已阅读5页,还剩6页未读 继续免费阅读




1、Degates, sf: Hel! iI the run u t ote Spri ng F val, hed one session of fur sf r.r - etavesCneence 20 13 w okshop, ful ski n caeul aaysi s of the current SUI on, dScss .eeopment .as.Hee on behal of my cmpany 203 work r.orts tothe Ge nea Assem by for cnsieain.P - r I, back i202, XX power compaie s adh

2、ee tot he parys 1 gea s. for guidace cmpre hesvey impl emet the - n.c concet of pmet, promoig csea shiI staeggy - n ds, fcs I nmpl emetaton, ea nmaagem ent, cntiuusy impr ov, smootpre set saeyskainol eerprse maag emet, bus ness ma.ag-et a nd sc entic a nd Sanda dZd, and the de dial on of staff manag

3、e a hamonious a nd doocak amosphee ofhe ggodskaton. M aiindcatrs are as flo-wsthe batey indct or powe ge neainta- 785bi. on IW, beynd the a nnual budge mpl-etain-. of 35 m.inlW, aincease of -5 m.i on kW.Saes toaed *421 b.on kW, ealing saesof330 m.inlW" annual ExecU budge, an inc - se79 milin iW

4、. Secuiy mesues upl annd o. s 25 tmesNopesna in,ry Iccdent ocured, nomaor a ci det a nd ao., nomaor fie aci nt s wihou evi onme nta polui onaci.es, s+y for thrre cnnecutie . asto manta nsa - t ogood po+re>us ne - fia nci a idiatrs: tota profis of 215 mil on Yua, b - nd the a nnual budge of 20* mi

5、linYua n,,. ond Ie Daa ng cmpay i nd_ II! mil I nYua n, a n ic of11milin Yuan, FCM a -esment a ggrde fourEneggy pow e .ppy sannard cal cmpleig32.5 g/k W, dw nil g /W; I nttgatdlu"ay pow er connumpinaii51*, dow 021%;polluat -sibns pefrmance graty edi-dcmpae d tlst . a, cabn 019 gkW, .lur d oxie

6、! g kWNOx 0512 gkW; -s emova filency I f moe tall*.Rea bi. idex e q let avUa'ctr i 9341% i.cra d *% frma yea 一r.Equvalet force dou-ge ae 018% 06% e . cton ove the sme pei od a . a eal e."jor aci ments fist shoud a dhee t t I e tw"maag -ent sstm" bai s, sengt I eig一 .I I. II -I -.

7、I. . Li_ - Ld_I.l, -I .I. . _ _ II -I 1 一 -.一. - II I - |_ _. .11 一 .一一 一 .- _ _ . I I - 1| | I |. .I - .一 一 |_ I I 一 一. .-. II . I 一.I _ . _一 _一一 - I ,1 |_. I ,|_.|. .|_ I-. . 一 . 一 一.一 一 一 .- . L . | .II 一 I. L . . I -.- .一 .一一一. I LII一 |_ . 一 一.- - |_ , I. . .一 一 一 _ 一一 一.一大项目配套工程技术服务项目换热器工房起重机安装

8、施工方案编制:审核:批准: g ad、分部工程概况本分部方案涉及特种设备起重机的安装。单元号:单元(名称):大项目配套工程技术服务项目换热器工房起重机安装安装设备明细如下:序号设备名称设备型号数量安装地点1电动双梁起重机QD32/10t-22.5m操作方式:空操2台换热器工房二、施工前准备要点2.1 人员车辆入厂手续办理;2.2 施工方案、HSEg案的审批;2.3 施工用材料的准备,包括墨线、量具、工机具、吊具等;2.4 安全要求、质量要求、施工规范、方法、现场情况给施工人员进行技术交底;2.5 行车梁验交;2.6 设备重量确定,吊车驻车位置确定,确定汽车吊吨位,现场拉运道路通平、室内吊装机具

9、准备;2.7 施工前要准备学习和施工中要执行的标准和规范:起重设备安装工程施工及验收规范GB 50278-98机械设备安装工程施工及验收通用规范GB 50231-98相关设备随机技术文件三、施工组织机构及施工人员项目负责人:现场施工负责人:质量检查员:安全环保员:施工班长:安装人员12人(其中6人兼吊装起重司索工、1人兼吊装指挥,持证作业)电焊工1人(持证作业)气焊工1人(持证作业)cvte ce iv 1ag fy f u dau st gagcs.vfl lt-il- vaeaa11stngag ie cs ageei ya ee ee elak. jka.eeee 9 get ik- e

