1、易混词辨析付峥锐1 Absolve:(1)to set free from an obligation or the consequences of guilt免除,宣告无罪 Resolve:(1) to deal with successfully 解决(2) to reach a firm decision about 下决心 Dissolve:(1)to cause to pass into solution 溶解 Solvent:(1) able to pay all legal debts 有偿付能力的 能还上钱的(2) something that dissolves or can
2、 dissolve 溶剂2 Affect(1)to produce an effect upon 影响: FEIGN 假装(2)to put on a pretense of Affectation(1) 假装,做作the act of taking on or displaying anattitude or mode of behavior not natural to oneself ornot genuinely felt Affection(1) 喜爱tender attachment: FONDNESS3 Allege:(1) to assert without proof or
3、before proving 断言 Allegiance(1) the fidelity owed by a subject or citizen to a sovereign or government 忠诚、拥护 Allegory:(1) 寓言 Allergy:(1)过敏(exaggerated pathological immunological reaction)(2) a feeling of antipathy or aversion 、厌恶4 Ally: (1)to unite or form a connection or relationbetween: ASSOCIATE、
4、结盟 Allay: (1) to subdue or reduce in intensity or severity : ALLEVIATE 缓和减轻 Array: (1)to set or place in order 排列5 Allure(1)to entice by charm or attraction 吸引,引诱 AlludeAllusion Allusive暗指(1)to make indirect reference6 Anterior(1) situated before or toward the front 空间上前面(2) coming before in time or
5、 development 时间上前面 posterior(1) situated behind 空间上后面(2) Later in time 时间上后面 SuperiorPriorPriority(1) of higher rank, quality, or importance更重要的,职位更高的 Inferior: LOWER 低(1) situated lower down(2) of low or lower degree or rank; of poor quality : MEDIOCRE 平庸7 Apposite(1)highly pertinent or appropriate
6、: APT适当的,贴切的 Opposite(1) contrary to one another or to a thing specified : REVERSE 相反的8 Apprise: (1) to give notice toINFORM 通知,报告 Appraise:: TELL, (1) to evaluate the worth, significance, or status of 评估9 Atone: (1)to supply satisfaction for : EXPIATE赎罪,补偿 Atonal: (1)without tones Attune: (1) to br
7、ing into harmony : TUNE音,使协调无调的调10 BatheticBanal, trite 陈腐的,陈旧的1. Pathetic1.marked by sorrow or melancholy : SAD 的、可悲的 Sympathetic1.appropriate to ones mood, inclinations, ordisposition 引起共鸣的,引起同情的11 Beautify(1)to make beautiful or add beautyto : EMBELLISH 美化,装饰 Beatify(1) to make supremely happy兴使高
8、12 Blandish(1) to coax with flattery : CAJOLE 奉承、拍马屁 Brandish(1) to shake or wave (as a weapon)menacingly 挥舞13 Bleach(1)to remove color or stains from;to make whiter: 漂白 Breach(1) BREAK, VIOLATE14 Blight枯萎1. Bright明亮的;聪明的1.15 Bluster1.to talk or act with noisythreats 威胁、咆哮 Cluster1.a number of simil
9、ar things that occur together 一群16 Bruise(1)WOUND, INJURE Bruit(1) REPORT, RUMOR(擦伤散布17 Brittle1. easily broken, cracked, or snapped 脆弱的,易受 Bristle1. to take on an aggressively defensive attitude 发怒的18 Blurtto utter abruptly and impulsively 突然说1. Blunt1.obtuse in understanding or discernment笨: DULL2
