1、good" lea dershi p constr ucti on, full play levelscadres i n enter prise development in t heWewillcontinue toimprovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrol system,and steady improvement in a bility tomanag e and control, optimizebusi ness processes,toe nsuresmooth pr ocesses, re sponsibilitie s in
2、 place ;to further strengthe n inter nal control s,play acontr olpostindepe nde ntoversig htrole ofevaluation com plyingwit h third -party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internala udit tools detect potentialma nagement,streamli ne,sta ndar dize relatedtra nsactions,strengt hening operatio
3、ns inaccordance wit h law.Dee pening the i nformation ma nagementtoe nsurefullcommunication " zero resistance".oconstantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+, andPI,a nd MIS,andSCM,i nformation system basedconstr uction,fulli ntegrationi nformation system, achi eved informati on resour ces shared; to e
4、xpand Portal systemapplicationofbreadthand depth , playinformati onsystem on ent erpriseofAssistantrol e;to perfectdai ly run mainte na nce operati onofrecords,prom ote pro blem reasonsa nalysi sand systemhandover;to strengtheni ng BFS+,a nd ERP,and SCM, te chnol ogyapplication oftraining,improve em
5、ployee s applicati on i nformation system ofcapa cityand level. Humanisti ccare to ensure "zero."Tostrengtheni ng Huma nities care ,continues tofostercompanywindcl ear, a nd g as are, andheartShunofcultureatmosphere;strengtheninglovehelped trappe d, caredifficult em ployee s; carrie doutst
6、yle activitie s, richempl oyees life;stre ngthe ninghealth a nd la bour prote ction, organi zation career health medical, controlcare er against; continuesto impl ementation psychologicalwarni ng preve ntion system,training employeeshealthofcharacter,a nd stable of mood a nd e nterpri singofattitude
7、,create d friendlyfraternityof Humanitiesenvironment. ostre ngthe n riskmanageme nt,ensure that thebusiness of"zero risk". To strengthene dbusinessplansmanagement,will business busi ness planscoverto alllevel,e nsurethe businessca ncontrol i ncontrol;t o close concer n financial,and coalel
8、e ctric li nkage, andenergy-savi ng scheduling , national policy tre nds,strengtheni ngtrack, active shoul d;to impleme ntation State-ow ned assets met hod,furtherspe cification busine ss fina ncial ma nagement;t o perfectriskt ube control system,achieve d risk recogniti on,a nd measure,a nd assessm
9、e nt,and report,and controlfeedbackofclosedringmanagement, improve risk preventi on ca pacity.o furtherstandar dizetradi ng,and strivetoachieve "accordingto la w,sta ndardizeand fair." Innovation ofperformncema nagement,toe nsure that potentialemployees "zero fly".T o strengt hen