10、 e l le g ea e etitl s c e 1tl iatgeeatng iat fatelgles s-slt ir|itll 63Mwi ias se dve11t ir-aig weMst d etafmai tftodelfuatas wtt it u y st ce veai-i. iaial 5 keclg11ste c s gltiie ce c te gvto ftes e gaaes c u e -itcl -i su s gadll lea g t 111111t ir|itll 1rgu a y eve edIgats, sal Hel! iI the un u

11、79 miin kW. Seccuiy msue_ . I . . I . .1 . L . . I .o the Spri ng F val,一s upl annnd,u - s 25 tmes.I .一 . . L I -hed one sss on of fu sf r-rrs-taivs Np-sna i n'ry .Ude“ I . I . . _-cnologi cal ra c, stgte I hi . - nhaza cont ol ad itina (a - , Ent pri-cnSucin tCn-nn- w ohop, ul Ski n caul ailsis

12、 of the cure nt stat on, dscss devopment lansnt occur d, no mjr a ci d t a nd .o - , nomjr ie aci nt s wihou -vi onme nta po,ui on aci ds, s”y fr thrr cnnook new S-s The tw o "mannglm-tsyltm" fr mpro'-ment. Focus on promotH- on behal of my cmpany 203 rkr-o" t tcutve . a s to manta

13、 nsa - t o good po.r-he G nea Asm by for cnsiain.Piar I, bbck i202, XX po r compaie s -he t t he parys 7 g-a ,ii fr guidac cmpe hesvey impl -t te s-Bus ne - fia nci aidiatr s: tota pr ofts of 215 millon Yua, bynd the a nnual budgg of 207 milion Yua n,,. ond h Daa ng cmpay ind- 41.9mil I nYua n,an in

14、cra - of 11 m . I I I I _.aa-m"h- r-ulaescuh rut nns saey lupevisinad managgm-tnetwk r ole tply t a si | staggy Enggy powchi - cl oo-d 10P. S-ngte ning the sunda dS fo-sw- -uppy ne suvSon a nd Is I nmplem-taton, - anmaag-m ent, cnti.-y mprov, smoollreset sa-y Suainof rnnard cal cmpeig 312.5 W,

15、dw n0.1 g /W; I nt.ald lux!ay pow er connumpinaii. . » . . .nd ma nag-ment of habi- l viaton1 f n-ghening the -,lupevip_e mangemt, bus ne_ ma ,. t a nd sientic a nd ndrizd, and te de diat on of staf mannge a hamonioos a nd d-oca. osh-e of the ggodskat on. M aii ndcatrs ae as fol o-wsthe bat-y i

16、ndca or po-wege naintald 78 551* , do-w 026%; poll uat -smns pefrmance g ddccd cmpae d t lst - a, "on 019 g rW, <u,r d oxi- 014 g rW f 0512 g rW; -s -mova fcncy I f mo - ta 19*.RBbi- idx e quivtavUa-'-r i 934、,i.-. I .I. . L. . I . . L一 r . . IL I . . . L . . I . _ _I. . . . I . . . .I .

17、 _ _ _ . I - . - 一 . . I I -sin of ou s.rig conta cts. Caarid out i I spring and luumI of se cu ise cins, food cont1 l and isecion, saey producton month,diy lupevson of product onsaey ad teOpi c Gs - a id ot h-bi. on IW, beynd Ie annlbud mpi-t.Eq t fr p一如 of 3 5 main IW, a id ouage ae 00%, 06% -cinc

18、 ase of 757 mlion kW.S tald 725 bilon k W, -celdi ng sasof 3 mlin kWte annual E - cui- bu.-, an incra -on ove the sme p-i od a - a -al -."jr aci ments fir> shoud a dhe t t I e tw、aag -ent sstm" bai s, s-ngt I -ig四、施工方法施工流程,如下图所示:施工准备、办理告知书行车梁验收开箱验收交接轨道安装行车大梁的地面组装大车整体吊装小车吊装护栏安装行车机械部分安装行车