10、.a : abrupt in speech or mannerb : being straightto the point : DIRECT直接的、直白的 Blunder1.to make a stupid, careless, or thoughtless mistake犯大错in19 Budge1.to give way妥协: YIELD Bulge1.突起a protuberant orswollen part or place20 Buffoon:1.a ludicrous figure : CLOWN Buffet:to strike sharply and repeatedly 反
11、复猛烈击打1. Rebuffto reject or criticize sharply : SNUB 严厉拒绝、批评1. Bluff1.to deter or frighten by pretense or a mere show ofstrength吓唬恐吓21 Cadence1. a rhythmic sequence or flow of sounds in language 节奏、韵律 Decadent1. characterized by or appealing toself-indulgence 自我22 CapriciousIMPULSIVE, UNPREDICTABLE 无
12、法的的,多变1. Captious1.marked by an often ill-natured inclination to stressfaults and raise objections 挑剔的 Capaciouscontaining or capable of containing a great deal 宽敞的、空间大的1.23 Cessation1. a temporary or final ceasing暂停(as of action) Cession: STOP1. a yielding to anotherCONCESSION :24 Clamorous1.marked
13、 by outcry :TUMULTUOUS 吵闹的 Glamorousexcitingly attractive 吸引人1.的、富有的25 Collateral1.accompanying as secondary or subordinateCONCOMITANT伴随的、附属的: Lateral1.situated on, directed toward, or coming from theside 侧面的,横向的 Collate1.a : to compare critically b : to collect, comparecarefully in order to verify,
14、 and often to integrate or arrange in order 校订、校正(顺序)26 Condign应得的1.DESERVED, APPROPRIATE Indignation1.anger aroused by something unjust,unworthy, or mean 义愤填膺,生气 Indighumiliating treatment 羞辱1.27 Condone1.to regard or treat (something bad orblameworthy) as acceptable,宽forgivable, or harmless: EXCUS
15、E恕、原谅 Condoleto express sympathetic sorrow 哀悼1.28 Conflagrationa large disastrous fire 大火1. Deflagrate1.to burn rapidly with intense heat andsparks being given off 剧烈燃烧 Flagrant的1.conspicuously offensive29 Confront遭遇,遇到1.to cause to meet Confound1.to throw (a使困惑) into confusion or p r l xity Affront
16、1.to insult especially to the face by behavior orlanguage: OFFENSE 冒犯 Effronteryshameless boldness : INSOLENCE 傲慢、不要脸1.30 Congenitalexisting at or dating from birth 先天就有的1. Congenial1.having the same nature, disposition, ortastes Congeal: KINDRED1.to change from a fluid to a solid state by oras if b
17、y cold 凝固,凝结31 Conjure假想1.IMAGINE, CONTRIVE Injure1. Abjure、损害to abstain from : AVOID 放弃,避免1. Perjure作伪证1.32 Consignto give over to anothers care 托管1. Assignappoint to 指派,指定1. Resign放弃1.2.to give up deliberatelyto give up ones office or position : QUIT 辞职33 Cmunicable by contact :CATCH
18、ING 可传染的 Contiguous1.being in actual contact : touching along a boundary or at a point 接壤的34 Convictionof error 定罪、1.the act of convincing a确信 Eviction1.to force out : EXPEL Convince说服、使信服1. Evinceto display clearly : REVEAL 展现1.35 Cursory1.rapidly and often superficially performed or producedHASTY
19、匆匆、快速的: Excursiona going out or forth : EXPEDITION 外出deviation from a direct, definite, or proper course:DIGRESSION 偏题,离题1.2. Incursion、1.a hostile entrance into a territory : RAID Recursion1. 反复出现,递归36 Decryto depreciate officially or publicly 责难、诽谤1. Descryto catch sight of:FIND OUT,1.看见DISCOVER O
