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1、WORD格式可编辑译林英语4年级下册Unit 2A卷:课堂点拨题Story time1. (1) 【易错】 Let' s and table tennis. A.goes; plays B.go; plays C.go; play(2) Let' s go swim. A . / B . play C . and(3) Let' s go and . A. play the table tennis B. play table tennis C. play tabletennis2. It,s Wednesday.(对戈U线部分提问) 3. (1) I an apple

2、 and she some bananas.A.have; have B.have; has C.has; have专业技术分享(2) Wang Bing a Music lesson. A. has haves(3) We a football match today. A. has haves(4) Helen has a lesson this afternoon. AC. swims(5)【易错】I have a lesson this morning.B. haveC.B. haveC.swim B . swimmingA.run B.sing C.running.some B .

3、any C . a./ ; on B . don' t ; in C . don' t4. (1) We doH t have lessons on Sundays. A(2) I have any lessons Tuesday. Aon(3)【易错】 We don' t have any . A.English B.apples C.Maths(4) I have some lessons on Saturday.(改为否定旬)I have lessons onSaturday.5. a pity ! A.What B.How C.WhenCartoon time1

4、) (1) -When do you get up every day ? - A. At 5:00 B. 5:00 C.It ' s 5:002) ) I get up seven. A. in B . at C . on2. We often go to school at seven o ' clock .(对戈”线部分提问 ) do often go toschool?B卷:课后巩固题二选择1 .- Comeand play table tennis , Helen. - I have an singing lesson now. A.Yes B.SorryC.OK2

5、.【易错】 - Let' s and ! A.go ; swimming B.goes ; swim C.go ; swim3 .【易错】-We have an lesson this afternoon. Great! I like to draw pictures.A. English B.PE C.Art4 .【易错】Can you a cake? Yes, I like things.A. make; make B . make; making C . making; make5 . do you get up? A. Where B. When C . What二.填入适当的

6、词1.do(第三人称单数) 2.swim(动名词)3.have( 第三人称单数)4.do(否定形式) 5.some( 同义词) 6.day( 复数)7.we( 宾格)8.match(复数)9.go(第三人称单数)10. I have (some, any) pencils. Do you have (some, any) pencils?11. I eat (a, an) egg and (a, some ) rice (in, on) the morning.12. Helen (have, has) seven (subjects, lessons) (at, in) school.13.

7、 It ' s time (for, to) school. Let ' s go (for, to) school.14. This is(we) timetable.15. I like( Art).16. How many(mango) do we have?17. It ' s Sunday. We(have ) any lessons.18. Where(be) your clock?三.翻译1.at five 2.every day 3. 在星期一 4.真遗憾!5.放学后 6. 一场足球比赛 7.一节游泳课8.在七点二十9.每个男孩10.在星期天早晨11.去

8、打篮球 12.有一堂溜冰课13 .我们星期二下午有一节音乐课。We have a lessonafternoon.14 .你们星期五有几节英语课? Englishyou have on ? 15 .我妹妹今天下午有美术和体育课。My sister Art and afternoon.16 .苏海在周二不去踢足球。Su Hai go to play football.17 .我没有一些蛋糕。I have cakes today.四.连词成句,注意句子字母大小写和标点18 play , tennis , come , and , table(. ) 19 go , the , let '

9、s , playground , to (. ) 3.lessons, do, morning, how, you, this, have, many20 day , today , what , it , is21 day , when , do , every , you , up , get22 have , lessons , do , what , you23 you, some, would , sweets, like (?)24 kitchen, cap, the, your, in ,is (.)五.改错(先用铅笔圈出错误的地方,再在后面的横线上改正)1.Let '

10、s go and play the table tennis. 2.I have a football match at Wednesday. 3.I have a swim lesson today. 4.He have a nice book. 5.We don' t have some lessons on Saturday. 6.I get up five. 7.She have a swimming lesson. 8.Where,s you cap ? 六.句型转换1 .Come and play table tennis.(改为否定句)come and tabletenn

11、is.2 .Liu Tao has an Art lesson on Wednesday.(改为一般疑问句)Liu Tao an Art lesson on Wednesday?1.1 have a Music lessons today.( 用 Tim 替换 I) Tim a Music lessons today.1.2 like English.(改成否定句)I English.5 .The Art is fun.(改成否定句) The Art fun.6 .Mike can play football.(改成否定句)Mike football.C卷:复习提高题.辨音归类take app

