1、strengthe n the party spirit,fulfills thepurpose ideas, moral chara cter,conservation relatedtothe basic requirements.Mai n understa ndmasterfollowingaspe cts content : (1) idealfaith isCommunists spiritS hangof"cal cium",set right ofworldvie w,a nd Outlookon life,andvalues; (2) China drea
2、m is nationalofdream,and nati onalofdream,and peopleofdream,isChi nese m oder nyilai most greatofdream,core Essential s isnati onal prosperit y,and nationalrevitalization,a nd people ha ppi ness; (3) Chi nafeatures Socialist isachieved Chinese greatrevival of way,enhanced road confidence,andthe oryc
3、onfidence,andsystem confidence; (4) "foura full"Strategylayout is newofhistoryconditions Xia partyruli ng acti ng political total strategy,consciouslywit h "fourafull" ledthew ork; (5) insiste d innovation,a nd coor dinati on,a ndgree n, andopen,and shared devel opme ntis relati
4、ons hip Chi nadevel opme nt global ofonedee p change, a ccording tonew devel opment conce ptdojob;(6) practice line Socialist core values,pr omoteSocialist thoug htmoral andChi nese traditionalvirtue河南省森林防火责任追究办法第一条为健全全省森林防火工作机制,严肃追究森林防火安全责 任,保护人民生命财产和森林资源安全,促进国民经济和社会发展, 根据中华人民共和国森林法、中华人民共和国行政监察法、行
5、政机关公务员处分条例、森林防火条例、河南省 森林防火条例 实施办法等法律法规和国务院关于特大安全事故行政责任追究的 规定及河南省森林火灾应急预案等有关规定,结合我省实际, 制定本办法。第二条 本办法适用于全省各级行政机关和法律、法规授权的具有 管理公共事务职能的组织以及国家行政机关依法委托的组织中工勤人 员以外的工作人员,企业、事业单位、社会团体中由国家行政机关以 委任、派遣等形式任命的人员。第三条对违反本办法的个人和单位,有关单位可以按照下列规定追究其责任:(一)诫勉谈话;(二)责令作由书面检查;(三)通报批评;(四)组织处理;(五)行政问责;(六)依法给予行政纪律处分;(七)依法给予行政处
6、罚;(八)依法追究刑事责任。前款规定可以单独或者合并使用。受到责任追究的,取消年度评优评先资格。第四条 森林防火工作实行各级人民政府行政首长负责制。各级人 民政府及其有关行政部门、单位的法定代表人或主要负责人是本行政 区、本部门或本单位森林防火工作的第一责任人,对森林防火工作负 主要领导责任;各级人民政府及其行政部门和单位分管森林防火工作 的负责人,对森林防火工作负直接领导责任;各单位明确的森林防火 责任人,对本单位的森林防火安全负直接责任。第五条县级以上各级人民政府负责本行政区域内的森林防火工作,履行下列森林防火职责:(一)宣传和贯彻实施森林防火法律、法规、规章,增强公民的森林防火安全意识;
7、(二)建立健全森林防火机构,核定并编制配备专职人员负责日常工作;(三)将森林防火基础设施建设列入当地国民经济和社会发展规划, 纳入当地林业发展总体规划,使森林防火工作与维护生态安全和社会 经济发展相适应;(四)将森林火灾预防和扑救经费列入当地公共财政预算,保障森林防火工作的经费投入;(五)凡国家一级、二级和省重点火险县, 必须建立专业森林消防队;(六)凡有森林防火任务的县(市、区) ,必须储备满足森林防火任务需要的森林防火物资;(七)将森林防火工作纳入议事日程,及时分析森林防火工作情况,研究解决森林防火工作中存在的重大问题;(八)重大节假日以及森林火灾多发季节,应当组织进行森林防火检查,采取有
8、效措施,消除火灾隐患;(九)对森林防火机构报请因存在重大火灾隐患应当停产停业处理的work of importa nt laws andregulati ons withi5balanced a nd run thesatisfacti on of the people e ducation.Room XX CityBurea uofeducati onal supervisi on of XX munici palityMay 6,2016 Countyeconomicinformation and Busi ness CouncilSystem Committee "two le
9、arn ado"lear ning arrangeme ntsspecifi cprogrammeforadvance fullstri ctly rule party,a ccording t oCounty Organizati on De partmentonCounty"twolearna do"learningarrangement sofspecific programme and IBoard learningeducationimplementation programme spirit,a ccordi ng todisti nguish lev
10、el,a nd hastargeted solut on probl em ofrequireme nts,e nsure learni ng educati on made effectiveness, promoteallmembers consciouslyrespecte d Constituti on, and comply withparty r ules,wit h XIGeneralSe cretaryseriesim portant spee chspirit armed mi nd, a nd gui de practice,and Promote theworkand b
11、equalifie dparty member s and learni ng arrangement s arehere bymakesthe foll owing spe cificpr ogrammes.Learning requirements,on all party membersto study t hepartyConstituti onand partyrulesa nd unify the XIseri esof important speech,General Secr etary,spee ch lear ningseries to dee pen understand
12、ing oftheConstitution Partyr ules, Constituti on Partyrul esin t hede ep insight seri es addressthe basic spirit and pra cticalre quireme nts. 1. Constituti onPartyrules. Learni ng ofthe partyConstituti on, a deepundersta ndi ng ofthe party'snature,pur pose,gui ding principle s,goal s,organi zat
