亚采购商到亚洲国际采购的好处Advantag
26、es of purchasing in Asia Star for Malaysia purchaser 一站式服务全程跟踪协助,采购交易链完善一站式服务全程跟踪协助,采购交易链完善One-step tracking assisstance, with perfect purchasing chain4 4、交易达成、交易达成Reach agreementReach agreement5 5、保险优惠、保险优惠insurance and offersinsurance and offers6 6、物流配送、物流配送diliverydilivery1 1、参观、参观 visitingvisiti
27、ng2 2、产品筛选、产品筛选 product selectionproduct selection3 3、配对洽谈、配对洽谈 Discussion and negotiationDiscussion and negotiation一站式采购服务一站式采购服务One-step purchasing service马来西亚采购商到亚洲国际采购的好处马来西亚采购商到亚洲国际采购的好处Advantages of purchasing in Asia Star for Malaysia purchaser -结合交易反馈信息,结合交易反馈信息,持续刷新系统评测条持续刷新系统评测条件,不断完善供应商件,
28、不断完善供应商标准。标准。-Integrated with trading feedback information, we will refresh the evaluation conditions and improve the supplies standard.-建立分类供应商数据库,结合建立分类供应商数据库,结合采购商需求,迅速提取有效配采购商需求,迅速提取有效配对信息,交易方便快捷对信息,交易方便快捷 -Established supplierss data base.Basing on the purchashing requirement, we can match the
29、corresponding information for you quickly, which is more covenient for your trading.持续完善系统持续完善系统Improving systemcontinously制定严谨标准制定严谨标准Establish strict standard质量严格把关质量严格把关Inspect products strictly专业采购配对专业采购配对Professionalpurchasing matching-结合多年对原辅材料结合多年对原辅材料的检测与经验,设置的检测与经验,设置科学合理质量检测模科学合理质量检测模式,制定严
30、谨的优质式,制定严谨的优质供应商标准供应商标准-According to the inspection and our experience of furniture raw and auxiliary materials for many years, we have setup the scientific and resonable quality inspection mode and made strict and high-quality supplier standard.独创独创ASQC优质供应商标准体系优质供应商标准体系Unique ASQC high-quality sup
31、plier standard-对产品质量进行严格对产品质量进行严格检测,采购商对产品检测,采购商对产品质量可见可控,买的质量可见可控,买的放心。放心。-Inspect products strictly. Purchasers can buy the products without worries. 马来西亚采购商到亚洲国际采购的好处马来西亚采购商到亚洲国际采购的好处Advantages of purchasing in Asia Star for Malaysia purchaser 采购商联盟采购商联盟Purchaser Union 随着随着20102010年中央商务区、会展中心项目的全
32、面启动,亚洲国际的产业链将进一步得到跳跃式升级,年中央商务区、会展中心项目的全面启动,亚洲国际的产业链将进一步得到跳跃式升级,亚洲亚洲国际牵头组建的近国际牵头组建的近100100家家“物流诚信联盟物流诚信联盟”企业,为采购商的货物顺利到达目的地保驾护航。企业,为采购商的货物顺利到达目的地保驾护航。With the starting of projects of central business center and exhibition center in 2010, the industry chain of Asia Star is getting a jumping upgrade. A
33、sia Star has organized about 100 logistics enterprises to provide purchasers with logistic service for dilivering goods.亚洲国际亚洲国际供应商联盟供应商联盟Asia Star Supplier Union物流诚信联盟物流诚信联盟Logistics Credit Union星级诚信商户星级诚信商户Star-level Credit Stores马来西亚采购商到亚洲国际采购的好处马来西亚采购商到亚洲国际采购的好处Advantages of purchasing in Asia S
34、tar for Malaysia purchaser 同时亚洲国际将持续营运、做好品牌塑造,构建同时亚洲国际将持续营运、做好品牌塑造,构建“亚洲国际亚洲国际供应商联盟供应商联盟”、“品牌采购商联盟品牌采购商联盟”、“星级诚信商户星级诚信商户”、“物流诚信单位物流诚信单位”等一系列产业链规范。为打造享誉国际的知名品牌而努力不懈。等一系列产业链规范。为打造享誉国际的知名品牌而努力不懈。Meanwhile, Asia Star will continous to manage and shape brand and we establish “ Asia Star Supplier Union”,
