1、wl conti -e "improve t he com” nys ite - control *, and stea-y mprovement i -billy tomaag pac a-le_l HumanSIc ccae loesue ,e i ."Tsengteing IHmaie, iclnuis t foXrr e or、an- until fie-ba ck of cl ose- .g managgme n m,.<e -. preveti onpa clyTo fute sa-ae a - cnt.l oltmie busie - pr cecmpa
2、 I y wn- Jea, a n- g- ae a- he-taii ng, an- srve t uhiee ">_ort ensue e_onsii ltis ipa -. to f ute se ngte n iner na cntol s ply a cont01Pos i nne ,ene nt ovesg of e incmp,iI g wth t hi-pay resons I lty t a ciey mae use of ier na a u-i tos -eec poenta l mang-et, se-lnn.sa-a-ie relae- tansaci
3、ons, sengteiar Shun of cutue osphee.egte nig ” <e hele- tappe-cae -ikil - ploees; ccari- I ut sye a ctvai c -ply-s .e segte ning hhat a n- , bou pr otecin, orgai-t on caee hea I me- d cnt ol caee .a nst con.ulstoim plmetain pscholgi-l r nig pevein sstm, taiing empl-ig to a wsa-a- - an- a." I
4、novainof pefrmane mang-eI t tennue t ha poe nta - pl oyes ,eo ly". Tsengteperormace mang-ent proces cntrl, e nhance emploe e auat in a n- e s of efecie cmmuiat on t impr o<e pefmaI ce maagement. Turtequanty a - eie -plooeeng opeatons i a cccr-a nce wthlaw Deee nig tl e i nfrmainma naggmet to
5、 e nnue ul commuicai on ,eo e oyes heat of chaacer a- stae of moo - a- e,r pig of atiu-e ceae-f- n-y fateniy of Hmaitis envrsana-s . Wrk ul ply pat-' ' - '.L! -bes i " tye Entepr " cnstucion in te of ce resstace,.o cnstaty .eec ERP , aonmet T o segten rsk ma naggmet,an- fght ng
6、fortrssrol e a- pinner mo-el roln- FFS+, a n- P, a n-MS, a n- S,M.i.mai on systm I _e - cnsr -tin, ul in、rrtini nfmain systm, (che- ifmain rrsouces s_ t o-pa n- Portal .Item aplctinof be” h a- -et, ply i nfmain sy sem on eteprse of Assenure tha the businelsof ,eo rsk. To sreg lee - bus ne-plas mang-
7、e nt, wl busmss busine-plas co -to al leve, enue the businelscan control i cntrol; t o clooe concenfnacal a n_a e lecrc likge a n- eegysvig iche . igconi nues to stegheni ng fu goo-, le-esicnsucin, ffl pay evls es ie nteprise - eve opment i n tesat roe Jo pefct -a ly rumanena n opeHon of rec-s prmot
8、e prbllmeasnsanEs s an- lysem ha-<er; t stegt heni ng ",-,an- E -,naonal pol. tens, se ngte ning tac, ac SiuI- t implmeI aton, ow ne - aset s meto-, futespecficai buS .-s fianca mang-et to”-,:,”, tchnology applcdnof tani ng, impr ove -pl oyes a maton systmofpe,ec rik t ube cntrl iySem, ac
9、9;evl- rsk re cg"in, a - meaure a - asesment, a-一、填空题(每空1分,共计24分)1、枢纽中的水工建筑物根据所属等别 及其在工程中的总要性和作用 分为 五 级。答案:等别、作用、重要性、五2 .重力坝的稳定分析目的是检验重力坝在各种可能荷载组合情况下的稳定安全度。答案:稳定安全度3 .重力坝的基本剖面一般指在主要荷载作用下,满足坝基面稳定 和 强度控制条件的最小三角形 剖面。答案:稳定、强度、最小三角形4 .当拱坝厚高比(Tb/H)小于0.2时,为薄壁拱坝;当厚高比(Tb/H)大于0.35时,为重力拱坝。答案:薄拱坝、重力拱坝5 . 土
10、石坝渗流分析内容包括确定浸润线位置、确定渗流的主要参惶、确定渗透流量 。答案:确定浸润线位置、确定渗流的主要参数(流速和坡降)、确定渗透流量6 .水闸是由闸室、上游连接段 和下游连接段组成。答案:闸室、上游连接段、下游连接段7 .按照闸墩与底板的连接万式,闸室底板可分为 整体式和殳直0答案:整体式底板、分离式底板8 .闸底板结构计算,对相对紧密度Dr>0.5的非粘性土地基或粘性土地基可采用型生地某梁法。答案:弹性地基梁法控制段、 泄槽尾水渠nnSm.ocnstoosy sumuteOl-pc m iy cntroS, pr omotig i nt - at- maageme nt to
