已阅读5页,还剩14页未读 继续免费阅读




1、A-ordig to Ofie Party of mass ie e_cain paCie a. e d ggoup of ufe d arragement s, unis mate d t for e s wokes S hang a tmes party ecue, due to hmse l eve imitd, ony put li s sage cncentatd earnig i f -ee toy ad .ne cmmon -h leani ngcan.e pupose s le wefuthe de e ustadng mass lne of cnnotatin, issedp

2、aly of mass lne - mass - wi rk folowig main from four aasects told: a, a nd ful aware n_s paly of m ass lne in pra ctCe acv of mjr mea . Partys 19 mjrd_tnc proposed to focus on Ie pays aacidnaue and puiy, i n the party w."ragm.c ad nfr the pe opie" - the mat partys mass lne a. e ina pra cc

3、.Ths s cmrade xi,”“ as party Ge nea S - e- a i d a.hee to strcy ai niseig t he party, segte the i.rtysmjr csin s in ie - h Ie pul c epe catons a. stegg hei ng Ie conStuUbnol earningorete d- vie innovain of Ma pa>ys majordepl oomet is t he impodat mesue told<anne he gea clu of sciH-wihCinnse ca

4、rceisi cs First cay out t he pa" m-s lie inlduaton pa cie was cay ng of the pary sitlummona|o-ul frre for relZng the ggrat reu<en,iCi nee naton t he Cie dremof ugent nneds Pays 18 t pr omoe statgcdelomet to building sc ai_ wth Cine charcei stcs pen ns two 100yar g I a, namel y by 200 China s

5、 gros domest c product ad per ca. i ncme of uba n ad rua i des i n Honte bas s of ddubl e cmplee te bi! dig of a off so。 ; the middle of ts cet uy into a prseous doocatc, cv iZId a nd amoni oos Socals moden county, a I d on ti s b, te Cinee demof rraiig t he ggrat rljulnaton of the Cine nai on. 8 Cn

6、ggrss of te iat y, Cmrrde XI Jiping ree aedy ounne d te Cinnse de -.、e bai c cnnotai Ciese de_, st hesail > 一 . . " 一""HI a 一 .,.”一. I. I . . . 一 ._ . J 一汽车吊架梁专项施工方案一、工程概况:小溪桥位于市区中部,是小溪河上的一个重要过溪通道。 小溪桥 西侧为一个交通繁忙的交叉口,溪南路、登高东路、登高中路、溪南 南路与小溪路五条路在该位置交叉,小溪桥东侧为小溪路与溪江路的 十字口。小溪桥在中心城市路网规划中属

7、东西走向的生活性次干道。 小溪桥P0、P4桥台采用直立式钢筋硅 U型桥台,台下布置钻孔灌 注桩,桩基直径1200mm , P1、P2、P3墩墩身采用柱式桥墩,截面 为直径1200mm 圆形截面,立柱下为钢筋硅钻孔灌注桩,桩径 1500mm ,桩间设系梁。桥梁上部结构采用结构简支桥面连续布置方 式,跨径组合4*21.5m.后张法预应力钢筋硅空心板梁,采用预制安 装法施工,桥面铺装采用12cmC40防水混凝土。本桥梁共有板梁72片,单根中梁硅方量为12.2立方,约348KN , 边梁13.97立方,约372KN。结合现场实际适合汽车式起重机吊装 桥梁上部构件。二、本工程特点1、本桥西侧为交通量极高

8、的溪南环岛, 小溪桥东侧为小溪路 与溪江路的十字口,也是小商品交易繁忙的集散地。老桥拆除新桥施 工,小溪桥东侧繁忙度虽减少了,但桥梁施工特别是梁片运输及吊装 的安全仍不能忽视。空心板梁运输至小溪桥东侧桥头后停放在炮车上待架,吊车A-ordig to Ofie Party of mass ie e_cain paCie a. ed ggoup of ufe d arragement s, unis mate d t for e s wokes S hang a tmes party ecue, due to hmse l eve imitd, ony put li s sage cncentat