10、 performance management,process control,e nha nce employe e evaluati on and level sofeffectivecommunicationtoimproveperformancemanagement. ofurtherquantifyand refineemployee standards.Work,fullplayparty, a ndbranch,and members in "five type Enterpri se" constructionin the ofcore rol e, and
11、 fightingfortress r ole andpi oneermodelr ole; to continues to stre ngthening"four砖混结构主体工程施工1、施工顺序轴线放测、高程传递-绑扎、校正构造柱钢筋(安装预留预埋)砌体砌 筑-构造柱、现浇梁、板、圈梁模板安装-、圈梁、梁、板钢筋绑扎-安装预留 预埋-绑扎板面负筋-浇筑碎-养护。2、砌体工程施工方法2.1、 、原材料的要求砌体材料的规格、强度必须符合设计要求,并具有出厂合格证,方可进场。砌块砌筑前12 日洒水润湿。承重墙材料:室内地坪以下采用 MU1似心页岩砖,M10水泥砂浆砌筑;室内地坪以上采用M
12、U1CK心页岩砖,M7.5混合砂浆砌筑。2.2、 砌体的砌筑顺序洒水润湿基层-基层上弹出墙身边线-摆砖-盘角-双面挂线-立皮数杆-砌筑墙体2.3、 施工准备砌体砌筑采用工具式里脚手架砌筑。施工前根据建施图的墙体尺寸及构造柱位置。以及根据砌体工程施工及验收规范中有关砌体水平、竖直灰缝厚度,咬砌搭接的条文要求,确定砌块的皮数,绘出砌体排列图。砌筑前将墙体拉接筋处理顺直,并除锈,构造柱的竖钢筋也应处理顺直,主筋应错头搭接进行绑扎。砌筑前,将楼层控制标高用水准仪引测到砌筑段的柱身上,并用红三角标示, 再按柱身上的轴线引测到板面上,以此为基准线,在板面上弹出墙体的轴线以及构造柱,门洞、窗洞的位置。必须在
13、砌筑前一天浇水湿润,不准干砖上墙。2.4、 砌筑方法及一般要求(1)砌墙的水平灰缝厚度和竖向灰缝宽厚一般为10mm但不小于8mm也不大于12mm水平灰缝的砂浆饱满度不低于 85%( 2) 垂直灰缝宜采用挤浆或加浆方法,使其砂浆饱满,严禁用水泥浆灌缝。fback boneba ckbone role; t ofull stre ngthening membersyouthwork,fullplayyout hempl oyeesi n company developmenti n the offorcerol e; to im provei nde pendent Commissionagain
14、st corruptionw ork level,stre ngthe ning on e nterprise businesskeyli nk ofeff ectivene ssmonitore d. ,A nd ma intainsta bility. To furt herstre ngthe n publi cityand educati on,im prove theoveralllegalsystem.We muststrengthensafetymanagement,establish andimprov ethe e ducation,supervi sion,and eval
15、uationas oneoft he traffic saf ety managementmechanism.oconscienti ously sum upthe Olympic securitycontrol s,pr omoting i ntegratedmanageme ntto a higherl evel, hig hersta ndar ds,a higherl evelofdev elopment.Empl oyees,todayi s lunarcal endaronDe cember24,the ox Bellis a bouttoring ,atthis time ofy
16、ear,we clearlyfeelt hepulse ofthe XX pow ergenerati oncompa nyto flourish,tomore clearly hearXX powerge neration compa nies mature a nd symmetrybreathi ng. Recalli ng past oneanother acrossa raili ng, weare e nthusiastica ndfull ofconfidence. F uturedevelopmentopportunities,we moreexciting fightmore
17、spirited.Employees,let us togetheracross2013 fullofchalle ngesand opportuniti es,to create agreen,l ow-cost operati on,full of humane careof aworld-cla ss powerge neration companyand w ork hard!T heoccasi on oftheSpri ng Festival,mysincerewish thatyou a ndthe familiesofthe staffin thenewyear,good he
18、alt h,ha ppy,ha ppygood" lea dershi p constr ucti on, full play levelscadres i n enter prise development in t heWewillcontinue toimprovethecompa ny's inter nalcontrol system,and steady improvementinabilitytomanageandcontrol,optimizebusinessprocesses,toensuresmoothprocesses,responsibilitiesi