11、a hg he lvel hghe sta n-ar -s a .gher l of -eve opmet. Em ply- s t-y S lua e nna on Dccm ber 24, t he ox Bl S a bout to rig a this tme of yar cleay fel the puse of the XX pow e geertincmpay to luis, to moeceay hhar XX po r geeaincmpanes maur e an-.mmey brrating. RcgpaS one a nother acoosa r»ing
12、 ae e “u tc a - ul of con,encL Futue- - lopmetuniieswe more exct ng figt moe s.,-.Emplyes le us9 .正槽溢洪道由引水渠、和出口消能段和尾水渠组成。答案:引水渠、控制段、泄槽、出口消能段、f ba- bone ba doner oe; to ffl Sregte nig m- bes yuh w I rk ful pay yout-ply- s incmpa ny -eve opmet i n te of fce roe; t o improve i n-e pene I t Cmmisson.ans
13、 cruptinwk lve , stegheni ng on entepri se busi nnss ley l nk of efecivenss monit or-. , A n- ma ntansa- To urher stegte pulIcty a - eu - t on, im pr<e te overl lga systm. muS stengte saey managmet esa blsh an- improve the l-uaton, suevSon, a n- a uaton as one of te talc -ley mang-et meWewillcont
14、inuet o improvethe company's internalcontrol system,and steady im provement i na bility tomanag eand control, optimize busine ss proce sses,to e nsure smoot h pr ocesses,responsibi lities inpla ce;tof urtherstre ngthe n internal controls, playa controlposti nde pende ntoversig ht rol eof evaluat
15、ioncomplying witht hird-partyresponsi bility;toactivelymake useof internala uditto ols detect potentia lmanagement,streamline,standardize re latedtransacti ons,strengtheningoperations in accorda nce with law.Deepeningt he information management to ensure full communicati on "zero re sistance&qu
16、ot;.oconstantlyperfect ERP,a nd BFS+,a nd PI,a nd MIS,a nd SCM,informati on system base d constr uction,fulli ntegration i nformationsystem,achieved information resource s shared;t oexpa ndPortalsystem applicationof breadth and depth,play informationsy stem onenterprise of Assistantrole ;to perfectd
17、a ily runmaintena nce operation ofrecords, promote problem reasons analysi sand system handover; t ostrengt heni ng BFS+,and ERP, and S CM,technologyappl ication oftraining, impr oveempl oyees a pplication information systemofcapa cityand level.Humanisticcare t o ensure "zero."Tostrengthen
18、ing Humanitiescare, continues to fostercompa ny windcl ear,and gas are, andheartShun of culture atmosphere;strengthe ningl ovehelpe dtrappe d,care difficultemployees;carried outstyle a ctivities, ri ch employees life; strengthe ning health and labour protection, organizati oncareerhea lth medi cal,c
19、ontr ol careeragai nst; continues to im plementationpsychologicalwar ning prevention system,trainingempl oyees health of character, and stable ofmood andenter prising ofattitude,createdfriendlyfraternity ofHumanitiesenvironment.T o strengthen riskma nagement,ensure that thebusiness of"zero risk
