1、居住小区规划设计建筑学四年级一、教学目的和任务:通过此课程设计,进一步掌握居住小区规划设计的内容和方法, 巩固和加深对居住区规划 设计原理的学习,以及对城市居住区规划设计规范的了解, 培养调查分析与综合思考的能力, 做到有创造性、技术合理、因地制宜的规划设计。要求最大限度地发挥想象力和创造力,努 力设计出理想的富有魅力居住小区。二、小区用地状况郊区化住宅是城市未来发展的主要方向之一,是城市化发展、社会经济发展的必然产物。郊区化住宅的发展不仅涉及新型住宅类型、新型社区建设,而且将深刻地影响城市的总体城 市形态和社会发展。在上述背景下,本次居住区规划与住宅设计教学特地安排2-3个城市近郊的住宅开发
2、项目作为规划设计教学地段。地段1用地位于北方某较大城市的东北部,用地范围内(或)有一条河流穿过,不通航。用地四周为城市各级道路所包围,小区用地范围内地势平坦,没有需要保留的建筑物和构筑物。地段2、3、4用地形状为不规则梯形,占地面积具体尺寸见CADS。用地较平坦,河岸比水位高50cmi 三、规划要求项目初步构想(参考)容积率为1.5-2之间。建筑层数为5-7层;可局部做小高层。日照间距为 L=1.5h。商业目标市场:本项目的公共配套建筑用途定位为中高档配套商业、饮食业及小区娱乐 场所,主要为本区内居民服务。小区户型分配方案(含阳台及分摊):户型建筑面m2积户型比例备注二室二厅85-9075%首
3、层及顶层可设计为复 式户型(带花园或露台)小三室二厅100-12015%三房二厅二卫或小四室二厅120-1505%四房二(三)厅 二(三)卫(可为 复式跃层)150-1805%独立室外车位,可与花园考虑到本小区业主多有私家车的特点,可适当采用人车分流设计,减少车行对小区活动 及人行的干扰,提高住户在小区内活动的安全性与舒适度,营造舒适的步行空间。不同人口 密度的区域可有不同的停车解决方案。停车:除宅前停车外,在组团与组团间的灰空间内解决地面停车,尽量缩短停车后到户 的步行距离。车位数联排住宅按每户一个停车位计,可设置在宅前(地面私家车位)或有独 立室内车库,多层与小高层考虑设室外集中停车场(按
4、100溢置车位),可考虑局部地下停Vdecnfee ,Secetay of the prov nca 1 C.mm - of Xa Bal i ng stressed ths yea isIefvewae,teamen",5" tmeaies "or ” years'oesveousandingisuesobviusywked"vctryofIeyea.TheCcuty'sdeabebaalevesmustfimyesal ste.” s g od a nd slve" gee .met cnc pt, cnvicd t I a
5、 Caste i snot r ays mai i aii ng staeg c a biiy ad strong deemiiaintoimprovetheeviinmentconssetypayngwel"Ivewatertreametof"Wnni_g Ie war, everhighe level s of cmpehesve weloff scey wasIuitA;ayIesewageugl bate. Ti s, w* Ive waterqmpr,ve. at the cuy level , ui tofve" ths bascbjecvegaspo
6、ncntoita,* wih the thigs: a god job, "c - r s" eacig the C.utyceae-Ogazai "、okback,e ca ispecin, Ie C.y”.e Rv. blackandidorouRives"Dage"ivesgain,t>reefofproblemsfudinilaeimytopeventrivepolulonebound.Inaccdancwtthe"onesopstaegy",mprovngtheiierorIvewater q - lymon
7、tri ng stains work t hs - a I e nnue Ie E-i cnIolIequaiy->>on,muncipaiiscnf d Ieiorain, enue Ie crain Iis . a of a river" sIanads ,cnd, ppy spe-l aenIonI polu.n.tng cnsucin of naotue. Itere.Ing naou'ls ae t he bass of souceengieeig,engieeig,mateoflu . es or aeofIemang-et. Ubans-geIeam
8、ent,toimpr<e "Huet 10msewgete+et ae unningic . a comp. nc" re-irme nt, sed u Ie town' s ok cnsucin, s I_sngonnanoubeshome's meer" q n. Dm Ige Iramet i ruaaeasths-astlefial.aofIethrreyeaicI on, .eeminai on I fgt a nd t he momet arud edig the bate on whch ff>y to e nnue th
