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1、Understanding public policy 理解公共政策(朱青整理)chapter Policy analysisP1Definition of policy 公共政策定义i. Public policy is whatever governments choose to do or not to do.公共政策就是政府选择做与选择不做的事情;ii. Public policies may regulate behavior, organize bureaucracies, distribute benefits, or extract taxes-or all things at

2、 once.公共政策涉及调节个体行为、构建官僚体系、分配利益、征税、或者同事完成这些事务。P1-2Ø Policy expansion 政策扩张 Ø Government growth 政府扩大Ø The new deal programs devised 罗斯福新政Ø The great depression大萧条Ø The national economy 国民经济Ø The great society programs 大社会计划Ø Economic downturn 经济滑坡Ø Regulatory act

3、ivity 管制活动P3 图示指标What the Federal Government Does联邦政府职能ü Defense国防ü Social security and Medicare 社会保障和医疗保险ü Interest on the national debt 国债的利息ü Health 卫生保健ü Welfare 社会福利ü Transportation 交通运输ü Education 教育ü Natural resources and environment 自然资源和环境ü Law e

4、nforcement 执法ü Veterans 退伍军人ü All other其他What state and local government do 州和地方政府职能ü Education教育ü Welfare 社会福利ü Health and hospitals 保健和医疗ü Highways 高速公路ü Police and fire 治安和消防ü Sanitation 卫生ü Prisons 监狱ü Natural resources and environment 自然资源和环境

5、52; All other 其他P4 ü Dependent variables 因变量ü The independent variables 自变量ü Determinants 决定性因素ü Policy evaluation 政策评估P6 The difference between policy analysis and policy advocacy政策分析与政策倡议的差别i. Policy advocacy requires the skills of rhetoric, persuasion, organization, and activi

6、sm.政策倡议需要修辞、说服、组织与实践的技巧;ii. Policy analysis encourages scholars and students to attack critical policy issues with the tools of systematic inquiry.政策分析则鼓励学者运用系统研究的工具来探讨重要的政策问题。Translation policy analysis involves 政策分析内容i. A primary concern with explanation rather than prescription.政策分析主要关注的是政策的解释说明而

7、不是提出政策建议;ii. A rigorous search for the causes and consequences of public policies.政策分析探索公共政策的原因和结果;iii. An effort to develop and test general propositions about the causes and consequences of public policy and to accumulate reliable research findings of general relevance.政策分析还试图发展并检验关于公共政策因果的一般性命题,以

8、及积累具有普遍意义的、可靠的研究成果。P7-8The limitations of policy analysis公共政策的局限性Ø Limits on government power 政府权力的有限性Ø Disagreement over the problem 社会问题认定上的分歧Ø Subjectivity in interpretation 政策解释的主观性Ø Limitations on design of human research 人类研究设计的局限性Ø Complexity of human behavior 人类行为的复杂

9、性Translation Understanding public policy is both an art and a craft. It is an art because it requires insight, creativity, and imagination in identifying societal problems and describing them, in devising public policies that might alleviate them, and them in finding out whether these policies end u

10、p making things better or worse.公共政策分析既是一门艺术,也是一种技术。说它是一门艺术,是因为在社会问题确认、社会问题描述、政策方案设计和政策效果评估时,需要有洞察力、创造力和想象力。Chapter 2 Models of politicsP11Definition of models for policy analysis 政策分析模型的定义A model is a simplified representation of some aspect of some aspect of the real world.模型是对现实世界某个方面进行简化的表现形式。&#

11、216; Conceptual models/word models 概念性的模型Ø Actual physical representation 真实物质表型形式Uses of models 模型的运用i. Simplify and clarify our thinking about politics and public policy简化并澄清我们对政治和公共政策的思考ii. Identify important aspects of policy problems 识别政策问题的重要方面iii. Help us to communicate with each other b

12、y focusing on essential features of political life通过关注政治生活的主要特征,促进我们相互之间的沟通iv. Direct our efforts to understand public policy better by suggesting what is important and what is unimportant指导我们更好地理解公共政策,鉴别重要与不重要的方面v. Suggest explanations for public policy and predict its consequences解释公共政策并预测其结果Selec

13、ted policy modelsØ Institutional model (制度主义模型)Ø Process model (过程模型)Ø Rational model (理性主义模型)Ø Incremental model(渐进主义模型)Ø Group model (团体理论模型)Ø Elite model (精英模型)Ø Public choice model(公共选择模型)Ø Game theory model(博弈论模型)P14The policy process 政策过程i. Problem ident

