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1、WORD格式.初中英语被动语态根底检测试题I用括号中动词的适当形式填空1. Some presents _ (buy) by my sister foe me every birthday.2. The treasure box _ (hide) somewhere in the city 100 years ago.3. When she did some shopping, her money _ (steal).4. Li Ming _ (ask) to attend the meeting yesterday.5. Why _ Australia_ (call)“ a countrys

2、heepon s back"6. All the books on the shelf _ (can not take) out of the reading room.7. Therewasasandstormyesterdayandtheground_ (cover)bythick snow.8. I will go with you when my homework _ (finish).9. More than 1,000 English words _ (learn) in the past three years.10. All these books and cloth

3、es _ (give) away to the children nextweek.11.The famous cameras(make) in Japan.12.Many tea plants(plant) in Anxi and Hangzhou.13.Stamps(use) to send letters.14.you(invite) for the party last night"15.People in Americahardly ever avoid(buy) things that made inChina.II. 单项选择16. Have you found you

4、r ruler yet" Yes. It _ in my bag two hours ago.专业资料整理WORD格式word 完美格式专业资料整理WORD格式.A.hasfoundB. foundC. wasfoundD. hasbeenfound17. My story book _. I can t lend it to you.A. has been lostB. was lostC. has lostD. lost18. There s too much salt in the Chinese diet.So there is. The WHO says only 1.5

5、grams of salt _ for each man everyday.A.needsB. willneedC.is neededD.hasneeded19.Don t worry. When I leave the room, the door _ by me.A.waslockedB. is lockedC. willbelockedD.shouldbelocked20.Could you please tell me which _ best among the books on sale"A. is soldB. are writtenC. sellsD. write21

6、.Oh, the milk _ strange, do you think it s OK to drink"A. is tastedB. tastesC. is tastingD. tasted22.Some drinks _ to children for free in this restaurant on Children smonth.A.offerB. haveofferedC. willbeofferedD.areoffered23. How clean the window is! Yes. It _ just now.A. is cleanedB. hasbeen

7、cleanedC. will be cleanedD. wascleaned24.It s reported the Underground No. 3 _ in our city in two months.专业资料整理WORD格式word 完美格式专业资料整理WORD格式.A.willbebuiltB.willbuildC.hasbeenbuiltD. hasbuild25. Few studentscanunderstandthesentenceuntilit _ twiceor threetimes.A.explainsB. hasexplainedC.willbeexplainedD

8、.isexplained26. Did you hear that water in Qin River smelt terrible" Yes, in fact, it _. That s all because of the people and the factoriesaround.A.waspollutedB. pollutedC.haspollutedD.willpollute27. I ll show you the pho tos _ in Congtai Park after they _.A. were taken; are come outB. taken; c

9、ome outC. were taken; will come outD. taken; are come out28. Can you tell me whom the radio _ by" Sorry, I ve no idea.A.inventsB.inventedC.wasinventedD.willbeinvented29. No oneknowshowthehugerock_ and_ withoutmodernmachines eight hundreds years ago.A. are cut; movedB. were cut; moveC. are cut;

10、movingD. were cut; moved30. I don t think sixteen-year-olds should _ to go to the bars.A.allowB.allowingC.beallowedD.beallowing专业资料整理WORD格式word 完美格式专业资料整理WORD格式.31. Some of the plastic bags can t _ after July 1st. Yes, people will use environment-friendly bags instead.A.useB.beuseC.beusedD.areused32

11、.Lastyear,Li Hua,acollegestudent,_ toworkfortheOlympicGames.A.is choosingB.is chosenC.waschoosingD. waschosen33. Mary was heard _ just now. What happened" Ken was tellinga joke.A. to laughB. to cryC. laughD. cry34. Attentions, please! All the mobile phones must _ before the meeting starts.A. tu

12、rn offB. be turned offC. be turning offD. turningoff35. A Disneyland Park _ in our city in the near future. Have you heard ofit"A. buildsB. has builtC. will buildD. will be builtIII. 将以下句子改成被动语态。36. People speak English in many countries._37. Women often talk about clothes and foods._38. People

13、 pack and send tea to many different countries and places around专业资料整理WORD格式word 完美格式专业资料整理WORD格式.China._39. People turn the most common things into objects of beauty._40. We built the bridge last year._41. My uncle showed me his new photo._42. Her mother told her not to waste time on fishing._43. T

14、ony took care of his young sister last week._44. The boss made the workers work 18 hours a day._45. They should do it at once._46. You may write the letter in pencil._47. You must not take these magazines out of the reading room._48. She has found her lost handbags._49. The little boy has taken the

15、book from the library._专业资料整理WORD格式word 完美格式专业资料整理WORD格式.50. All the students must hand in their homework on time._初中英语被动语态中考真题再现(一 ) 单项选择1. (2021 * ) Did you go to Jack's birthday party" No, I_.A. am not invitedB. wasn't invitedC. haven 't invitedD. didn't invite2. (2021 * )I l

16、ike this silk dress, and it _ so soft and comfortable.A. is feelingB. feelsC. has feltD. is felt3. 2021 * Many houses _ by the earthquake and thousands of people were left homeless.A.damagedB.weredamagedC.weredamagingD.aredamaged4. (2021 * ) Don t smoke here, Dad. Smoking _ in public places. Oh, sor

17、ry. I ll stop right now.A. isn t allowedB. aren t allowedC. doesn t allow5. (2021 * ) Lily, will you go to Jenny s birthday party this Saturday" I m not sure. Because I _ so far.A.haveinvitedB. wa sn t invitedC.havebeen invitedD.will beinvited5.( 2021 * ) You can t wear shoes insidethis place.

