1、再要你命YY 80313点词摩羯班A GRE 再要你命YY 80313点词摩羯班A GRE 陈琦GRE团队 80313频道an animadversionunqualifiedchagrin resolvelaboratory triedflourished insulateunaware of belies lapsesrespected venerableperplexing enigmaticchampion defendprodigious voraciousanimadversionanimadversion:remark.a critical and usually censori
2、ous<Their animadversion caused from the deep pain, disappoint and sorrow to the western civilization.>谴责:censure,condemnation, denunciation,excoriation, rebuke, reprimand, reproach, reproof, stricture陈琦GRE团队 80313频道animadversionCritics say that the autobiographical work Brothers and Keepers by
3、 John Edgar Wideman is surprising in that it celebrates and yethis own role in the life of his brother.A. censuresB. rebukeC. exacerbatesD. exploresE. duplicatesF. aggravate陈琦GRE团队 80313频道animadversionSome critics of congressional proceedings contend that important debates on issues are marred by a
4、of denunciations and accusations that precludes discourse.Blank (i)A. paucityB. cacophonyC. rehashBlank (ii)D. expendableE. orderlyF. libelous陈琦GRE团队 80313频道animadversion 题源: This is neither a compliment nor an animadversion- just a.- Robert Schwarz陈琦GRE团队 80313频道unqualifiedunqualified: not limited
5、or specialized in application or purpose.<The event was an unqualified success.>绝对的: unlimited, unrestricted, unbounded, unconditional, unrestrained, unconfined, unbridled, unalloyed陈琦GRE团队 80313频道unqualifiedRousseaus short discourse, a work that was generallythe cautious, unadorned prose of t
6、he day, deviated from that prose style in its discussion of the physical sciences.A. critical of . lengthyB. superior to . austereC. bolder than . intelligentD. consistent with . unrestrainedE. influenced by . uninspired陈琦GRE团队80313频道chagrin & resolvechagrin:chagrin is a feeling of disappointmen
7、t,upset, or annoyance, perhaps because of your own failure.<Much to his chagrin, he did not win the race. >失望:disquietude, disappointment, irritation, vexation, exasperation, spleen, fury, dissatisfaction, discontent, disgruntlement陈琦GRE团队 80313频道chagrin & resolveEdgarsat having bungled th
8、e simple assignment was clear from his trembling lips and averted eyes.A. smugnessB. cunningC. surreptitiousnessD. chagrinE. disquietudeF. stealth陈琦GRE团队 80313频道chagrin & resolveBecause it is to all the business costs related to employee discontent, an accurate estimate of the magnitude of these
9、 costs is not easily calculated.A. difficult. measureB. impossible. justifyC. improper. overlookD. useless. discoverE. necessary. pinpoint陈琦GRE团队 80313频道chagrin & resolveresolve:to resolve a problem, argument, or difficultymeans to find a solution to it.<We must find a way to resolve these pr
10、oblems before its too late. >解决:answer, break, crack, figure out, unravel, work out陈琦GRE团队 80313频道chagrin & resolvePhysicists rejected the innovative experimental technique because, although itsome problems, it also produced new.A. clarified. dataB. eased. interpretationsC. resolved. complica
11、tionsD. caused. hypothesesE. revealed. inconsistencies陈琦GRE团队 80313频道chagrin & resolve 题源: The New PublicI could go on. Any number of mysteries to which individual scholars of Athenian history have devoted whole careers are addressed by Ober, and mostly successfully. This will cause some chagrin
12、 and some, as those of us who have worked for years on particular problems see them suddenly, magically resolved.monument陈琦GRE团队 80313频道chagrin & resolve 题源: The New Public陈琦GRE团队 80313频道laboratory & triedlaboratory :a laboratory is a building or a roomwhere scientific experiments, analyses,
13、 andresearch are carried out.<Potentially dangerous bacteria are regularly sent from one laboratory to another.>try:if you try something new or different, you use it, or experience it in order to discover itsqualities or effects.<Her success encouraged me to try the same thing.>尝试: sampl
14、e, test, examine, experiment陈琦GRE团队 80313频道laboratory & tried题源:老GIn a federally governed country, a regional government can function as athe entire nation-i.e., as the setting in which new ideas under consideration for national implementation arewithout having to involve the country as a whole.