14、ification 问题确认 The identification of policy problems through demand from individuals and groups for government action.ii. Agenda setting 议程设定 Focusing the attention of the mass media and public officials on specific public problems to decide what will be decided.iii. Policy formulation 政策形成 The deve

15、lopment of policy proposals by interest groups, White House staff, congressional committees, and think tanks. iv. Policy legitimating 政策合法化 The selection and enactment of polices through actions by Congress, the president, and the courts.v. Policy implementation 政策执行 The implementation of policies t

16、hrough government bureaucracies, public expenditures, regulations, and other activities of executive agencies.vi. Policy evaluation 政策评估 The evaluation of policies by government agencies themselves, outside consultants, the media, and the general public.Ø 问题确认 通过公民对政府行为的要求来确认政策问题;Ø 议程设定 特定

17、的公共问题引起媒体和政府官员的关注,促使其被提上政策议程;Ø 政策形成 由利益集团、白宫官员、国会议员和智囊团提出政策建议;Ø 政策合法化 通过国会、总统和法院的政治活动,选择并制定政策;Ø 政策执行 通过官僚组织、公共支出、行政机构的活动来推动政策实施;Ø 政策评估 由政府机构本身,政策外部的顾问、咨询人员,媒体和公众等来评价政策实施的结果。P15To select a rational policy, policymakers must 决策者如何选择合乎理性的政策i. Know all the societys value preferences

18、and their relative weights,ii. Know all the policy alternatives available,iii. Know all the consequences of each policy alternative,iv. Calculate the ratio of benefits to costs for each policy alternative, andv. Select the most efficient policy alternative.Ø 了解所有的社会价值偏好及其相对权重;Ø 了解可以获得的所有备选

19、方案;Ø 知道每一备选方案的所有结果;Ø 计算每一备选方案的收益与成本之比;Ø 选择其中最有效的政策方案;P18-19incrementalism: policy as variations on the past?为什么说渐进主义中政策是过去改革的补充和修正?i. Because they do not have the time, information, or money to investigate all the alternatives to existing policy;ii. Policymakers accept the legitimacy

20、of previous policies because of the uncertainty about the consequences of completely new or different policies;iii. There may be heavy investments in existing programs(sunk costs), which preclude any really radical change;iv. incrementalism is politically expedient;v. In the absence of any agreed-on

21、 societal goals or values.Ø 政府没有足够的时间、信息和金钱来调查能够替代现行政策的政策方案;Ø 决策者承认以往政策的合法性,因为全新的或完全不同的政策的结果存在着不确定性;Ø 在现行的政策项目上可能有巨大的投入(沉淀成本),这也阻碍了任何彻底的变革;Ø 渐进主义也是政治上的权宜之计;Ø 在对社会目标或价值没有达成共识的情况下P20 Earl Latham described public policy 厄尔·莱瑟姆从团体理论角度对公共改革的定义Public policy is actually the eq

22、uilibrium reached in the group struggle at any given moment, and it represents a balance which the contending factions or groups constantly strive to tip in their favor所谓公共政策,实际上就是团体竞争在既定时间达到均衡的结果,它代表的是相互竞争的派别或团体坚持不懈地努力为维护自身利益而达到的平衡P22Elite theory 精英理论的内容i. Society is divided into the few who have p

23、ower and the many who do not;ii. The few who govern are not typical of the masses who are governed;iii. The movement of nonelites to elite positions must be slow and continuous to maintain stability and avoid revolution;iv. Elites share consensus in behalf of the basic values of the social system an

24、d the preservation of the system;v. Public policy does not reflect the demands of masses but rather the prevailing values of the elite;vi. Active elites are subject to relatively little direct influence from apathetic masses.Ø 社会被分为掌握权力的少数人和没有权力的多数人;Ø 这些居于统治地位的精英并不是处于被统治地位的大众的代表;Ø 从被统

25、治的非精英阶层上升到处于统治地位的精英阶层的过程是缓慢的、持续的,从而确保社会稳定并避免革命的发生;Ø 精英阶层对社会制度的基本价值观以及如何维护这一社会制度的发展会达成共识;Ø 公共政策并不反映大众的需求,而只反映精英的主导价值观;Ø 精英对待政策的态度是积极的,而大众则是冷漠和麻木的;Homoeconomicus 经济人Homopoliticus 政治人 P24 The definition of public choice theory 公共选择理论的定义People pursue their self-interest in both politics a