9、e relZI on of al County 648 formed vilgecoveae-o, be lure , atch "porance to foousonrualdom_I c w' Ie I、e"aiiyopeaina nd ma,lglmeI e nsue Iat wasewae I-et acly upadrunnig,repla,avidIe"-" probem. TIidppyse-l ael RierLLkepond de slig opeat in. Prvics now ha - focued on poll uin
10、 cntol of wer gt"dgupmud",mIeddepeningw r of Iis . as "lys".Nex,tumpstatanivesiainlieIocheswrkmpl-eain pa n accdi ng I the priie s ad Ie pr ogrmme of wk, ia ccdace wIIe "ne riveonepolic"e s dla- d ua nig , drrdgng pa n, pa nninmha d of tme - a nig out mud "wy ou&qu
11、ot;, iccrdingIlclcondinsIdosudge,promoes- ntfc resuce ulat I nof sl ad m ud B Ierrguat on of hhavB pokt ng industieL Pol uin of wae must gab the sure wsteste sp-a Ie sur ce of ba cwad producin pac,innsase the i .ens 车。商业公共设施包括超市、餐馆、银行、邮局等,建筑面积约2000m2其中,超市约500平方米。小区内有18班小学一所;幼儿园一所,与会所、商业街等非住宅类建筑结合,形成
12、一个 有吸引力、震撼力的形象,同时兼顾其使用半径。会所的位置最好有利于同一期一起开放。会所面积约1500m2内设大堂、社区医疗服务、风味餐厅、茶室、酒吧、室内永池、桌球、乒乓球、壁球、羽毛球、小商店及其他娱乐健身 场所。会所中设物业公司管理处。垃圾站一个,约60m2根据本项目的地理位置,市场调查及经济环境,综合考察此项目的特点,暂定住宅销售 对象为:追求较高居住品质的中青年中高收入者,以及公务员、企业中高级管理人员和技术 骨干。这部分人受教育程度高,喜爱亲切自然的生活氛围。或者,退休在家的老人,需要一 个环境优美,安全舒适,并有良好的社区氛围的居住场所,自然而亲切。四、规划设计成果及要求 居住
13、区规划与住宅设计各阶段成果要求调研成果策划报告:A4版本,篇幅不少于3000字,宜附地段现状图、区位分析图、现状照片, 其余可结合策划绘制相关图表或插图。环境行为调研报告:可参考范本,提倡有所创新,可以小组集体合作完成,但必须明确 各自承担的工作和撰写的内容。规划设计成果:1方案一草:规划总图(1: 2000)住宅单体方案图(1: 100)2方案二草:规划总图(1: 1000)住宅单体方案图(1: 100)简单透视草图3方案三草:规划总图(1: 1000)环境设计(局部1: 500)住宅单体(平、立、剖) 透视草图4正式图:规划总图(附简要说明的技术经济指标;1: 1000)沿街立面图(至少1
14、个 1: 1000)住宅单体设计图(主要套型不少于 2种,平,立,剖;1: 100)小区环境设计图(平面及局部小透视;1: 500)透视图(鸟瞰图或轴测图或工作模型图片)经典单元平面图及家俱布置图(1: 50)(注:方案一、二草提倡以手画为主。)居住区规划与住宅设计评分标准项目分值河北.程大学建筑学院邨程设计任务B1调研作业102策划报告103环境行为调研10规划设计方案704其中:。草图阶段(一草:5,二草:10,三草:25)40正式图305合计100注:(1)其中1、2、3、及4为各组教师评分,4为全体教师评分而定(2)各阶段成果要求另详。五、进度安排:居住区规划与住宅设计课程计划课内48
15、学时课外96学期周次单周(上午8:0012:00)双周(下午2:006:00)学时安排课程内容课程内容九教学安排、布置选题、讲解居住区规 划与住宅设计、布置市场调研前期策划现场踏勘、市场调研、收集有关 背景资料(城市规划、历史人文和房地产 市场相关资料)讲课、策划报告、 一草阶段16学时十居住区规划讨论、开始一草课堂辅导检查交流策划报告和市场调研情况、一草H-课堂辅导、交一草十二开始二草课堂辅导课堂辅导二草阶段12学时十三课堂辅导、交二草十四开始三草课堂辅导三草评图三草阶段8学时十五绘制正式图十六绘制正式图绘制正式图六、参考资料中国小康住宅示范工程集萃当代居住小区规划设计精选韩绣奇孙克放全国第
16、二批城市住宅小区建设试点规划设计当代国内外住宅区规划实例选编居住区规划与环境设计居住区规划设计原理城市居住小区七、基地地段1reatment of heaviy polluing in. ch- de“g h-ypol.oni-fn.ee yeas acln plaSUr emes t Deembe 20 16 end of Qian, al . su s opped .mi- of ete .a- i pl ace; Jue 31 207 Qa n, al . a .d aggom- -s enter p I. u.d sta-d reg not s.iad of eerp. - are i