15、A. microcosm of . underminedB. mfor.rejectedC. curb on. promulgatedD. critic of.developedE. laboratory for.tried陈琦GRE团队 80313频道flourished & insulateflourish:if something flourishes, it is successful,active, or common, and developing quickly and strongly.<Keep the soil moist. That way, the see
16、dling will flourish.>繁荣:prosper, bloom, overgrow, proliferate, thrive, prevail, triumph陈琦GRE团队 80313频道flourished & insulateDespite global efforts tomalaria, this mosquito- borne disease continues to: the World Health Organization estimates that it still affects up to 500 million people a year
17、.Blank (i)A. fosterB. scrutinizeC. eradicateBlank (ii)D. flourishE. flagF. camouflage陈琦GRE团队 80313频道flourished & insulateThe belief that science destroys the arts appears to be supported by historical evidence that the arts haveonly when the sciences have been .A. declined. attackedB. flourished
18、. neglectedC. matured. unconcernedD. succeeded. developedE. floundered. constrained陈琦GRE团队80313频道flourished & insulateinsulate:to set or keep apart from others.<Parents tried to insulate their children from the often disturbing news in the mass media.>将(以免受外界影响):cut off, seclude, segregate
19、,separate, sequester, quar陈琦GRE团队 80313频道flourished & insulateResidents of the secluded island fear that commercial development willtheir quiet way of life.Blank (i)A. encroachingB. waningC. diminishingBlank (ii)D. reinforceE. disturbF. aid陈琦GRE团队 80313频道flourished & insulate 题源: Los Angeles
20、 Magazine(2002-02) As plastic alternatives and cheap imports from Germany and Japan (encouraged by U.S foreign policy), as well as England, drove most California potteries out of business during the 1950s, the Lawrences flourished. The substantial size and weight of many Architectural Pottery produc
21、ts alone helped insulate the company, for they were too uneconomical to imitate abroad and ship here.陈琦GRE团队 80313频道flourished & insulate 题源:陈琦GRE团队 80313频道unaware of & belies & lapsesunaware:if you are unaware of something, you do notknow about it.<Many people are unaware of just how
22、 much food and drink they consume.>: incognizant, insensible, oblivious,未unacquainted, unconscious, uninformed, unknowing, unmindful, unwitting陈琦GRE团队 80313频道unaware of & belies & lapses as Marios misdeed was, his grandmother, always blind to his faults, pretended to be unaware of it.A. U
23、nremarkableB. AptC. RandomD. FlagrantE. ConspicuousF. Covert陈琦GRE团队 80313频道unaware of & belies & lapsesAlthough Elayne helped to the defendant by supporting his alibi, she unwittingly herself with her testimony.Blank (i)A. chastiseB. admonishC. exonerateBlank (ii)D. acquittedE. implicatedF.
