已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、课时Period第一课时教学内容Teaching ContentsStory time教学目标Teaching Aims1、通过歌曲环节学习单词these, those,并对比与this,that的区别。2、通过学习Story time,能正确理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试朗读对话、表演对话。3、通过学习Story time,能正确地听懂、会说、会读单词 pigs, cows , apples, pears.4、能在真实的情景中运用What are these / those? Are these / those?和日常交际用语Nice to meet you, Mike. We

2、lcome to my farm. 进行交流。教学重点Teaching Key Points能正确理解掌握对话,并能朗读表演。教学难点Teaching Difficult Points、通过学习Story time,能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能运用所学对话描述。、能在真实的情景中运用What are these / those? Are these / those?和日常交际用语Nice to meet you, Mike. Welcome to my farm. 进行交流。教具准备Teaching Aids光盘、PPT、头饰、大树道具课前自主预习Independent Preview Befo

3、re Class1. 通过自主阅读,勾画出生词,查字典理解含义。2. 听磁带,试着跟读课文。教 学 过 程Teaching Procedures修改或反思Adjustment or ReflectionStep1: Warm up1. Sing a song These are applesa. Listen to a song b. Teach the new wordsPPT出现一幅图,图中有歌曲flash中一个苹果的画面和一些苹果的画面.图下: This is an _. These are _.Teachan apples, apples, thesePPT之后出现一幅图,图中有歌曲f

4、lash中一个橘子一些橘子面.图下: That is an _. Those are _.Teachan orange, orange, thoseC. Try to sing the song Step2 : Presentation1. 准备一些小动物头饰,再准备一幅农场的图画和歌曲Old MacDonald had a farmT:(播放歌曲)Lets listen to a song first.Ss:(听歌曲)T: (教师指着农场对学生说) Look, this is a farm. Its Old MacDonalds farm. Whats on the farm? (

5、出示课题) 教师领读 on the farm.(播放鸭子的叫声) Listen! What are these? They are ducks. (教师边说边把几只鸭子的图贴到农场上去)Ss: (学生在教师指导下,戴上头饰,边做着小鸭子的动作边学边说单词)T: (老师指着一组戴头饰的小朋友,运用What are these? 提问,引导学生回答Theyre ducks.) 教师可以通过同样方式逐步引出其余三个小动物2. Wathc and answer Q: (PPT出示题目)What do Mike and Liu Tao see? A. animals B. toys C. fruit D

6、.friends3. Listen and putT:On the farm, we can see some aniamls and fruit on the farm. What are the animals? What are the fruit. Lets listen to the tape then put the pictures on the blackboard. (课前布置学生每人画一张Story time中自己喜欢的动物或水果图片,涂上颜色并剪好带到课堂)教师拿出课前准备剪好的三棵大树的图片,并用粉笔在黑板上画出farm的轮廓T: Whats on the farm?

7、Please put them on the picture.老师指着空白处,一边询问,一边渗透新句型T:What are these?S1: Theyre s. (一边贴图,一边说)T:指着远处的一块问:What are those? Are those pigs?Ss: No. They are cows. (贴图)继续参观果园T: Are thse apples / oranges?S1: Yes, they are. / No, they arent.4. Look at the picture and answer出示课文图T: Look, who are they?Ss: They

8、 are Liu Tao, Mike and grandpa.T: What are they talking about? Can you guess?Ss: Hello,. This is .TeachWelcome to my farm.(教授时重点指导welcome的发音,教师引导学生模仿爷爷的口气说话。还可以提示学生想象一下还有什么场景可以使用。)Step3 Consolidation1.Read the dialogue after the tapeRead in role Read in groups Act out the story2. Act Grandpa to intr

9、oduce the farmT: Now, youre grandpa. Can you introduce your farm?Ss: Im Grandpa. Im happy to see you. Welcome to my farm. Let me show you around my farm. Look, these are. Those are Theyre.(分层)作业设计 HomeworkA. Homework.1. Read the dialogues after the tape and imitate the pronunciation.2. Try to recite

