1、English for Railway Service 乘务英语教学 陕西科贸技术学院 张欣High-speed Beijing-Tianjin railway opens 铁路客运英语 Conversation 会话会话 A. On the train 在列车上在列车上 语法:语法: 时间表达法: 1、直接表示法 eight seventeen(8:17) 2、past , to表示法 Seventeen past eight(8:17)B. On the train 在列车上在列车上 the Forbidden City 故宫 the Great Wall 长城 the Temple of
2、 Heaven 天坛 the Summer Palace 颐和园 Souls Retreat Temple 灵隐寺 Six Harmonies Pagoda 六和塔单词和短语单词和短语 freight n. 货物、货运 supervisor n. 监督人、管理人 crew n. 全体人员(职员) personnel n. 人员、职员 direction n. 指导 coordinate v. 使协调 activity n. 活动、工作 communicate v. 沟通、通信 engineer n. 工程师、火车司机 dispatcher n. 调度员单词和短语单词和短语 coordinate
3、 sth. /sth.with sb. 协作某事 (同某人协作某事) in charge of 负责 freight train 货车 passenger train 客车 train crew 列车乘务组 on board 车载 under his direction 在某人的指挥下 communicate with 与取得联系 一、问候语一、问候语Good morning . 您好!(早上好)Good afternoon. 您好!(下午好)Good evening. 您好!(晚上好)How do you do? Nice to meet you. 见到您很高兴。Glad to meet y
4、ou. Pleased to meet you. 二、欢迎语二、欢迎语Welcome to our train. 欢迎乘坐本次列车。Welcome aboard! 请上车! Example 1: A: Good morning! B: Good morning! Welcome aboard! A: Thank you. Its nice to be here. B: Hope you enjoy your trip.Everyday English 日常生活用语(一)日常生活用语(一) . Learn to say A. Greetings 问候问候 1. Welcome to China!
5、 2. Welcome to our city! 3. Welcome to our train! 4. Glad to take your train! 5. Glad to see you again! 6. Havent seen you for a long time. Long time no see.Everyday English 日常生活用语(二)日常生活用语(二) . Learn to say A. Thanks and Apologies 感谢和道歉感谢和道歉 1. Its very kind of you. 2.Thank you for your help. 3. Th
6、ank you for the trouble you have taken to get me the ticket. 4. Im very sorry./ Im so sorry./ Im terrible sorry. 5. Sorry, I dont quite understand you. Excuse me, I dont catch your meaning. 6. Sorry, my English is very poor, please speak more slowly. 7. Pardon? 8. I beg your pardon. Please say it on
7、ce more. 9. Sorry to trouble you. 10. Sorry to have kept you waiting. 11. Sorry to be in your way. 12. Sorry, the supper is not ready. 13. Sorry, the water has not boiled yet. 14. Im so sorry for what Ive said. 15. Ill try to make sure it doesnt happen again. 提醒、建议用语提醒、建议用语 Please be careful. 请小心。 D
8、ont go far. 不要走远。 Pay attention to the departure-call. 请留心开车铃声。 Why not go and have a look? 为什么不去看一看呢?Youd better go and see if its yours.您最好去看一下是不是您的。 Dont worry. 别担心。 Take it easy. 放心好了(别着急)。 Just a moment, please. 请稍等。 三、答谢语三、答谢语 1、列车员答谢旅客:、列车员答谢旅客:Thank you very much. 非常感谢。 B. Requests 请求请求 1.Pl
9、ease tell me which train I should take for Guangzhou. 2. Wake me up at seven tomorrow morning, please. 3. Will you please tell me how to check my luggage for Hangzhou? 4. I wonder if you could help me with my luggage. 四、道歉语四、道歉语 1、列车员向旅客道歉:列车员向旅客道歉: Im sorry. 或或 Sorry. 对不起。 Excuse me. 劳驾。 I beg your
10、 pardon? 或 Pardon? 您能再说一遍吗? Im sorry, Ill do it right away. 对不起,我马上办。 Sorry to trouble. 对不起麻烦您一下。 Sorry, I dont quite understand you. 对不起,我不太明白您的意思。Excuse me. I dont catch your meaning.请原谅,我没有领会您的意思。2、旅客向列车员道歉时,一般说:、旅客向列车员道歉时,一般说: Thats all right. 没关系。 It doesnt matter. Dont worry about it. 也可以说:也可以