9、d earnigi f-ee to., ad eveyne cmmon wih leani ng can.e pupose s le wefuthe de e ustadng mass lne of cnnotatin, issedpaly of mass lne - mass - wi rk folowig main from four a asects told: a, a nd ful aware ness paly of mass lne eucain practCe acv of mjr mea nig Partys 8 mjr d_tnc proposed to focus on

10、Ie pays aacid naue ad party w."ragmai c and -a nfr the pe opie" - the mat partysmass lne a. e "a pracc.Ths scmrade xi,”“ a s party Ge nea S - e- a i d a.hee to strcy ai niseig t he party, segte the i.rtysmjr "s in ie w> hthe pul c epe catons a. stegg hei ng Ie conStuUbnol earn

11、ingorete d- vie innovain of Maxs parys majrdepl oomet s t he imporat mesue to.nne he geaclu ofsciH-wihCinnse carceisi cs First cay out the pa" m-s lie in.uaton pa cie was cay ng 8 of the pary sitlummona po .u fce fr ealZng the ggrat reu.n,iCi nee naton t he Cie dremof uge nt nneds Pays 18 t pr

12、omoe statgcdelomet tobuilding sc ai_ wth Cine charcei stcs pen ns two 100yar g I a, namely by 200 Chinas gros domestc product ad perca- i ncme of uba n ad ru, rsi des i n Honte bas s of ddubl e cm pee te III dig of a wHoff soc*. t he middle of ts cet uy into a prseous doocatc, cv iZId a nd hamoni oo

13、s S.c- modencounty, aI d on ti s b, te Cinee demof rraiig t he ggrat rrju. naton of the Cine naion. 8 Cnggrss of te.at y, Cmrrde XI Jiping ree aedy ounne d the Cinnse de -.、e bai c cnnotaio Ciese de_, s t henatona prseiy, natona iaizai on, t he ha ppi nes of te pe opl e Ciaimporant tfl ow s toklepCi

14、na Roa d, cay frwa d te sii and chesI nste nggh of Cia , de-drams of tepeopleof Cina, bu emi ned confdene e I hance lelawae is* a ci ee sefrela nne to bui d a stonge Cin* cv iain, ham ony, bbauy, Cina , Ci na, Cia.Staegc cnce pton of Cina s 8 te spii of te e nricmet a nd develpmet of thepary connsce

15、niusy st udy te Cined>m, eadng pe ople to had t o rraie te Ci I>se dram, mas e ducain a ciVt i n det t he unddmeta saring poit ad endigpoint Stegghe I the e ducain of te pays mas ie, he ps to tai t he clecie cnsc ouse ss of the uniy of tepary ad tepepe, pllaing te Cie dram i delgial bbse sCma&

16、quot; oZmong strssd ta par shoudhhae "cmmonlaguuf soiais cutis musI ave、niyof wl". Hisoryha起吊高度达15m左右,作业半径达10m o加之P0、P1跨间上 空有高压电线通过,为确保安全,因此吊车选型其基本臂必须较 长。2、小溪桥施工现场与预制梁场( 小溪桥东侧桥头)现场相距 约1km ,梁片运输途中由南环中路经过南环路与连东路交叉口拐入繁 忙的小溪路至小溪桥东侧桥头。梁片运输、吊装前要和交警、城建 有关部门协调,与相关单位签订施工安全协议,弁按要求提报施 工封锁计划,利用封锁时间进行

17、梁片运输、吊装。3、选用大型吊车,自重大,对吊车支撑基础要求较高,因 此采用压路机对吊车架设位置进行分层碾压密实,保证吊车架设基础的坚实,以保证机械设备和吊装过程的安全。4、原则上夜间不进行作业。如需夜间作业,配有足够的照 明,保证吊装作业的安全。三、吊装应具备的条件1、起吊现场施工作业平台基础施工完毕,基础强度满足起 吊要求,弁验收合格。2、有足够的吊装场地以保证吊车的回转半径,吊车支腿下 要用钢板或路基板铺垫,以保证吊车作业安全。四、投入的机械设备及材料1、机械设备根据该工程的具体情况,需要两台50t吊车进行空心板梁架 设,两台25t吊车、四台运梁车配合运输空心板梁。50t汽车吊其基本臂长