10、 the dialogue.3. Copy the new words.B. Homework.1.To know more words about fruit and apples.2.Using the sentenceThese are. Those are.to introduce Grandpas farm.3. Recite the dialogue and the words.板书设计Blackboard WritingUnit 7 On the farm What are these / those? Are these / those ? Theyres. 农场图 Yes /

11、 No. Theyre. 教后反思 Teaching Reflection After Class课时Period第2课时教学内容Teaching ContentsFun time, Cartoon time教学目标Teaching Aims1、在教师的引导和训练下,学生能正确理解和朗读cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中趣味之处,并养成良好的阅读习惯。2、通过自然拼音法的拼读,让学生自己尝试拼读单词chicken, pencils。 3、通过小短文的学习,让学生能在真实的情景中正确运用Whos this? 4、通过培养学生学英语的兴趣,运用英语的意识。教学重点Teaching Key

12、 Points通过小短文的学习,让学生能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读对话。教学难点Teaching Difficult Points、能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能运用所学对话描述短文。、通过自然拼音法的拼读,让学生正确拼读单词chicken 教具准备Teaching Aids多媒体,PPT课前自主预习Independent Preview Before Class1. 听磁带,试着跟读Cartoon time,通过自主阅读,了解故事内容。2. 勾画出生词,查字典理解含义。教 学 过 程Teaching Procedures修改或反思Adjustment or ReflectionStep1:

13、 Warm up1. Greeting Sing the son <These are apples> The teaches show some pigs and cows on PPT, then ask the students to sina a new song.2. Free talka. Act Story time (1)PPT出示图片及空气泡,让学生填写(注意语音语调)(2)Act in role.b. Play a game Touch and guessT: Now lets play the game Touch and guess”. I have som

14、e things in the bag. What are they? Lets touch and guess.Ss: Touch T: What are these? / Are these ?Ss: Theyre. Yes / No.小组内开展“摸一摸,猜一猜”的游戏。以四人小组为单位,每个小组发一个不透明的塑料袋(也可用书包),里面装有水果或其他物品。组长负责组织其他组员将手伸进袋子里,组员通过触摸向组长提问。Step 2 PresentationFun time出示B部分图片的一部分,让学生猜测、1. T: Lets play a gameLook and guess(教师出示苹果局

15、部图) Whats this? Guess.S1: Its an apple.T: What are these? Guess!S2: Theyre oranges.T: What are those?S3: Theyre cows在猜谜的过程中,教师不断强化名词的复数形式,让学生在玩中学,在玩中用Teachchicken, duck, pear2. 教师带着学生一起看看数数Fun time中图片内容 T: Look at the picture. What can you see?S1: I can seeT: How many pears? Lets count.Ss: One pear,

16、 two pears, three pears.3. 师生示范游戏4. 学生分组游戏教师可以自制游戏模板,将游戏格中的内容进行调整,添加一些前几个单元中学过的内容。5. Say a rhymeThese are apples. Those are pears.Apples and pears, theyre very sweet.These are pigs. Those are cows.Pigs and cows, theyre very cute.a. Read togetherb. Read with actionsc. Make a new rhymeCartoon timea.整体

17、呈现对话内容,出示图片,教师用语言引导学生通过上下文理解对话,体会幽默之处T: Look, this is Bobby. Whats in Bobbys hand? Theyre pictures.(教授pictures)T: Bobby has three pictures. What are they? Read the story.b. 学生通过阅读初步理解故事内容c. T: Is Bobby good at drawing? Ss: No, he isnt. T: So, Sam puzzled. 出示第一张图片 T: Who can act Sam to read? (指导学生读出S

18、am困惑的语气,指导学生在真实的情景下朗读)d. 学生在小组内开展趣味朗读活动,加入动作表情,读出趣味(分层)作业设计 HomeworkA Homework1. Read Cartoon time five times.B Homework1. Recite the dialogue and try to write it after class.板书设计Blackboard WritingUnit 7 On the farm A: What are these / those? B: Theyre s. A: Are they? B: Yes / No. Theyre.教后反思 Teachi