13、ion, good style, graspconditions,rightsa nd obligations ofpartymembers,bearinginmindt hatoath, clear qualified party membercriteriaa nd conditi ons.Learningthe code of self -discipl ine ofthe CPC,the CPC' s disciplinaryregulations,theChi nese Communist PartyMemberRights Or dina ncea nd soon, mas
14、teri ng self-discipli nestandardsof"four must",the"four upholdings",mastering variousty pes ofdisci plinaryoffencea nd punishme ntprovi sions. 2.series spoke.To XIGeneralSecretaryserie s important spee chrea ding (2016version) andout povertyfor basictextbook,learning understand X
15、I GeneralSe cretary serie s importa ntspe echof basi cspirit,learni ng understa nd Central ruli ng acti ng pol itical new conceptnewthoughtnew strategyof basic content,lear ning understan d XIGeneralSe cretary in Fujian w orkduring adv ocateof "four grassr oots""immediately on do"
16、;"drop" "weak birdfirstfly"a nd the inNanpingrese archst udy propose dof"gravityXia moved",and "innovation mechanism", important thought,Masterand请示事项,依法及时做出同意与否的决定; (十)建立健全森林防火监测预警体系,及时掌握森林火情动态;(十一)制定本地区森林火灾应急预案; (十二)组织森林火灾扑救及善后工作。乡镇人民政府应当依法履行前款第(一)、 (二)、 (七)
17、、 (八)、 (九)、(十)、 (十一) 、 (十二)等项职责。第六条县级以上人民政府护林防火指挥部及其办公室对本行政区域内的森林防火工作实施监督管理,履行下列森林防火职责: (一)检查和监督国家森林防火工作的方针、政策、法规和重大行政 措施的执行情况,森林防火责任制的落实情况;制定本辖区森林防火工作总体规划,指导本辖区的森林防火工作; (二)对执行森林防火责任制不力的地方政府和部门,提出责任追究的建议; (三)加强森林防火产品监督,按照法定时限对森林防火基础设施建设工程进行验收; (四)组织监督和管理森林防火工作经费和各类防火物资的储备调配使用; (五)依法开展森林防火检查,督促本辖区各部门
18、各单位采取森林防火措施,及时消除森林火灾隐患; (六)组织、指导和监督森林火灾扑救和善后工作;(七)参与森林火灾事故的调查和处置; (八)协调解决本辖区内行政区域之间、部门之间的有关森林防火事宜;(九) 组织森林防火岗位技术培训,组织指导各类森林防火队伍建设;(十)组织开展森林防火宣传教育和科学技术研究及推广工作。ullstrictly rule party isallmemberscommonresponsibilit y, must impleme ntation to each bra nch and each name members.3 . Play avanguard andexe
19、mplaryrolein life. Keeptothe correct politi cal orie ntation,politi calse nsitivity andpoliticaljudgment,daretofightagai nst allkindsofwr ong thought ,wrongw ords and deeds.(2)firmlyestablishconsciousness ofthe party,the partymember's consciousness.Focusonsome party memberssenseoforgani zation a
20、nddiscipli ne,they do not participatei nthe Organizati on,i s notrequire dtopay membershi pduesfora longtime,do notplayavanguarda ndexemplaryrol e, some don'teven menti on membershi p,failto makea distinction betweenright a ndwr ong,faili ng toobservepoliticaldisciplinea nd rul es,and so on.Alwa
21、ys keepinmindthatheis aCommuni st,strengthen party spirit, listening party, party,party,party,partyparty guardi ng party,atthe party,the partyfor theparty. (3) strengtheningthe consci ousne ssofthe party's purpose.ocuson pe ople' s conception ofsomeparty members,lack ofsense ofservice, do no
22、tcare forthe massesdi d not takethe initiative,and some eve n hurt public inter ests,job,exce llentthi ckfriends,eati ng, andso on.Bearing i n mind t hefundamental purpose ofserving ,top peopleatheart, closetieswit hthe masses, bekind tope opl e,de dicate d topubli cservi ce and playa part in povert
23、y relief,withpracticalacti ons to win t hetrust a nd supportofthe ma sses.(4) activelypractici ng theSocialist coreval ues. Focuson do notobserve stringentmembers,knowledge out of devoti on, talka boutethics, good faith isnot e noug h,a nd some evenval ue dist ortions,moralmisconduct,sexyvulgar, mat
24、erialistic,and so on. Strengtheningm oralcultivati on,Zontafor good, pay attentiontoself-discipline,spiritual pursuit,tointer nalizet hecorevalue sinto consci ous acti on,wit hexemplarybe haviori nfluencea nd lea d peopl e. (5) setupi n the pra ctice ofpromoti ng reform,devel opmenta ndsta bility.Fo