19、nplace ;to further strengthe n inter nal control s,play acontr olpostindepe nde ntoversig htrole ofevaluation com plyingwit h third -party responsi bility; to a ctively make use of internala udit tools detect potentialma nagement,streamli ne,sta ndar dize relatedtra nsactions,strengt hening operatio
20、ns inaccordancewithlaw.Dee pening the i nformation ma nagementtoe nsurefullcommuni cation "zeroresistance".o constantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+, andPI,a nd MIS,andSCM,i nformation system basedconstr uction,fulli ntegrationi nformation sy stem, achi eved informati on resour ces shared; to exp
21、and Portal systemapplicationofbreadthanddepth,playinf ormati onsystem on ent erpriseofAssistantrol e;to perfectdai ly run mainte nance operati onofrecords,prom ote problemreasonsanalysisand systemhandover;to strengtheni ng BFS+,a nd ERP,and SCM, te chnol ogyapplication oftraining,improveemployeesapp
22、licationinformationsystemofcapacityandlevel.Humanisticcaretoensure"zero."TostrengtheningHumanitiescare,continues tofostercompanywindclear,andgasare,andheartShunofcultureatmosphere;strengtheninglovehelpedtrapped,caredifficultemployees;carrie doutstyle activitie s, richempl oyees life;stre n
23、gthe ninghealth a nd la bour prote ction, organi zatio n career health medical, controlcare er against; continuesto impl ementation psy chologicalwarni ng preve ntion system,training em ployee shealt hofcharacter,a nd stable of mood a nd e nterpri singofattitude,create d friendlyfraternityof Humanit
24、iesenvironment. ostre ngthe n riskmanageme nt,ensure that thebusiness of"zero risk". To strengthenedbusine ss pl ansma nagement, will busine ss busi ness planscoverto alllevel,ensurethebusinesscancontrolincontrol;tocloseconcer n financial,and coalele ctric li nkage, andenergy-savi ng sched
25、uling , national policy tre nds,strengtheni ngtrack, active shoul d;to impleme ntation State-ow ned assets met hod,furtherspe cification busine ss fina ncial ma nagement;t o perfectriskt ube control system,achieve d risk recogniti on,a nd measure,a nd assessme nt,and report,and controlfeedbackofclos
26、edringmanagement,improveriskpreventioncapacity.o furtherstandar dizetradi ng,and strivetoachieve "accordingtolaw,standardizeandfair."Innovationofperformancema nagement,toe nsure that potentialemployees "zero fly".T o strengt hen performance management, process control,e nha nceem
27、ploye e evaluati on and level sofeffectivecommunicationtoimproveperformancemanagement. ofurtherquantifyand refineempl oyee standards.Work,fullplayparty, a ndbranch,and members in "five type Enterpri se" constructioni n the ofcore rol e,and fightingfortressroleandpioneermodelr ole; to conti
