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1、A HOTELXXX 大酒店TRAINING ACTIVITY OUTLINE培训活动纲要Task:Airport Transfer & Limousine Booking任务 :接送机和租用车服务Code 序号 : RM-RES-D120Objectives: At the end of this session Reservations Sales Agent will目的 :Know how to sell hotel limousine to the guest and Know hotel limousine service price very well. Offer tr

2、ansportation service in an accurate and efficient way.在课程结束的时候预 订部销售文员非常了解酒店的接送 机和租用车服务,确并能准确有效的销售和提供这项服务。Standard: Reservation sales agents will offer/handle transportation arrangements as a service and facility to hotel guests and patrons.标准 :Resources: 培训器材 :1. Information regarding guest flight

3、arrival/departure time will be recorded accurately, If have special situation, we can trace message set up (-option) to the Concierge department, who will arrange airport transfers. Concierge is to be notified by phone on same day requirements immediately after we finish the call with the guest.2. G

4、uests will be accurately advised of the prices and options available for airport transfers and limousine service.3. S.T.A.R. will be exercised at all times. 预订部文员应将酒店的交通安排作为酒店的一项 人及常客1. 关于抵离航班日期 / 时间应准确记录, 如有特殊情况, 可在电脑 Options 中给行李部留跟踪报表, 任何关于交 通安排的当天的预订,更改和特殊要求要在结束 与客人的电话后立即通知行李部。2. 应准确的通知客人价格和可选择的

5、方法。3. S.T.A.R 应在整个过程中随时应用。Flip Chart, Handout, Computer with Oprea terminal 白板,白板纸,培训资料,带有 Oprea 端的电脑Method培训方式Trai ning Steps培训步骤Time时间In troductio n介绍Lecture教学式Prepared on Flip hChartShow “ W.I.F.M ” (Objectives)显示课程目的Prologue: As a Reservati ons Sales Agent, we should know tran sportati on also i

6、s ano ther in creme ntal reve nue fortheotel, we have resp on sibility to promoteand offer this service.开场白:作为一名预订部销售文员我 们应懂得交通服务冋样是酒店另项 可增加的服务。我们应当抓住一切机会 去促销和提供这项服务。So the objectives of this sessi onis:(Refer to Objectives of this TAO)今天这堂课的目的是:(参考标准与程 序The course should be divided into five5 Mi nu

7、 tesMethod培训方式Training Steps培训步骤Time时间parts:这节课会分为五个部分来讲解:1. Hotel in formati on abouttran sportati on.2.酒店关于接送机和租用车服务的知 识Procedure of han dli ng tran sportati on.处理接送机和租用车服务的程序3. Same day requirements.Con te nts内容Brai nstorm集思广益当天的有关接送机和租用车服务的 要求4. Amen dme nt and can cellatio n2 Mi nutes更改和取消5. Wh

8、ole day and half day ren tal全天和半天租用服务What kind in formati onwe should get 15 MinutesMethodTrai ning StepsTime培训方式培训步骤时间Lecture&from a guest whe n guest n eed AirportExpla nati onTran sfer & Limous ine Book ing service?教学式与讲解当客人需要接送机和租用车服务的时候我们需要询问哪一些问题。Show steps on prepared flipchart.3 Mi n

9、u tesExplain reason for each step. AskDem on strati ontrain ees to comme nt and questio n on展示each step.将所有程序的主要内容事先写在准备好的白板纸上, 逐步作以讲解, 在讲解过程中要不时请学员发表建议并提问。10 Min utesPractice -RoleAsk participa nt to be a guest. Show eachPlaystep. After dem on strati on. Refer back to练习-角色扮flipchart and review / di

10、scuss each step.演请参与者为客人, 给其讲解步骤,作展示之后,回顾白板纸上的内容,并讨论每一个步骤。MethodTrai ning StepsTime培训方式培训步骤时间Each trainee practices first as guest, the nas Reservati on Sales Agent.每一个学员先作客人,后作预订部销售文员Case Example 案例:CritiqueSame day airport pickup service5 Mi nu tes评估can cellati on(Keypoint:informcon ciergeimmediat

11、ely and deleteappropriateSummaryinformation in the Oprea)总结一个当天的接机要求取消。(要点:立即通知行李部,取消电脑中相应位置的信息)Accord ing the procedure.按照程序。Review Key Poi nts:Method培训方式Training Steps培训步骤Time时间回顾要点:1. Ask questions and have participant expla in the sta ndard and its importa nee.提冋并请参与者解释标准及其 重要性2. Summarize critique points applicable to en tire group总结评估过程中对整组有用的 要点3. Rein force and discuss the point:加强并讨论以下要点:The procedure of han dli ng airport tran sfer & Limous ine book ing 处理接送机和租用车服务的程序About same day book ing what should we p


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