20、utcryto utter loudly : SHOUT 大声喊1.37 Defect缺点逃离、1.2. Deflectto turn aside : DEVIATE 偏题、 偏向381. Delectable1.highly pleasing :DELIGHTFUL 让人愉快的 Deleterious1.harmful often in a subtle orunexpected way有害的39 Delegateto appoint 指派、任命1. Relegate1.to send into exile : BANISH放逐、40 DeliquesceTo dissolve or mel
21、t away 潮解1. Delinquent1.offending by neglect orviolation of duty or of law 有过失的41 Delude1.to mislead the mind orjudgment of: DECEIVE,、迷惑TRICK Deluge洪水1.42 Demean1.lower in character, status, or贬低reputation Demeanor1.behavior toward othersoutward manner行为:43 Demur,提出异1.to take exception议: OBJECT Demu
22、re1. Immure, MODEST 腼腆的,端庄的1.a : to enclose within or as if within wallsIMPRISON 监禁、b :44 Depose1.to remove from a throne orother high position 免职 ReposeRest 休息1.45 Derivative衍生、派生微分1.2. Derisive1.Relating to ridicule or scornto show contempt嘲笑的46 Derogateto cause to seem inferior : DISPARAGE 贬低、诽谤1
23、. Arrogate霸占1.to claim or seize without justification Abrogate1.to abolish by authoritative action : ANNUL Interrogate1. to question formally and systematically 审问47 Decent1.a : conforming to standards of propriety, good taste, or morality 得体的,像样的fairly good : ADEQUATE, SATISFACTORY 相当好的2. Descent1.
24、derivation from an ancestorLINEAGE 血统: BIRTH,the act or process of descending 下降2.48 Devourto eat up greedily or ravenously 狼吞虎咽1. Devoutexpressing devotion or piety 虔诚的1. Devious性的1.2.Deceptivedeviating from a right, accepted, or commoncourse 偏离正道的 Detourto avoid by going around迂回,绕弯路1.49 Diagnose1
25、. 诊断 Diagonal1. 对角线50 Disaffected1.discontented and resentful:REBELLIOUS 不满的 Unaffected1.not influenced or changed:GENUINE 不受影响的51 Discrete1.consisting of distinct or unconnected: NONCONTINUOUS 不连elements续的 Discreet1. showing discernment or good judgment: PRUDENT 谨慎2. UNPRETENTIOUS, MODEST的52 Dispar
26、ate1.containing or made up offundamentally different and oftenincongruous elements 不同的 Disparageto depreciate by indirect means 诋毁诽谤1.53 Disdain1.a feeling of contempt for someone orsomething regarded as unworthy or,提出异议inferior : SCORN Distain同stain, 弄脏,名誉1. Detainto hold or keep in or as if in cus
27、tody : 拘留to restrain especially from proceeding 耽误1.2.54 eligible1.qualified to participate or bechosen : ENTITLED 有资格的 legible1. capable of being read ordeciphered : PLAIN可以辨认的55 Endue PROVIDE, ENDOW 授予 Endure1. to undergo (as a hardship) especially without giving in :SUFFER忍受56 Ensconce SHELTER, C
28、ONCEAL 安放、隐藏 Escort1. aaccompanyinganother to give protection 护送、陪同57 Entrenchto establish solidly 确立、巩固1. retrenchCUT DOWN, REDUCE 删除、减少1. TrenchantKEEN, SHARP, PENETRATING 一针见血的1. Treacherouslikely to betray trust : UNRELIABLE背叛的1.58 Euphemism1.the substitution of an agreeable orinoffensive expres
