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1、A New Trip To CanadaSituation Canada is a North American country consisting of ten provinces and three territories. Located in the northern part of the continent, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west, and northward into the Arctic Ocean. Spanning over 9.9 m

2、illion square kilometres. Canada is the worlds second-largest country by total area, and its common border with the United States is the longest land border in the world. 加拿大是一个北美国家,由十个省和三个地区组成。位于北方大陆,它从大西洋东部延伸到太平洋西部,往北到北冰洋。跨越超过990万平方公里。加拿大是世界上区域占据第二,与美国共用的边界是世界上最长的陆地边界。区位 Canada is a federal state

3、that is governed as a parliamentary democracy and a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state. It is a bilingual nation with both English and French as official languages at the federal level. As one of the worlds most highly-developed countries, Canada has a diversified e

4、conomy that is reliant upon its abundant natural resources and upon trade particularly with the United States, with which Canada has had a long and complex relationship.加拿大是一个联邦制国家,是一个议会民主制和女王伊莉莎白二世作为国家元首的君主立宪制国家。这是一个在联邦一级的官方语言为英语和法语的国家。加拿大作为世界上最高度发达的国家之一,依赖于其丰富的自然资源和呼吁贸易依赖,拥有多元化的经济。特别是与美国,加拿大于其有一个长

5、期而复杂的关系。Flag of Canada The national flag of Canada,also known as the Maple Leaf,is a red flag with a white square in its centre, featuring a stylized 11-pointed red maple leaf. The image of the maple leaf used on the flag was designed by Jacques Saint-Cyr.加拿大国旗加拿大国旗加拿大国旗,又称枫叶,在其中心有白色方形的红旗,具有程式化的11指出

6、红色枫叶。雅克圣西尔设计形象标志并使用的枫叶。National anthem O Canada is the national anthem of Canada. The song was originally commissioned by Lieutenant Governor of Quebec Thodore Robitaille for the 1880 Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day ceremony. The lyrics were originally in French and translated into English in 1906国歌国歌“啊,加拿大

7、”是加拿大的国歌。这首歌最初是有西奥多落魄泰勒魁北克副省长委托,圣让巴蒂斯特在1880年开学典礼。歌词最初在法国,1906年翻译成英文。National emblem国徽Culture of Culture of CanadaCanada加拿大的文化加拿大的文化 Canadian culture is a term that explains the artistic, musical, literary, culinary, political and social elements that are representative of Canada and Canadians, not o

8、nly to its own population, but people all over the world. Canadas culture has historically been influenced by European culture and traditions, especially British and French. 加拿大的文化,是一个加拿大的文化,是一个形式可以解释为艺术、形式可以解释为艺术、音乐、文学、政治和社音乐、文学、政治和社会的元素,这是加拿大会的元素,这是加拿大和加拿大人的代表。这和加拿大人的代表。这不仅仅只展示给加拿大不仅仅只展示给加拿大自身的人口还

9、有世界各自身的人口还有世界各地的人。加拿大的文化地的人。加拿大的文化历来被欧洲的文化和传历来被欧洲的文化和传统影响,特别是英国和统影响,特别是英国和法国法国。symbols Official symbols of Canada include the maple leaf, beaver, and the Canadian Horse. Many official symbols of the country such as the Flag of Canada have been changed or modified over the past few decades in order t

10、o Canadianize them and de-emphasise or remove references to the United Kingdom. 符号符号加拿大的官方标志包括枫叶、海狸和加拿大的马。在过去的几十年里,这个国家许多官方的符号已经改变了许多,如加拿大的国旗。为了使更加加拿大化,他们不再强调或者删除引用英国的。Canadian art The arts have flourished in Canada since the 20th century, and especially since the end of World War II in 1945 The wor

11、ks of most early Canadian painters followed European trends. A group of landscape painters called the Group of Seven developed the first distinctly Canadian style of painting. All these artists painted large, brilliantly coloured scenes of the Canadian wilderness. Canadian sculpture has been enriche

12、d by the walrus ivory and soapstone carvings by the Inuit artists. These carvings show objects and activities from the daily life of the Inuit.加拿大的艺术加拿大的艺术自自2020世纪以来,特别是在世纪以来,特别是在19451945年第二次世年第二次世界大战结束以来,加拿大的艺术蓬勃发展。界大战结束以来,加拿大的艺术蓬勃发展。最早期的加拿大画家作品遵循欧洲的趋势。最早期的加拿大画家作品遵循欧洲的趋势。一组被称为七国集团的画家第一个显示着一组被称为七国集团

13、的画家第一个显示着加拿大的绘画风格。所有的艺术家的画都加拿大的绘画风格。所有的艺术家的画都大、描绘色彩鲜艳的场景或者加拿大的荒大、描绘色彩鲜艳的场景或者加拿大的荒野。因纽特的艺术丰富了加拿大的雕刻和野。因纽特的艺术丰富了加拿大的雕刻和海象牙皂石雕刻。这些雕刻显示的对象是海象牙皂石雕刻。这些雕刻显示的对象是因纽特人的日常生活和活动。因纽特人的日常生活和活动。Literature Canadian literature is often divided into French and English-language literature, which are rooted in the lite

14、rary traditions of France and Britain, respectively. Canadas literature, whether written in English or French, often reflects the Canadian perspective on nature, frontier life, and Canadas position in the world, Canadian identity is closely tied to its literature. Canadian literature is often catego