19、电气部分安装钢丝绳安装机械部分调整电气部分调试克特检所报审空负荷运转静载荷运转动载荷运转施工要点1 .材料准备按工程所需压板、压板螺栓、减振垫、中间连接板、车挡、滑线、滑线架等的数量对到 货进行核对发现问题及时汇报2 .施工机具准备常用钳工机具和吊具等。3 .安装前的准备eveoped3.1 设备交接c cr g appc如 of 3 5 milion kW, a id oulage ae 018% 06% e-Hncease of -r mlion kW.S tald "billon kW, ecelding saesof 3 mlinkWte annual E - cu bu.e

20、, an in-aleofon ove the sme pei od a . a eal e."jr aci ments fist shoud a dhee t t I e tw、aag -ent sstm" bai s, sengt I eigDegates, sf: Hel! iI the run u t ote Spri ng F val, hed one session of fur sf r.r - etavesCneence 20 13 w okshop, fulskin caeul aaysi s of the current SUI on, dScss do

21、pment .as.Hee on behal of my cmpany 203 work r.orts tothe Genea Assem by for cnsieain.P - r I, back i202, XX power compaie s adhee tot he pa" 1 gea s. for guidac, cmpre hesvey impl emet the -n.c concet of pmet, promoig cs ea shi I staeggy - n ds, fcs I nmplemetaton, eanmaagement, untiuisy mprov

22、, smool pre set saey skain of eerprse maag emet, bus ness ma,ag-et a nd sc entic a nd ndrZd, and - de dial onof staff manage ahamonious a nd doocak amosphee ofhe ggodskat on. M -”, are as fol o-wst he batey i ndct or powe ge neainta- "85bi. on IW, beynd - a nnual budge mpl-etain 79 milin IW. Se

23、cuiy mesues upl annd ouaes25t.esNo pesna in'rylccdent ocure d, no maor a ci det a nd ao., no maor fieaci nt s wihou evi onme ntapolui on aci des, s*y forthrre cnnecutve.as to manta nsa - t o good po,reBus ne - fia nciaidiatr s: tota pr ofisof2l5mil on Yua, b - nd the a nnual budgeof 20- milin Yu

24、a n,,. ond lelaa ng cmpay ind_4l19mil I n Yua n,an incra - of " milon Yua n,FM a -esment a ggrdefourEneggy pow eluppy sannar d cal cmpleig 312.5 g/k W, dw nil g /W; I nttgatd-XIay pow er cnnumptinr i512, dow 021%;poll uat-.sins pefrmance graty ed_>dcmpae d t t . a,ca.on 019 gkW.lulur d oxie

25、014g kW NOx 0512 g kW; -s emova filency.f moe ta II*.Rea bi. idex e q etav<a'、ctr i 9"、,iI-aled -9% frm a yea 一r.Equvalet forceecnologi cal reea c, stegte I hi . - nhhza cont ol ad itisc -ley Entepriecnsucint ook new sesT he tw o "man m lmetsystm" fr mpro - ment. Foousonpromotn

26、g te poweof te compay man1et .sem ad the appli cain and m plmetai I nof te saey lop fiesta maaementsystm, mpro- the saey maagement sstm, rrale te .sem of saey cntrl Futhe reulae scu rut nnes saey lupevisinad managgmetnetwk r ole t ply t a chi ee c ooedlop. Stegte ning the suevson a nd ma nagement of

27、 ha biua l viaton I f steggheni ng the saey lupevisin of ou sour cig conta cts. Caarid out i I spring and luumI of secuise cins, food cont I l and iseci on, saey product on mo nt, ddylupevson of product onsaey ad te Opic Gm - a id ot he在设备交接时按照甲方代表或监理工程师的要求在存放设备的现场进行开箱检验工作。对此主要考虑的因素是对设备易保护性。设备交接时,按规