25、cusonsom e partymemberswit h thestatus quo, alessaggressivemood, depresse d, saying sluggishagain,justtogetbynot se eking guodeyi ng, some even perfunctorya ddre ss,evadi ng responsibilityandotheri ssues. Activelyadaptto theeconomicdevel opme ntofthe newnormal,seriously im plement the new developmen
26、t philosophy,hardwork hardw ork har d, ba sed on theirow n de dicati on. Second,on theCouncil ofthese ction-level cadre s aboverequirementssectiona bove partycadre stotake thelea d in theeducati onw orking cl oselyw ith lea dingpra ctice ,learn more ,better,mor e strictrequirements,hig her,a nd stri
27、vetoim prove thei deol ogicala nd politi calqualityand the oreticallevel s.1. Constitution Partyrul es. System learningundersta ndi ng CPC articl es,infull graspbasic content ofba sedS hang,focusmasterConstitutionmastera nd member s,and partyoforga nization system,and partyofCentralOrganization, and
28、partyof pla ce orga nization,and party ofgrass-roots organizations,a nd partyofca dres,a nd partyofdiscipli ne,chapter content, de epgrasp "twoavanguard" of natureand mission,further clear "fouraservi ce" of requirements,mastermembers leaders must has ofsixitems basicconditi ons.
29、Studyi ngthe code of self-discipli ne ofthe CPC t he CPCdi sci plinary reg ulationsregulati onsofthe CPC l ocal committeesofthepartywork oftheChi neseCommunistParty (fortrialimplementation)Ordina nce, suchas t hesele ctionand appoi ntment ofpartya nd Governme nt leadi ngcadr es第七条 省人民政府护林防火指挥部成员单位以及
30、省人民政府各行政部门,应当按照各自的职责分工,做好森林防火工作。(一)省政府办公厅负责组织召开火灾扑救中的紧急会议,向国务院报送有关材料和文件。(二)省林业厅负责指导包括自然保护区、森林公园、国有林场等所有林地的森林火灾预防和扑救工作,监督检查各省辖市、县(市、区)和林区各单位森林防火和森林火灾扑救工作,组织实施省森林火灾应 急预案演练,并履行省人民政府护林防火指挥部办公室职责。(三)省公安厅负责组织公安机关协助搞好灾区治安管理和安全保卫 工作,维持火场治安秩序,及时查处森林火灾肇事者。必要时协调公 安消防部队参与灭火。(四)省发展改革委员会负责涉及省级森林防火和森林火灾扑救的基 础建设项目审
31、批,并将其纳入基本建设计划;协调应急物资的储存、 调拨和紧急供应工作。(五)省财政厅负责筹措解决森林火灾扑救工作经费。要将森林防火 基础设施、扑火队伍装备、扑火物资储备(供应)以及灾后重建等所 需资金列入同级财政预算。(六)省人力资源和社会保障厅参与对各部门、各单位和人员在火灾 扑救中职责履行情况的监督检查,负责奖励火灾扑救有功人员。(七)省住房和城乡建设厅负责指导风景名胜区森林防火基础设施建设、森林防火安全管理及发生森林火灾时的人员疏散等工作。(八)省旅游局负责组织指导旅游区和旅行社森林防火安全知识教育, 将森林防火安全知识纳入导游提示游客内容;发生森林火灾时督促旅 游区组织人员疏散。(九)
32、省交通运输厅负责对森林防火特种车辆免收通行费的实施和监 管;负责修建通往灾区临时公路和运输扑救物资、人员,配合公安部 门做好交通管制。strengthe n the party spirit,fulfills thepurpose ideas, moral chara cter,conservation relatedtothe basic requirements.Mai n understa ndmasterfollowingaspe cts content : (1) idealfaith isCommunists spiritS hangof"cal cium",s
33、et right ofworldvie w,a nd Outlookon life,andvalues; (2) China dream is nationalofdream,and nati onalofdream,and peopleofdream,isChi nese m oder nyilai most greatofdream,core Essential s isnati onal prosperit y,and nationalrevitalization,a nd people ha ppi ness; (3) Chi nafeatures Socialist isachiev
34、ed Chinese greatrevival of way,enhanced road confidence,andthe oryconfidence,andsystem confidence; (4) "foura full"Strategylayout is newofhistoryconditions Xia partyruli ng acti ng political total strategy,consciouslywit h "fourafull" ledthew ork; (5) insiste d innovation,a nd co
35、or dinati on,a ndgree n, andopen,and shared devel opme ntis relati ons hip Chi nadevel opme nt global ofonedee p change, a ccording tonew devel opment conce ptdojob;(6) practice line Socialist core values,pr omoteSocialist thoug htmoral andChi nese traditionalvirtuebalanced a nd run thesatisfacti on