35、“ Brand Purchaser Union”, Starlevel Credit Store”, “Logistics Credit Union” and other series industry chain standard. We will spare no effort to creat international well-know brand.20052010人气高涨、人流量大、专业度与关人气高涨、人流量大、专业度与关注度比平时提高至少近六成注度比平时提高至少近六成With high popularity and people flow, degree of professio
36、n and concern are increase about 60%.+60%3 3月展会月展会Exhibition in March 每年每年3 3月、月、9 9月两届由亚洲国际承办的国际家具材料博览会,备受行业瞩目,是内信息月两届由亚洲国际承办的国际家具材料博览会,备受行业瞩目,是内信息沟通交流的良好平台、更是家具业界的一场盛会。沟通交流的良好平台、更是家具业界的一场盛会。Asia International Furniture Material Exposition, hosted by Asia Star in Mar. and Sep. every year, is the go
37、od platform for exchanging industial information and its also a big event for furniture industry. 一年两届大型展会一年两届大型展会Large-scale exhibition(twice a year)Large-scale exhibition(twice a year)马来西亚采购商到亚洲国际采购的好处马来西亚采购商到亚洲国际采购的好处Advantages of purchasing in Asia Star for Malaysia purchaser 大型专业展会、业大型专业展会、业内盛事
38、、商机汇聚内盛事、商机汇聚Large-sclae professional exhibition, with plenty of business opportunities9月展会月展会Exhibition in September78%定期组织供应商联盟与采购商举办定期组织供应商联盟与采购商举办供需见面活动,以主题鲜明、目的供需见面活动,以主题鲜明、目的明确的活动方式,让供需双方深入明确的活动方式,让供需双方深入了解、建立友谊,打通渠道,在轻了解、建立友谊,打通渠道,在轻松的氛围下促进成交。松的氛围下促进成交。 Orgnize suppley and demand meeting for
39、supplies and purchasers. They can know each other better , establish friendship and do business trading in this comfortable atmosphere.有近八成的供应商及采购商表示供有近八成的供应商及采购商表示供需见面会有所收获,能拓宽生意渠需见面会有所收获,能拓宽生意渠道,促进了解。道,促进了解。 Near 80% of suppliers and purchasers think they can get what they need through the supply
40、and demand metting and they can also expand their business channel.助您拓宽 生意渠道,为您轻松 赢得商机Help you to expand the business channel and win the business opportunity for you定期组织供需对接会定期组织供需对接会Organize supply and demand meeting periodically马来西亚采购商到亚洲国际采购的好处马来西亚采购商到亚洲国际采购的好处Advantages of purchasing in Asia St
41、ar for Malaysia purchaser 产品成本控制产品成本控制 产品质量控制产品质量控制 委托费用委托费用 物流运输费用物流运输费用 时间成本时间成本 商务往来费用商务往来费用 其他费用其他费用 无法取得第一手价格信息,水分无法取得第一手价格信息,水分较大较大 需要透过中间商多次沟通产品样需要透过中间商多次沟通产品样板,产品质量较难控制板,产品质量较难控制 需要支付昂贵的中间商委托费用需要支付昂贵的中间商委托费用 物流费用及运期需要监控,并且物流费用及运期需要监控,并且需要购买物流保险需要购买物流保险 委托中间商选购产品,需要广泛委托中间商选购产品,需要广泛接洽,对比货样及价格,
42、耗费大接洽,对比货样及价格,耗费大量时间量时间 选购不同种类的材料以及对比不选购不同种类的材料以及对比不同价格的产品,需要花费商务沟同价格的产品,需要花费商务沟通的费用通的费用 存在不可预见费用,需要经验及存在不可预见费用,需要经验及监控进行弥补监控进行弥补 采购成本对比采购成本对比亚洲国际采购模式亚洲国际采购模式常规采购模式常规采购模式 直接面对供应商,大大节省中间利润直接面对供应商,大大节省中间利润 直接采购商品,直面产品质量,无须直接采购商品,直面产品质量,无须担心质量问题担心质量问题 委托费用为委托费用为0,免费组织优质供应商,免费组织优质供应商提供交易配对服务提供交易配对服务 亚洲国