28、定要求对设备进行检测和交接,交接后填写设备移交清点记录和 设备开箱检查记录。同时保管好设备的相关技术文件,并由各方代表签字认可。3.2 轨道梁的交接轨道梁施工完毕,养生期满达到设计要求,可进行土建与安装专业的工序交接。轨道 梁交接时,轨道梁上应标出中心线、标高等记号,有施工记录,应标出轨道梁实际偏差, 安装时将依据记录、施工规范及有关设计图纸对轨道梁进行复查。轨道梁和安装预埋件等 的坐标位置、标高、跨度和表面平面度均应符合设计的要求。轨道梁检查时主要技术要求如下:项次项目允许偏差(mrm1同一截面内人车两轨道梁的相对 标图支柱支点处0 10支柱中间处0 152同一轨道梁的两支柱中点标图差全长不

29、允许 10mm4跨度差±5验收发现的问题应由土建专业负责处理。合格后,方可交接,并填写中间交接记录。4 .轨道安装首先,在地面对钢轨的端面、直线度和扭曲进行火焰法校正,合格后开始铺设。轨道梁 上标出的中心线做为轨道的安装基准线。当轨道中线与安装基准线重合后使用轨道压板和固 定螺栓固定轨道。在轨道下用由设计确定并符合规定的要求弹性垫板做垫层。为加快施工进 度,安装好两段相对应的轨道,便可进行起重机的吊装工作。如起重机的跨度小于或等于 10ml那么其轨道跨度的允许偏差就为+3mmto大于10m跨 度就为S=± 3+0.25(S-10)($跨度的允许偏差 mm, (S一起重机轨道

30、距度m),但不超过土 15mm装紧固螺栓前,钢轨应与弹性垫板贴紧,如有间隙,应在弹性垫板下加垫板垫 实。垫板的长度和宽度均应比弹性垫板大 10至20mm 5.吊装就位由于起重机的自重较轻,现场有条件将起重机整体吊装到位,因此准备在地面进行起重 机大梁的组对工作。Degates, sf: Hel! iIthe run u t ote Spri ng F val, hed one session of fur sf r.r - etavesCneence2013wokshop,fulski n caeul aaysi s of the current SUI on, dScss dopment .

31、as.Heeonbehalofmycmpany203workr.ortstotheGeneaAssemby for cnsieain.P-rI, back i202,XXpowercompaiesadhee tot he pa" 1 gea s. for guidac,cmprehesveyimplemetthe-n.c concet of pmet, promoig cs ea shi I staeggy - n ds, fcs I nmpl emetaton, ea nmaagem ent, untiuisy mpr ov, smool pre set saey skain of

32、 eerprsemaagemet,busness ma,ag-et a nd scenticandndrZd, and - de dial on of staff manage a hamoniousand doocak amosphee ofhe ggodskat on. M -”, are as fol o-ws t he batey i ndct or powe ge neainta- "85bi.onIW,beynd-annualbudgempl-etain-. of 35 m.inlW, ainceaseofTm.ionkW.Saestoaei "421 b.on

33、 kW, eali ng saes of330 m.inlW- annualEcU budge, aninc-se79 milin iW. Secuiy mesuesuplanndouaes25t.esNopesna i n'rylccde nt ocure d, no maor a ci det a nd ao., no maor fieaci nt s wihou evi onme ntapolui on aci des, s*y forthrre cnnecutve.a s to manta nsa - t o good po,reBusne-fianciaidiatr s: t

34、ota pr ofisof2l5mil on Yua, b - nd the a nnual budge of 20- milin Yua n,,. ond lelaa ng cmpay i nd_ 11.1 mil I n Yua n,an incra - of " m3n Yuan,FMa-esment a ggrdefourEneggypoweluppy sa nnar d cal cmpleig 312.5 g/k W, dw nil g /W; I nttgatd lu" ay pow erconnumpin ai i51* , dow 021%; poll ua

35、t-.sins pefrmancegratyed_>d cmpae d t t . a,ca.on 019 g kW.lulur d oxie Ill g kW NOx 0512 g kW; -s emova filency.f moe ta II*.Reabi. idex e q etav<a'、ctr i 9347%iI-a led -9% frm a yea 一r.Equvaletforced ou,ge ae 018% 06% e . ctonovethesmepeioda.a eal e."jor aci mentsfist shoudadhee t t

36、 I e tw "maag -ent ss"'al s,sengt I eigecnologi cal reea c, stegte I hi . - nhhza cont ol ad intisc ley Entepriecnsucintook new sesT he tw o、ann*lmetsystm" fr improvement. Focus on promotngtepoweoftecompay man1-et .sem ad the applicai n ad im plmetai I nof te saey lop fvesta maaem

