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1、1What Color is Kiki?Kiki is a little chameleon. Kiki is walking in the field. Coco is a little gecko. Coco is walking in the field, too.C =Coco, K=Kiki, F=Cocos friendC: My names Coco, Im brown, this is my friend, Kiki.K: My names Kiki.C: Look! What color is Kiki?K: Ha-ha,I am green.( Kiki is on the

2、 leaves.C: Look! What color is Kiki?K: Ha-ha, Im pink.( Kiki is on the peach.C: Look! What color is Kiki?K: Ha-ha, Im orange.(Kiki is on the orange.C: Look! What color is Kiki?K: Ha-ha, Im purple.( Kiki is on the grapes.C: Look! What color is Kiki?K: Ha-ha, Im brown, too.(Kiki is on the groud.F: Coc

3、o, lets go to school!K: Oh, no! Im not Coco! Im Kiki.拓展词句Little/ 'litl/ adj.小的chameleon/ k'mi:ljn / n.变色蜥蜴gecko/ 'geku / n. 壁虎leaves/ li:vz / n.树叶2I Want Balloons!B=Boy C=ClownB: I like the balloons, I want a yellow one.OK. Heres a yellow one.I want a green one.OK. Here is a green one.I

4、want a red one, a pink one, a purple one and a blue one! OK. Here you are.I also want the big orange one.OK. Here you are.Oh, no. Im flying!拓展词句balloon/ b'lu:n /n. 气球clown/ klaun /n.小丑I want 我想要Here is a yellow one. 给你一只黄色的气球。Here you are.给你。Im flying! 我飞起来了!3 Whats the Babys Name?In the colour

5、world, theres a baby. She has no name. She wants to find her daddy and mommy.One day, she meets Mr. Y ellow and Miss Red. “Nice to meet you, are you my daddy and mommy?” “Nice to meet you , too. But you are not our baby. Our baby is cute. His name is orange.”She meets Mr. Yellow and Miss Blue. “How

6、are you? Are you daddy and mommy?” “Fine, thank you .But you are not our baby. Our baby is quiet. Her name is Green.”She meets Mr. Blue and Miss Red. “oh, my dear baby!” “Daddy, mommy!” She finds her daddy and mommy, and get a lovely name: purple.拓展词句Wold/ wuld/n.世界want/ wnt /v.想要,希望meet/ mi:t /v.遇见

7、our/ 'au /pron.我们的cute/ kju:t /adj.可爱的find/ faind /v.找到get/ get /v.得到In the colour world, ther es a baby.在彩色世界里有一个宝宝。4 Black or Pink?In the morning, Sarah is going to school in her new yellow dress. “Im so happy, I feel pink,” Sarah says to her mom.On the way to school, a white car is driving pa

8、st her, the dirty drops on her new dress. “Oh, Im so angry ,I feel red.”In the afternoon, Mr. Green let them have a test, but Sarah has a low score. “Oh! Im so sad, I feel blue.”In the evening, Sarah is in the bed. She feels very bored. “A ghost story will be fun!” Then she reads. “Ah! Its nice. Im

9、so excited, I feel orange.” One hour later, she feels so scared. “Mom, help!”Sarah shouts. “Whats the matter?” Mom asks. “I feel there is a ghost in my bedroom. Im so scared. I feel black,” Sarah says. “Its a black day for me! Im so tired!” “Dont worry. Ill sleep with you,” her mother says. “Thank y

10、ou, mother! Im happy, I feel pink now!”拓展词句pink/pik/adj.开心的,健康的past/ p:st /prep.经过red/ red /adj.气愤的score/ sk:/n.分数blue/ blu:/adj.忧伤的,郁闷的ghost/ gust /n.鬼orange/ ':rind /adj.兴奋地scared/ skd /adj.恐惧的shout/aut /v.喊叫black/ blæk /adj.倒霉的drop on溅到on the way to.在去的路上Mr. Green let them have a test.格林

11、先生对他们进行了一次考试Ill sleep with you .我和你一起睡。5Not MommyDD is a wolf. VV is a little sheep. DD is wearing a sheep skin and wants to cheat the little sheep.DD: VV Im mommy.VV: Show me your ear.DD: Look, this is my ear. Its small.VV: Show me your eye.DD: Look, this is my ey e, its small.VV: Show me your nose