24、disparaged陈琦GRE团队 80313频道unaware of & belies & lapsesbelie: to give a misleading impression of.<His bright sbelied his actual mood, which wasreally one of great sadness.>掩盖: misrepresent, contradict, camouflage, cloak, conceal, counterfeit, disguise, hide, mask, obscure, veil, shroud陈琦
25、GRE团队 80313频道unaware of & belies & lapsesJessicas s her sorrow, hiding her feelingsfrom everyone except those who knew her best.A. beliedB. renderedC. maskedD. embeddedE. deployedF. portrayed陈琦GRE团队 80313频道unaware of & belies & lapseslapse:an unintentional departure from truth oraccu
26、racy.<His slip of the tongue about the mayors name was an unfortunate lapse.>疏忽: blunder, bobble, fault, fumble, inaccuracy, misstep, mistake, oversight, slip, stumble陈琦GRE团队 80313频道unaware of & belies & lapsesHis conduct at the state dinner was a cavalcade of blunders, onefollowing an
27、other until the evening ended.A. queryB. gibeC. gaffeD. indiscretionE. tributeF. taunt陈琦GRE团队80313频道unaware of & belies & lapses 题源 The new York times Our brains are physical systems and hence have finite resources. The real problem here what Chabris and Simons call “the illusion of attentio
28、n” is that we are often unaware of these limitations; we think that we see the world as it really is, but “our vivid visual experience belies a striking mental blindness.”om-t.html? r=0陈琦GRE团队 80313频道unaware of & belies & lapses 题源陈琦GRE团队80313频道respected & venerablerespected :someone or
29、something that is respectedis admired and considered important by many people.<She is a well respected member of the internationalcommu.>venerable: a venerable because they are old and wise.deserves respect<Herfriends referred to the Empress astheir venerable ancestor.>受尊敬的:esteemed, est
30、imable, prestigious, recognized, reputable, reputed, honorable陈琦GRE团队 80313频道respected & venerableIt was out of (i)that Professor Green, the author of several highly respected books in his field, described himself to his colleagues as(ii).Blank (i)A. insolenceB. egotismC. modestyBlank (ii)D. ped
31、antE. avengerF. dilettante陈琦GRE团队80313频道respected & venerablePeople frequently denigrate books about recent catastrophes as morallyattempts to profit, from misfortune, but in my view our desire for such books, together with the venerable tradition to which they belong,them.A. inopportune. encour
32、agesB. fortuitous. fostersC. treacherous. safeguardsD. despicable. legitimizesE. corrupt. generates陈琦GRE团队 80313频道perplexing & enigmaticperplexing : if you find something perplexing, you do not understand it or do not know how to deal with it.<It took years to understand many perplexing disea
33、ses.>enigmatic: someone or something that is enigmatic is mysterious and difficult to understand.<He had never before seen the work of that enigmatic master.>难以理解的:arcane, cryptic, deep, impenetrable, inscrutable, mystic, occult, uncanny陈琦GRE团队 80313频道perplexing & enigmaticThe cause of
34、the disease is fairly simple and has been understood for over a century; by contrast, its symptoms and effects are.A. straightforwardB. illuminatingC. severeD. well researchedE. perplexing陈琦GRE团队 80313频道perplexing & enigmatic 题源: The new York times Mr. Fischer was the most powerful American play
35、er in history, and the most enigmatic. After scaling the heights of fame, he all but dropped out of chess, losing money and friends and living under self-imposed exile in Budapest, Japan, possibly in the Philippines and Switzerland, and finally in Iceland, moving there in 2005 and becoming a citizen
36、.ss/19fischer.html?pagewanted=all& r=0陈琦GRE团队 80313频道perplexing & enigmatic 题源:陈琦GRE团队 80313频道champion & defendchampion:if you champion a, a cause, or aprinciple, you support or defend them.<The amendments had been championed by pro- democracy activists.>defend:if you defend someon
37、e or something when they have been criticized, you argue in support of them.<chiefs strongly defendedconductagainst a wave of criticism.>支持: justify, support, uphold, advocate, espouse, confirm, vindicate, warrant, affirm, assert, aver陈琦GRE团队 80313频道champion & defendHistorian Carlo Botta o
38、ften contradicted himself, as when he first championed and thenthe ideals of the French Revolution.A. denouncedB. anathematizedC. conceivedD. covetedE. invokedF. investigatedchampion & defendThough environmentalists have targeted some herbicides as potentially dangerous, the manufacturers, to th