29、sion for one that may offend or suggest something unpleasant 委婉用语(比如用gone, passed away, depart表示逝世) EphemeralTransient 时间短暂的1.59 Exempt免除的,免责的,豁免的1.Free of duty Exemplary模范的,可效仿的,警示性的1.2.3.deserving imitationserving as a warning: COMMENDABLE: MONITORYserving as an example, instance, orillustration E
30、xemplifyILLUSTRATE 例证1.60 Expatiateto speak or write at length or in detail 详细说ELABORATE1. Expiateto make amends for 赎罪,补偿1. ExpatriateBANISH, EXILE 使移居国外1.61 Factious和派别有关的,搞小团体的1. Fractious管1.tending to be troublesome : UNRULY 的QUARRELSOME, IRRITABLE 易怒的2. FactitiousARTIFICIAL, NOT NATURAL 人为的,自然的
31、1. Fraction 分数62 Fret1. to cause to suffer emotional: VEX 使烦恼,焦急strain Ferret1. to find and bring to light bysearching 找到63 Fulminate1. to utter or send out with严厉谴责denunciation Fumigate1. 用香薰,熏蒸64 Genetic的,遗传的1. Generic1. relating to or characteristic ofa whole group or class:类的、一般的GENERAL65 Glaze用
32、釉料装饰1. Gaze1.to fix the eyes in a steady intent look often with eagerness or studious attention 凝视、注视 Graze牛羊吃草,放牧1.66 Gleam微光,弱光1. Glean1. to gather information or一点点搜material bit by bit集67 Glut1.to flood (the market) with goods so thatsupply exceeds demand 暴饮暴食 Glucose葡萄糖1. Glutinous粘的,胶状的1.68 Gre
33、garious1.tending to associate with others of ones kind:SOCIAL 群居的,爱交际的,社交的 Egregiousconspicuously bad : FLAGRANT 臭名昭著的1. Egressthe action or right of going or coming out 外出1.69 Groove1. 沟、挖沟 Grovel1. 匍匐、趴、卑躬屈膝 Gravel 碎石,用碎石铺地70 Hauntto visit often : FREQUENT 经常去to have a disquieting or harmful effec
34、t on TROUBLE 使纠结1.2.:to recur constantly and spontaneously to 反复出现3. Daunt to lessen the courage of : COW, SUBDUE 使气馁、威吓71 Gaunt消瘦的、憔悴的1. Taunt1.to reproach or challenge in a mocking orinsulting manner : jeer at 嘲笑、讥讽 VauntBRAG, BOAST 吹嘘1.72 Hoard1.储藏、储藏物 Hoary1.extremely old很老的: ANCIENT73 Ignoble1.
35、characterized by baseness, lowness, ormeanness 卑贱的,低下的 Ignominious1.characterized by disgrace or shame:的,的DISHONORABLE Ignorant无知的,愚昧的1.74 Impassable1. 无法通行的 Impassible1.incapable of suffering or ofexperiencing pain 不经历痛苦的,无痛感的75 Imperious1.arrogant assurance专横的傲慢的: DOMINEERINGintensely compelling :
36、 URGENT 迫切的2. Imperial1.suggestive of an empire or an的,帝王的emperor76 Imprudent1.lacking discretion, wisdom, or goodjudgment 不精明的 Impudent1.contemptuous or cocky boldness ordisregard of others: INSOLENT的,鲁莽的,放肆的77 Indigent1.suffering from indigenceIMPOVERISHED 贫穷的: Indigenous1. 本土的,土身土长的,本地的 Indignant
37、1. Angry 气愤的,义愤填膺的78 Insolent1.insultingly contemptuous in speech or conductOVERBEARING 傲慢无礼的: Indolent1.averse to activity, effort, or movementlazy 懒惰的: habitually Redolent芳香的1. Insolvent没钱还债的1.79 Intimate1.marked by very close association,contact, or familiarity 亲密的to communicate delicately and in
38、directly : HINT 暗示,暗指2. Intimidate1.to make timid or fearful吓唬: FRIGHTEN80 Inveigle1.to win over by wiles诱骗、诱使: ENTICE Inveigh1.toor complain bitterly: RAIL 猛烈抨or vehemently击81 Evoke1.to cite especially with approval or forsupport : INVOKE 博得支持 convoketo call together to a meeting 召集开会1. Revoke1.to