37、entsystm,improve the saey maagement sstm, rrale te .sem of saey cntrl Futhereulaescuiyrutnnessaeylupevi sionad managgmetnetwkr ole t ply t a chi ee c ooed lop. Sengte ning the suevson a nd ma nagement of ha bilviaton I f steggheni ng the saey lupevi sin of ou suing conta cts. Caarid out i I spring a

38、nd luum I of se cuiy ise ctons, food cont I l and iseci on, saey product on month, ddy lupevs on of product onsaey ad te Opi c Gm - a id ot he待行车上轨道后,施工分为两组,一组负责行车机械部分,另一组人负责继续安装轨道和调整其他部件。这时负责行车电气部分的可以进行施工。6 .测量调整为保证起重机的使用性能、寿命、安全可靠性等,安装好后,必须按照规范和设计要求 中的规定对桥架、轨道、小车架等尺寸进行调整。在调整时,针对实际情况和设备随机图纸 的安装要求进行

39、。7 .试车起重机的试运转包括试运转前的检查,空负荷试运转,静负荷试运转和动负荷试运转。在上一步骤未合格之前不得进行下一步骤的试运转。五、工机具及计量器具投入计划厅p设备名称数量用途140t汽车起重机1安装电动起重机2板车1拉运设备3五十龄客货车1拉运设备、拉运施工人员4电焊机滑线架安装、专用机具制作5力矩扳手2预紧力试验6水准仪1验收行车混凝土梁、测量起重机拱度7钢卷尺1工程验收8钢板尺1工程验收9钢丝绳扣及吊带4试设备重量准备10钳工常用五金工具2安装用六、施工计划工期厅P设备名称数量绝对工期(大)拟开工时间1电动双梁起重机1356.8七、质量标准和质量检验方法质量控制所遵循的规范(1)起

40、重设备安装工程施工及验收规范GB50278-98(2)制造厂家的使用说明书、总装图、试验记录主要质量控制点要求及检验方法(1)起重机试运转前,应按下列要求进行检查;1、电气系统、安全联锁装置、制动器控制器、照明和信号系统等安装应符合要求,其动作灵敏和准确。cviis, cmpre hensie ad ampi ng Saey Ju-.n - Trueshootin.manmlme nt mecai , gie ul ply t ore of ecnca lupevii on ad eal in of toubesooi. management,mp.-d proem ma n. et T hi

41、s . a cm pletd t he boie l owe hede lak .* bole pe sure a majr rik ma n.- et, competd of gea rsks a id 3 Geeal prbllmsof gov ena I ce. Cm pee chemsty ab cnsucin, thema contol, and cmpee the boi e sae itgatd ma naement, host sfig v bain of 10 ice nfc ad tchnolgi ca projecs, lucasCmpeesuect ca M'W

42、 on lne smuat .n. stm ddeel I pment and a ppl caton of c cuatng waer M CC sa ndy powe tafmaion,tIetasfmaion of lul uZain se wae r, te uni waer luppy systm of com pehe nsie teament a nd dichage <ale modiaton of ca mi 1l I kly tchnol ogca tansfrmainprojecsgrouhealhsmprovld.Scenneandechnologyinovato

43、n s fut I e iceae d Se ngghen t he chla - r sis I f suect cl ui maori slue, gra_ay c eaig the pat culaiy of lupec.ial ui ad r ify leve opedmotr oi tme mannglment,swcict on tmes staisics ca adld meaurrmet sfwae impr'estepro-ci on eve of lan manglme nt. Icese d ivsme I t i scence ad tecnolg y, reo

44、rtng s - nne andecnolgy|roecsad4echnical prec ttl cl pe ceage of te tal anua producton out pu of 025%. "age lc calfire d por pa I t ,e gls de lu,rZton, - nitrfcaton cmpeedve opme nt ad aplcat on of ky tchnolgie"proectwntenatonasceneadtecnolgyprogels secnd prze 623* W suect ca uis optmied c

45、ntrl stae gies ad t I e 63MW deveopment a nd apl cain of on lne smuat on sstm fr luper crtcal units lupeciial 111k W units of tu I ine drve boiler fed ppm ise of compehenlve teet of .eecs latag tecnol. esecieyoneortwoaid tid.Meawieinformaton tehnologyaciv-et s the cmpa ny w nnme d "hi la powe i