12、.DD: Look, this is my nose, its big.VV: Show me your mouth.DD: Look, this is my mouth. Its small.VV: Show me your tail.DD: Look, this is my tail.(DD shows his tail and VV clips it with the door.VV: Not mommy.DD: Oh, no, my tail!拓展词句Wolf/ wulf /n.狼sheep/i:p /n.羊Skin/ skin /n.皮cheat/ ti:t /v.欺骗Tail/ t

13、eil /n.尾巴clip/ klip /v.夹6Ha-ha MirrorMimi is a cat, and Ruru is a rabbit. They stand in front of a Ha-ha mirror. M= Mimi, R= RuruM: Look at me. I have a big body.R: Look! I have a big body, too.M: Ah, I have a small head, too.R: I have a small head, too.M: Ah! I have no legs. Where are my legs?R: Lo

14、ok! Your legs are so short. My legs are short, too.拓展词句Mirror/ 'mir /n.镜子Your legs are so short.你的腿这么短。My legs are short, too.我的腿也短。7What Can You See? Tommy, Tommy, what can you see?I can see a big body.Tommy, Tommy, what can you see?I can see big legs.Tommy, Tommy, what can you see?I can see bi

15、g ears.Tommy, Tommy, what can you see?I can see small eyes.Tommy, Tommy, what can you see?I can see a long nose.Tommy, Tommy, what can you see?I can see a big elephant!拓展词句Elephant/ 'elifnt /n.大象what can you see?你能看见什么?I can see我能看见8 Make a SnowmanTwo small balls,Roll, roll, roll.One is small, t

16、he other is big.Stack them up.The small snowball for the head.The big snowball for the body.A carrot for the long nose.Two plums for the eyes.Two brooms for the arms.Now, put on the hat.And a red scarf, too.Oh, its funny snowman.拓展词句roll/ rul /v. 滚动stack/ stæk /v.堆积carrot/ 'kært /n. 胡萝

17、卜plum/ plm /n.李子broom/ bru:m/n. 扫帚hat/ hæt /n.帽子scarf/ sk:f /n. 围巾funny/ 'fni/adj.有趣的stack.up 将.堆积起来One is small, the other is big.一个小,另一个大The small snowball for the head. 小的雪球当做球9 The Dogs PartyThere is birthday party for Dog.Monkey comes.“Follow me, Monkey!” says Dog.Cat comes.“Follow me,

18、 Cat!” says Dog.Duck comes.“Come in, Duck.” Says Dog.Rabbit comes.“Come in, Rabbit.” says Dog.Elephant comes.“Oh, my God!” says Dog.“My house is too small.”拓展词句house/ haus /n.房子There is birthday party for Dog. 小狗有一个生日聚会。Monkey comes.猴子来了.Follow me.跟我来。Come in.请进。Oh, my God! 天哪!10 Whats This?John, Sa

19、rah, Zoom and Miss White are playing a guessing game.W= Miss White S= Sarah J= John Z= ZoomW: Whats this?(W paints a catJ: Its a cat.W: Whats this? (W paints a monkeyS: Its a monkey.W: Whats this? (W paints a deer, no one knows.W: Its something your mom calls your dad.Z: Oh, its DEAR.拓展词句paint/ pein

20、t /v.画deer/ di /n. 鹿something/ 'smi /pron.某事,某物dear/ di /n.亲爱的playing a guessing game玩猜谜游戏Whats this? 这是什么no one knows 没有人知道Its something your mom calls your dad. 这就是你妈妈对你爸爸的称呼。11 Which Is Long?The giraffe has a long neck.The squirral has a long tail.The elephant has a long nose.Father Christmas

21、 has a long beard.The neck is long, the tail is long.The nose is long, the beard is long.This is long, this is long.But not longer than the Great Wall.拓展词句neck/ nek /n.脖子tail/ teil /n.尾巴beard/ bid /n.胡须But not longer than the Great Wall.但比不过长城长。12 The Ugly DuckDK=duck E=Elephant G=Goose Dg=Dog B=Bir

22、dDK: Hello, E lephant. Im a baby duck.E:Go away. Look at my head. Its so big. Look at your head, its so small. You see, Im strong, you are thin. I dont like you.DK: Hello, Goose. Im a baby duck.G: Go away. Look at my neck. Its so long. Look at your neck, its so short. You see, Im tall, you are short

