



1、外研版四年级下册英语填空题课堂知识练习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 找规律,写出表示月份单词的简写形式。1 23 42. 给下列数字图片选择对应的序数词。A. third   B. first   C. twelfth   D. fifth   E. second 1(_) 2   (_)3   (_) 4(_)5(_)3. 选择正确的单词填空。A. Whose   B. wears   C. meet D. funny E. bedroom1Nice to 

2、 _ you.2Look at this monkey. Its_.3-_is this? -Its Annes key.4She _a white skirt.5Welcome to our home, this is my  _.4. 选词填空。(可重复选用)to  for  time  oclock1What _ is it?2Its six _.3Its 7:10. Its time _ breakfast.4Its 7:30. Its time 

3、_ go to school.5Its 9:40. Its time _ maths class.6Its 5:10. Its time _ go home.5. 根据提示完成各题。1I can_(篮球打得很好).2Bobby_(会做这个).3_(多少个大球) do you have?4Mike can_(游泳和溜冰).5Can you_(和我们一起踢足球)?6We_(有十五辆玩具汽车).7Dont be sad. I can teach you. _8These hamburgers are nice. Can you e

4、at them all? _6. 选出合适的单词填入横线上。1Welcome _(to/at) our school.2How many _(classroom/classrooms) are there in your school?3Do you _(have/has) a gym?4The computer room is on the _(one/first) floor.5Go to the garden and water the _(flower/flowers).7. 根据所给汉语提示完成下列句子。1Yang Ling

5、 likes_(狗) very much.2Lets _(制作) a fruit salad.3Have a look at_(我们的) fruit salad.4Su Hai likes_(芒果) very much.5Look, we have_(十五个) toy animals.6May I have a_(看) at your toy panda?7Heres a_(玩具) bike for you.8. 选词填空。(每词只能用一次)noodles  doctor window  clean  and1Close the _ 

6、.2Let''s _ our classroom.3My mother is a _ .4I''d like some _ for lunch.5It''s yellow _ blue.9. 将词归类,按要求写在横线上。twenty, first, library, second, forty, near, in, computer room1基数词:_2序数词:_3介词:_4教学设施:_10. 写出单词的现在分词形式。1. jump-  2. do-3.

7、play- 4. write 5. run-11. 将下列单词归类。quiet  blackboard  beef  door  cute  friendly  cook  teacher  doctor  noodles1哪些单词是表示职业的?_2哪些单词表示的是教室里必备的物品?_3哪些单词可以用来形容人?_4哪些单词可以用来表示食品?_12. 写出单词复数及汉语意思。1monkey_ 2panda_3tigers_ 4lions_5animal_ 6elephant _7camels

8、60; _ 8bird _13. 用所给词适当形式填空。1Excuse _(I). Where is the library?2The _(teacher) office is next to the classroom.3It is on the _(two) floor.4Is _(its) next to Classroom 3?5_(Thanks) you very much.14. 按要求改变单词。1tooth(复数)  _ 2his (宾格)   _3doll (同类词)&

9、#160;_ 4there ( 同音词) _5it (复数) _ 6smooth (反义词)  _7my  (同类词) _ 8our (单数) _9too  (同音词) _ 10big (反义词)   _15. 选择括号中适当的单词完成句子。1I cant play football_(too/either).2Do you have _ (some/any) apples?3I _ (dont/cant) like apples.4H

10、ow many _ (books/book) do you have?16. 看图,选择相应的单词补全句子。glasses   hair   shoes   strong friendly1Kate is tall. She is very   _.2This is my brother. He is tall and   _.3He has a yellow hat. His _ are red.4This is my friend. He has _.5She has long _ and her bag is brown.17. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1How many _(subject) do you study this term? Eight.2What about you, Jim? Sorry, I have a _(swim) lesson in the afternoon.3Can you _(draw) pictures? 


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