



1、Un it 2 The People in Your Life 1. In troducti on 2. Text: My Mother is My Best Friend 3. Useful Words and Expressi ons 4. Families, Friends and Idols 1 ” Hovif m d ny pets does Kevin have? Seven. 2. List the subjects Kevinh his sister and his brother take. Music, Chnese, French and other foreign la

2、nguages * Music,匸hineser Russian and-other fioreign languages V* Music, Chinese, Russian and Fore gn Affairs M Which of the fol I owing is NOT true Kevins grandparents studied at North Georgia University * Kevins parents dug a fish pond for him一 7 Kevin has four dogs and 5even cats. 4 Why does Kate

3、th ink her friends are like her family? They are tier 匚l3ssmat And playmates. They ned help and company. They are very close to her. 7 5 What JPb did Kitesfathehpje t-sfore he retied? He used to work for fi Im corporations. He used to work at a news pa per reviewing movi 亡乩 pQur, * Eleven. He used t

4、o be a therapist. 6. What, do 匚hristine s parents do? H也卄 Fatner isan att&untsntand her mother 虑 a dorror He parents ara 苜匚tountants at a firm in Pitrsburgh. * Her father is sn dccauntant w nd her mother is an asw stm nt to m doctor. 7 7. Christine and Katherine ar& such good friends because . their

5、 parents know ea匚h othmry/Ery 诃创 they feel like soulmates and they love to lot V 匚hri stines the only child in her family 3. Which of the following is true about Kirk? Kirk doesnt like pl ay in g basketball at all. Kirk wanted to meet Stanley and Michael to borrow a basketball. * KJTK bel eves that

6、playing Gasketball is good way ta spend time with friends. 9. Whth of the fol low ng is true about Stanley and Midimwl? Michael likes playing Dasketbsll bees use it makes him stronflarand taller. Stanley I ikes to play basketbal I because it Is relaxing and fun. * Both Michael mnd Stanley like to pl

7、ay basketball U 1 . Why does Christine think that D lion is star-struck? He wants to be a memtier of Hanhans fan dub. He has a good collection of Hanhan s photos. He admires David Beckham and became a member of his fan dub. V 5. Describe People s Appearanee and Character L Instead of just judging bd

8、sed on a persons app eara nee. Katherine believes that _ v;e only judge other people by first impreslon 3 persons personality s more impartsnx 9 匚emmon people will end up happy2. Wh ch of the following statements is true? You can t cha ngm your appears nee, so you n eed to show your strengths. 7 Kat

9、herine be ieves that we should nt judg 己 peooleon appears nee. Katherine be ieves that in real life people prefer appearance over personality 2 Why dc5 Christina fwol nervous about her Appearsrve? She s afraid that the Judges of a speecn corrpetition she hjs entered will prefer pretty girls. She s a

10、 pretty girl, but she is worried about ner performance in rhe speech competition 0 She is worried because she doesnt have enough time to practice for the speech competition. 4. Wh ch of the following statements is true about 毕飞宇? He is p easant to t with, and is the srrarres: in his Chines class. 7

11、He is a serious boy who takes care of everybody. He works hard; even rheu呂h he is the smartest student in his physics class. 5. According to her friends,于數容 is _ - an open-minded gift but too shy to talk with friends a shy and quiet girl who does not have friends 5 a quietgirl, but can be talkative

12、when she knows her friends well 7 6. Which of the following descriptions of is true? She is shy and says little to her friends. She talks a lot and she is fun to be around V She loves to listen to her friends rather than talk with them. 7. How long have Jolie and Joyce( in the last conversation) kno

13、wn each other? u One year. Three years. Two years, 8. What is Wangjolie good at? 匚 She is energetic and kind-hearted She teaches English in rural areas during voemtions. -She is good at coordinating and she is considerate. VgL Why Isjason so qufet? He stays in the lab all the isme, and he prefers to

14、 keep silent. * He is a bit shy and he prefers to listen. 7 1 He is too isolated ds an engineer. ID. How does Jason introduce his brother? * Zheyu is a love y bey and he is very hard-worlcing. V Zhsyu is mart and proud. 7heyu k also a -e llege stud注nt; ma|orlrg in engineering. to Communi cate with O

15、ther People 1. Who nas b口ught chtxo axe for their mother? -Stanley. * Stanley and Emily. “ Emily. 2. What does the mother promise to buy for Emily? * A new skirt. -A new watch. A new T-shirt. 4Is Stan e/s moer strict with him? Yes, Stanley is not allowed to pl 臼 y ornfu ter games at home. Yes, Stanl

16、e/s mother loves Emily better. * Yes, Stanley can only play com purer garret after finishing his homework. V 5. Which of the following statements abcut Tian Yuar is true? She feels worried about being late. Hermath ten did not go well She is worried about her perform an 匚 g in an English dictation,

17、6. Whst is Tiai Yuans mothers advice on dealing with her problem Ath Lily? She beli&v&s rn-at Jlywillfel sorry for her behavior. She wants to meei Lily nd say sorry for Tjan Yuan. She wants Tian Yuan rt apologize ro Lily. 7 7. According TO Tian Yuans mother what is important for being a good frieid?

