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1、英文教授推荐信范文to whom it may concern:in the capacity of chair professor of the department of management, having instructed mr. xiao ming in the course of primary management during the academic year of 20062007 and the course of operating research last year, i am pleased to have this opportunity to introd

2、uce him to you.i have known mr. xiao ming since 2007, when he was a fresh student in the class, as i was the instructor of their primary management. mr. chen' s enthusiasm for and diligence in learninglast year i have been selected as the instructor for the course of operating research. as mr. c

3、hen has finished his study in the management class with a high rank and chosen the course of operating research as his major, i have had the opportunity to know this young man better. his excellent performance in class has continuously recalled those brilliant discussions two years ago to my mind. w

4、hat' s more, hiscreativity and capacity for analytical thinking have also convinced me that he improved himself a lot during his junior year before he returned to my class. in addition, he hasdesire to attend a postgraduate program and do research work of higher quality in the academic field tha

5、t he is interested in. i think his only weakness is that he still needs more experience for real research work, for as an undergraduate he has limited time and energy to receive enough training for specialized research. however, i believe a talented and hardworking young man likehim could swiftly fi

6、ndthe best way to develop his research work.mr. chen is ready to move on to a more rigorous program of graduate study. his academic performance and upstanding personalyour faithfullyxxxxdepartment of xxxx篇二:留学英文推荐信范例 1推荐信范例 大多数学校都要求申请人提供二至三封推荐信。有力的推荐是录取的重要条件之 一。推荐信要客观、公正、切忌流于形式,内容空洞,要与申请人的其它材料(如成绩 单

7、)等相符。范例 1 计算机教授推荐信i came to know him in september 1987 when mr. chen enrolled in my class on fortran iv programming, a three semesters course. in the class he was one of the most outstanding students. at the semester final he earned a high grade of 81, which should be a according to our grading syst

8、em. i also found him good at other studies.1. 为了便于校方查阅,必须提到被推荐者的全名。2. 必须交待与被推荐者的认识期间(何时开始认识或认识多久) ,认识程度(偶尔见面 或密切接触)及关系(师生关系,上下级关系,同事等) 。3. 对被推荐者的优点介绍及评价, 这是推荐信的核心。 主要包括被推荐者的天赋, 学习 成绩,研究能力,工作经验,学习精神,组织能力,品行及个性方面。4. 必须表明推荐人的态度,是极力推荐还是有保留地推荐。 最近一些学校出于各种原因,设计了推荐表格,由推荐人填写,但其主要内容也和推荐信涉及的相同。范例 2 商管系教授推荐信qu

9、arter of 1989.though mr. cheng graduated from this college 5 years ago, he keeps, contact with me very often. worthy of mention also is his personality, honest, reliable, responsible and mature.范例 3 法律系教授推荐信i am pleased to write this letter for my former student miss nan li, who graduated from this

10、college with an l.b. degree in june 1978.miss lis performance, like that in many other courses she taken, was excellentwith a superior grade of 86 for the first semester, and 84 for the second semester.in our university and in other university here, 80 is considered a , the highest level. 推荐信的份量直接关系

11、到能否出国留学,能否获得奖学金等,作为对外联系的材料,是 其中一份较为重要的文件。推荐信的目的是通过国内专家向对方介绍申请人的工作、学习和 专业方向等情况。 在出国申请是否成功的诸多要素中, 有力的推荐信是录取的重要条件之一, 其份量仅次于于本科成绩单和标准化考试(gre 、 gmat、 toefl )成绩。多数学校都要求申请人提交两封到三封的推荐信,由教授、系主任或工作主管直接寄给 指定的单位。一、选择推荐人 推荐信是了解申请人的重要依据,在研究生课程中尤其如此。申请人可以选择现在或以 前的老师、教授或雇主。推荐人必须熟悉学生的学习情况,了解学生的学习目的是否明确, 在学术上是否有前途,以及

12、学生的适应能力、创造能力、品行和特长。书写推荐信的最理想的人选是一封由系主任写,一封由专业课教授写,一封由自己的导 师写。不过,对方若无规定,则除了自己的亲属之外,任何人皆可为推荐人。推荐人一般应 具备高级技术职称,如教授、副教授、研究员、副研究员等。如果推荐人在国内外学术界享 有盛誉,或者被申请就读学校聘为客座教授,或者曾经在该校讲过学,那么这样的推荐人写 的推荐信就具有很强的效力了。二、推荐信的内容 推荐信一般应包括下列内容: 被推荐人的基本情况介绍。侧重于个人的毕业时间、学校、所获学位以及个人的专业经 历。推荐人对被推荐人的基本评价。侧重于被推荐人的专业基础、个性、特点、工作态度和 在学

