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1、实用标准文案短文改错增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(八),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。1A shopkeeper once found that a bag moneyhad been stolen from hisshop. He went to thejudge (法官) and tell him about his loss (损失)The judge ordered all people of the shop to comebefore him. He took a number of the stic

2、ks of equal length (长度) or gave one stick to each person . Then he said ,“Come after me again tomorrow . I ' llthen know which of you are the thief because the stick given to a thief will be one inch longer than the other. ”2Miss Evans taught physics in school in London . Last month she wasexpla

3、ining to one of her class about sound , and she decide to test them to see howsuccessful she had been in her work. She said to them,“NowI has a sisterin Washington . If I was calling her by the phone ,andyou were on the other side of the street. Whowouldhear me first , my sister and you ? Andwhy? ”A

4、 clever boy at once answered ,“You sister ,MissEvans, because the electricity travels much faster thansoundwaves. ”“Very well , “ Miss Evans praised .3It is interested to visit another country , but sometimes there are some questions when we don' t know the language very well . It may be difficu

5、ltto talk about the people there . We may not know how to use the telephone in the country which are visiting . We maynot know what to buy the things we need. In a strange country we may not know where to eat and what to order in a restaurant . It is not easy to decide how many money to tip(付/、费)wai

6、ters or taxi drivers . When we are helpless , we may not know how to ask help . After a short time later , however, we learn what to do andwhat to say . We learn to enjoy life in another country, and then we maybe sorry to leave both the place and the people 4Long long ago , people had gather leaves

7、 andfruit of plants to eatsome people livingwith . They didn ' t know how to plant crops or how to keep animals for theirfood . We call them Stone Age people . Thing forthem were terrible and hard . Now there have still liked those Stone Age people . They live in places that are hard reach . The

8、y do not know of our invention , for they keep themselves our civilized world . For manyyears a group of people call Aruntas have lived alone in the center of Australia .5How robins (知更鸟) know when it is time to go back north ? They seem to tell by how soon daylight lasts . In late winterthedaylight

9、begins to last longest each day . Whendaylight lasts long enough, robins start north . Theyfly by day . Each year they follow a samefly way. At first , theyfly only few miles aday. They stop often in the field to eatbugs(小虫子). Late , they seem in a hurry . They fly over 100miles a day . Some are goi

10、ng so faras 180 miles . When they get tohome theyalways stay together high in a tree .6The Internet is playing a important part in our daily life . On the net, we can learn aboutnews both home and abroad and someother informations as well . We can also make phone calls, sendmessagesby e-mails , go t

11、o net schools , andlearn foreign languagesby ourselves . Beside , we can enjoy music , watch sports matches , and play thechess or cards . The net even help us doshopping ,make a chat with others and makefriends with them. Ina word , the Internet has made our life more easier7People have different t

12、astes in food . Somefeel they haven't a meal unless they have hadpork or other meat ;someprefer chickensor fish , and eats one or the other at everymeal. Others prefer vegetables and fruits orgrains but would enjoy ameal of potatoes , noodles and carrots and some another fruits . Others could li

13、ve on the foods are calledfast foods , for example, a hamburgeror hot dog , French fries and a soft drinks . Food can be prepared by so manyways. Every is satisfactory to different person .8In the morning of November 18th , 1755, an earthquake56. shook Boston . John, a professor at Harvard College f

14、elt a quake57. and woke up. “I rose and found to be fifteen minutes past58 . four . " He hurried to downstairs to the clock . It had stopped59. three minutes ago. Except for stopping the clock , the quake60.had only thrown a key from the mantel(壁炉架) to the floor . 61 . The clock had stopped bec

15、ause John put some long62 . glass tube he was using for an experiment into the case63 . for safekeeping . The quake had been knocked the tubes over and64. blocked the pendulum(钟摆). So John had the exactlytime of the earthquake .65. 9Life in the twenty one century will be very56. different with life

16、today . There will be many57 . changes. What can the changes be ? The population58 . is growing fast . That will be many more people in59. the world and most of them will live in longer60. than people live now . Computers will be much61 . more smaller and more useful , and there will62 . be one in e