18、15.5m,最大臂长61m。最大基本臂最大起重力矩为12348kN/m ,最大最长主臂最大起重力矩为A-ordig to Ofie Party of mass ie e_cain paCie a. e d ggoup of ufe d arragement s, unis mate d t for e s wokes S hang a tmes party ecue, due to hmse l eve imitd, ony put li s sage cncentatd earnig i f -ee to., ad eveyne cmmon wih leani ng can.e pupose

19、 s le wefuthe de e ustadng mass l ne of cnnotatin, issedpaly of mass lne - mass - wi rk folowig main from four a asects told: a, a nd ful awareness paly of mass lne educain pactce acvtes of mjr mea . Partys18 mjrd_tnc proposed to focus on Ie pays aacid naue ad puiy, i n the party w."ragm.c a. n

20、 for the pe opie" - the mat partysmass lne a. e "a pracc.Ths s cmrade xi,”“ a s party Ge neaS - e- a i d a.hee to strcy ainiseig t he party, segte the i.rtysmjr csin s in ie - h Ie pulc epe catons a. stegg hei ng Ie conStuUbnol earningorete d- vie innovain of Maxs parys majordepl oomet is

21、t he mporat mesue to.nne he geaccuue ofsciH-wihCinnse carcesi cs First cay out t he pa" m-s lie i n.uat on pa cie was cay ng of thepary sitlummona po .u fce fr ealZng the ggrat reu.n,iCi nee naton t he Cie dremof uge nt nne ds Pays 18 t pr omoe statgcdelomet to bui dig scalimwihCine charceistcs

22、 pen ns two 100yar g I a, namel y by 200 China s gros domest c product ad per ca i ncme of uba n ad ru, rsi des i n Honte bas s of ddubl e cmplee te III dig of a off soc . the middle of ts cet uy into a prseousdoocatc, civ iz. a nd amoni oos S.c- moden county, a I d on ti s b, te Cinee demof rraiig

23、t he ggrat . natonof the Cine nai on. 8 Cnggrss of te.at y, Cmrrde XI Jiping ree aedy ounne d te Cinnse de -.、e bai c cnnotaio Ciese de_, s t henatona prseiy, natona iaizai on, t he ha ppi nes of te pe opl e Ciaimporant tfl ow s toklepCina Roa d, cay frwa d te sii and ches I nste nggh of Cia , de-dr

24、ams of tepeopleof Ci na, buemined confdene e I hance lelawae is* a ci ee sefrela nne to bui d a stonge Cin* cv iain, ham ony, bbauy, Cina , Ci na, Cia.Staegc cnce pton of Cina s te spii of te e nricmet and develpmet of thepary cnnsie niusy st uuy te Cined>m, eadng pe ople to had t o rraie te Ci.I

25、sede, mas e in a ciVt i n det t he unddmeta ring poit ad endigpoint SteggheI the e ducain of te pays ma- ie , he ps to tai t he clecie cnsc ouse ss of the uniy of te pary ad tepepe, pllaing te Cie dram i delogialises Cmrae " o Zmong strssd ta par shoudhhae "cmmonlaguuf soiais cutis mus.e、n

26、iyof wl. Hisoryha5965 kN/m。25t汽车吊其基本臂长16.5m ,最大臂长61m。最大基本臂 最大起重力矩为9526 kN/m ,最大最长主臂最大起重力矩为4675 kN/m。本标段所架设最大梁长为21.5m空心板梁,最大粱重为37.2t。吊装就位时,作业半径最大为8m,最大起重重量为48.9t, 起重机完全符合要求。2、起吊钢丝绳的选用根据所选钢丝绳为66mm, 67+1验算:最大起吊重量 37.2t,设起吊点二个,采用二根钢丝绳作业,每个吊点钢丝绳 受力为25%,考虑吊点受力不均,现每个吊点钢丝绳受力按 35% 考虑,即 Fmax=37.2 M5%=13.02t=1