39、annul by recalling or taking back:、宣布无效RESCIND82 Judicial1.of or relating to a judgment, the function of judgingor the administration of justice 有关审判的 Judicious1.having, exercising, or characterized by soundjudgment : DISCREET 明智的,精明的 Juridical1.relating to the administration of justice or theoffice
40、 of a judge 司法的,的83 Lapse(时间)流逝1. Collapse倒塌,崩塌,失败1. Eclipse使黯然失色1. Relapse1.the act or an instance of backsliding, worsening, orsubsiding 再度、84 Levy1. Levity、征税1. 轻浮、轻率、不稳定85 Licit1.conforming to the requirements ofthe law : not forbidden by law 正当的,合法的 Elicit1.to draw forth or bring out (something
41、latent or potential) 引出86 Lurid1.causing horror or revulsion:GRUESOME 可怕的,耸人听闻的 LucidTRANSLUCENT 透明的clear to the understanding INTELLIGIBLE 易懂的1.2.:87 Magnificent 壮丽的、宏大的 Munificent 慷慨的、大方的88 Marital的,夫妻间的1.Relating to marriage Martial的,军事的1.Relating to wars Maritime海上的,沿海的1. Margarine人造黄油1. Margin边
42、缘,不重要的事物1.89 Mediateoccupying a middle position 处在中立立场to interpose between parties in order to reconcile them 调解1.2. Meditateto engage in contemplation or reflection 冥思、想、计划1. Medicate用治疗1.90 Morbid1.of, relating to, or characteristic的of disease Rabidextremely violent : FURIOUS 狂暴的1.91 Observe1.to c
43、onform ones action or practice to (asa law, rite, or condition) : comply with 遵守to watch carefully especially with attention to details or behavior for the purpose of arriving at a judgment 观察2. Observatory 天文台、观测台92 Oxymoron修饰法,比如cruel kindness, pleasant sorrow, agreeable melancholy Paroxysm1. 疾病周期
44、性发作、疾病突发1.93 Parable 1.寓言 Parabola1. 二次曲线,抛物线94 Parch1. 烤、烘 Perch1. 栖息、位于、坐落于 Porch1. 走廊95 Patrimony 继承物、遗产 Parsimony1. 节俭、吝啬96 PendantSuspended 悬挂下垂的,悬而未决的1. Pedant1.one who is unimaginative or whounduly emphasizes minutiae in the presentation or use of knowledge学究、书呆子97 Preserve1.保护、保存 Persevere不拔
45、、毅力1.98 Perspicacious1.敏锐的、有洞察力的、观察的 Perspicuous1.清晰明白的、易懂的99 Pertinaciousadhering resolutely 坚定不移的、顽固的、执拗的1. Pertinent相关的、中肯的、切题的1. Penitent的、悔过的1.100 Plummet垂直下降、骤然下跌1. Plumb探测、铅垂1. Plump圆胖的、丰满的1. Plume用羽毛装饰、搔首弄姿1.101 Percept认知1. Precept训诫、格言、命令1021. Precipitant 突如其来的、急促的 Precipitation 降水、下落 Preci
46、pitate 降水、下落、沉淀103 Prime 最好的,主要的,基本的, 全盛时期 Prim 拘谨的、整洁的、一本正经的104 Proceed1.to go on in an orderlyregulated way 继续进行 Precede1.to surpass in rank, digor importance105 Proscribe1.to condemn or forbid as harmful,or unlawful权力 Prescribe: PROHIBIT规定、开药方1.106 Provident1.making provision for the future:PRUDE
47、NT精打细算的、节省的、顾及将来的 Providential幸运的1. Provisory有附带条件的1.107 Quote引述1. Quota1.,定额 Quotidian的,平凡的1. Quotation引述1.108 Remiss1.negligent in the performance ofwork or duty : CARELESS 马虎的,不 Remission的(来自Remit)理解、宽恕、豁免1. Unremitting不间断的、不懈的1.109 Repeal,撤销1.ABANDON, RENOUNCE Repel1.a : to drive back: REPULSEb : to,against: RESISTto cau
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