已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、大学英语课程学生学习与评价手册广东白云学院 唐红梅编写目的通过我们的问卷调查及课堂观察,发现两个方面的问题:1.学生方面:发现大部分学生对大学英语学习除了缺乏学习的积极性外,更多缺乏的是学习的目标性、自主性和认知性;同时也发现还有一部分学生既缺乏对输入内容意义的关注,也忽略该意义的语言形式。学生为拿学分而到“课”,缺乏“学”,而且学也是懈怠的。2.教师方面:发现教师的教学目标笼统、空泛或含糊,普遍缺乏具体的单元目标、学期目标,为完成教学任务而教学,使得学生在大学里学习英语是迷茫的。虽然有形成性评价对学生的学习过程进行评价,但很多都流于形式。这些发现不利于学生语言知识和语言运用能力的进一步提升,



4、语(EGP)、学术英语(EAP)、专门用途英语(ESP),编写内容与所选取的教材相结合,以单元为单位,根据不同的教学目标、教学活动和测评来设定每分册的主要内容,为我校教师和学生量身定制大学时期的英语教学内容、学习内容和具体的评价方法、手段、时间,最大限度来提高学生的学习效果和教学质量。基础英语(EGP):第一部分 基础语言知识和技能I. 语言知识掌握1. 接受性词汇(Receptive Vocabulary)2. 产出性词汇(Productive V)II语篇理解1. General Reading 2. Specific Reading Structure Analysis 语言范例(Pre

5、fabricated Language Sequence)(包括常用句型、语法、语境要求、语义、词汇、语言功能等)第二部分 跨文化交际技能1. 话题讨论(team work)2. 评论/观点论述(individual)3. 文化体验presentation(pair work)第三部分 写作技能各单元的写作是通过对文章某些段落写作特点的学习来掌握相关的写作技巧,通过口头练习和笔头练习的形式来提升学生的语言运用能力。第四部分 单元测评1. 词汇测试2. 语言范例检测 3. 单元成绩评价:每单元评价成绩为100,各项内容所占分值请见各学习目标细化表,单元测试占学期评价的15%,一学期进行3-5次的

6、测试。Unit 1 Learning a Foreign Language学生信息: 学生照片学生自我介绍:目前词汇量:学生学习计划:学生学习目标:学生学习策略:单元学习总目标 经过为期3-4周的教学,学生期望达到以下本单元的四个主要目标:1. 学生能够拓展20个新增词汇,并以语块的形式进行记忆和运用;2. 学生除学会理解文章大意外,还要学会细节理解与分析;3. 学生通过课文的学习学会描述一件事情发生的时间(when)、地点(where)、原因(why)和结果(result)以及一个人的心理变化或处境;4. 优劣势、对比的写作。单元内容、进度及评价方法内容/进度(周)第1周第2周第3周第1-3

7、周测试/评价方法词汇目标1010525听写/搭配/翻译/填词语言范例1225Summary/背诵跨文化交际TDPresentationComments3Presentation写作11网络提交测试及评价时间:内容/进度(周)第1周第2周第3周测试时间说明词汇目标101025在课前5分钟进行语言范例背诵/默写Summary跨文化交际Topic discussionPresentationComments写作网络提交形成性课堂评价表课堂活动及表现15%测试15%课外作业10%出勤10%平时总评50%单元学习内容 为帮助学生达到上述的四个目标,我们对单元进行以下内容学习:Part I Basic L

8、anguage Knowledge LearningI. 语言知识掌握1. 25个新增词汇的拓展与运用(回忆与记忆认知过程): 单词(6个):frustrate (frustratingfrustrated/frustration), positive, intimidate (intimidated/intimidating), virtual, embarrass (embarrassing/ embarrassed), post 语块/语群(19个):be well worth the effort,be at the top of,the former, the latter.,be

9、far from perfect,although for different reasons,be offered an opportunity,get/have/gain/access to sth,take courses online,participate in (participant), commit (commitment) to,keep up with the flow of the course,feel like doing sth.,come across,reap the benefits of,trade for,give sb. insights into st

10、h.,communicate with sb.,reach out to sb.,bridge the gap between,学习目标1评价:目标/达标任务Breadth量接受性词汇(R.V)产出性词汇(P.V)Depth语义词自我评价20%评价20%词汇目标256195feedback反馈II. 语篇理解1. Reading for General Ideas主旨阅读(理解认知过程)阅读理解) Understanding of the text Questions on page 8学习目标2-1评价:达标要求/目标General ideas自我评价10%评价10% Understandi