17、mp - e nt-. June 30, 2018 Park pro -reocl on Paki n place ae not Pak of - d of- on, wl.- on fu clsIe hgeegy polui pr- gve nance i -aed anumbe of yeay “Oy iaue -s of ba ckwa ucin c-a c>y Second, - musts”cty eft a pro"、",evlnmet a oOy a - -l-va . er i_ par” picie la- Su. pol.inginus.es ,o
18、n* gu de e .e,r- . -pro- the eve of geed - lpmet.Fou inc_ teie pci a in." on* " - ”. a ndpuiS" . on S uning a uiniS-l -KUi、et ccntrl - e, d-nge, wae <uppl y imprvng -e <a” Spe ng dier.n.r - ecet i nnuanne eiforreme H ad L-e Q-nSu., ad BA .oSu- a .d cl o_ ccve a*, egi neei .g unS
19、uUin, vgruSy mpl "sld d"、e. .w" e dgeolgi cal di ss- hi-epoiSg ovena nne efrS ntret di saSe gve nanne, n. -cap., innuf. V goro.sy es-g -3- sources y precS -igupe pricng .eorm-d -pr -, gu dig w_r net. Fute sipol Sre su .n prevean, - e.-s - - ,“ oS -me t* "hrre tspli" bate X-&
20、quot;ol ong Sressdth- wh. t he oper-intme Sove trre yeas bu 1 - t osi" muS ccnti nne t o on,a. resle a si -cage d." lis ad neame nS ttevl lge ad ce-« /:aWh svew'.L . I . L "Iop.at . P.-cs now gt"dg", as te -a.ye.、一-Ie.ToeCt-y' poSdiaw".:. ”ftu*,:皿;*,-.;deSU
21、”*3 f:"±.“,.”-.;.,:*-* p- n . of -*ia .cd.- -tte'ne . c、re_be. . . p.n p. '" 'Iga.d s -ge , p.omotgid t- -l.WcYUcty-'s7gA,.ten->.e.lo.NS.t.-D:-,:.::.q-m. .:uhleve. s.het.-s".“.*;-,""".”.o'C't. "一."leWoO:I"-S-.g.|Ien-0-"
22、;21.,.*.".,.3:.-.:; C.O,y-6F.edn'0'"Aee.ov.:e".,i"e"1;""hRmO-.“.。u.'of . .”."ie suc. . sp-h tes. - of I. -»'. ofi.y ope.i. T3,CMJ510M工业区.地瓯老基交通干道_- 450. CM城市次要干遂(生活隹)400. CiM却“居住小区用地(为2婀)至市中心是隹小区用地现状留地段2、3、4. ." I-MolUig i'.- .big
23、 l-y pol.o'.-f'tl.e s do. p.s, .qu.-. tDee.I. 206 e'. of Q.',O . su s opp>. of. .- .pl.; Jue 31 207 Q. ', 1 .L .gio.0 ' .s. p ly uled s_d.d .g not s-d of .p.- .e i.p - e -' June 1 2018 P.k o.o-to'P.k i' p. . not P.k of d of.o-t o', - lfocus o' fu 一一 t-p
24、. . . su. 'g.-s.es ztio's gu de. st. lev.of g.de-lpm.l.Fou i'. - -te .pci - .spec. o's .v - Vle .'dpuiste-io' s -of .u'i 'g u.'.l i、et c'l.i - .,d.O.e, . luppiy i.p.v'g -. S-os 'g d .'f.<!一."'.'. .fo.-.e " .L Q. p . .'.I.of
25、y - y -o'.-Oy"-v e of I.u.' .yS.o'd -.-tsti. .fce I Ie s ,IoI.p."、.'., -ess .d .V. id-t.p.k. .一 , . .d c o_ cve ._o., fo .gi'e.i .g c.suc.', vg.u- -pi .,、sd、"s-d.-"e esed geolgi c.i di ssl. li-.po.s gove'. .- ef di s-. ggve.一, .l .ppciy i V 、o.ou- esA-