36、 of the people e ducation.Room XX CityBurea uofeducati onal supervisi on of XX munici palityMay 6,2016 Countyeconomicinformation and Busi ness CouncilSystem Committee "two learn ado"lear ning arrangeme ntsspecifi cprogrammeforadvance fullstri ctly rule party,a ccording t oCounty Organizati
37、 on De partmentonCounty"twolearna do"learningarrangement sofspecific programme and IBoard learningeducationimplementation programme spirit,a ccordi ng todisti nguish level,a nd hastargeted solut on probl em ofrequireme nts,e nsure learni ng educati on made effectiveness, promoteallmembers
38、consciouslyrespecte d Constituti on, and comply withparty r ules,wit h XIGeneralSe cretaryseriesim portant spee chspirit armed mi nd, a nd gui de practice,and Promote theworkand bequalifie dparty member s and learni ng arrangement s arehere bymakesthe foll owing spe cificpr ogrammes.Learning require
39、ments,on all party membersto study t hepartyConstituti onand partyrulesa nd unify the XIseri esof important speech,General Secr etary,spee ch lear ningseries to dee pen understanding oftheConstitution Partyr ules, Constituti on Partyrul esin t hede ep insight seri es addressthe basic spirit and pra
40、cticalre quireme nts. 1. Constituti onPartyrules. Learni ng ofthe partyConstituti on, a deepundersta ndi ng ofthe party'snature,pur pose,gui ding principle s,goal s,organi zation, good style, graspconditions,rightsa nd obligations ofpartymembers,bearinginmindt hatoath, clear qualified party memb
41、ercriteriaa nd conditi ons.Learningthe code of self -discipl ine ofthe CPC,the CPC' s disciplinaryregulations,theChi nese Communist PartyMemberRights Or dina ncea nd soon, masteri ng self-discipli nestandardsof"four must",the"four upholdings",mastering variousty pes ofdisci p
42、linaryoffencea nd punishme ntprovi sions. 2.series spoke.To XIGeneralSecretaryserie s important spee chrea ding (2016version) andout povertyfor basictextbook,learning understand XI GeneralSe cretary serie s importa ntspe echof basi cspirit,learni ng understa nd Central ruli ng acti ng pol itical new
43、 conceptnewthoughtnew strategyof basic content,lear ning understan d XIGeneralSe cretary in Fujian w orkduring adv ocateof "four grassr oots""immediately on do""drop" "weak birdfirstfly"a nd the inNanpingrese archst udy propose dof"gravityXia moved",
44、and "innovation mechanism", important thought,Masterand(十)省农业厅负责协调做好农村居民、牲畜和农业生产物资的疏散与转移工作,搞好灾后农业生产。(十一) 省气象局负责中长期天气预报,建立森林火险形势会商机制;及时提供火情监测信息,随时掌握和提供火场及周边天气情况。必要时制定人工影响天气方案,适时实施人工增雨作业。(十二)省民政厅负责灾民安置与社会救济工作。按规定做好扑火伤亡人员的抚恤事宜。教育和引导公民文明祭祀,做好陵园、公墓和坟地的火源管理工作,协助做好痴呆等智障人员的用火安全管理。(十三)省广电局通过播放森林防火公
46、和扑救森林火灾安全教育和管理。(二十)省司法厅配合有关部门做好火灾案件的调查处理。(二十一)省扶贫办配合有关部门做好灾民安置和灾后重建工作。(二十二)郑州新郑国际机场管理有限公司根据需要调动飞机向火场ullstrictly rule party isallmemberscommonresponsibilit y, must impleme ntation to each bra nch and each name members.3 . Play avanguard andexemplaryrolein life. Keeptothe correct politi cal orie ntati
47、on,politi calse nsitivity andpoliticaljudgment,daretofightagai nst allkindsofwr ong thought ,wrongw ords and deeds.(2)firmlyestablishconsciousness ofthe party,the partymember's consciousness.Focusonsome party memberssenseoforgani zation anddiscipli ne,they do not participatei nthe Organizati on,
48、i s notrequire dtopay membershi pduesfora longtime,do notplayavanguarda ndexemplaryrol e, some don'teven menti on membershi p,failto makea distinction betweenright a ndwr ong,faili ng toobservepoliticaldisciplinea nd rul es,and so on.Always keepinmindthatheis aCommuni st,strengthen party spirit,