20、".To strengt hene d busi nessplans management,will business busi ness planscover to all level,ensure thebusiness can controlin control;t o close concer nfinancial,a nd coal e lectri c linkage,a nd energy-savingscheduling,national policytrends,stre ngthe ningtrack, active should;toimplementation
21、 State -ow ne d asset s method,furtherspecificati on busi nessfinancialmanagement; toperfectrisk t ube controlsystem,a chi eved riskre cognition,and measure,and assessment,andreport, and controlfeedba ckofcl osed ring management, improve riskpreventi on capa city.Tofurtherstandar dizetradi ng,and st
22、rivetoachieve "according to law,standardi ze andfair." Innovationofperformance management,toe nsure that potentialempl oyees"zero fly".Tostrengthen performance management,process control,e nhanceemploye eevaluati on a nd level s ofeffective communicationtoimpr ove performa nceman
23、agement.Tofurtherquantifyand refine employeestandards .Work,fullplay party,and branch,and members in"five typeEnter prise"constr uction i n the ofcore role ,and fighti ngfortressroleand pioneer modelrole;toc onti nues to strengtheni ng "fourgood" leadershipconstruction,fullplayle
24、velscadre s in e nterprisedevel opmenti nthe二、判断题(每小题 1 分,共 10 分 )1. 为使工程的安全可靠性与其造价的经济合理性恰当地统一起来,水利枢纽及其组成的建筑物要进行分等分级。()答案: 正确2溢流重力坝设计中动水压力对坝体稳定有利。()答案:正确3如果拱坝封拱时混凝土温度过高,则以后温降时拱轴线收缩对坝肩岩体稳定不利。()答案:错误4心墙土石坝的防渗体一般布置在坝体中部,有时稍偏向上游,以便同防浪墙相连接,通常采用透水性很小的粘性土筑成。()答案: 正确5. 水 闸闸室的 稳定计算方法与重力坝相同均是取一米的单宽作为荷载计算单元。()
25、答案 : 错误6. 重力坝的上游坝坡n=0 时,上游边缘剪应力的值一定为零。()答案: 正确7深式泄水孔的超泄能力比表孔的超泄能力大。()答案:错误8底部狭窄的V 形河谷宜建单曲拱坝。()答案:错误9土石坝的上游坝坡通常比下游坝坡陡。()答案:错误10非粘性土料的压实程度一般用相对密度表示。()答案:正确三、名词解释(每词3 分,共 18 分)1、 水利枢纽答案: 为满足防洪要求,获得发电、灌溉、供水等方面的效益,需要在河流的适宜河段修建用来控制和分配水流的不同类型建筑物,( 2 分) 由不同类型水工建筑物组成的综合体称为水利枢纽。 ( 1 分)2、 扬压力答案: 重力坝在下游水深作用下产生浮
26、托力,在上下游水位差作用下,产生渗透水压力,( 2fbackbone ba ckbone rol e; to fullstre ngthe ningmember s yout h work,full playyout hempl oyees in company devel opme nt in the offorcerole ;to improvei nde pende nt Commission against corruption work level,strengthe ning on e nterprise busine ss key linkofeffectivene ssmoni
27、tore d., And maintainstability.Tofurtherstre ngthe n publicity a nde ducation,improve theoveralllegalsystem.We muststrengthen safetymanagement,esta blisha nd im provethe e ducation,supervi sion,and evaluati onas one ofthe trafficsafety management mechanism.oconscie ntiouslysum upthe Oly mpic se curi
28、tycontrol s,pr omoting i ntegrated management to ahigher l evel,hig herstandards, ahig her levelofdevel opme nt.Empl oyees,today islunar calendar on Decem ber24,t he ox Bell isabout to ring, at thistime ofyear,we clearlyfeelthe pulse oftheXX pow ergeneration companytoflourish,tomore clearlyhe arXXpo
29、wergenerati on compa nies maturea ndsymmet ry breathi ng.Recalli ng past onea not heracr ossaraili ng, weare e nthusiasti cand fullofconfidence. Future developmentopp ortunities,wem ore excitingfight morespirited.Employees, let ustth2013fllfhlldtitittlttifllfhfldltidkhd!ThifthS iFtiliihthtdthfilifth
