



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上abb目标和管理方案管理(Management by Objectives and management programs)编号:QP01-2起草:审核:批准:第1版第1次修订YvonneBenjamin LiuBenjamin Liu日期:12/04/20071 目的1 Purpose通过在公司内部相关职能和层次建立质量、环境与职业健康安全等运作目标和经营目标及管理方案的制定,定期测量、分析和诊断,协调制订和实施必要的改进措施,并予以考核、激励,以持续改进公司的营业额。This procedure is to set up operational and worki

2、ng objectives about quality, environment and occupational health and safety through related functions and levels in the company,to establish the management programs. It can be tested periodically, analyze and diagnose, establish and implement the necessary improvement measures cooperately, meanwhile

3、 to audit, motivate in order to improve the turnover.2 适用范围2 Application Area适用于ABB高压电机有限公司的全面质量管理体系及过程。This procedure is applicable to the whole quality management system and process in the ABB Electrical Machines Ltd.3 定义3 Definition N/A N/A4 职责4 ResponsibilityQEHS部、人力资源部负责组织运作目标管理。财务部负责组织财务目标管理。生

4、产部负责生产运作目标管理。各部门制定方案措施、各阶段进度、各阶段责任人及完成期限, 并负责管理方案的实施QEHS department and humane resource department shall be responsible for organizing the management of operational objective.Financial department shall be responsible for the management of financial objective.Production department shall be responsibl

5、e for the management of operational objective. Respective dept is responsible for establishing the action, progress, responsible person and deadline of management program, and implementing it.5 程序5 Procedure5.1 目标建立5.1.1 QEHS部基于公司方针满足客户及法律法规要求和持续改进的承诺,结合长期经营规划和公司实际,建立年度目标、环境管理目标以及职业健康安全目标,报最高管理层批准。必

6、要时,可通过管理评审或经最高管理层批准予以调整。5.1.2 目标可测量,既有挑战性又有实现的可能。一般地,目标可分为巩固保持型和持续改进型两类。5.1.3 目标应明确相关负责区域。目标可分解时,应分解设立二级目标及明确所对应的负责区域。应针对环境与安全目标,建立环境与安全管理方案,明确方法、职责和活动时间表。5.1.4 财务目标由财务部根据ABB业务管理部门(BA)的要求而建立。5.1.5 人力资源部组织各部门/团队/员工根据公司目标制订部门/团队/员工年度目标,并保持协调性。5.1.6 生产部根据生产运作的要求,结合实际生产情况,建立车间级别的环境管理目标以及职业健康安全目标。5.2 目标测

7、量、分析和改进5.2.1 QEHS部负责定期统计、分析质量目标、环境管理、职业健康安全目标和关键指标系统,并协调相关负责区域采取必要地改进措施。如果有必要,各部门应该根据目标,来确定管理方案并实施,并汇总到QEHS。5.2.2 QEHS部、人力资源部按季度对各运作目标的完成情况进行综合分析,并针对差距大的重点目标组织诊断,由相关负责区域采取改进措施。5.2.3 当改进人力资源培训时,应结合评估人力资源与培训需求,及时优化人力资源配置和培训安排确保有效改进(见QP18-1)。5.2.4 QEHS部、人力资源部、生产部都应对改进措施的有效性进行跟踪验证。5.2.5 财务部负责财务目标的核算、分析,

8、并提请最高管理层讨论、确定相应的改进措施。5.2.6 人力资源定期和在年底组织进行部门/团队/员工目标达成情况的测评。5.3 目标考核和激励5.3.1 日常考核和激励 a)目标达成:根据目标达成比例,进行目标考核和分档评奖。 b)目标改进:对目标改进作出突出贡献的团队、个人,公司通过QCC、合理化建议和特别奖等方式,进行持续的激励。对为公司获得质量管理先进企业、质量信得过班组、优秀QCC等荣誉作出突出贡献的团队、个人,以及获得各级优秀、先进质量工作者等荣誉的人,应予以奖励。 5.3.2 年终考核和激励每年年底,由人力资源部组织,对目标的达成和改进情况进行考核,并与年度奖金、调薪、晋升及评选优秀

9、员工等挂钩。5.1 Establishment of Objectives5 .1.1 QEHS department shall establish the annual objective, environmental management objective and occupational health and safety objective not only according to the company policy which is satisfied with the requirement of customer and law, the commitment to su

10、stainable improvement but also combining the long working project and the practical condition of the company. The objective shall be authorized by the highest level management. They shall be adjusted after being authorized by the management syndic or the highest level management. 5.1.2 The objective

11、 shall be measurable, both challenging and practicable. Generally, the objective shall be divided into two kinds: stable and improve continually. 5.1.3 The objective shall clarify the responsible area. The secondary level objective shall be set up and the related responsible area shall be clarified

12、when the objective can be decomposed. An environmental and safe management project shall be established. The method, responsibility and active timetable shall be clarified. 5.1.4 Financial department shall set up the financial objective according to requirement of BA. 5.1.5 Humane resource departmen

13、t shall organize each department/team/ employee to establish the annual objective of department/team/employee according to the company objective, and to keep its coordination. 5.1.6 Production department shall set up an environmental management objective in the workshop and occupational health and s

14、afety objective not only according to the operational demands but also combining actual production condition.5.2 The measurement, analyses and improvement of the objective5.2.1 QEHS department shall be responsible for the periodical statistics, analyses of the quality objective, environmental manage

15、ment, occupational health and safety objective. They shall take effective improvement measures cooperate with related responsible areas.If necessary , each department should establish management program according to the objectives and will be collected by QEHS.5.2.2 QEHS department and humane resour

16、ce department shall make comprehensive analyses according to the condition of each operational objective quarterly. The important objective which has bigger difference shall be diagnosed. The related responsible area shall take improvement measure.5.2.3 The evaluation of humane resource and training

17、 demands shall be combined when improve humane resource training. The effective improvement shall be ensured by optimizing the humane resource and training arrangement in time (see QP18-1). 5.2.4 QEHS department, production department and humane resource department shall track and testify the effici

18、ency of improvement measure. 5.2.5 Financial department shall responsible for the audit and analyses of the objective. They shall appeal to the highest level management to discuss and confirm the related improvement measure. 5.2.6 Human resource department shall organize an estimation about the achi

19、evement of objective finished by department/team/employee. The estimation shall be organized periodically or at the end of the year.5.3 The audit and motivation of the objective5.3.1 The daily audit and motivation a) The objective audit and reward shall be done according to the ratio of objective ac

20、hievement. b) The improvement of objective: The company shall motivate continually to the team and individual who make great contribution to the objective improvement by QCC, reasonable advice and special reward. The team and individual shall be rewarded who make a great contribution to the quality trusted advanced enterprise, quality trusted team or


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