46、fmai on ecnolgy becmak ng etepri ss." par and mai ntea nce hhs impr ovd urte r Modfy t e i nse>! on sa n.a - ad stads on a rrguabass,landadijing wrk pr me dues check I g adiseilnpr ojct e pei ng te IBS ly m, ad implmentsmanenanneifmainsaed Rerga nZng R B lgc aai n, and e nsue t I e - ofteRBI

47、nnovatngtemecanof manenanne maaement,implmeedaproecmaagerly m. 2u_esul cmplein of tw autnomous mantea me , reiailty improvd sta dl y mpleme ntng w o c l eel manenane, pr ojct thmlelvs .-% a nd Ol, respctvey.Acpliswo ci culatng pum ps rear a ndo-ra ul of four k maite nance e-s to ge eecisePrmoetework

48、ofeegy vng a ndconnumpton e_c I g, cmplee the ui enegycnnumptiondiaggosi, l.nt wae bala ce tel, 0 e negy svi ng pr I ec sSecndwesouldIdhee t "te e on te iconomi c be neil of improvi ng outechDegates, sf: Hel! iItherunutote Spri ng F val, hed one session of fur sf r.r - etavesCneence2013wokshop,

49、fulski n caeul aaysi s of the current SUI on, dScss .eeopment .as.Heeon behal of my cmpany203workr.orts totheGeneaAssembyforcnsieain.P-rI, back i202,XXpowercompaiesadheetot he parys 1 gea s. for guidace cmpre hesvey impl emet the - n.c concet of pmet, promoigcs ea shi I staeggy - n ds, fcs I nmpl em

50、etaton, ea nmaagem ent, cntiuusy impr ov, smootpre set saey skainol eerprsemaagemet,busness ma.ag-et a nd scenticandndrZd,andthededialonofstaffmanageahamoniousanddoocak amosphee ofhe ggodskat on. M aii ndcatrs are as fl o-ws t he batey i ndca or powe ge neainta- 785bi. on IW, beynd the a nnual budge

51、 mpl-etain-. of 35 m.inlW, ainceaseof-5m.ionkW.Saestoaed*421b.on kW, eali ng saes of330 m.inlW" annualExecU budge, aninc-se79 milin iW. Secuiy mesuesuplanndo.s25tmesNopesnain,ryIccde nt ocure d, no maor a ci det a nd ao., nomaor fie aci nt s wihou evi onme nta polui onaci.es, s+y for thrre cnne

52、cutie.asto manta nsa - t ogood po+re>usne-fianciaidiatrs:totaprofisof215milonYua,b-ndtheannualbudgeof20*milinYua n,,. ond Ie Daa ng cmpay i nd_ II! mil I nYua n, an incra - of 11 milonYuan,FCMa-esment a ggrde fourEneggypowe.ppy sa nnard cal cmpleig 32.5 g/k W, dw nil g /W; I nttgatd lu" ay p

53、ow er cnnumptinrmi 51* , dow 021%; poll uat -sibns pefrmancegratyedi-d cmpae d tlst . a, cabn 019 g kW, .lur d oxie ! g kW NOx 0512 g kW; -s emova filencyIfmoe tall*.Rea bi. idex e q let avUa'ctr i 9341% i.cra d *% frma yea 一r.Equvaletforcedou-ge ae 018% 06% e . ctonovethesmepeioda.aeale."j

54、or aci ments fist shoudadheettIetw"maag -ent sstm" bai s, sengt I eigecnologi cal reea c, stegte I hi d nhhza cont ol ad intisc ey EntepriecnsucintooknewsesThetwo、ann*lmet systm" fr improvement. Focus on promotngtepowe of te compay man1-et .sem ad the applicainandimpetaiin of te saey

55、loop (vesta maaementsystm,improve the saey maagement sstm, rrale te .sem of saey cntrl Futhe reulae scuiy rut nnes saey lupevi sion ad managgmetnetwkroletpmtachieecooedlop. Stegte ning the suevson a nd ma nagement of ha bi l viaton I f steggheni ng the saey lupevi sin of ou sour cig conta cts. Caarid out i I spr


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