39、e environmentalists dismay, the use of these herbicides on lawns.A. defyB. deferC. defendD. assailE. disparageprodigious & voraciousprodigious :something that is prodigious is verylarge or impressive.<He impressed all who met him with his prodigious memory.>voracious:if you describe a, or
40、their appetitefor something, as voracious, you mean that they want a lot of something.<They have a voracious appetite. >贪吃的: edacious, esurient, gluttonous, greedy, rapacious, ravenous, swinish, wolfish, devouring, gobbling, gorging陈琦GRE团队 80313频道prodigious & voraciousAfter her long, arduo
41、us hike, Hillary was: she wanted to eat until she could eat no more.A. enervatedB. voraciousC. dehydratedD. ecstaticE. ravenousF. desiccatedprodigious & voraciousThough a certain jellyfishanchovy eggs and larvae, marine biologist Jennifer Purcell argues that directis not the means through which
42、this invader affects anchovy stock.Blank (i)A. scavengesB. depositsC. devoursBlank (ii)D. reciprocationE. predationF. fertilizationprodigious & voracious 题源 New research by Tim Tinker, a biologist with theU.S. Geological Survey in Santa Cruz, California, shows that sea otters are not only voraci
43、ous but highly specialized eaters, organizing themselves into groups that zero in on different prey.the-picky-eaters-of-the-pacific-49760786/?no-istprodigious & voracious 题源陈琦GRE团队 80313频道an animadversionunqualifiedchagrin resolvelaboratory triedflourished insulateunaware of belies lapsesrespect
44、ed venerableperplexing enigmaticchampion defendprodigious voracious还在为寒假没法来线下上课而忧愁么 线上155计划即将开始 词汇,短语,长难句,填空,阅读一网打尽! A+B,28天,70个小时的高效备考! YY80313你的寒假就是这么好学!报名请戳:陈琦GRE团队80313频道各位G友:你有木有突然发现,TB上搜索“点词班”,再也找不到了?你有木有突然发现,TB上搜索“陈琦/琦叔”,只剩三千书了?是的,大家都下架了,因为琦叔团队申请了,我们不得不下架。保护,申诉了作为TB上大部分课程的,我其实也很纠结。意识,确实应该人人都有
48、班(一般每期50元左右)待定听琦叔团队讲阅读第三季句间关系3s版本but, yet, however,nevertheless听琦叔团队娓娓道来报名请戳:陈琦GRE团队 80313频道陈琦GRE团队 80313频道antithesiseroding turbulentunfounded less frequentdaunting diversity ofan anomaly pessimistic obliteratedpresided over undisputed insufficienta coherent an orderlyburdensome onerousa cumbersome
49、 an unwieldyflummoxed confoundedantithesisantithesis: opposite.the antithesis of something is its exact<This insecurity is infuriating and the antithesis of considerate human behavior.>对立:antipode, contrary, counter, negative, obverse, reverse陈琦GRE团队 80313频道antithesisAt the family reunion Hiro
50、ko found her cousin charming and gentle, theof his formerly rude and overbearing self.A. remnantB. antithesisC. consequenceD. antipodeE. mainstayF. outgrowth陈琦GRE团队 80313频道antithesisThecostumes of Renaissance Italy, with their gold and silver embroidery and figured brocades. were the antithesis of S
51、panish, with its dark muted colors, plain short capes, and high collars edged with small ruffs.A. striking. obliquenessB. extravagant. profligacyC. austere. informalityD. unpretentious. asceticismE. sumptuous. sobriety陈琦GRE团队 80313频道eroding & turbulenterode: gradually destroy or be gradually des
52、troyed<Concerns about falling victim to phishing scams are eroding US consumer confidence in online banking and e-commerce.>毁坏: break down, break up, decompose, disintegrate, dissolve, decimate, destroy, devastate, ruin, wreck陈琦GRE团队 80313频道eroding & turbulentAlarmed that land-clearing pra
53、ctices are rapidly crucial habitat, the government of Madagascar is working hard toin its citizens a sense of pride in the nations diverse animal and plant species.Blank (i)A. isolatingB. restoringC. destroyingBlank (ii)D. deterE. prolongF. instill陈琦GRE团队 80313频道eroding & turbulentturbulent: a t
54、urbulent time, place, or relationship is one in which there is a lot of change, confusion, and disorder.<The turbulent world of Middle Eastern politics defies prediction.>的: convulsive, explosive, stormy, tempestuous, tumultuous, pell-mell陈琦GRE团队 80313频道eroding & turbulentSince the foreign
55、 correspondent was accustomed to completing his assignments under (i) conditions, the commotion of the subway at rush hour presented no (ii)his creativity.Blank (i)A. tumultuousB. flagrantC. tranquilBlank (ii)D. inspiration forE. boon forF. obstruction to陈琦GRE团队 80313频道eroding & turbulent 题源 The new York times Th
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