11、说: Never mind. Its nothing. Passenger Train Classes 旅客列车类型旅客列车类型Seat Classes 座位等级座位等级 There are 4 standard classes of seats:hard seat, soft seat, hard sleeper and soft sleeper.主要内容主要内容 Seat Class 座位等级座位等级 Passenger Train Classes 旅客列车类型旅客列车类型 Propaganda for Not Carrying Prohibited Articles 严禁携带危险品上车严
12、禁携带危险品上车 Passenger Cars 客车客车 Up and Down 上行和下行上行和下行 Beijing West Railway Station 北京西站北京西站 The Qinghai- Tibet Railway 青藏铁路青藏铁路 Chief Conductor 列车长列车长 Shanghai Maglev Train 上海磁悬浮列车上海磁悬浮列车 Unit Three Propaganda for Not Carrying Prohibited Articles 严禁携带危险品上车严禁携带危险品上车 “watch for”在字典上的意思是“等待,期待”之意。若将警示牌上的
13、英文再翻译过来,是“请等待一个安全”。所以,不妨翻译为:“Carriage conjunction, please be careful”。 “keep out”的解释是,“用于警示牌,切勿靠近(进入)”。 这个翻译成“Danger !No Touch”更准确 翻译人员将fire fight一词理所当然地翻译成“消防器材”,殊不知,这一词在英文中是“交火、炮战”之意 “Fire extinguisher, please dont move it at will”才符合其中文意思。至于“safety device”二词也是完全是可以删掉的。 Garbage only, not for cigar
14、ette buttAt the booking office 1 How long will this train take to go to Beijing?这列直达快车开到北京要多久? 2 This express will go straight from Beijing to Tianjin.这列快车从北京直达天津。 3 What time is the next train to Beijing? 下一趟去北京的车几点开? 4 Id like to have two soft berth tickets to Shanghai for tomorrow.我想买两张明天的到上海的软卧票
15、。 (hard berth, hard seating, soft seating) OK. It comes to 1,200 yuan including service fee.好的,加上手续费一共1,200元。 5 May I have two lower berths?我可以要两张下铺吗? Sorry. We usually pair the upper and lower together to sell.对不起,我们通常上下铺搭配在一起卖。Checking-in and boarding 检票上车检票上车 1.Where do I board the train? First y
16、ou go to the waiting room. The notice board will tell you which waiting room you need for your train.公告板上有你要乘坐车次的候车室编号。2.In the waiting room you can access several platforms.候车室可以通向好几个站台。 Try to get to the platform 15 minutes before the train leaves. 尽量在开车前十五分钟到达站台。Finding bed or seat 找铺位或座位找铺位或座位 1
17、.Excuse me, can you help me find my seat? 劳驾,你能帮我找一下座位吗? Please show me your ticket, it says which seat is yours .给我看一下你的车票吧,上面有你的座位号。 2.Excuse me, I need to get a pass. Can I help you with your bags? Can I move it please? 补票用语补票用语 1、 Your child is already over 1.1m, please buy a children ticket. 你的
18、小孩已超过1.1米了,请买小孩票。 Your child is already over 1.4m, please buy an adult ticket. 你的小孩已超过1.4米了,请买大人票。 Sorry,your luggage is overweight ,please buy a luggage ticket. 对不起,你的行李已超重,请补票。 2、 Please add more yuan for your ticket.您需要加补元钱。关于临时停车关于临时停车1、 How long shall we stop here, please? 请问在这停车多久? This is a t
19、emporary stop.现在是临时停车。 It stays for minutes.停车分。 Please dont get off the train.请不要下车。2、The train is now minutes late. 列车现在晚点几分钟。 Please dont worry,the train will arrive on schedule.请别着急,列车将正点到达。 The train will soon be on schedule. 列车很快就会正点的。旅客遗失物品用语旅客遗失物品用语 1、What have you got inside?里面有什么东西? Dont w
20、orry. Well try to find it for you.请不要着急,我们设法帮你找。 Dont worry. well manage to give it back to you if we find it.请放心,如果我们找到了,我们设法转交给你。 Well keep you informed.我们将随时通知您。 2、I have got a but I dont know whether it is yours?我刚拾到,不知道是不是你的? Please go to the chief conductor to claim it.请到车长那去领。 3、Please check