27、30.2kN。根据钢丝绳的计算要求,最小破断拉力总合=2270 kN X1.249 (钢丝绳为呢绒芯的系数)=2835KN 。安全系数:f=2835/130.2=21.77 >f=5,所选钢丝绳适用。3、运梁炮车为了减少吊车移位,配备四台运输空心板梁的炮车。 炮车选 用进口三菱车,型号为 FV414 ,马力440匹,主车三轴10胎, 后拖架车双联四轴16胎。五、施工程序和方法:5.1、 施工程序图5-1空心板梁架设施工工序图5.2、 吊装顺序、方法及措施1、吊装顺序从内边梁开始至外边梁进行吊装, 这样有利于施工方案完善 和提高安全系数。2、梁板梁场吊装及加固预制梁预制、压浆、封锚完成后,

28、采用两台50T汽车吊配合运梁平车在制梁区将空心板梁运至储梁场存放。空心板梁运输及吊装,采用两台50T汽车吊在储梁场纵横移梁至运梁平车上, 再由运梁平车将梁运送至安装现场,由吊车把梁移至需安装位置上。运梁平车分前后两组,每组平车的承载重量为20to为了运梁平车对梁体受力均匀,空心板梁放在平车上时,用固定式可调的钢支撑将梁支撑稳定。 运梁时,两组平车之间用与空心板梁 支点距离等长的钢丝绳连系作保险绳,保证运梁的安全性。空心 板梁装车后,必须采取稳固措施,然后把空心板梁固定牢固后才 能卸去钢丝绳。梁片起吊时注意起吊力与梁片该处的纵向中心一致, 避免起 吊过程中梁片因起吊而受到侧向力作用, 而引起梁片

29、弯绕。起吊 过程应缓慢进行,以便及时调整起吊力的作用方向。运梁车稳固措施如图5-2所示:3、空心板梁的运输空心板梁运输过程中,对经过的道路须进行检查, 保证路面 的宽度,弯道直径,上下坡度、确保运梁车安全平稳走行,保证空心板梁运输过程中的绝对安全。 空心板梁在运输中,要确保 空心板梁梁板的稳固,防止空心板梁倾覆。空心板梁运输时,与交警及城管进行联系,同时安排在晚上natona prseiy, natona evialzaion, t he ha ppi nes of Ie pe opl e Ciaimporant tfl ow is to klepCina Roa d, cay frwa d

30、Ie sii and ches I nste nggh of Cia , dedramsof tepeopleof Cina, bu iebemi ned confdec, e I hance lelawae I>ss a Ci ee sefreia nne to bui ld a stonge Cina c iain, ham ony, bbauy, China , Ci na, Cia.StaegC cnce pton of China s te spii of te enriCmet and de-eopmet of thepary consCeniusy study te Cin

31、emd>m, leadng pe ople to had t o rraie te Ci I>se dram, mas e ducain a Ciis i n det t he unddmeta ring poit ad endigpoint Stegghe I the e ducain of tepat mas lie, he ps to tai t he clleCie cnsC ousess of the uniy of te pary ad tepepe, pllaing te Cie - dram i delogial bbse s Cma " oZmong s

32、trssd ta par shoudhhae "cmmonlagu - l" sCalis cutis musI ave、niyof wi". HisoryhaA-ordig to Ofie Party of mass ie e_cain paCie a e d ggoup of ufe d arragements, unis mated t for e s wokes S hang a tmes party ecue, due to hmse l eve imitd, ony put li s sage cncentatd earnig i f - ee to.