26、nd the marketplace, but even with selfish motives they can mutually benefit through collective decision making.不论是在政治中还是在市场中,人们都是追求自我利益的,即使都出于自利的动机,他们也能够通过集体决策来实现共同利益。The definition of game theory 博弈理论的定义 Game theory is the study of decisions in situations in which two or more rational participants

27、have choices to make and the outcome depends on the choices made by each.博弈理论是对特定情境中理性选择的研究,即两个或两个以上的理性参与者进行选择,而且自己选择的结果还取决于其他人所作出的选择。Chapter 3 The policymaking processP37 Translation Interest groups may initiate their own policy proposals, perhaps in association with members of Congress of their st

28、affs who share the same interest.利益集团可能会主动提出政策建议,或者与和他们具有共同利益的国会成员联合在一起提出政策建议。P40 Media effects 媒体的影响Media effects can be categorized asi. Identifying issues and setting the agenda for policymakers,ii. Influencing attitudes and values toward policy issues,iii. Changing the behavior of voters san dec

29、ision makers.Ø 为政策制定者确定问题并设定议程;Ø 影响观众对政策问题的态度及价值观;Ø 改变投票人和决策者的行为;Interest groups influence government policy in a variety of ways利益集团影响政府政策的各类途径i. Direct lobbyingii. Campaign contributions made through political action committees(PACs);iii. Interpersonal contactsiv. Litigation designe

30、d to force changes in policies through the court system;v. Grassroots mobilization efforts to influence Congress and the White House.Ø 直接游说;Ø 通过政治行动委员会在竞选运动中提供捐助;Ø 人际接触;Ø 通过法院系统,运用诉讼来施加压力进行变革;Ø 动员草根组织来影响国会和白宫的政策;Democrats 民主党Republicans 共和党P49Translation Your representative

31、owes you, not his industry only, but his judgment; and betrays, instead of serving you, if he sacrifices it to your opinion.你们的代表要奉献给你们的,不仅仅是他们的勤奋,还有他们的判断力;如果他们放弃自己明智的判断,屈从于你们的意见,则是对你们的背叛,而非服从于你们。Chapter 6 Education Translation Social science research suggests that educational performance is enhance

32、d when the schools are perceived by children to be extensions or substitutes for their family. Academic achievement and graduation rates improve for all students, but especially for students from disadvantaged backgrounds, in schools where there is a high expectation of achievement, an orderly and d

33、isciplined environment for learning, an emphasis on basic skills, frequent monitoring of students progress, and teacher-parent interaction and agreement on values and norms.社会科学研究表明,当学校被孩子们视为家庭的延伸或替代品时,教学成绩就会提高。对于所有的学生,尤其是对于那些处于弱势地位的学生来说,学习成绩和毕业率的提高需要学校对教学成绩有很高的期望,有强调秩序和纪律的学习环境,强调对基本技能的掌握,经常性地监督学生的进

34、步情况,教师和家长之间展开互动,并在价值标准方面取得一致。P138Definition of charter schools 特许学校One way to implement parental choice is the charter school; Community educational groups sign a “charter” with their school district or state educational authority to establish their own school.解决家长选择学校的一种途径是特许学校。社区教育团体与所在学区或者州政府的教育部

35、门签署一个“特许证”来建立他们自己的学校。Definition of magnet schools 兴趣学校Another common reform proposal is the magnet school. High schools might choose to specialize, some emphasizing math and science, others the fine arts, others business, and still others vocational training.另一个常见的改革建议是建立一些兴趣学校。高中可能需要选择一些主修课程,有些强化数学

36、和自然科学,有的专修美术,有的学习商业,有的甚至主攻职业培训。Definition of educational vouchers 教育券A more controversial version of parental choice involves educational vouchers that would be given to parents to spend at any school they choose, public or private. State governments would redeem the vouchers submitted by schools by

37、 paying specified amounts perhaps the equivalent of the states per pupil educational spending.关于家长选择学校的一个更有争论的问题涉及发给家长的教育券,这种教育券能够在任何公立或私立学校使用。州政府通过支付一定数量的资金来兑换学校提交的教育券大约相当于这个州花在每个学生身上的教育费用。Chapter 11 Civil rightsP242Translation All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to th

38、e Jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. 凡出生或归化于合众国并受其管辖的人,皆为合众国及所居州的公民。任何州不得制定或施行剥夺合众国公民的特权或豁免权的任何法律;非经正当法律程序,任何州不得剥夺任


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