28、nues to stre ngthening"four(3)墙体临时分段点一般设在构造柱和门窗洞口处,无构造柱时,内外墙应同时砌筑,对不能同时砌筑又须临时间断处,须留斜槎 (斜槎长度不小于高度2/3 ) ,不允许留直槎。(4)墙体砌筑完毕后,进行构造柱施工。(5)构造柱的设置严格按设计文件和图集设置,并在正式施工前应以技术核定单的形式报送甲方及监理,在针得建设、监理、 设计单位认可后方可正式实施施工。构造柱须先砌墙后浇柱,砌墙时墙与构造柱连接处要砌成马牙槎, 沿墙高每隔500设26水平拉结筋,钢筋埋入墙内1000或伸至门窗洞边,锚入柱内 250。砖砌体在转角处应同时砌筑,不能同时砌筑
29、的墙,应按施工规范做好拉接措施。构造柱支承于钢筋碎梁或基础时,钢筋锚入梁内或基础内39d,构造柱与圈梁连接处,构造柱的纵筋应穿过圈梁,保证构造柱纵筋上下贯通。屋顶女儿墙处下部构造柱应伸出屋面至女儿墙压顶及坡屋面卧梁处,另外女儿墙设锚固柱,截面240X240,内配410纵筋,6200ffi筋。半开间一个,间距1800,有关构 造详04G3293阳台栏板及屋面栏板设锚固小柱,截面尺寸为120X12Q内配410 纵筋,62501筋,设于阳台转角处起,间距0 2000。(6)圈梁沿240墙体层层设置,贯通所有纵横墙,断面 240X24Q内配纵 筋412,箍筋6200圈梁顶标高为所在的板面标高。纵筋搭接
30、长度为1.2La, 错开500,同一截面接头率25%搭接范围内箍筋6100圈梁配筋构造钢筋搭接详04G329-&圈梁应闭合,当圈梁被门窗洞口截断处,在洞口上部增设相 同截面的附加圈梁。附加圈梁与圈梁的搭接长度不应小于其中到中垂直间距的二倍,且不小于1000。圈梁兼过梁时,应在圈梁底另加 114。(7)如需在墙上留置施工洞口,其侧边离交接处墙面不应小于500mm洞口净宽度不应超过1.5m,在施工洞口应设置预制过梁以保证施工安全,其具体 做法如图:fback boneba ckbone role; tofull stre ngthening membersyouthwork,fullpla
31、yyoutsystem.We muststrengthensafetymanagement,establish andimprovethe e ducation,supervision,and evaluationas oneoft he traffic safety managementmeoconscienti ously sumupthe Olympic securitycontrol s,pr omoting i ntegratedmanagemeclearlyfeelt hepulseofthe XX pow ergenerationcompa nyto flourish,tomor
32、eclearly hearXXpowerge neration companies mature a nd symmetrybreathing. Recalli ng pastanother acrossa railing, weare enthusiastica ndfulls,we moreexciting fightmorespirited.Employees,let us togetngesand opportunities,to create agreen,l ow-cost operati on,full of humane careof aworld-cla ss powerge
33、 neration companyand wow ork hard!T heoccasi on oftheSpri ng Festival,mysincerewish thatyou a ndthe familiesofthe staffin thenewyear,good healt h,ha ppy,ha ppyWel -L-th cs - e a c - syse saive -I- ag a - urss. sucss .l.tofurt -e gt -t l- cst - deesg l elato.-Iy - ilkseer lu - tol.e eiage stealetaae
34、e aatstre.e get -d. ie e -g -gemetou l cL- e erstet-e - ea s a-. - a Msr c l eg r-r - tec ev- - esese - - xaPrtlsem.w-e-ept - - rs> eesse -c .- ateaa- -te e aasye ae-egg BFe mga- -g-v ele alaa-syec -ael Hu a -c e - u e-eg-e g Hu -e a c-et-se c a -c ag a a e a u e a s este gg ll-a - a -"ly a-
35、 u ,-s cee-e- g- -.l.ataeea- -l c ag-ea-clg-c agev - yse a g emlyal -aae-le -.-"e c a-el-ae-H-e - e- g -kageese-t - ses e-k ste g- s a gee lu- ss- e a - leuu>ec ccse e -a -l kge eeg s-g celg a-l-.segte g - ak-v s-e- -ae as- -ute sc-a- s- -lgee-c-k u ct ysea-v eg-eueasesae - act-kle g agee- v
36、-kc a-yu-e sa d -e-a g a-v - a-v - 一-gl a-e a -aa- -c geeu- e-eyeel-e ge-mac gecs-elvu- ael ee-c ca-e-c ag-e - a- ae-e saa.Wkl lrya c ae "Ee- e - suc- ce fg-g - es l ae le -c-e -l. lecdee.s .一三线一靠五线一吊,翻架时,特别注意交接部位砌体的整体平整。(9)穿越墙体的管道,应加套管,避免渗水,埋入墙体内的铁件应做防锈 处理。(10)安装工程中的管道,未经设计院同意,不得在墙体上开槽。(11)过梁安
37、装时,应复核其标高,位置及型号必须准确,坐浆饱满。如 坐灰厚度超过2cm时,应用豆石碎铺垫,过梁安装时,两端支承点的长度应一致。 5、砌筑砂浆的配制及质量控制砌筑砂浆采用中砂,含泥量小于 5%砂浆配合比必须采用重量比,水泥、塑化剂的计量误差应控制在±2%认内。砂、水、石灰膏计量误差控制在土 5%Z内。水泥砂浆、混合砂浆搅拌时间 2min,掺外加剂的砂浆3min。水泥砂浆的最少水泥用量不宜小于 200kg/m3。砌筑砂浆分层度不应大于30mm砂浆稠度以7090为宜。砂浆拌制好后,应盛入灰槽中。水泥砂浆和混合砂浆必须分别在拌制后 3h和4h内使用完毕,气温超过30c时,应相应缩短1h。砂