23、. I dont like you.DK: Hello, Dog. Im a baby duck.Dg:Go away. Look at my feet. They are so clean. Look at your feet, They are so dirty. You see, Im cool, you are ugly. I dont like you.DK: WuuuuB:Dont worry. You are kind. Thats enough. I like you.DK: Yeah!拓展词句ugly/ 'gli/adj.丑陋的goose/ gu:s /n.鹅neck

24、/ nek /n.脖子feet/ fi:t/n.脚(foot的复数形式 clean/ kli:n /adj.干净的dirty/ 'd:ti /adj.脏的Go away.走开You see.你瞧.You are kind. Thats enough.你心地善良,那就足够了。13 Change Your MindThe animal are playing together.Deer says, “Oh, Giraffe is taller than me. Im sad.”Giraffe says, “Oh, Tiger is stronger than me. Im sad.”Ele

25、phant says, “Oh, Monkey is smarter than me. Im sad.”Monkey says, “Oh, Deer is cooler than me. Im sad.”Tiger says, “Oh, Elephant is heavier than me. Im sad.”A bird is coming. She say s, “you are young. Change your mind, please.”The bird says to them:“Monkey, you are smarter than Tiger.” Monkey is hap

26、py.“Elephant, you are stronger than Monkey.” Elephant is happy.“Giraffe, you are taller than Elephant.” Giraffe is happy.“Deer, you are slimmer than Giraffe.” Deer is happy.“Tiger, you are cooler than Deer.” Tiger is happy.Now all the animals are happier than ever before.拓展词句change/ teind /v.改变mind/

27、 maind /n.思想wrong/ r: /adj.错误的ever/ 'ev/adv.任何时候before/bi'f:/adv.从前slimmer/'slim/adj.更苗条的(slim 的比较Change your mind.换个方式思考You are slimmer than Giraffe.你比长颈鹿苗条14. A Ball or a DollIts a ball not a doll.Pauls got a ball.Toms got a doll.One ball and one doll,They are on the floor.Its a kite n

28、ot a boat.Mikes got a kite.Pats got a boat.One kite and one boat,They are white.拓展词句got/ gt /v. 得到(get的过去分词floor/ fl:/n.地板Pauls got a ball.有一只球They are on the floor.他们在地板上They are white.它们是白色的14Fruits ClothesOrange, Orange, what colour is your shirt?Orange, Orange, its an orange shirt.Peach, Peach,

29、what color is your T-shirt?Pink, Pink, its a pink T-shirt.Watermelon, Watermelon, what color is your dress?Green, black, its a green and balck dress.Strawberry, Strawberry, what color is your sweater?Red, red , its a red sweater.Bananas, Bnanas, what color are your pants?Yellow, yellow, they are yel

30、low pants.Grapes, Grapes, what colour are your jeans?Purple, purple, they are purple jeans.拓展词句what colour are? They are .是什么颜色的呢? 它们是16 Whose Tie Is This?Tom is fourteen.Hes very tall. Hes as tall as his father. He likes his fathers clothes very much. Look, his father is coming.F=Father T=TomF: Who

31、se tie is that, Tom?T: Its your tie.F: Whose shirt is that?T: Its your shirt.F: Whose sweater is this ?T: Its your sweater.F: Whose jacket is this ?T: Your jacket.F: Whose pants?T: Your pants.F: Whose belt?T: Your bel t, dad. You dont want your pants to fall down , do you ?拓展词汇Tie/ tai /n.领带belt/ be

32、lt/n. 腰带Fall/ f:l /v.掉下,落下Fall down掉下来Hes as tall as his father.他和她父亲一般高。You dont want your pants to fall down , do you ?你不想让你的裤子掉下来,是吧?17Can I Have a Try?The new year is coming. Little rabbit, little monkey, little squirrel, little bear and little hedgehog want to buy some new clothes. They are sho

33、pping together.R=Rabbit S= Squirral B= Bear H= Hedgehog M=Monkey A=AssistantA: Can I help you ?R:Yes. I like the pink dress.Can I have a try?A:Sure. Here you are.M:I like the blue jacket with the brown jeans.Can I have a try?A:Sure. Here you are.S:I like the yellow T-shirt with the green shorts.Can