30、tffithdhlth hh2togetheracr oss 2013full ofchalle nges a nd opportunities, tocreatea green, l ow-cost operation,full ofhuma necare ofaworld-cla ss powergeneration compa ny andwork hard!The occasi on ofthe S pring Festival, my sincerewi shthatyou andthefamiliesofthe staffin thenewyear,good health, hap
31、py, ha ppyWewillconti nuet o improvet he compa ny's inter nalcontrol system,and steady im provement i na bility tomanag eand control, optimize busine ss proce sses,to e nsure smoot h pr ocesses,responsibi lities inpla ce;tof urtherstre ngthe n inter nal control s, playa controlposti nde pende nt
32、oversig ht rol eof evaluationcomplying witht hird-partyresponsi bility;toa ctivelymake useof internalaudittools detect potentia lmanagement,streamline,standardize re latedtransacti ons,strengtheningoperations in a ccorda nce with law.D eepe ningt he i nformation ma nagement to e nsure full communica
33、ti on "zero resistance".oconstantlyperfect ERP ,a nd BFS+,a ndPI,a nd MIS,a nd SCM,informati on system base d constr uction,fullintegration i nformationsystem,achieved information resources shared;t oexpa ndPortalsystem applicationof breadt h and depth,play i nformationsy stem onenterprise
34、 of Assistantrole ;to perfectdaily runmaintena nce operation ofrecords,promote problem reasons analysi sand system handover; t ostrengt heni ng BFS+,and ERP , and S CM,technologya ppl ication oftraining, impr oveempl oyees a pplication information systemofcapa cityand level.Humanisti ccare t o ensur
35、e "zer o."Tostrengthening Humanitiescare, continues to foster compa ny windcl ear,and gas are, andhe artShun of culture atmosphere;strengthe ningl ovehelpe dtrappe d,care difficultemployees;carried outstyle a ctivities, ri ch employee s life; strengthe ning health a nd la bour pr otection,
36、 organizati oncareerhea lth medi cal,contr ol careeragai nst; continuesto im plementationpsychologicalwar ning prevention system,trainingemployees health of character, and stable ofmood an denter prising ofattitude,createdfrie ndlyfraternity ofHumanitiesenvironment.T o strengthen riskma nagement, en
37、sure that thebusiness of"zero risk".To strengt hene d busi ness plans management,will business busi ness planscover to all level ,ensure th ebusiness can controlin control;t o close concernfinancial,a nd coal e lectri c linkage,a nd energy-savingscheduling,national policytrends,strengthe n
38、ingtrack, active should;toimplementation State -ow ne d asset s method,further specificati on busi nessfinancialmanagement; to perfectrisk t ube controlsystem,achi eved riskre cognition,and measure,and assessmereport, and controlfeedbackofcl osed ring manageme nt, improve risk preventi on capa city.
39、Tofurtherstandardizetrading,and strivetoachieve "according to la w,standardi ze andfair." Innovationofperformance management,toensurethat pote ntialempl oyees"zero fly".Tostrengthen performance management,processcontrol,e nhanceemploye eevaluati on a nd level s ofeffective commun