18、It _.A.doesn t allowB. isn tallowedC.hasn t allowedD.wasn tallowed6.(2021 * )UNICEF 联合国儿童基金会was_in 1946. Itworksto helpchildren live a better life.A. picked upB. putC. set up7.(2021 * )The novel _ by many people today.专业资料整理WORD格式word 完美格式专业资料整理WORD格式.A. is readB. are readC. readsD. were read8.( 202

19、1 克拉玛依 ) Did Jack come to our party yesterday" No, he _.A. didntinviteB. wasn t invitedC. isn t invitedD. hasn t invited9.(2021 * )Somestudentsin this school_ abroadas exchangestudentsevery year.A. sentB. sendC. are sent10.( 2021 * ) Claudia, are you going to Mike spabirthdayonSunday" Unle

20、ss I _.A. am invitedB. invitedC. was inviting11.( 2021 * A) How clean your car is! Thank you. It _ very often.A. is washedB. washesC. was washedD. washed12.( 2021 * B)Our new library _ last year. We enjoy reading and studyingin it.A. buildsB. builtC. is builtD. was built13.(2021六盘水 )Tu Youyou is the

21、 first Chinese to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine,she _ by more people nowadays.A. knowB. knowsC. is knownD. was known14.(2021* )Children should _ to be honest from a young age.A. educateB. be educatedC. punishD. be punished15.(2021* ) More chances_ forstudents to learnfrom each other ifworking in g

22、roups.A. provideB. are providedC. providedD. will provide16.(2021* ) Now all Chinese couple _to have two children.A. allowB. allowedC. are allowedD. were allowed17.(2021阜康、米泉 )-Wow, your hat looks so beautiful .专业资料整理WORD格式word 完美格式专业资料整理WORD格式.-It _ by my aunt. She is working in China.A. has bought

23、B. had boughtC. is boughtD. was bought18.(2021* )It s reported that Jiangsu Grand Theater _in September thisyear.A. completesB.iscompletedC. will completeD.willbecompleted19.(2021* ) -As China grows stronger and stronger, Chinese _ and moreschools out of our country.- That s true. As a Chinese, I fe

24、el very proud.A. teachesB. has taughtC. is taughtD. was taught20.(2021* )InSwitzerland,thingslikeglass andplastic_intodifferentgroups and then recycled.A. separateB. separatedC. are separatedD. is separated21.(2021 * ) Tourists bad behavior _by the government in our countryfrom now on.A. will record

25、B. will be recordC. recordsD. is recorded22. (2021 * )The 31 stOlympic Games_ inRiodeJaneiro ofBrazilin2021.A. is heldB. will holdC. will be heldD. is going to hold23. (2021 * )Pukou Railway Station _ in 1911 and it has become a filminglocation for films and TV plays in recent yearsA. buildB. is bui

26、ltC. builtD. was built24.(2021* ) Everyoneinourclass_ to takepartintheEnglishSpeechContest.A. is encouragedB. encouragesC. are encouragingD.areencouraged25.(2021"鄂州)-As China grows stronger and stronger,Chinese _ in more and moreschools out of our country.-That's true. As a Chinese, I feel

27、very proud.专业资料整理WORD格式word 完美格式专业资料整理WORD格式.A. teachesB. has taughtC. is taughtD. was taught( 二 )完成句子1. (2021 * )To our surprise, the problem _(solve) by the expert threedays ago.2.(2021 * )Clevernessis agift;kindnessis achoice.Giftsareeasythey_(give) after all. Choices can be hard.3. (2021* )Usual

28、ly TV programmes are _ (record) first and sent out later.4. (2021* ) It is saidthataspacestation_ (build)onthemoon. How amazing! But it may take a long time, I guess.5. (2021* )As soon as he _ (offer) a well-paid job, he called hisparents to tell them the good news.6. (2021* )-What happened to Billy

29、?-He _(catch) because of his drunk-driving.7. 2021* Smart phones_(not allow) in the classroom.8. (2021* ) Chinese New Year _ (call)the Spring Festival. People often eat dumplings9. (2021 * )People use computers widely in the world. (改为同义句 )Computers _ widely _ in the world.10. (2021 * )We heard them

30、 sing Peking Opera in that theatre last Sunday. (改为被动语态 )They were heard _ _Peking Opera in that theatre last Sunday.11. (2021 * ) They often clean their classroom after school. (改为被动语态 )Their classroom _ often _ by them after school.12.(2021* ) The grandma cleans the room every day. (改为被动语态 )The room _ _ by the grandma every day.13. (2021 * )Wesley translates two Fr


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