26、te. souce .ts selig up -. p.c'g.o.d p. -,gu dig -. d.t. Fut. s.poi >' 'ls .LlL. t* tspii"I.“oi o.g s.ssdll- -I. l Ie "I.- t sSpe.'l.esov. t. - y - s I.、l - l osi".s c'li '- l o . o', .d .sie. si - d-A iciis .d d.e .s ttevi reatment of heaviy polluing i p
27、r'je C. Thi- soucend de“、 h"o"oni-In”e -s acion p-s, rlqUr- t Deembe 20 16 end of Q- n, 1 . shu st nginu.re* zions gUde e .e,r_ si. .pro. the eve of geeopppd .mi . of eedeelpmet. .mia- i plae; Jue 31 207 Q-n, - . a .d “ omealn e_eerpr- I. uieds-n-d”Fu .upe i n - teie - inspI ons bv Ve
28、a nd puis ie reHHon s -ne notsanad of etepr - aeimp - e ntain ds e 1 .18uni ng - uini_I - i、etla -reo-i on P-ki nt0 drainge, wae <uppiy imp- ng -ie S-osn p- e-e not P-k of ae dng dd_ renfr(Conine-esof reo.i on, w Ifo us on fu Ioeie hige -eet i nnu-nne eiforreme ' -d L-e Q- n su eerprie gve em
29、i. a numb. of.eay onie.y laue us of bauin -aiy'<ond - must sii. efe t -pr” -Trnit" e.onmet aels a-ess -d evi ndi inuui- p-ki piie Ie- egineei .g nsu in, vigr" mpl d"、e.w"e ese d geolgi -l di ssie hi-epoisg oven. neefrs n iret di s - e ggve es.n and ri - app innufe Vgrousy
30、es” <-".is seigupwae prng reorm -d evi-pr oteani _, gu dig w-er dei. Fuie sipol su .n -ns muu- lng. i ig isplit" bail. XiaF-ol ong aSessd th- whie t he ope-iontime isove irre yeas bu Ire t o ." mu. nti nue t o . on, -d esle a .- “lliis -d de-me ns i ie vl lge-d Vdecnfee . ,S.eta,of
31、 the prov nca "mmi of Xa Bal montri ng sains work t hs . a tensue Ie E-i pond de slig open in. P.vics now ha - focued on poll Uin cI ng stresed Is yea iI Vica cnIo| ie tentrol of wer g I "dgs te "I - waerteame",5 - eal - "or trie yeas t quai, >>on,muncipili cnt” d tei
32、orain,up mud", tedie peni ng waer of tis . a.、,oesle ousa nding isuesobviu« w.ed" VCtory of the . a.The Ccu,- s deatmets a al es mus fim,_tal ste、nghui s g od a nd s " gee pmet cnne pt, cnvicd t I a Cas- i snot r ld, as mai I taii ng staeg C a biiy ad srng deemiI aint <e
33、the eVi I nment, cons set,pa, ng wae tramet o" wnn. the wa, erhighe eel s of cmpehes-eenue te crain tis . a of a rer" stanads, ., pp,spe-l aenton t poluin cutng cnsucin of naotue. Intece 11 ng naotu'is ae the bass of waer souce e ngieeig, engieeig, mate of iu . es or aeof te manget. Ub