40、icationtoimprove performa ncemanagement.Tofurtherqua ntifyand refine employeestandards .Work,fullplay party,and branch,and m em bers in"five typeEnter prise"constr uction i n the ofcore role,and fighti ngfortressrol eand pioneer modelrol e;tocontinues to strengtheni ng "fourgood"
41、 leadership construction,fullplaylevelscadre s in e nterprisedevel opmenti nthe分) 渗透水压力及浮托力之和称为扬压力。3、 双曲拱坝答案: 不仅在水平截面呈弓形,而且在铅直截面也呈弓形的拱坝。4、 反滤层答案:反滤层一般由13层级配均匀,耐风化的砂、砾、卵石或碎石构成,每层粒径随渗流方向而增大。( 1.5 分) 反滤的作用是滤土排水,防止土工建筑物在渗流逸出处遭受管涌、流土等渗透变形的破坏以及不同土层界面处的接触冲刷。( 1.5分)5、 防渗长度答案: 把不透水的铺盖、板桩和底板与地基的接触线,是闸基渗流的第一根流
42、线,称为地下轮廓线,其长度称为防渗长度。6、 围岩压力答案: 也称山岩压力,是隧洞开挖后因围岩变形或塌落作用在支护或衬砌上的压力。四、简述题(共48 分)1、 简述溢流重力坝常用的消能方式有哪几种?各适用于何种条件、有何特点?( 10 分)答案: ( 1)底流式消能适用于下游尾水低、变幅大、地质条件差,工作可靠,但工程量较大。 ( 2.5分)(2)挑流式消能适用于基岩比较坚固的高坝或中坝。( 2.5分)(3)面流式消能适用于下游尾水位较深、流量变化范围较小、水位变幅不大,或有排冰、浮木要求的情况。( 2.5 分) 填空4)消力戽适用于尾水较深、变幅较小、无航运要求,且下游河床和两岸有一定抗冲能
43、力的情况。( 2.5分)2、简述拱坝应力分析的拱冠梁法。( 8 分)答案: 拱坝应力分析的拱冠梁法是按中央悬臂梁(拱冠梁)与若干层水平拱在其交点变位( 4 分) 一般是沿坝高选取 57 层水平拱圈,仅考虑承受径向荷载,并假定荷载沿拱圈均匀分布。( 3 分) 这种方法适用于对称或接近对称的拱坝,是一种近似的应力分析方法。( 1 分)3、简述土石坝发生渗透变形形式和防止渗透变形的工程措施各有哪些?( 10分)答案: 渗透变形的类型有管涌、流土、接触冲刷、剥离和化学管涌。( 5 分)防止渗透变形的工程措施有以下几种:fback boneba ckbone r ole;tofull strengthe
44、 ningmem bersyouthwtogetheracr oss 2013full ofchallenges and opportunities, toork,fullplayyouth emcreatea green, low-cost operation,fullofhumanecare ofaworld-class powergenerationcompa ny andwork hard!The occasi on ofthe Spring Festival, my sincerewingonenterpri sebusi nesskeyli nk of effectivenessm
45、onitr,good health,nd mai ntainstability.appy,haoconscienti ouslysumupthe Ol ympicse curitycontrols,promoting i ntegrated managementtoa hig herlevel, highersta ndar ds,a higher level ofdevel opment.Em ployees,todayis lunarcalendaron Decem ber 24,t heoxBellisa boutto ring,at this time of year,weclearl
46、y feelthepul seofthe XX pow ergeneration con companytclearly hearXXpower generationng.Recallingpast oneanotheracrossa railing,we aree nthusiasticand fullofconfidence. Future devel opment opportunities, wemore excitingfight more spiriteEmployees,letuswl conti ,ue "improve t he com” nys ite - con
47、trol ssem, and Stea-y mprovementi-billy tomaag e ad control oltmle busie prce sses t ensue ceasese、on»i Has i pla ce; to f ule Se ngte n iner nal control s pay a control pos i nde ” nt oveSg of e uatincmp”I g wlh t hidpay resonS I ly t a civey m use of ier nal a uil to os d c poenta l maaget, s
48、eam.、sa.ze re . tansaci ons, Senglei ng opeains i a ria nce Wllaw Dee nig tl e i nformainma naggmet to e nsue ul commuiai on "zeo e SStace".o unsbaly .eec ERP , a nd FFS+, a nd P, a nd MS, a nd SCM.fomai on sysem .ased ccnSr uc.n, ul i negrni nfomain sysem, acheved"main res urce s Sae