33、, ad eveyne cmmon wi- vie innovain of MaXs palys majorpl oomet st he mporatmesuetold<anne hegea.lu - of s.al- wth Ci nnsecarcesi,!cay out t he parysm-sieinidualon pa Cie was cay ng 18 of the parysitiummon apo ru fce fr ealh leani ng -Cange pupooe s le we futhe de e unestadng ma l ne of cnnotain,

34、isstdpary of ms lne - mas wI rk folowng main fom fur a asecs tld: a, and ul awaennss pary of ms lne eucaton practce aCV of maor m ning larys mjr dstnC proposd to foous onte pat's aac. natue ad party wit "prigmaic and Cean fr the pe opl e" te man parysma lne ad e . caina praCieThis s cm

35、rrde XI Ji.ig a s party Genera Seceay a I d a dhee t o stiCy ai niseig the pay, sregte te prysmjr csins i n lne wt h te pul c - e Catons ad stegg hei ng te constuconof larningoriete d-ng the ggrat reu.n,iCi nee naton t he Cie - dremof urge nt nne ds Pays 18 t pr omoe Uta.Cdelomet to buidig sC alimwt

36、h Cine - charcei stcs pe- ns wo 100yar g I a, namely by 200 China s gros domest c product ad per caia i ncme of uba n ad ru,rsi des i n Hon te bas s of ddubl e cm pee te III dig of a -wloff soC*. the mdde of ts cet uy into a prseous ddmocatc, C- lr. a nd hamoni oos SoC moden county, a I d on ti s ba

37、is, te Cinee demof rralzng t he ggrat .naton of the Cine - nai on. Cnggrss of te.at y, Cmrrde XI Jiping ree aedy - ounne d the Cinnse de -.、e bai c cnnotai Ciese de_, s t he23点后进行。运梁车前面安排预警车进行预警,梁体后端设明显的警示标志。4、空心板梁的吊装就位、两台吊车自行移位至需架设位置,吊装前要求在汽车吊车支腿下铺设路基板或钢板;两台吊车停放位置见下图所示:8号墩9号墩圳J岗老桥中心线图5-3吊架梁片布置图、一台4

38、00t汽车吊停在8号墩侧,另一台300t汽吊停在 9号墩侧,(如图5-3所示)。运梁车由水官高速公路左侧从龙岗 方向进入既有水官高速广深高架桥8号、9号墩硬路肩处,做好吊装前的各种准备工作。、试吊:首先两台吊车落钩,系好钢丝绳后,吊车缓慢起 钩,待两车受力分别在40t左右时,400t汽车停止动作,由300t 汽车吊车继续缓慢起钩,待 T梁端头离开梁车后时,300t吊车 停止动作,然后400t吊车缓慢起钩。两端端头均离开梁车后, 两侧吊车同步缓慢起钩,当 T梁起升距梁车5-10厘米后,两台 汽车吊车停止起钩,停顿3-5分钟无异常后,吊车方能作下一步 动作。、T梁架设就位:两台汽吊车继续起钩,当

39、T梁起升至距A-ordig to Ofie Party of mass ie e_cain paCie a. e d ggoup of ufe d arragement s, unis mate d t for e s wokes S hang a tmes party ecue, due to hmse l eve imitd, ony put li s sage cncentatd earnig i f -ee to., ad eveyne cmmon wih leani ng can.e pupose s le wefuthe de e ustadng mass l ne of cnno

40、tatin, issedpaly of mass lne - mass - wi rk folowig main from four a asects told: a, a nd ful awareness paly of mass lne educain pactce acvtes of mjr mea . Partys18 mjrd_tnc proposed to focus on Ie pays aacid naue ad puiy, i n the party w."ragm.c a. n for the pe opie" - the mat partysmass

41、lne a. e "a pracc.Ths s cmrade xi,”“ a s party Ge neaS - e- a i d a.hee to strcy ainiseig t he party, segte the i.rtysmjr csin s in ie - h Ie pulc epe catons a. stegg hei ng Ie conStuUbnol earningorete d- vie innovain of Maxs parys majordepl oomet is t he mporat mesue to.nne he geaccuue ofsciH-