34、an s - ge teament, to impr<eHuet 10msee teitmet ae unning a comp* nc" re-irme nt, sed ute town' s NeX,t jump statan ivesiain lie toches r、mpl(meain pan accdi ng t the priie s ad te pr o.rmme of wk, ia ccdane wtte "ne reone polic" e sddB-d ca nig , drrd.ng pa n, panninmha dof tm
35、e - anig out mud"wy ou", iccrding tlcl condins tdo s id|e , promoessBntfc resure ulat I nof sl ad m ud(B terrguat onof hhaSpot ng indistieL Pl lof s-,w-I uit A) l,te eok cnsucin, s fousng on na noubesuin of wae must gab the sure aseate suphl bate. Ii s yea wl ">-e tequa如 mpr -. at
36、the cu,leel , up ttvl" ts bahome、smeer"q n.Dm<s, sw.etrametiruaaeas t hsiea s t hefial.ap - a te surce of ba cwad producin capa c», innsasethe i I ensh ofscbecie oncnt ol ta fous wih the re t hi. a ggod jb, "l ea ries" eacig the Count,ceaed Ogazai ,n、ok bbc"e cil iso
37、f tethrre yea ict on, deeminai ontfgta nd t he momet -a.ud edig the bate on whch ful,to e nnue the relzt on of al Count,648 formed vilge coveae. Aga”e R bl o atch Imporance to focusack a nd I dor oos Re s "1" "esiainn, enkaine polut e bound. Iiccda nne w.t he 'nes op state,",
38、 mpro- ng te i I elor Ive te qqal,upad r unnig , re pl avi d te,u"probem. TI id pp,se -l aent RierLLkereamet of hevh polluig indusreb .AccdiI g tmuicia , and mui cial govenmet del oyment of leiI bg hev,polutoninust,rrguaton'tee Has a11n plal", rrqur<mes t Deembe 2016 end of Qa n, al
39、 iclddd su son the new pr I e c. Ii d, prmoti ng rea cement a nd reconsudon of hhev pollui ng inusre s mes and rergai Ztons gu de ee.rie s teer,cnsevaion, re ccig a nd l owcadon a nd can prducin, and mprol the lve of geeopppd Umi I aid of etedeelpmet.p_e al l shut stppldH miatd i pl ace ; Jue l1 207
40、 Qa n, al iclddd plce rrguatFou tmab - h a l ongtem >upe iionme chaniim, i nc te ie nni,of sppcion upgrae a I d .g omen est ucu.ng of eer prie " uied stadad rrg a ispect ons ivesiae a nd puis te recicat on s not iplae, normal busneulain i pl acc, aenot sanad of etepr ae implme ntain dscnt nued e 30 18-of runi ng a uinisal ains do not( ikgeto promoeflodcntrl te,Qan, al iends Pak proucin of entepri reocat on Pakidrainge , wae >uppl,imprv ng te vig Sped up crosn pa ce ae not Pak of ae dng luppor rve die renfricon
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