11、ng of the text Questions on page反馈2. Reading in the Context /Specific Reading细节理解(理解与分析认知过程)1 Referring指代关系或推理:During your reading you are required to understand the following pronouns underlined: what do they refer to ? A. .it was well worth the effort.(line 3 para. 1)B. H

12、owever, that state didnt last long. (line 18 para 4)C. That was the situation until a couple of years later when I (line 27 para 5)D. .but it also gave me insights into another culture,(line 49 para.8)E. What does it mean by saying “Now that I speak a foreign language, instead of staring into space

13、when English is being spoken.”(line55-56 para 8)Fill your answer in the blankets.学习目标2-2-1评价:Refers to or means toYour scoreA. .it(line 3 para. 1) B. that state(line 18 para 4) C. That(line 27 para 5) D. it (line 49 para.8) E. (line55-56 para 8) feedback Sentence Patterns or Grammar A. Present Parti

14、ciple to express 现在分词表示伴随状况:You are required to understand it and use it: .never worrying much about making mistakes. (line7-8 para2) She pointed a long stick at us and, shaking it up and down, shouted,.(line14 para 3)B. Sentence patterns: It takes/took sb some time to do sth. It seems/seemed that +

15、主语+ 谓语. Not only+ did/does/do/is/was/were+主语+谓语(倒装句)., but also Now that.Now make your sentences in the blank:学习目标2-2-2评价:Your sentenceYour scoreA.Present Participle It takes/took sb some time to do sth. It seems/seemed that +主语+ 谓语. Not only + did /does /do/is/was/were+主语+谓语(倒装句)., but also Now tha

16、t. feedbackPart II Intercultural CommunicationSection I Topic Discussion You are supposed to discuss the assigned topic with your teammates. You are advised to involve yourself in team work and try to get something new in terms of the way you cooperate as well as the discussion itself. Topic:1. The

17、difficulties in learning a foreign language2. The best way to build vocabulary3. The best way to understand English grammar4. The best way to product ideas in English5. The best way to recite English articles6. How to develop self confidence to speak English in public7. The importance to master a fo

18、reign language 学习目标3-1评价:Your topic自我评价团队评价老师评价Section II PresentationContent of your presentation: Compare the differences between the two languages: Chinese and English (in some way).If you are selected to give a presentation, make sure that you have collected enough materials and organized them i

19、n your speech. Your presentation topic may be different from those for team work, but whatever it is, the idea and the way to develop it should be clear enough to make you understood by your audience. 学习目标3-2评价:Your presentation自我评价团队评价老师评价Part III Writing Skills本单元的写作是通过对文章Learning a Foreign Langua

20、ge第2、3、4、7段落写作特点-运用对比的手法来描述和叙述不同人物对待事情的不同态度而导致的不同结果的写作方法,因此在这里我们对学生提出了以下的写作技能的要求和目标:运用对比优劣势的手法描述人物心理或处境的词汇来叙述一件事情发生的时间(when)、地点(where)、原因(why)和结果(result),通过口头和笔头练习的形式来提升学生的语言运用能力。1. 对比、优劣势词汇的运用(理解、应用与创造的认知过程)You are supposed to figure out the words expressing Contrast in the text as well as the ones

21、 youve learnt and fill in the blankets below.学习目标4-1评价:Contrast wordsYour sentenceYour scoreEg. likeLike his father, he is diligent. feedback2. 描述人物心理或处境的词汇(理解、应用与创造的认知过程)You are supposed to figure out the words describe sbs mental activity or situation in the text as well as the ones youve learnt a

22、nd fill in the blankets below.学习目标4-2评价:wordsYour descriptionYour scoreBe afraid to For different reasons, I was afraid to speak.feedback3. Find out the statements of expressing cause and effect in paras.2,3,4,7 and fill in the blankets.学习目标4-3评价:causeeffectYour scorePara 2Para 3Para 4 Para 7feedback4. Your writing/oral taskShare one of your most rewarding experience in your English learning/your love /your traveling ,using the above 3 points.First practice in oral and then write it down below:_( Your score: )Part IV Unit Summa


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