18、 GQQC f-iends should b 谆 口wn s hurt 匚 t? mi ng 吕 Good friends should care 忙已 m 匚h other, Good friend5 dont need to 5日y scrry to each other. 8. What daTian udn think of her mother? Her mother Is strict but kindL Her mother Is a good teache n Her mother Is her best friend who shares everything with he

19、r 7 7. Frie nd Relati on ships 1. According to Graham, which of the following is important among friends? -Telling white lies; if necessary. * Bein honest with respect. 7 1 Trying your best to help youririend. 2. ?i/ould Madison tell her friend the truth? She wouldntte I her fr end that she is not H

20、osing any weight. !* She would not hurt her friend, but she would be honest and tell herthe real facts. P She would respect her friend and not tell har she actual y put on more weight ?. Why do you think Fabian and Graham good friends? Graham is trying to be first one to go to tne ceremony. Graham a

21、lways hopea chat he will win th corripetitiDnL * They love to share both 呂ood nd bad moments. “ 4. Why does Fabian say that Graham is a real friend? Graham never hesitates to help those in trou b e. * Grahann 15 a ways there for Fa Dian, no matter wtiethe r he 15 ha ppy or sad. Graham has just lost

22、a gamer but he trid to hide h s sadness. 5. According to Fabian, what should a real friend do? He hopes Graham will do better nextrime * HE is eager to contact Grsham to hre hii own happiness. j Ho bQliQves that Graham wont fee I as happy as ho doos for his success. 6 Will Graham eventually give up?

23、 * No he finds his work very tough, but he will keep trying. “ -Yes he has re ad m lot and now he 匚an hardly finis h his experiment -NOj he can 门 ot figure out his problem himself and he will ask for help. 7 Why does the girl (1 n the Iast dialogue) fee bad? Graham is ate for the appointment. Graham

24、 is trying co end their friendship. Graham forgot to take her cut to dinner aain. 8. What might Graham do to make up for being late? They will have dinnetogether a rd have 日 good 廿 mw. V He 典ill bribe his friend with a bo:x of chocolates HG 呎ill her out to gp to 口 movie, 9 From the last dialogue, VJ

25、O know that _ . The gid has good reason to complain. bGcaue Graham is always late. * of their appoinrrrert L-VSS inconvriinT to G ra harr X Granam is .3nly thitime 匕 ouu 託 of s traffic acddent 8. Cultural Focus: Family and Frie nd Relati on ships 1. What does Mr Davis believe people around the world

26、 want? * AI wing 也 mily 冃 nd fr-ends to har/e fun 网 tin. V J A good life and long holidays. A large family and many good friends. 1. Whmt do Westerners thin 恒 proper? You need to gire your txiss a firm handshake when rneeting himfor the first timm. You EhoL d keep eye contact wrth your boss vhen mee

27、ting him for the first time. You should try to irn press ycur boss with a firm handshake 5 nd m warm hug. a in VTestern caunrriesr v/hat do counles usually do in public? * They nnay hug, kiss and hold hands. Y They may hug and shake hmnds with each other. They often say I I eve yo un t o thei r f ri

28、 end 5. 4. What i true about marriage in masr western countr GS? * Thejf care a lot about edu匚mticinml nd family bm匚kground. The/ are more concerned about loy& than mony or status V They wonFt easily get a divorce hcaus families are important for thann. 5, What 彳岸 Mr, DmWwS sugg鲁誹ions fcr making fri

29、ends with foreigners? Be active and try to involve your foreign friends n conversations. Do not msk any personal questions. Befriend anti have = big smile.為夕 hour 1. How long hasnot seen his family? * six months. 7 Severn months five morrths.2. What did James and his brother usually do on Christmas

30、day? O They would love to have cakes. C They prefered to visit friends and have big dinner together with them They usually wake up early and run downstairstofind presents under the tree. 3. What do James family usually have for Christmas dinner? O They will have a dinner of roast potaroes, bread, wi

31、n巳 tc. -They usually have a dinner of turkey, mashed potatoes, bread and stuffing. $ 4. Describe Jamast brother. Luke is _ . two yea rs younger, and twenty one years old one yearyounger, and twenty two years old 7 two yea rs youngec and twenty two years old 5. What subject does Luke study at univers

32、ity? Luke studies biochemistry. Ar Luke studies chemistry. 1 Luke studies biology. 6. In which university does Luke teach? Pennsylvania University. Pennsylvania Polytechnic University -Pennsylvania State University. 7 7. Which Chinese food does James like best? Kung Pao chicken. “ Roast Duck. Chicken with chestnuts.MULTIPLE CHOICE (5/S分数) 1. B


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