49、d topan. Portal system aplcainofbeadthad.th,payinfomainsysonee, of AsssatroeJo pefct da lly rumatena nce opealon of recods promote ”blens a-S s and system handover; t I stegt heni ng BFS, and ERP , a d S CM, echnolgy a ppl Caton of “i ng, mpr ove employ a main emof- pa ch ad le_l HumanSt c cae to es
50、ue "e i ."TSengteing-aicae,cntnuust.r cmpa I y Wid cl ea, and gis ae ad he ar Shun of cutue amospheeSegtenig”<e hele d tappe d ucae dikul - ploees;caridI ut Sye a ctvai c -ply- s lie Segte ning hhalt a nd , orgaiztoncaeeheaImed ca, cnt ol caee .a nSt contiuus t m plmetain pscholgi-l r n
51、ig pevein sstm,taiing empl oyes heat ofchaacer ad stae of mood ad e,r p_i g of atude ce df- ndyfaten of Hmatisenvronmet T o Sregten _k ma naggmet enue "t elusieis of "zeo -k.To steg lee d buS ne- plasmang-e n| Wl bbSie - bbSi ne- plas co'er to al leve,enuetebbSie- can contol i cntolt o
52、 clooeconce n fnacala nd cae lecr c ikgea nd eegysvig “e - ig,nH>nalpollcy teds, Se ngte nigtac, acie S,ud t mplmelain Sae ow ne d aset s metod, futespeclicaiInbuS.issfiancamang-ettopejec rik t ube cnt.l.sem, a ci*evld _k re cgl iin, ad meaure ad asesment adreort and cntrl ffe dba ck of c osed ig
53、 managme nt impl'e -. preveti on capa ciyTofuteSadadietadng,andSIvetlchiee "acordingtoaw,Sadadi z and a." Inovainof pefrmane mang-eIttennuethapoenta- pl oyes "zeo,". T Sengte perormane mang-ent proces cntrl e nhance emploe e auat in a nd eve s of fecie cmmuicatontimpro<e p
54、efma I ce maagement. Turtequaniy and eie -plooee Sadads . Wrk ul ply patyandbrac,admembesi"ietyeEnteprie"cnstucioninteofcere , and Ight ng fortrss rol e and pinner model rol e; to c ont nues to Stegheni ng fu good" ledeSipcnSucin,fflpayevlscadesienteprisedeveopmentiIthe(1)设置防渗设施;(2)设置
55、排水沟或减压井;(3)设置反滤层。(5分)4、解释闸室的稳定性?说明提高闸室抗滑稳定措施有哪些?(10分)答案:闸室的稳定性是指闸室在各种荷载作用下:(1)不发生明显的倾斜;(2)平均基底 压力不大于地基的允许承载力;(3)不致沿地基面或深层滑动。(3分)提高闸室抗滑稳定措施有:(1)增加铺盖长度,或在不影响抗渗稳定的前提下,将排水设施向水闸底板靠近,以减小 作用在底板上的渗透压力;(2)利用上游钢筋混凝土铺盖作为阻滑板;(3)将闸门位置略向 下游一侧移动,或将水闸底板向上游一侧加长,以便多利用一部分水重;(4)增加闸室底板的齿墙深度。(7分)5、简述有压隧洞和无压隧洞断面型式和断面尺寸如何确
56、定?( 10分)答案:(1)洞身断面形式取决于水流流态、地质条件、施工条件及运行要求等。(2分)(2)无压隧洞的断面形式多采用圆拱直墙形段面;为了减小或消除作用在边墙上的侧向围岩压力,也可把边墙做成倾斜的;如围岩条件较差,还可以采用马蹄形断面;当围岩条件差,又有较大的外水压力时,也可采用圆形断面。(3分)(3)有压隧洞一般均采用圆形断面。(2分)(4)洞身断面尺寸应根据应用要求,泄流量、作用水头及纵剖面布置,通过水力计算确定。 有时,还要进行水工模型试验验证。在确定隧洞断面尺寸时还应考虑到洞内施工和检查维修 等方面的需要,圆形断面的内径不小于1.8米,非圆形断面不小于1.5*1.8米。一、填空
57、题:(每空1分,共24分)1 .水利工程的任务是除水害 和 兴水利。答案:除水害、兴水利2 .重力坝抗滑稳定分析的目的是:核算坝体沿坝基面 或沿地某深层软弱结构面 抗滑稳定的安全性能。答案:坝基面、地基深层软弱结构面3 .将实体重力坝横缝的中下部扩宽成为具有空腔的重力坝,称为 宽缝重力 。答案:宽缝重力坝4 .拱坝坝址的河谷的形状通常用 宽高比来描述。答案:宽高比crcriiiii .ig ey . wk 111a y . eye icdelifclvd e dissgitui - evetegi.e is i-e efetvs - eii sal. -e s e gh . i-caiiv - e l lglyse We ttrege sat ag etiv.cti sei i a vauat fi .o agee eiciiuss. - o. s cict sig gaeag tgev g e sndin glve dvl- yes a i l cle dee -el i a r. tt ye elelfe 1stfgffricntIrstla y a egffticie tu eyet gRecl g ae a sal g e e t.m au cie -. . everu
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