



1、姓名:班级:唐徕回民小学大班额、小层次、均衡发展测试卷 - PEP 小学四年级下册英语期末测试卷 一星级试题 (满分100分) 听力部分50%一. Listen and choose the words you hear. (听音选择你所听到的单词。) 10分 ( ) 1、A. library B. garden C. playground D. home ( ) 2、A. jeans B. pants C. socks D. shoes ( ) 3、A. sheep B. hen C. goat D. cows ( ) 4、A. tomato B. potato C. carrots D.

2、onion ( ) 5、A. eleven B. thirteen C. twelve D. fifteen二. Listen and number the pictures. (听音给图片标序号。)6分 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三. Listen and choose. (听一听,选出你所听到的正确句子。) 12分( ) 1.A.Welcome to our school.B. Welcome to my classroom.( ) 2.A.Is that the washroom?B. Is that the art room?( ) 3.A.It is rainy

3、in London.B. It is snowy in London.( ) 4.A.How much is that dress?B. How much is that skirt?( ) 5.A.Its 6:30. B. Its 9:30.( ) 6.A.Its time for math class. B. Its time for music class.四Listen and choose the correct answer. (听问句,选出正确答语。) 12分( ) 1.A.Its 50 yuan.B. Theyre 50 yuan.( ) 2.A.Yes, it is.B. Y

4、es, there is.( ) 3.A.Yes, its a sheep.B. No, they arent.( ) 4.A.I have one hundred.B. They are one hundred yuan.( ) 5.A.Not much. B. Thank you very much.( ) 6.A.I like some vegetables.B. Id like some vegetables.五Listen and tick or cross. (听短文,判断所给的句子是(T)否(F)正确。) 10分 ( )1. Its windy and cool. ( )2. M

5、ike has a green T-shirt. ( )3. The hat is expensive. ( )4. There are fifteen hens. ( )5. You can see many carrots.笔试部分50%一. Look and circle the words. (看图圈出正确单词。) 12分 A. playground A. get up A. shorts B. gym B. go to bed B. jeans¥5A. snowy A. expensive A. cucumbers B. rainy B. cheap B. carrots 二.Rea

6、d and choose. (找出不同类别的单词。) 6分( )1. A. sheep B. horse C. coat D. lamb( )2. A. music B. math C. art D. class( )3. A. tomato B. orange C. onion D. cucumber( )4. A. cloudy B. windy C. weather D. rainy( )5. A. gym B. washroom C. library D. light( )6. A. three B. thirteen C. second D.twenty三. Choose the c

7、orrect pictures. (读句子,选择与其对应的图片。12分)¥300 1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( )A. Its windy. Hold on your hat.B. These are tomatoes and onions. They are healthy. C. Look at the farm, its so big.D. The sweater is beautiful, but its too expensive.E. We have a fashion show today.F. Put on your boots

8、. Splash in the puddles.四. Read and choose. (读一读,选择正确选项。) 10分 ( )1. Whose cap is it? Its .A.my brother B. my brothers C. my brothers ( )2. Its cold today, your coat. A. put on B. take off C. put down ( )3. cows are there? 60. A. How much B. How many C. How old ( )4. ? Its ten oclock. A. Whats this B

9、. What time is it C. How many clocks are there( )5.Its 7:05 a.m. Its time to . A. get up B. have lunch C. go to bed( )6. are your pants? Yellow. A. Where B. What colour C. How much( )7. Look! These are my new sandals. Wow, ! A. thanks B. OK C. cool ( )8. The dress is so beautiful. But I havent much

10、money. Its too . A. expensive B. colourful C. cheap( )9. Its cold and . Lets make a snowman. Great! A. cool B. snowy C. warm( )10. Can I wear my today? No, you cant. Its too hot.A. shirt B. skirt C. sweater五. Read, write and complete the dialogue. (用方框内所给的词完成对话。)10 分Mom: Lucy, Look at that . Its colourful.Lucy: Yes, it is. And its very .A. like B. much C.pretty D.skirt E


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