



1、Unit 12 单元知识总览l 重点词组:4 / 41. play the guitar弹吉他2. play chess下象棋3. speak English说英语4. join the art club加入艺术俱乐部5. want (sb.) to do sth.想要做某事6. tell stories 讲故事7. talk to sb.跟某人说话8. play the drums敲鼓9. play the piano弹钢琴10. play the violin拉小提琴11. help sb. With sth. 在某方面帮助某人12. be good with sb.善于;对有办法13.

2、make friends结交朋友14. need sb. to do sth.需要某人做某事15. on the weekend(在)周末16. get up起床; 站起17. get dressed穿上衣服18. take a shower 淋浴19. at night在夜晚20. be late for迟到21. do (ones) homework做家庭作业22. take a walk散步; 走一走23. eitheror 要么要么24. lots of 大量; 许多l 重点句式:1. -What can you do? 你会做什么? - I can dance. / I cant s

3、ing.我会跳舞。/我不会唱歌。2. -What club do you want to join? 你想参加什么俱乐部? - I want to join the chess club. 我想参加象棋俱乐部。3. -What time does Rick eat breakfast? 瑞克几点吃饭? - He eats breakfast at seven oclock. 他七点吃早饭。4. Are you good with old people? 你善于与老人相处吗?Unit 34 单元知识总览l 重点词组:1. take the bus / subway 乘公共汽车/地铁2. ride

4、 a bike骑自行车3. how far 多远4. every day 每天5. between and 在和之间6. one 11-year-old boy 一个11岁的男孩7. come true实现;成为现实8. listen to 听9. on time准时;按时10. go out外出(娱乐)11. do the dishes 清洗餐具12. too many太多的13. make ones / the bed整理床铺;铺床14. think about考虑15. follow the rules遵守规则16. good luck 好运17. have fun玩得开心;过得愉快18

5、. learn to do sth.学做某事l 重点句式:1. -How do you get to school? 你怎样去学校? - I ride my bike. 我骑自行车。2. How long does it take to get to school ? 到学校要花费多长时间? It takes about 20 minutes. 大约要花20分钟3. How far is it from your home to school ?从你家到学校有多远? Its about two kilometers. 大约两千米。4. Dont eat in the classroom. 不准

6、在教室里吃东西。5. We cant arrive late for class. 我们上课迟到。6. We must be on time. 我们必须准时。7. We have to follow the rules. 我们必须遵守规定。Unit 56 单元知识总览l 重点词组:1. kind of(非正式)稍微;有点2. all day整天3. get lost丢失;迷路4. be in (great) danger 处于(极大的)危险中5. cut down砍倒6. watch TV 看电视7. talk on the phone在电话中交谈8. make soup做汤;煲汤9. at

7、home在家10. drink tea喝茶11. tomorrow evening明天晚上12. on TV在电视上;上电视13. wish to do sth. 希望做某事14. a picture of my family我的一张全家福15. in the living room在客厅里l 重点句式:1. What animals do you like?你喜欢什么动物? I like koalas. 我喜欢树袋熊。2. Why do you like koalas?你为什么喜欢树袋熊? Because theyre very cute. 因为它们很可爱。3. What are you /

8、 is she doing? 你/她在做什么? Im / Shes doing homework.4. Is he reading? 他在读书吗? Yes, he is.对,他在读书。5. What time is it? 几点了? Its eight oclock in the morning. 早上8点。Unit 78 单元知识总览l 重点词组:1. sound like听起来像是2. take a message捎个口信;传口信3. call sb. back给某人回电话4. no problem没问题5. right now立刻;马上6. have a great time doing

9、 sth.做某事很开心7. be happy to do sth. 很高兴做某事8. be on a vacation度假9. write to sb.给某人写信10. take a photo of给某人照相11. next to靠近12. near here在这附近13. across from 在对面14. in front of在前面15. in town在镇上16. be far from离很远17. go along沿着走18. turn right/left向右/左转19. at the first crossing在第一个十字路口20. enjoy doing sth.喜欢做某

10、事l 重点句式:1. Hows the weather?天气怎么样?Its raining. / Its sunny. 在下雨/是晴天。2. Hows it going? Its great./ Just so so. 很好。/老样子3. Is there a restaurant near your house? 你家附近有饭店吗? Yes, there is. Its on Center Street. 是的,有。 它在中心街。4. Wheres the supermarket? 超市在哪儿? Its next to the library.它在图书馆隔壁。Unit 910 单元知识总览l

11、 重点词组:1. look like 看起来像,长得像2. of medium height 中等身高3. a little 一点; 少量4. a picture of 一张的照片5. put in newspapers 把登在报纸上6. on television在电视上7. in the end最后8. first of all首先9. would like(表示意愿)愿意;喜欢10. take ones order点菜11. a bowl of一碗12. what size多少尺码13. the number of 的数量14. make a wish许愿15. blow out吹灭16

12、. in one go一口气17. cut up切碎18. different kinds of不同种类的l 重点句式:1. What does he look like?他长什么样? Hes of medium build. 他中等体型。2. Do they have straight or curly hair? 他们是直发还是卷发?They have curly hair. 他们是卷发。3. What kind of noodles would you like ? 你想要什么种类的面条?Id like beef and tomato noodles, please. 我想要牛肉西红柿面

13、。4. What size bowl of noodles would you like? 你想要多大碗的面条? Id like a small / medium / large bowl of noodles. 我想要一个小/ 中/大碗的面条。Unit 1112 单元知识总览l 重点词组:1. go for a walk去散步2. ride a horse骑马3. talk with sb. 和某人交谈4. quite a lot 相当多的5. take some photos照一些照片6. learn about了解7. take them home把它们带回家8. in the coun

14、tryside 在乡下9. go fishing 去钓鱼10. last year 去年11. come out 出来12. all in all 总之13. be interested in 对感兴趣14. not at all 根本不;一点也不15. go boating 去划船16. on Saturday morning 在周六上午17. stay up 熬夜18. give back to sb. 把还给某人19. run away 跑开20. shout at 大声叫喊21. fly a kite 放风筝22. go camping 去野营23. put up 搭起; 举起24. get a surprise 吃惊25. shout to呼喊 ; 喊叫26. wake sb. up 把某人弄醒l 重点句式:1. How was your weekend? 你的周末过得怎么样?It was great. 很好。2. What did you do last weekend? 上个周末你做什么了?I played soccer. 我踢足球了。3. Were the strawberries g


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