38、浆试件在搅拌机出料时随机取样制作,取样试件的数量、部位按规范 要求。砌筑砂浆所用的水泥进场使用前,应分批对其强度、安定性进行复检。 检验批应以同一生产厂家、同一编号为一批。当在使用中对水泥质量有怀疑或水 泥出厂超过三个月(快硬硅酸盐水泥超过一个月)时,应复查试验,并按其结果-bbck bone ba ckonere t oul st-e nghen-g membes youth -I -k -ul pay yout I empl oy-s - ncmpay . lpmet - n the o- - -e -ol e tm p-ove-n- pendet C-r-nlgl-r c-"-
39、,- o-k e , se nghe n-g on e ntep buu-s key l I k o- e ee ss ”- . , A nd ma -tan sta b-l-y. Tou- he se nghe n publ c-y ad e_cal on, m p-le - e ooell、a. We mus sengthesaey maaement, _tabls ad mp-v e the e Lu-on, e,i s-n, and la-n- one o- t he t-c saety manaet meLhani-.I Lonr-enti ouuly up the pc u cnt
40、-l s, p- omot-g - n、a- mang-e nt to a hge l eve, hg he ndad* a h-ge l l o- dev eopmet ,pl oyees t-y - s lua cal enda on Ie be 24, the ox “l s a boul t-g , at th-s tae o- yea, -e clealy -ee t he pulse o- the XX po- e .nea- on compa ny to -lu-s,-mo-e hXX po-e . nea-ncmpa n maue a nd .mme. b " ng
41、Recalng pas oneaothe- acoss a al ng a-e e nth.sstc a nd -ul o- cn-dence F utu-e deelpmet oppo-un-es mo-e ec-tng -ght mo-e sp-eddEmployee, e us - gehe acoss 2013 ul o- chle ngs ad oppo-tu-t es to ciate a g-ee, l o-cs opea- on, ull o- humane cae o- a o-dca <s po-e ge neat-n cmpay and - o-k had! T h
42、e ocas on o- the Sp- I g les-va, my sncee-s that yu a nd the -»-es o- the sa- -n the ne - a, good h-lh, happy, ha ppygood" lea dershi p constr ucti on, full play levelscadres i n enter prise development in t heWewillcontinue toimprovethe compa ny's inter nalcontrol system,and steady im
43、provement in a bility tomanag e and control, optimizebusi ness processes,toe nsuresmooth pr ocesses, re sponsibilitie s in place ;to further strengthe n inter nal control s,play acontr olpostindepe nde ntoversig htrole ofevaluation com plyingwit h third -party responsi bility; to a ctively make use
44、of internala udit tools detect potentialma nagement,streamli ne,sta ndar dize relatedtra nsactions,strengt hening operations inaccorda nce wit h law.Dee pening the i nformation ma nagementtoe nsurefullcommuni cation "zeroresistance".o constantly perfect ERP ,and BFS+, andPI,a nd MIS,andSCM
45、,i nformation system basedconstr uction,fulli ntegrationi nformation sy stem, achi eved informati on resour ces shared; to expand Portal systemapplicationofbreadtha nd depth,play inf ormati onsystem on ent erpriseofAssistantrol e;to perfectdai ly run mainte nance operati onofrecords,prom ote problem
46、reasonsanalysi sand systemhandover;to strengtheni ng BFS+,a nd ERP,and SCM, te chnol ogyapplication oftraining, improve employee s applicati on i nformation system ofcapa cityand level. Humanisti ccare to ensure "zero."Tostrengtheni ng Huma nities care ,continues tofostercompanywind cl ear