13、术上的前途估计。若是推荐研究生,推荐人还需进一步说明其深造学习的基础和当前所 具备的研究能力。显然,恰如其分地评价被推荐人的基础、能力和前途,比言过其实的赞誉 更令人情服,更具有实际意义。推荐人可以着重介绍被推荐人曾经获得的奖励, 发表过的论文, 参加过的重要学术会议, 以及曾在学生组织或学术团体中的任职等来支持自己的评价。推荐人还必须清楚地表明被推荐人留学的身份是研究生还是访问学者,专业领域和研究 方向是什么。 如果大学提供了现成的推荐表格,则必须按这类表格认真逐项填写。推荐 表格中一般有学生综合评估的一项,即要求推荐人说明该生在所教的学生中应列为前5,10,或 25等。这种评估是指教授的个

14、人评价,可以稍高一点。另外,推荐表格上常有许 多难以填写的项目,遇到这种情形可填 i dont know ,亦不致对该生的评价有何严重影响。推荐信样例 一(管理)dear sir/madam:i got to know him personally when he was taking the course-methodology of management research (or methods of management as stated in his transcripts), a course i taught, concerning basic research methods,

15、 especially quantitative approach to management research. then he took one of my other courses-advanced strategic management. mr. caleb showed great aptitude on both courses and he got 78 on both, which seem a bit lower, but if you take the difficulty of the test papers and mystrict grading into acc

16、ount, you will understand why such scores are still among the top five. undoubtedly, he got excellent scores on other courses and ranked amongthe top 5% of his class after the first year of graduate study.to my knowledge, mr. cai is not only strong in academics, but also in sports and social activit

17、ies. he was the captain of the soccer team of graduateschool of dut and led the team to play in the soccer league of our university for two successive years. he was also one of the main founders of the first academic club-management forum of the dalian management school of dut.after i left dut, he s

18、till keeps in touch with mefrom time to time and i ampleased to see that he proved his outstanding capability in both research and teaching position. therefore i feel very delighted when he told me he would like to pursue his advanced studies in your honored program. i am confident that mr. caib wil

19、l contribute greatly to your program as well as he did in the dut. please dont hesitate to contact me if you need more information. truly, yoursxxx推荐信样例二(计算机)from: fan pudepartment of the special class gifted for youthsuniversity of science and technologyhefei, anhui 230026, p.r. chinajuly 1, 1998de

20、ar sir or madam:mr. wang was admitted in 1986 at 14 years of age into the special class for the gifted youths, my universitys unique program that caters to the intellectual needs of unusually talented chinese youngsters. it was a rare privilege he earned with his nearly impeccable academic performan

21、ce through the years of his elementary and secondary school.he impressed me almost as he entered into my university,a major cradle of chinasscientific and technological talents. at the time, members of the gifted class all had to spend half a month studying by themselves the principles of calculus a

22、nd then take an exam so that we could evaluate theirself-study capability. mr. wang scoredthe highest grade in that exam. he also exhibited a keenly whetted mind during class discussions. to my regret at the time, his english was not as good as his mathematics or physics. but i noticed he made a poi

23、nt of working especially hard in improving his english during his five undergraduate years with us. by now, he seems to be at least as proficient in english as most of his former classmates in the gifted class.in my experiencewith mr. wang, i was impressed withnot only his extraordinaryintelligence

24、but also his ambitioyours sincerelyfan puto whom it may concern:i have known mr. wu 5 years since his freshman year at harbin engineering university. at that time, he took the course “ advanced manufacturing technology ” , which i taught mainly for junior students majoring in mechanical engineering.

25、 to my surprise, i found he was among the few students in his class who could keep up with the pace of my lectures. moreover, he often posed thought-provoking questions during the course. thus it was natural that i liked discussing with this young manand became familiar with him. the more i knew him

26、, the more i found he was talented at mechanical engineering. as you can see, he got excellent scores on the course. in fact, he ranked no.1 on this 27 hours course.calculation techniques. working hard and independently, he cracked the problems one by one, and came up with a thesis that was characte

27、rized by academic excellence.yours sincerelygang zhaointelligent manufacturing system labharbin engineering university篇四:英文推荐信示例 1:给可能关注的人:我不得不为 kaya stone 作为在我的辩论班及我在带的辩论队三年的学生而非常高兴。 他已超过理想的学生。 为了达到最优秀和最满意, 她表现出卓越的领导才能 ,并具有明 确的目标意识。在 eastern little hope,学术上具挑战性的,和他完成所有要求的荣誉和高级课程的挑战。他是一个杰出的即兴发言和辩论。她

