



1、ETN21以太网fins/UDP命令实验时间:2022年9月15日实验设备:CP1H-XA4ODR-ACP1W-EXT01 CJ1W-ETN21 网线实验目的:利用SOCKETTO发送UD命令,对CP内存进行读取和写入。实验步骤:1、IP地址设置:翻开电脑本地连接查看IP地址如下:usb线连上电脑,翻开I/O表,将ETN21模块的ip地址与电脑设置为同一 个网段不同节点,节点号跟硬件上的 node number 一样,下载重启模块,如 下:寺套裁| SBTP'I FQF削件地址|師件发送 收曲件|日芥申自动调整HTTP广椁CT 全 14. 3®SD 广全0辄那SDIf地址1Q

2、 .110.59 .1孑网播玛| 255 .255 K5.7厂允壯诡H1S/UIIP 端 口 柠粽省(oeao) 广用户走丈FIK/TCP 端口Q 讎省 C9600用户走丈兀PHF棵特娠分钟【0:缺WU20)|0柠自动阿态) 自动詹态) r组合r if地址轰点自动 C lOBkSE-Trsocket服劳性能FINB/UDP 选项赫目标IF幼态改变 r目标if不会动态改賁 广 ETNllmiTti-njrk!? i I i I-rn I iLv II U I2、配置socketool软件软件选UDP Client,创立,输入ETN21的IP地址和端口号,本地端口不用改, 如下:3、UDP命令命令

3、帧如下,ETN手册W421第7-3有相关介绍,如下:FINS Comniimd Franw Form戒iHnlSize (bytes) CantentsDi甲lay© Ira me intormaiion Revived by systeirnumber of g冊* DoWwTion network 沁IfQ Desunation address DeMiiddiori unil (!出聒毎 Source network Sowroe node addrew Soune uinrt adcke» Service IDMain requegt ooda Sub-reques

4、t cocbpxn m u Cominanidand send cbldThe dst日 length depends cm the MRC and SACFIN$呂亡Frame FoimtiHCont-nSFNShmler10Some 妙 In comrrind iramo.HIM3 CTrnmandSdm* 耐 in command fraiTieFINSparamekErdala fiEld fWIRESSAESData11199& ntax.CldLdThere are some fra rm m which fric dalD torifflh i& 0.FINS H

5、eaderIC F (Inform31 ion Control Field)1 “ 站 Requp童 &IID; Rcpone© roquifod; 1; R眇pen開 not roqur&J -Kind of rlfl-ta (0 mnmrnwd 1 respon-w)RSV (Reserved by Syfilem)Set to 00 tH&x),Set to 05 tHex).DNA (Dcsiinntion NctwoHt Address)Spocifioa the number of tho network wnoro tiio do&tin

6、otion rode h located. The address can be specified m tie following rarge.00 (Hex):Local neiwork01 Io 7F HeijiOestinatian network address (1 to 1 27iDA1 (Destination Node Addr»$Spocifioa the number ot tho node whore frio ©onmand i& Ming &ant Thio node address 的 the address used for

7、FINS, and is different fro in (he IP address used fur Elliernel00 (Hex:Local PLC Urvt01 to FE (Hax): Deetmaiori node addrass (1 to 254)FF (Hex):巳前ngWhen inultipke Communicalions Units are fnouited. DAI specifies lhe node address of the Unit connected to the retwarlt specified bv DNA.DA2 (DeMinrion U

8、nit Addre$jSpecifies :he nunbeF of the Unrt at the <iesUnatiori node.PLC (CPU UnitCPU Bua Unil unit numbers 0 to15 |1 G Io 311 lnr»er BoardUn 1 oonneckd to network00 (Hex); 10 Io 1F?H詞;El (Hex). FE (H«)!SNA (Source Network Addr$)Specifies the number of lhe network w lie re Itie IocaI no

9、de is looatadl. The fanyes of numbers that can t)e specifiecf are the samm as lor DIMASAI iSource Notie AddressSpcties the local node acMress. The ranqas of numbers that can be sp鯛卜 tied are tfiesamE a&lor DAI.SAI 1 Source UnitAddressSpecties die nmber of the Unit at tne local node.The ranges of

10、 numbers that can be speotiad are the same as tor DA2.SID (Service ID)The SID is used k> idenlify the process thai data is sent from Any number can be st between 00 to FF hexadecimal k>r the SID. The same value set for the SID in coir ma nd is returned by the node sending the response, allowin

11、g commands and responses to be matched when commands are sent in &uc- cessiDr to the sane Unit.实验现象:此命令读取的是DO的数据is UDP G»up18 46:37岌送数餘1&4&37®:礙喩(CO 00 02 00 D 6 00 0003 00 00 OT 01 00 00 V 11 埶据岌達閒口 皿糾真弍S(KOK00030000C6C00001发送数拥重复岌送次數h创阪口洋帀担1漳右GCT (Permissible Number绒i+清零M显示+六

12、毬制值咖涣直新 PLCI|D1CHAN.»1111PLCl100,01BOOL .0新 PLCI1002BOOL .0數拥捋收及提巫窗口1&46:37g勤拥 16; 46; 37 收至燉嶠:CO 00 02 00 D6 00 00 03 00 00 01 01 MK11 11 1&49;25: 16: 49: 25 收到勤拒:X0 00 02 0006 00 00 03 00 00 01 02 00 00 敎据岌送窗口【旺总奠式8000020003000006000001OZ3OO0E4O1XO2D1 »1|收;于埠节盘汙時节武显示十六进制值|编计看寒|PLC呂称名称mt涯类功能块中ffi新 PLCIDlCHANm.1111十六进制SrPLCl100.01BOOL .1新 PLCI100-02BOOL “1输出灯亮80000200030000D60000ICFRSVGCTDNADA1DA2SNASA1SA2SID0101/010282/30000000/0064010001/0002010


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