47、, a nd g as are, andheartShunofcult ure atmosphere ; strengtheni ng lovehelpe d trappe d, caredifficult em ployee s; carrie doutstyle activitie s, richempl oyees life;stre ngthe ninghealth a nd la bour prote ction, organi zatio n career health medical, controlcare er against; continuesto impl ementa
48、tion psy chologicalwarni ng preve ntion system,training em ployee shealt hofcharacter,a nd stable of mood a nd e nterpri singofattitude,create d friendlyfraternityof Humanitiesenvironment. ostre ngthe n riskmanageme nt,ensure that thebusiness of"zero risk". To strengthened busine ss pl ans
49、ma nagement, will busine ss busi ness planscoverto alllevel,ensurethe businessca ncontrol i ncontrol;t o close concer n financial,and coalele ctric li nkage, andenergy-savi ng scheduling , national policy tre nds,strengtheni ngtrack, active shoul d;to impleme ntation State-ow ned assets met hod,furt
50、herspe cification busine ss fina ncial ma nagement;t o perfectriskt ube control system,achieve d risk recogniti on,a nd measure,a nd assessme nt,and report,and controlfeedba ck ofclosed ri ng management , improve risk preventi on ca pacity.o furtherstandar dizetradi ng,and strivetoachieve "acco
51、rdingto la w,sta ndardizeand fair." Innovation ofperformancema nagement,toe nsure that potentialemployees "zero fly".T o strengt hen performance management, process control,e nha nceemploye e evaluati on and level sofeffectivecommunication toim proveperforma nce ma nagement. ofurtherq
52、uantifyand refineempl oyee standards.Work,fullplayparty, a ndbranch,and members in "five type Enterpri se" constructioni n the ofcore rol e,and fightingfortressrole andpi oneermodelr ole; to continues to stre ngthening"four使用。不同品种的水泥不得混合使用。砂浆用砂不得含有害杂物,其M5混合砂浆所用砂的含泥量不应超过5%砂浆中不得采用脱水硬化的石
53、灰膏,消石灰粉必须经过熟化才能用于砂浆中。拌制砂浆所用水的水质应符合碎拌合用水标准的规定。砌筑砂浆应通过试配确定配合比。当砌筑砂浆的组成材料有变更时,应重新确定配合比。(11)砌体工程所用的材料应有产品的合格证书、产品性能检测报告。块材、水泥、钢筋、外加剂等,尚应有材料主要性能的进场试验报告。3、钢筋工程施工本工程钢筋选用I、II级钢筋和冷轧带肋钢筋。3.1、 、钢筋原材料要求对进场的钢材严格把好质量关,每批进场的钢筋必须有炉号牌及出厂合格证明书并按规定报验并抽样试验合格后,方可使用。进场的每批钢筋用完后,钢筋工长、试验人员必须在试验报告合格证明书上注明该批钢筋所用楼层的部位,以便今后对结构进
54、行分析,确保工程质量。钢筋在储运堆放时,必须挂标示牌,并按级别、品种分规格堆放整齐,钢筋与地面之间应有不低于200mm勺木防垫或搭设钢管架。钢筋在加工过程中,如发生脆断,焊接性能不良或力学性能不正常现象,应对该批钢材进行化学成份分析。3.2、 钢筋加工制作对于结构部位,节点复杂的构件,应认真全面熟悉图纸,弄清其锚固方式及长度,对梁柱节点处各构件的钢筋排放位置进行合理的放排,避免绑扎时发生钢筋挤压成堆的情况,按图放样。所有钢筋尺寸必须满足施工规范要求,箍筋做成135。弯钩,且平直长度不小于10d,箍筋制作弯心应大于主筋直径。钢筋焊接质量应满足钢筋焊接及验收规程要求,焊工均持证上岗,并在正式施工焊
55、接前试焊,试件合格后方可正式施焊。3.3、 钢筋的竖向、水平连接钢筋连接和锚固长度按标准图集03G101-1 要求执行。位于同一连接区段内受拉钢筋搭接接头面积的百分率,对梁、板类构件,不宜大于25%;对于柱类构fback boneba ckbone role; t ofull stre ngthening membersyouthwork,fullplayyout hempl oyeesi n company developmenti n the offorcerol e; to im provei nde pendent Commissionagainst corruptionw ork l
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