28、在演讲和辩论电路赢得了许多奖项,并取得全国 锦标赛。在这些校际活动的成功需要广泛的研究和说服能力。他还拥有特殊的区别的程度, 作为国家法医联盟的成员。由于它的地铁,状态的性质,和国家的校际竞争,成功高中学生服务的取证不仅代表他 或她的学校也表示他或她的社区和。在我的高级班的要求之一是准备讲座和指导初学者。你 kaya ”在政治科学的卓越的知识和参与,她开发了一种强烈的自信感和迷人的态度。因此, 我总是可以依靠她来设置作为一个教练最好的例子。因为她天然的领导能力,他被选为我们 的辩论队队长。在她的成熟,她的责任法的帐户,我经常想到身为同事。因为她的同学,各位老师,我会一直抱着她在最高的尊重,我真

29、诚地推荐他为东方小石 希望入学的理想人选。尊敬的提交,示例 2: 作为海湾地区的社区中心的主任,我与许多社区志愿者工作。我认为迈克尔托马斯是一 个最勤奋好学,我们组织的负责人。三年的时间后,我已经知道他想推荐他作为你的本科课 程的考生。迈克尔是一个致力于成员湾区社区捐赠了无数小时的时间中心。他不仅参与了社区的成 员,他还帮助实施计划和方案,会使他周围的人的生活。迈克尔的领导和组织能力对这些程序是无价的,其中大部分是从地面开始。 例如,海湾地区的孩子们现在能够从众多新课后辅导计划中受益,而我们的社会老年成 员现在可以申请杂货销售之前并不存在。 在我看来,迈克尔的坚定不移的忠诚对他的社区充分体现了

30、强烈的道德纤维和性格。他 是一个值得信任的人,会为你的学校的优秀的候选人。真诚的,约翰 flester导演,海湾地区的社区中心示例 3:它可能关注的人:谢利杰克逊是一个非凡的年轻女人。 作为她的 ap 英语教授,我看到她的天赋的例子很多, 一直对她的勤奋和工作伦理。我明白,亲爱的申请你们学校的本科课程。我想推荐她入学。雪莉有杰出的组织技巧。她是能够成功地完成多个任务的最后期限的压力,尽管有利的 结果。作为一个学期的项目的一部分,她开发了一个创新的协同的新同学。这本书现在被视 为出版。经理不仅负责该项目,她保证其成功展示领导能力,她的同学都钦佩和尊敬。我也要使切里的学习成绩优异, 注意。从一个班

31、 150名学生毕业, 亲爱的在前 10名的荣 誉。她超过平均水平的绩效的直接结果是她辛勤的工作和强大的焦点。如果你的专业是一个寻求成就卓越的候选人,谢里是一个很好的选择。她一贯表现出的 能力,迎接任何挑战,她必须面对。最后,我想重申我对谢利杰克逊强烈推荐。如果你有关于经理的能力或推荐任何进一步 的问题,请毫不犹豫地使用在这头信息联系我。 真诚的,威廉教授点示例 4: 这封信是作为我的正式推荐安得烈富勒。安得烈一直是我的直接助手几年。他已经获得 了 mba 学位现在感兴趣,我会觉得他是一个出色的候选人,为贵公司的程序。在这段时间里,安得烈一直表现出很强的职业道德和奉献的成功。他的努力已产生高质

32、量的结果一次又一次。去年,安得烈开发并成功实施了一个计划,以简化我们的生产部门。 该计划是一个重要的任务,在安得烈的代表需要大量的思考和努力。虽然安得烈是我的助手,他也在一个非正式的领导角色。他的许多同事寻求他的建议和 支持。安得烈总是为他们是相当舒适的作用。我觉得他的萌芽的领导能力将在商学院的环境 变得更加有效。由于这些原因,我强烈推荐安得烈富勒作为你的mba项目的候选人。如果你有关于安得烈或推荐任何问题,请与我联系。真诚的,约翰托马斯运营经理三态目录示例 5:它可能关注的人: 我想借此机会为简玻璃正式推荐。作为商业中心的高级协调员,我知道简约两年,觉得 她对你的商学院的程序的一个不错的人选。 简为入门级的客户服务代表加入我们的组织。 演 示了一个令人难以置信的主动性和较强的敬业精神,她升职很快。仅六个月后,她被晋升为 球队的领袖。董事会不能不注意到她在她的新职位是如何的成功,迅速提供她一个推广,使 她的执行管理团队的一部分。简以身作则,许多人在这里找到她的热情和奉献精神,鼓舞人心,激励。作为高层管理 团队的一部分,简努力建立与员工的真实关系。她的努力创造一个更快乐、更高效的团队。我相信简展品的许多品质是必不可少的业务经理和业务的学生。在贵公司的商业学校教 育将帮助她磨练这些品质, 同


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