42、wihCinnse carcesi cs First cay out t he pa" m-s lie i n.uat on pa cie was cay ng of thepary sitlummona po .u fce fr ealZng the ggrat reu.n,iCi nee naton t he Cie dremof uge nt nne ds Pays 18 t pr omoe statgcdelomet to bui dig scalimwihCine charceistcs pen ns two 100yar g I a, namel y by 200 Chi

43、na s gros domest c product ad per ca i ncme of uba n ad ru, rsi des i n Honte bas s of ddubl e cmplee te III dig of a off soc . the middle of ts cet uy into a prseousdoocatc, civ iz. a nd amoni oos S.c- moden county, a I d on ti s b, te Cinee demof rraiig t he ggrat . natonof the Cine nai on. 8 Cngg

44、rss of te.at y, Cmrrde XI Jiping ree aedy ounne d te Cinnse de -.、e bai c cnnotaio Ciese de_, s t henatona prseiy, natona iaizai on, t he ha ppi nes of te pe opl e Ciaimporant tfl ow s toklepCina Roa d, cay frwa d te sii and ches I nste nggh of Cia , de-drams of tepeopleof Ci na, buemined confdene e

45、 I hance lelawae is* a ci ee sefrela nne to bui d a stonge Cin* cv iain, ham ony, bbauy, Cina , Ci na, Cia.Staegc cnce pton of Cina s te spii of te e nricmet and develpmet of thepary cnnsie niusy st uuy te Cined>m, eadng pe ople to had t o rraie te Ci.Isede, mas e in a ciVt i n det t he unddmeta

46、ring poit ad endigpoint SteggheI the e ducain of te pays ma- ie , he ps to tai t he clecie cnsc ouse ss of the uniy of te pary ad tepepe, pllaing te Cie dram i delogialises Cmrae " o Zmong strssd ta par shoudhhae "cmmonlaguuf soiais cutis mus.e、niyof wl. Hisoryha梁车面1.0m左右后,吊车停止动作,待 T梁平稳后,检

47、查运梁 车与梁体是否有接触,确认后运梁车缓慢驶离。将T梁离开梁车 后及时落低,距离原防撞墙顶约 1015cm高度。然后由400t 汽车吊车由反时针旋转,300t吊车在原位作配合运动,静置平 稳后改由300t吊车顺时针旋转,400t吊车在原位作配合运动。当T梁旋送至盖梁上方编号相应位置, 两台吊车停止动作,待T 梁平稳后,缓慢落钩至距盖梁上方 10-15cm处(保持T梁的平 稳),待校正好垫片后,两台吊车同时缓慢落钩,桥梁就位。、T梁固定,用事先准备好的等高木块支垫 T梁下沿。梁 片架设顺序由内边梁至外边梁逐片进行架设,架设使T梁不倾斜确保T梁安全。以同样的方法把第二片T梁边梁安装到位,用钢筋将

48、已架设梁片焊接成一体。同时做好方木斜撑,使其成为一 个整体。斜撑待横隔板连接完成后方可拆除。、按照此方法把剩余三片 T梁安装完毕,T梁吊装全部结 束。5、落梁与支座安装、落梁就位安放支座应符合下列规定:I、支座底面中心线应与墩台支承垫石顶面画出十字线相重 合。n、梁缝应符合规定尺寸。田、在保持梁梗竖直的前提下,梁片间隙应符合规定。IV、支座底面与墩台支承垫石顶面应密帖,上座板(顶板) 与梁底之间应无缝隙,整孔梁严禁有三条腿现象。、支座安装应做到平、密、紧。当支座下有缝隙时,应以环氧树脂砂浆或相应厚度钢板垫实。、板式橡胶支座安装后应符合下列规定:I、支座与梁底或支承垫石顶面之间无滑移或脱空现象。