17、very home . People will work few63 . hours than they now and they will have more64 . free time for reading books, watch TVand traveling .10Once one year a race is held . A lot56.of cars took part this race last year and therehad a lot of experiments just before it began. Oneof the most beautiful car

18、 was a Rolls Royce Silver Ghost . The most usual car was a Benzwhich had only three wheels . Built in 1885, it is the65 .57. 58 . 59 .60 . _61 . 62 . 63 . 64 .oldest car taking part . After a great many loud noises , the race began . Many of cars broke down on the way and some drivers spent much tim

19、e undertheir cars than in them . The win car reached at65 . a speed of forty miles an hour 11In recently years , dust storms take place more76.and more often in the north of Chinese . They have77 .brought a great deal of trouble to people' s lives .78 .The strong wind blows up the dust , madethe

20、 air79 .very dirty . It also stops many of people from going80 . out. In past , people raised a large number of sheep .81 . The sheep eat up a great deal of grass and the land82 .becamesandy. Now the government have begun to83.pay attention to the problem . Each year , a lot of84 .money spent on the

21、 improvement of the environment .85 .12Sleep , as we know , is important to us. And56. how many sleep do we actually need ? For most57 . of us , eight hours seem to be about the right58 . amount. Yet we know that there are a59 . great many people who get along well less60 . sleep , and some whom may

22、 even need more. A61 . great deal depends by the way we live . But62 . a good common rule to follow to is to63. sleep long as we have to . So we ' ll feel64 . happy and be able to work with our best when we wake.65 . 13My friend Henry has a most unusuallyhobby56 . (爱好). He likes plant flowers in

23、 strange places .57 .Wherthe spring comesround , you can always tell58 .Henry had been busy working because the dirty sides of59 .canals (沟渠) and railway bankssuddenly60 . becamefilled of flowers . In his spare time, with61 .pockets full of seeds , Henry goes round by his bike .62 .He has a long pip

24、e with him blow seeds into places63 .that is hard to reach . When his flowers fade(凋谢),64.he goes round again to collect its seeds . In this way65 .he always has a big supply .拖延症)is now my goal ofwhat can be reached realistically.my study. So after school, I will14Getting rid of the bad habit of pr

25、ocrastination ( life. Myfirst step was to set small targetsFor example, I plan to set a timetable forput finishing homework in the last place. Additionally, I will make a list of myimportant task including their due dates but follow myschedule strictly.I will avoid find excuses for putting them off.

26、 At same time, I will ask for my friends and parents to help me. By achieving this small targets, I have confident that I will overcome procrastination.精彩文档59. all后加the 60 .去掉63 . are - is 64 . a一一 56. bag 后加 of 57 , J 58 . tell -told the61 . or -and 62. after - beforethe 65. other fothers二 56. 第一个

27、in 后力口 a57. classfclasses 58 . decidefdecided59. has一 have60, by-on 61 V62and-or63YoirYour64 去掉the 65well fgood三 56. interested finteresting/to59. which 后加 wemuch 63. V四64. ask后加for 65 . 去掉57questions fproblems58 . about fwith60. what - how 61. and -or62. many一with58 . Vare 61, liked Tike inventions

28、 64 . away 后力口 fromlater 56 . had - had to59 . Thing fThings62. reach - to reach 6365. call -called57.去掉60 . have 一 invention -五 56. How后力口 do57. soon- 10ng 58 . longest -longer 59. V 60. a-the61. few 前加 afields 63 . Late - Later 64. so-as 65 去掉 to62. field 一六 56. a一an57. Vat 59. informations finformation 61. Beside -Besides the64.第一个 make have58. home前力口60. e-mails fe-mail62 .去掉63 . helpfhelps65 . more much七 56. haven' t 后力口 had57 . chickens fchicken58 . eatsfeat59. but -and60 . another -other61 . foods 后力口 that 或去掉are62.弋63 .去掉a64 . by- inEveryfEach八 56. In-On the


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