12、le grape aunt glass family1 .bag 2. father _ 3. cake 选择I.This is new timetable. A2 .What do you like? A. subjects B. subject C. lessons3 .How many do you have this morning? A. subjects B. lesson C. lessons4 . It ' s time Maths. A. on B. for C. to5 .Do you like Art?A.Yes, I like. B.Yes, I do. C.N

13、o, I do.6 .is the man? He' s my father. A. What B.Who C. How7 .Welcome the snack bar. A.at B. to C. in8 .the timetables? They are on the desk. A. Where' s B. Where C. Where are9 . is the first day of a week. A.Monday B.Tuesday C.Sunday10 . Let' s now.A.go there B.to go there C. go tother

14、e三.句型转换1 .We like Chinese and PE.(对划线部分提问)What you like?2 . It ' s Wednesday today.(对划线部分提问)What it today?3 .We have three lessons in the morning.(对划线部分提问) Lessons you in the morning?4 .This is a skating lesson.(改成一般疑问句) a skatinglessons?四.从R栏中找出与I栏相对应的答句,将其序号填在题前括号内In()I.What day is it?A. It

15、9; s Wednesday.()2. Nice to see you.B. Five .()3. What subjects do you like? C. At eight.( )4. How many lessons do we have? D. Let' s jump and run.()5. Get up.E. Nice to see you too.()6. What do you have?F. I like Maths.()7. It ' s time for PE.G. All right.( )8. When do you go to school? H.

16、I have some fruit.()9. Can I help you?I. How nice.()10. Look at my skirt.J. I'd like somepineapples.五.阅读理解Li Wei has a good friend. His name is Peter. They are in the same class. Theygo to school five days a week. At school they play table tennis after class. Theyverystay at home at the weekends

17、. Peter likes Chinese food. He likes rice and cakes much. Li Wei and Peter like making things. Look, they are making a plane now. They like flying planes on Sunday morning. Peter speaks English and a little Chinese. Li Wei speaks Chinese and a little English. They often teach each other.( )1. Li Wei

18、 and Peter are in different classes.( )2. They go to school from Monday to Friday.( )3. They often fly plane after class.( )4. Li Wei teachers Peter English and Peter teaches Li Wei Chinese.( )5. Peter likes eating rice and cakes.A: Good morning. B: Good morning.A: I ' m Li Li. I am a new studen

19、t.B: My name is Wang Dong. Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you too.B: Welcome to our school.s go to the classroom.A: Thank you. I like the new school.B: Me too. It ' s very big and beautiful. LetA: All right. Who ' s that woman?B: She ' s our Chinese teacher, Mrs Wang.A: Oh, I see.( )1.

20、 Wang Dong is a new student .( )2. Li Li and Wang Bing are classmates.( )3. The school is very small.()4. They are going to the playground .( )5. That woman is their English teacher.听力题、听录音,选出与所听单词同类的一项)1. a.Science b. subject c. Sing) 2. a.table b. timetable c. pencil) 3. a.football b. skate c. dow

21、n) 4. a. our b. we c. you)5. a.day b. Monday c. Today) 6. a.schoolb. twentyc. grape) 7. a. come b. fun c. aunt) 8. a. duckb. wherec. umbrella) 9. a. breakfast b. nose c. bird)10. a. shoe b. table tennis c. lesson二、听录音,选择合适的应答句()1. A. It ' s Monday. B. We have three. C. We have Chinese.()2. A. He

22、re you are. B. I' d like a cake. C. I like English.()3. A. We have Chinese and English. B. We have five. C. We like Chinese.()4. A. It ' s five o ' clock. B. At five. C. It has five.()5. A. Yes, it is.B. No, they don ' t. C. Yes, they are.()6. A.At five. B. At ten. C. At twelve()7.A.

23、 It ' s Friday. B.Yes , it ' s Friday.C.No , it ' s Friday.( )8.A.Thank you, I have a swimming lesson. B.I ' msorry , I have a swimming lesson.C.What a pity !( )9. A.I have Chinese and English. B. I have four lessons C. I have four subjects()10. A. We don ' t have any lessons. B.Me too. C.What about you?三、听录音,填入所缺单词1. A: What is it today?


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