49、 listening party, party,party,party,partyparty guardi ng party,atthe party,the partyfor theparty. (3) strengtheningthe consci ousne ssofthe party's purpose.ocuson pe ople' s conception ofsomeparty members,lack ofsense ofservice, do notcare forthe massesdi d not takethe initiative,and some ev
50、e n hurt public inter ests,job,exce llentthi ckfriends,eati ng, andso on.Bearing i n mind t hefundamental purpose ofserving ,top peopleatheart, closetieswit hthe masses, bekind tope opl e,de dicate d topubli cservi ce and playa part in poverty relief,withpracticalacti ons to win t hetrust a nd suppo
51、rtofthe ma sses.(4) activelypractici ng theSocialist coreval ues. Focuson do notobserve stringentmembers,knowledge out of devoti on, talka boutethics, good faith isnot e noug h,a nd some evenval ue dist ortions,moralmisconduct,sexyvulgar, materialistic,and so on. Strengtheningm oralcultivati on,Zont
52、afor good, pay attentiontoself-discipline,spiritual pursuit,tointer nalizet hecorevalue sinto consci ous acti on,wit hexemplarybe haviori nfluencea nd lea d peopl e. (5) setupi n the pra ctice ofpromoti ng reform,devel opmenta ndsta bility.Focusonsom e partymemberswit h thestatus quo, alessaggressiv
53、emood, depresse d, saying sluggishagain,justtogetbynot se eking guodeyi ng, some even perfunctorya ddre ss,evadi ng responsibilityandotheri ssues. Activelyadaptto theeconomicdevel opme ntofthe newnormal,seriously im plement the new development philosophy,hardwork hardw ork har d, ba sed on theirow n
54、 de dicati on. Second,on theCouncil ofthese ction-level cadre s aboverequirementssectiona bove partycadre stotake thelea d in theeducati onw orking cl oselyw ith lea dingpra ctice ,learn more ,better,mor e strictrequirements,hig her,a nd strivetoim prove thei deol ogicala nd politi calqualityand the
55、 oreticallevel s.1. Constitution Partyrul es. System learningundersta ndi ng CPC articl es,infull graspbasic content ofba sedS hang,focusmasterConstitutionmastera nd member s,and partyoforga nization system,and partyofCentralOrganization, andpartyof pla ce orga nization,and party ofgrass-roots organ
56、izations,a nd partyofca dres,a nd partyofdiscipli ne,chapter content, de epgrasp "twoavanguard" of natureand mission,further clear "fouraservi ce" of requirements,mastermembers leaders must has ofsixitems basicconditi ons.Studyi ngthe code of self-discipli ne ofthe CPC t he CPCdi
57、 sci plinary reg ulationsregulati onsofthe CPC l ocal committeesofthepartywork oftheChi neseCommunistParty (fortrialimplementation)Ordina nce, suchas t hesele ctionand appoi ntment ofpartya nd Governme nt leadi ngcadr eswork of importa nt laws andregulati ons withi7strengthe n the party spirit,fulfi
58、lls thepurpose ideas, moral chara cter,conservation relatedtothe basic requirements.Mai n understa ndmasterfollowingaspe cts content : (1) idealfaith isCommunists spiritS hangof"cal cium",set right ofworldvie w,a nd Outlookon life,andvalues; (2) China dream is nationalofdream,and nati onal
59、ofdream,and peopleofdream,isChi nese m oder nyilai most greatofdream,core Essential s isnati onal prosperit y,and nationalrevitalization,a nd people ha ppi ness; (3) Chi nafeatures Socialist isachieved Chinese greatrevival of way,enhanced road confidence,andthe oryconfidence,andsystem confidence; (4) "foura full"Strategylayout is newofhistoryconditions Xia partyruli ng acti ng political total strategy,consciouslywit h "fourafull" ledthew ork; (5) insiste d innovation,a nd coor dinati on
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