19、ng Reflection After Class课时Period第3课时教学内容Teaching ContentsSSound time、Song time、Checkout time and Ticking time教学目标Teaching Aims1、通过单词复习和相应的练习,能正确地听、说、读单词 cow, pig, chicken, duck, pear, apple, orange.2、通过师生、生生的对话,使学生能熟练掌握日常交际用语What are these / those? Theyre. Are these / those?3、通过跟唱、分组唱、表演唱等方式,能会唱歌曲

20、On the farm4、通过老师的示范发音,学生的跟读与体会,让学生了解辅音字母m在单词中的读音。教学重点Teaching Key Points1、通过师生、生生的对话,使学生能熟练掌握日常交际用语What are these / those? Theyre. Are these / those?2、通过老师的示范发音,学生的跟读与体会,让学生了解辅音字母m在单词中的读音。教学难点Teaching Difficult Points1、通过师生、生生的对话,使学生能熟练掌握日常交际用语What are these / those? Theyre. Are these / those?2、通过老

21、师的示范发音,学生的跟读与体会,让学生了解辅音字母m在单词中的读音。教具准备Teaching Aids多媒体,PPT课前自主预习Independent Preview Before Class1. 读熟本单元内容。2. 背本单元单词和短文。3. 尝试朗读sound time中的词句和song time中的歌谣。教 学 过 程Teaching Procedures修改或反思Adjustment or ReflectionStep1: Warm up1.GreetingT: Good morning / afternoon, class.Ss: Good morning / afternoon,

22、Miss .Step 2. Song time1. Play the song < Old MacDonalds farm>T: What animals are in the song?播放动物的叫声,让学生猜测是什么?(Play 小猪的叫声) T: What are these? Ss: Are these ? T: Yes / No. Pigs on the farm go oink, oink.之后学生猜出其他动物,老师渗透歌词 on the farm go 学生猜到动物后,老师将动物图片贴在黑板上,并写上叫声单词2. Learn the songa. T: Listen,

23、 heres a song. What animal is it?Ss: Pigs.b. Sing the song togetherc. Make a new song (老师课前布置学生做好头饰,学生戴着pig, cow, duck等小动物的头饰进行表演唱)T: (让同样小动物的学生站在一起)指着戴着头饰的学生问:What are these / those?Ss: They are chickens, ducks, cows, pigsT: Yes, youre right. Can you say some nouns have an sat the end?Ss: Yes.完成Tic

24、king time 第二项打星部分Step3 Read and write1. T: Now you know so many animals. Look at this picture. (书49页) Its a farm. Can you talk about the picture.S1: Whats this? S2: Its a.S1: Whats under the tree?S2: Its a.S1: What are these? S2: Theyre .S1: What are those under the tree?S2: Theyre.2. T: Wow, you ca

25、n say well. But can you write? Lets try.3. Check out the answer (Chicken, oranges, cow, apples)老师在校对时,可以教会学生一些拼读方法4. T: Can you talk about things on the farm?S: Yes.T: I think you can say well about farm. So let do the ticking time.完成Ticking time 第一项打星部分Step3: Sound time1.Listen and repeat T: Next,

26、let's look at these words: farm, ice cream, make, mum, welcome. Whats the same letter?Ss: M.Read these words after the teacher.T: Ok. Let's read these words together.Ss: farm, ice cream, make, mum, welcomeT: Great! Read after me"/m/". Ss: /m/ T: m, m, m, /m/ , /m/, /m/ farm ice cream make Ss: m, m, m, /m/ , /m/, /m/ farm ice cream makeT: m, m, m, /m/ , /m/, /m/ mum welcomeSs: m, m, m, /m/ , /m/, /m/ mum welcomeT: 同学们,想想看,还有那些也是发这个音呢? Ss: . T: Good!You are so clever. L


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