21、your bag .If there is no problem with it, please sign here.请检查一下您的行李是否完好无损,如果没有问题,请您在这里签字。提醒乘客 1、No Dangerous goods are allowed to bring on the train! 严禁携带危险品上车! 2、These are inflammables,please leave them to our care.这些是易燃品,请交给我们适当处理。 3、Please take care of your valuables. 请保管好贵重物品! 4、Help us to keep
22、 the train clean. 请协助我们,保持火车清洁卫生。 提醒乘客 5、Take care when you get off the train. 下车时当心。 6、 Luggage must not be put in the gateway. 行李不准放到过道上。 7、 Mind the gap. 小心台阶间跨度 8、 Please keep gateways clear. 请保持过道畅通。 严禁携带危险品上车!这些是易燃品,请交给我们适当处理请保管好贵重物品!小心台阶间跨度行李不准放到过道上Seats 1.The train has different sections, su
23、ch as hard and soft sleepers, and hard and soft seating. What is the difference? 有什么区别吗? 2.The soft sleepers are for 4 people and you have a door to close your compartment. 软卧包厢可睡四人,包厢的门可以关。 3.The hard sleepers are for 6 people and there is no door. 硬卧可睡六个人,没有门。Food 1.Can I buy food on the train? 我可
24、以在火车上买食物吗? Yes, a crew member will come by with food to sell. 是的,乘务员从你身边经过卖东西。 2.Is there a restaurant on the train? Can you show me where it is please? 你能告诉我餐车在哪吗? Yes, there is a restaurant carriage by soft sleeper carriage. 是的,有餐车,在软卧车厢旁边。 Drinks (iced) mineral water black tea green tea hot water
25、 milk beer yogurt ice-creamSmoking 1.Can I smoke here? 我能在这里吸烟吗? No, the smoking section is at the end of the carriage between this carriage and the next. 不可以,吸烟区在两节车厢之间。 3.Can I buy cigarettes on the train? 我能在火车上买到香烟吗? A crew member will come by with food to sell. 是的,乘务员从你身边经过卖东西。Toilet 1. There i
26、s a washroom at the end of each carriage.在每节车厢的末端都有洗漱间。 2.Why is the toilet locked? 厕所的门为什么锁上了? The toilet is always locked when the train is at the station. When the train begins moving again we will unlock it. 火车进站后经常要锁上厕所的,火车重新开动后,我们就开门。Common useful sentences 1 Our train will arrive at Beijing R
27、ailway Station at 18:27. 列车到达北京车站的时间是18点27分 2 Our next stop will be Station. Please prepare yourself for getting off the train. 下一站将要到达站,请您提前做好下车的准备 3 The destination will be reached in about two minutes. 还有大约2分钟到达终点站 4 Our train currently travels at 350 kilometres an hour. 现在的时速大概350公里/小时 At the st
28、ation 车站用语(一)车站用语(一) Learn to say A. Meeting the Passengers 接车用语接车用语 1、Welcome the our station! 2. Will you please wait for him at the rest hall? 3. Youd better wait for him in the guests waiting-room. 4. Where is the refreshment stall?At the station 车站用语(二)车站用语(二) Learn to say A. Station Facilities
29、 and Service 1. May I have a platform ticket? 2. I want to see somebody off. 3. I want to meet some friends. 4. The train is standing at platform Number Two. 5. The train has just come in. 6. The train hasnt come in yet.列车员自我介绍列车员自我介绍 Ladies and Gentlemen: Good morning. Welcome to our train. May I introduce myself? Im your conductress. My names Li Hua. This
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