43、际物流中心的诚信单位,为采亚洲国际物流中心的诚信单位,为采购商提供优质物流服务,报关出口优购商提供优质物流服务,报关出口优惠政策支持,运期稳定,亚洲国际同惠政策支持,运期稳定,亚洲国际同时为货物购买保险,规避风险时为货物购买保险,规避风险 参加亚洲国际定期举行的供需对接的参加亚洲国际定期举行的供需对接的采购会,在时间就是金钱的经济社会,采购会,在时间就是金钱的经济社会,将为您节省更多的宝贵时间将为您节省更多的宝贵时间 亚洲国际作为全亚洲最大的材料集散亚洲国际作为全亚洲最大的材料集散地,一站式就能采购齐全所要的全部地,一站式就能采购齐全所要的全部材料材料 亚洲国际主动提供全程跟踪服务,将亚洲国际
44、主动提供全程跟踪服务,将风险成本降到最低风险成本降到最低 成本预算控制成本预算控制马来西亚采购商到亚洲国际采购的好处马来西亚采购商到亚洲国际采购的好处 Advantages of purchasing in Asia Star for Malaysia purchaser Product cost controlProduct quality controlCommission feeTransportation feeTime costBusiness feeOther fee Cant get the first hand price information Product sample
45、can only be get by intermediaries. The product quality is difficult to be cotrolled. Need to pay expensive intermediate commission fee Transporation fee and freight time need to be controlled and its need to buy logistics insurance Select product through intermediaries, which will cost plenty of tim
46、e and money It needs to cost business commnication fee for purchasing different kinds of materials and compraring prices . Therere unpredictable fee, which only can be made up by experience and monitor.采购成本对比采购成本对比Purchasing Cost Comparison马来西亚采购商到亚洲国际采购的好处马来西亚采购商到亚洲国际采购的好处 Advantages of purchasing
47、in Asia Star for Malaysia purchaser 亚洲国际采购模式亚洲国际采购模式Purchasing mode of Asia Star常规采购模式常规采购模式General purchasing mode Face to face with suppliers, which can save central profit purchase product directly. You dont have to worry the product quality No commission fee. Provide trading matching service for
48、 high-quality suppliers for free Logistics enterprises in Asia Star can provide purchasers with high-quality logistics service. Take part in the supply and demand purchasing meeting hosted by Asia Star periodically, which can save much money for purchasers. Asia Star will buy insurance for goods to
49、avoid risk at the same time. Asia Star, as the biggest material distributing center in Asia, where you can get most furniture materials Asia star provides tracking service for you, which can reduct risk cost to the lowest.成本预算控制成本预算控制Cost estimation control马来西亚、亚洲国际双方在平等互助的合作基础上,充分发挥各自优势,建立相互组马来西亚、亚
50、洲国际双方在平等互助的合作基础上,充分发挥各自优势,建立相互组团交流,信息、资源分享,合作共赢的机制。团交流,信息、资源分享,合作共赢的机制。On the mutual equal and assitant cooperation basis, Malaysia and Asia Star develop their own advantages to establish the mechanisn for communication, information and resources sharing and win-win cooperation. 分享分享3 share平等平等1 equ
51、ality 4 双赢双赢win-win构建互动沟通机制构建互动沟通机制Construct interactive communication mechanisms亚洲国际与马来西亚未来合作展望亚洲国际与马来西亚未来合作展望Furture cooperation between Asia Star and Malaysia如何更好地为马来西亚采购商服务?如何更好地为马来西亚采购商服务?How to serve Malaysia purchasers better?2 互助互助mutial assitance定期举办供需见面会,为双方带来更多合作商机。定期举办供需见面会,为双方带来更多合作商机。H