15、rised by region or province; by the status of the author 文学文学加拿大的文学往往分成英语和法语文学,这是在法国和英国的文学传统中根深蒂固。加拿大的文学无论是英语或者法语写的,往往都是反映了加拿大的性质、边塞生活、加拿大在世界上的地位。加拿大的标识与其文学紧密联系在一起。加拿大文学通常按照区位或者省、作者的地位来分类。Music The Music of Canada has reflected the multi-cultural influences that have shaped the country. Aboriginals,

16、 the French, and the British have all made contributions to the musical heritage of Canada. Canadian music industry has been helped by government regulation designed to protect and encourage the growth of distinct Canadian culture. The Canadian Content (CANCON) regulations require all radio stations

17、 in Canada play at least 36% Canadian music. This has enabled Canadian artists to garner success on the airwaves which were once dominated by American and European acts. Individuals are honoured at The Juno Awards, recognizing Canadian achievement in popular music. In addition, Canada is home to a n

18、umber of popular summer-time folk festivals, including the Winnipeg Folk Festival.音乐音乐加拿大的音乐反映了多元文化,塑造了国家的形象。原住民、法国和英国都为加拿大的音乐遗产做出了贡献。加拿大的音乐产业已经得到政府的协助监管,旨在保护和鼓励鲜明的加拿大文化的增长。在加拿大所有的电台播放的至少36%的加拿大音乐。这使加拿大艺术家争取由美国和欧洲的行为为主的电波是成功的。个人获得juno奖是荣幸的,这就表明承认加拿大在流行音乐的成就。此外加拿大是许多夏季流行节日的发源地,包括温尼伯民俗节。Sport in Canad

19、a The sporting culture of Canada is different from that of many other countries. Compared to any other nation, Canadians prefer a unique set of sports that are imported from the United States or home grown namely football, basketball, baseball, and ice hockey.体育体育加拿大的体育文化不同于其他许多国家。与任何国家相比,加拿大人喜欢运动是从

20、美国或者成长的家庭引进的独创的运动。比如说,足球、篮球、棒球、冰球。冰上曲棍球Ice hockey, referred to as simply hockey in the country, is Canadas official winter sport,its most popular spectator sport, and its most successful sport in international competition.简单的全国曲棍球是加拿大官方的冬季运动。它是最流行的观赏性运动和在国际竞争中最成功的运动。Canadian football is Canadas seco

21、nd most popular spectator sport, and the Canadian Football Leagues annual championship, the Grey Cup, is the countrys largest annual sports event.加拿大足球加拿大足球加拿大足球是加拿大第二个最受欢迎的观赏性运动。加拿大橄榄球联赛和grey cup是全国最大的年度体育盛会。 As a country with a generally cool climate, Canada has enjoyed greater success at the Wint

22、er Olympics than at the Summer Olympics.作为一个气候凉爽的国家,加拿大的作为一个气候凉爽的国家,加拿大的冬季奥运会比夏季奥运会更成功。冬季奥运会比夏季奥运会更成功。Travel in Canada Canada is one of the most exciting travel destinations in the world. It has many interesting cities, like Toronto, North Vancouver, Montreal or Halifax. But also some of the most im

23、pressive nature, which is great for outdoor activities, like hiking, skiing, rafting and fishing. 在加拿大的旅行在加拿大的旅行加拿大是世界上最令人兴奋的旅游目的地之一。它有许多有趣的城市,像北温哥华、多伦多、蒙特利尔和哈利法克斯。也有一些令人印象深刻的地方,如户外活动,登上、滑雪、漂流和垂钓。Toronto is the largest city in Canada and since the 1970s has been one of the fastest-changing cities in

24、 North America, experiencing an enormous growth in foreign-born residents. Toronto offers non-stop adventures for the willing tourist, to get a sense of how big, various and magical Toronto is.多伦多多伦多是加拿大最大的城市和20世纪70年代以来北美变化最快的城市之一,在国外出生的居民遇到了巨大的增长。如果想体验多伦多多么大、多么神奇,多伦多都能提供不能驻足的旅游活动。 The best place to

25、 start is the CN Tower, the tallest free-standing structure in the world, from this vantage point, visitors get a birds-eye-view of the citys striking skyline and unique geography. Known as the economic engine of Canada, Toronto is Canadas financial, cultural, and health sciences centre.最好的出发的地方就是CN

26、塔,它是世界上最高的独立结构建筑。旅客可以鸟瞰一个城市的惊人的天际线和独特的地理环境。多伦多以“加拿大经济引擎”而著称,是加拿大的金融、文化、卫生和科学中心。 The capital of the second biggest country on the planet, Ottawa struggles with its reputation as a bureaucratic labyrinth of little charm and character. Ottawa, Canadas Capital, sits on the border between the provinces o

27、f Ontario and Quebec in central Canada.渥太华渥太华是这个国家的第二大城市,渥太华以作为一个小而有魅力和特色的官府迷宫而享有盛誉。渥太华,加拿大的首都,位于加拿大中部的安大略省和魁北克省之间的边界上。 Every February, Canadas Capital Region is host to Winterlude, North Americas greatest winter festival. Three fun-filled weekends of excitement and activity await the whole family!

28、From spectacular ice carvings to an amazing playground made of snow, Winterlude is a great way to take in the best of our Canadian winter. Skate on the worlds longest skating rink - right in the heart of Ottawa! Marvel at the glittering ice sculptures or take in a spectacular fire show. Our mascots, the Ice Hog Family, are waiting for you in Canadas


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