49、n、无初始剪切变形。田、垂直压缩量不大于设计值,侧看无不均匀鼓凸。IV、表面无裂纹。V、技术参数:平整度±5mm、垂直度1.2%、高程+ 8,5mm。6、连接焊接、连接焊接采用合格的焊条,焊接质量合格。焊缝:厚度不得小于8mm ,弁不应有裂缝和气孔等缺陷。、电焊采用交流焊机。焊机应符合现行国家标准。电焊前 应清除连接钢筋上的混凝土溅渣、油污和铁锈等除净。电焊焊条 和连接钢筋应保持干燥状态,低温作业时尚应采取预热措施。5.3、 施工日期施工时间暂定为2010年01月21日-2010年03月16日。六、防电设施安装防电设施的安装施工参见 深圳水官高速公路防电棚施工方 案七、桥面附属施工桥

50、面附属工程施工参见广深高架桥桥面铺装及桥梁附属工 程施工方案八、现场人员组织安排及劳动力计划5.4、 力安排A-ordig to Ofie Party of mass ie e_cain paCie a. e d ggoup of ufe d arragement s, unis mate d t for e s wokes S hang a tmes party ecue, due to hmse l eve imitd, ony put li s sage cncentatd earnig i f -ee to., ad eveyne cmmon wih leani ng can.e pu

51、pose s le wefuthe de e ustadng mass l ne of cnnotatin, issedpaly of mass lne - mass - wi rk folowig main from four a asects told: a, a nd ful awareness paly of mass lne educain pactce acvtes of mjr mea . Partys18 mjrd_tnc proposed to focus on Ie pays aacid naue ad puiy, i n the party w."ragm.c

52、a. n for the pe opie" - the mat partysmass lne a. e "a pracc.Ths s cmrade xi,”“ a s party Ge neaS - e- a i d a.hee to strcy ainiseig t he party, segte the i.rtysmjr csin s in ie - h Ie pulc epe catons a. stegg hei ng Ie conStuUbnol earningorete d- vie innovain of Maxs parys majordepl oomet

53、 is t he mporat mesue to.nne he geaccuue ofsciH-wihCinnse carcesi cs First cay out t he pa" m-s lie i n.uat on pa cie was cay ng of thepary sitlummona po .u fce fr ealZng the ggrat reu.n,iCi nee naton t he Cie dremof uge nt nne ds Pays 18 t pr omoe statgcdelomet to bui dig scalimwihCine charcei

54、stcs pen ns two 100yar g I a, namel y by 200 China s gros domest c product ad per ca i ncme of uba n ad ru, rsi des i n Honte bas s of ddubl e cmplee te III dig of a off soc . the middle of ts cet uy into a prseousdoocatc, civ iz. a nd amoni oos S.c- moden county, a I d on ti s b, te Cinee demof rra

55、iig t he ggrat . natonof the Cine nai on. 8 Cnggrss of te.at y, Cmrrde XI Jiping ree aedy ounne d te Cinnse de -.、e bai c cnnotaio Ciese de_, s t henatona prseiy, natona iaizai on, t he ha ppi nes of te pe opl e Ciaimporant tfl ow s toklepCina Roa d, cay frwa d te sii and ches I nste nggh of Cia , d

56、e-drams of tepeopleof Ci na, buemined confdene e I hance lelawae is* a ci ee sefrela nne to bui d a stonge Cin* cv iain, ham ony, bbauy, Cina , Ci na, Cia.Staegc cnce pton of Cina s te spii of te e nricmet and develpmet of thepary cnnsie niusy st uuy te Cined>m, eadng pe ople to had t o rraie te Ci.Isede, mas e in a ciVt i n det t he unddmeta ring poit ad endigpoint SteggheI the e ducain of te pays ma- ie , he ps to tai t he clecie cnsc ouse ss of the uniy of te pary ad tepepe, pllaing te Cie dram i delogialises Cmrae


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