52、old supply and demand meeting to bring more cooperation business opportunities for each party媒体资源互换。马来西亚与亚洲国际整合各自优媒体资源互换。马来西亚与亚洲国际整合各自优势媒体资源,建立资源共享、媒体置换机制。势媒体资源,建立资源共享、媒体置换机制。Media and resource exchanging: Malaysia and Asia Star integrate their own advantage media resources for establishing the mech
53、anism of resource and media sharing 马来西亚与亚洲国际双方的展会,各自组团,积极开展参展、参观及交流马来西亚与亚洲国际双方的展会,各自组团,积极开展参展、参观及交流活动。活动。Malaysia and Asia star orgnize groups respectively to hold exhibition and take part in exhibition, visit and hold exchange activities.为我们带来更多的合作与交流为我们带来更多的合作与交流 Bring more cooperation and commun
54、ication for us亚洲国际与马来西亚未来合作展望亚洲国际与马来西亚未来合作展望Furture cooperation between Asia Star and Malaysia专业网站、电子商务专业网站、电子商务Professional website, e-commerce优势渠道、独具影响力优势渠道、独具影响力Optimized channel, with great effect 中国家具材料报中国家具材料报China Furniture Material亚洲国际亚洲国际展会会刊展会会刊Asia Star Exhibition Directory亚洲国际亚洲国际采购指南采购指
55、南Asia Star Purchasers Guide优质宣传平台优质宣传平台High-quality promotional platform 专业媒体专业媒体Professional Media 优势渠道优势渠道Optimized Channel大型家具材料专业展会大型家具材料专业展会Large-scale furniture material professional exhibition 亚洲国际为马来西亚采购商推出三大专业媒体资源:亚洲国际采购指南、中国家具材料报、展会会刊;提供三大优势渠道:专业网站、自身独有成熟渠道、一年两届大型展会。透过优势宣传平台的构建和资源共享,令行业信息的
56、传递更加顺畅,商机无限、互利互惠。亚洲国际与马来西亚未来合作展望亚洲国际与马来西亚未来合作展望Furture cooperation between Asia Star and MalaysiaAsia Star will introduce three professional media resources : Purchasers Guide, China Furniture Material, Exhibition Directoryand provide three optimized channel: professional website, own mature channel
57、 and large-scale exhibition (twice a year) for Malaysia purchasers. The industry information will transferred more smoothly and we can get win-win business opportunities by establishing the high-qaulity promotion platform and sharing resources.互补互补complementary实现贸易零关税实现贸易零关税Realized trading zero-tar
58、iff优势互补优势互补Advantage complementary前景广阔、前景广阔、商机无限商机无限With umlimited business opportunity2010年年1月月1日起,中国与东盟之间的产品贸易逐步实现零关税日起,中国与东盟之间的产品贸易逐步实现零关税。From Jan. 1, 2010, the trade between China and Southeast Asia is realizing zero-tariff. 中国和东盟虽然都是出口外向型企业较多,但相互之间中国和东盟虽然都是出口外向型企业较多,但相互之间有很多互补的产品和产业,例如中国目前对东盟出
59、口较多的有很多互补的产品和产业,例如中国目前对东盟出口较多的主要是船舶、钢铁、针织服装、陶瓷制品、家具及原辅材料主要是船舶、钢铁、针织服装、陶瓷制品、家具及原辅材料等。而从东盟进口较多的产品主要是铜制品、橡胶制品、木等。而从东盟进口较多的产品主要是铜制品、橡胶制品、木制品等资源性产品。制品等资源性产品。Although therere many exporting enterprises in China and Southeast Asia, therere many complementary products and industries between each other. Eg.China mainly export ship, steel, clothes, ceramic, furniture and raw and auxiliary materials.
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