34、I have a try?A: Sure. Here you are.H:I like the orange shirt. Can I have a try?A: Oh,sorry. You cant wear the shirt, its will be broken,too.(Little hedgehog is very sad. Little Monkey has a good idea.M: You can wear a sweater.A: Yes. You can wear this purpke sweater.(Little hedgehog puts on the swea

35、ter. He looks happy. All the animals are happy, too.拓展词句hedgehog/ hedhg /n.刺猬broken/ brukn /adj.破的Can I have a try?我能试试吗?18 New ClothesTomorrow is Lilys birthday. She wants to buy new clothes, so she goes shopping with her mom.L=Lily M=MomL: Is this yellow sweater pretty?M: Yes, it is. But its too l

36、ong for you.L: Is that purple nice?M:Yes, it is. But its too short for you.L: Is this green dress pretty?M:Yes, it is. But its too big for you.L: Is that orange jacket nice?M:Yes, it is. But its too small for you.L: Are these red pants nice?M:Yes, they are.But they are too long for you.L: Are these

37、blue jeans nice?M:Yes, they are.But they are too short for you.L: Are these white shoes pretty?M:Yes, they are.But they are too big for you.What about this T-shirt?L: Wow, its colourful. It fit me well.拓展词句Go shopping 去购物Its / Theyre toofor you. 对你来说,它/它们太19Alice and Her Magic StickAlice is going to

38、 a party tomorrow. She has no beautiful clothes.In her dream, Alice has got a magic stick.A=Alice S=Magic M=MomA: Magic stick, magic stick, a nice dress please.S: OK. A nice blue dress for you.A: Magic stick, magic stick, a pretty hat please.S: OK. A pretty white hat for you.A: Magic stick, magic st

39、ick, a pair of socks please.S: OK. Black socks for you.A: Magic stick, magic stick, a pair of boots please.S: OK. Cool brown boots for you.A: Magic stick, magic stick, a small bag please.S: OK. A nice golden bag for you.A: Look, Im a beautiful girl now. Thank you, my kind magic stick. M: Hi, Alice,

40、get up. Its time for school.拓展词句Magic/ 'mædik /adj.有魔力的,神奇的stick/ stik /n.棒dream/ dri:m /n.梦hat/ hæt /n.帽子golden/ 'guldn /adj.金色的a pair of 一双,一对,一副20 Its Me!H=Huihui M=MaomaoH: Maomao, look at my new mirrors. What can you see?M: A man. Whos this man?H: Hes my gran dfather.M: Whos t

41、his woman?H: Shes my grandmother.M: Whos this man?H: Hes my father.M: Whos this woman?H: Shes my mother.M: Whos this man?H: Hes my uncle.M: Whos this woman?H: Shes my aunt.M: Whos this girl?H: Shes my sister.M: Whos this boy?H: Hes my brother.M: Your brother?H: Ha-ha! Its me! You are cheated! Everyo

42、ne is me. These are magic mirrors.M: Wow! So funny!拓展词句Mirror/'mir /n. 镜子everyone/ evriwn /pron.每个人Magic/ 'mædik /adj.有魔力的,神奇的What can you see? 你能看到什么?You are cheated! 你上当啦!21 My Family TreeFathers mother is my grandmother.Fathers father is my grandfather.Fathers bro ther is my uncle.Fa

43、thers sister is my aunt.Uncles daughter is my cousin.Whos fathers son?Ha-ha,its me.Mothers mother is my grandmother.Mothers father is my grandfather.Mothers brother is my uncle.Mothers sister is my aunt.Aunts son is m y cousin.Whos mothers son?Ha-ha,its me!拓展词句Daughter n. 女儿cousin n. 堂兄妹;表兄妹son n. 儿

44、子Whos fathers son? 谁是爸爸的儿子?Ha-ha, its me. 哈哈,是我。22 San Maos dreamSan Mao is a poor boy. He has no parents. Today is fine, he is sleeping under a tree.Here comes an old man.O=Old man, S=San Mao, P=Parents, U=Uncle, A=AuntO:Oh, my child.Why are you here?S: I have no family.O:You have a big family. Loo

45、k, your parents! They are coming.P: Oh,San Mao, we love you.O: San Mao,this is your uncle.S: Hello, uncle. You are cool.U: Hello,San Mao.You are cool, too. This is your aunt.A: Hello, San Mao. Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too.A:This is your baby brother.S:Oh, Im so happy. I have a big famil

46、y. Ha-ha.Oh,no. Dad, mom, uncle, aunt, baby brother, where are you ? (San Mao is sad. Its a dream.拓展词句dream n. 梦poor adj. 贫穷的child n. 孩子parents n. 父母亲love v. 爱Why are you here? 你为什么在这里?I have no family. 我没有家。23 My Family Is PoorMary is seven years old. She has a rich family. Today is the first day o

47、f her school. Her mother says, “Mary, dont tell others were rich .”“OK,mom,” says Mary.In class, Mary says, “My names Mary. My family is very poor. My mother is poor. My father is poor. My grandmother is poor. My grandfather is poor. My brother is poor. My sister is poor. Our cook is poor. Our garde

48、ner is poor. Our cleaner is poor. Our driver is poor,too. Were all very poor. ”拓展词句poor adj. 贫穷的rich adj. 富有的first adj. 最先的;第一的tell v. 告诉others pron. 其他人cook n. 厨师gardener n. 园丁cleaner n. 清洁工Dont tell others were rich. 不要告诉别人我们很富裕。My family is poor. 我的家穷。24 Im fullM=Mother Monkey , B=Baby MonkeyM: W

49、e have bananas for lunch.B: Great, I like them very much. How many bananas?M: Lets count.B: OK. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Oh, we have ten bananas for lunch.M: How many bananas do you want ?B: I want four. (Munch, munch, munch, munch.B: Yummy, yummy. I want some more.

50、 (Munch,munch,munch. Baby monkey wants to stand up, but he cant.B: Oh! Im full. I cant move.拓展词句full adj. 饱的lunch n. 中饭count v. 数一数munch v. 用力咀嚼yummy adj. 美味的move v.移动stand up 站起来How many do you want? 你想要多少?I want . 我想要.Im full. 我饱了。25 Who Is Number One?Animals are having a running match. One, two,

51、three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.Oh,so many animals! “Number One! Number One! ” All animals are shouting, but who is Number One? Look!Number Two is Dog. Number Three is Cat.Number Four is Mouse. Number Five is Cow.Number Six is Horse. Number Seven is Pig.Number Eight is Hen. Number Ni

52、ne is Sheep.Number Ten is Lion.Who is Number One? Where is Number One? Ha-ha! Its Monkey. Its over the dogs head!拓展词句number n. 号码cow n. 奶牛horse n. 马hen n. 母鸡sheep n. 绵羊lion n. 狮子over prep. 在的上方Who is Number One? 谁是1号?Animals are having a running match. 动物们在进行跑步比赛。All animals are shouting. 所有的动物都喊叫着。

53、Number is a号是26 Dogs or Hot Dogs?Mouse, Dog, Duck, Cat and Pig are having a class. Mr Elephant is their teacher.E=Mr Elephant, M=Mouse, Dg=Dog, Dk=Duck, C=Cat, P=PigE: Mouse, how many bears can you see?M: Squeak, I can see one bear.E: Super!E: Dog, how many birds can you see?Dg: Woof, woof, I can se

54、e two birds.E: Super!E: Duck, how many monkeys can you see?Dk: Quack,quack,quack, I can see three monkeys.E: Super!E: Cat, how many rabbits can you see?C: Mew, mew, mew, I can see four rabbits.E: Supper!(Pig is sleeping and daydreaming.E: Pig. Pig. Pig! How many dogs can you see?P: Mmmmm I can see f

55、ive hot dogs. Yummy, yummy, yummy!拓展词句super adj. 极好的daydream v.做白日梦How many can you see? 你能看到多少?Pig is sleeping and daydreaming. 小猪睡着了,在做白日梦。27 Funny JackMr Smith has a little son. His name is Jack. He cant do sums very well. Mr Smith is teaching him. D=Dad, J=JackD: Whats three plus five?(Jack coun

56、ts his fingers.J: Its eight.D: Good! Whats six plus seven?(Jack counts his fingers and toes.J: Mmm. its twelve. Oh no,its thirteen.D: Whats eleven plus eleven?(Jack looks at his fingers and toes. They are not enough. Mr Smith is unhappy. D: Use your head, Jack!J: Thats not enough. I have only one head!拓展词句plus prep. 加count v. 点的数目enough adj. 足够的unhappy adj. 不高兴的He cant do sums very well. 他算术做得不好。Use your head. 动动脑筋。28 Where Is


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