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1、In-Memory:内存优化表的事务处理内存优化表(Memory-Optimized Table,简称MOT)使用乐观策略(optimistic approach)实现事务的并发控制,在读取MOT时,使用多行版本化(Multi-Row versioning)创建数据快照,读操作不会对数据加锁,因此,读写操作不会相互阻塞。写操作会申请行级锁,如果两个事务尝试更新同一数据行,SQL Server检测到写-写冲突,产生错误(Error 41302),将后后创建的事务作为失败者,回滚事务的操作。虽然MOT事务使用无锁结构(Lock-Free),不会产生阻塞,但是,访问MOT仍然会产生Wait,通常情况

2、下,等待时间是非常短暂的。一,MOT使用乐观并发事务控制1,并发控制策略事务的并发控制策略分为乐观策略和悲观策略,SQL Server支持两种并发策略。1.1,悲观策略(Pessimistic Approach)悲观策略认为每一个数据更新都潜在地存在冲突,为了避免数据争用,事务在读取数据时申请共享锁,在更新数据时对数据加互斥锁(Locking)。在冲突发生时,通过加锁阻塞其他事务;其他事务检测到冲突后,等待拥有资源的事务释放互斥锁,其他事务只有获取到资源上的加锁,才能执行读写操作。悲观策略主要用于数据争用激烈,并且发生发冲突时用锁保护数据的成本低于回滚事务的成本的环境中。1.2,乐观策略(Op

3、timistic Approach)乐观策略认为执行的数据更新操作很少存在冲突,事务在读取数据时,不锁定数据;在更新数据时,事务只在提交时检查更新的有效性,如果有其他事务更新该数据,将产生更新冲突的错误,那么事务不等待,SQL Server选择一个事务作为失败者,并回滚事务执行的操作。乐观策略效率更高,部分原因是在大多数情况下,更新冲突不经常发生。当冲突发生时,使用悲观策略,事务需要等待;使用乐观策略,SQL Server使事务失败,回滚事务操作。乐观策略主要用于数据争用不大,并且偶尔回滚事务的成本低于读取数据时锁定数据的成本的环境中。乐观估计效率更高,部分原因是在大多数情况下,事务冲突不经常

4、发生。当冲突发生时,使用悲观估计法,事务需要等待;使用乐观估计法,SQL Server使事务失败,并回滚事务操作,因此,在发生更新冲突时,需要在客户端进行异常检测,重新执行事务。2,MOT使用乐观并发控制(Optimistic Concurrency Control,简称OCC)乐观策略使用行版本化(row versioning)实现并发控制,对于disk-based table,使用tempdb存储行版本数据;对于MOT,在内存中存储行版本数据。乐观策略认为冲突和失败是不常见的,OCC认为访问MOT的事务不会和其他并发执行的事务产生冲突,任何操作都会执行成功。在访问MOT时,事务不会加锁(L

5、ock或Latch)以保证读操作的隔离性,因此,读写操作互不阻塞,也不会产生等待。一旦产生写-写冲突,SQL Server将选择创建时间晚的事务作为失败者,并回滚该事务操作。二,MOT支持的事务隔离级别(Transaction Isolation Level)在In-Memory OLTP系统中,存在两种事务隔离级别,访问硬盘表(Disk-Based Table,简称DBT)的事务,和访问MOT的事务;和传统的事务隔离级别不同,在一个事务中,存在两个隔离级别。1,MOT的SNAPSHOT隔离级别实际上,访问MOT,事务必须处在SNAPSHOT隔离级别下,SNAPSHOT隔离级别指定在读操作执行

6、时,数据在事务级别保持一致性,这意味着,在一个事务中的任何读操作,读取的数据是事务一致性的数据版本。事务一致性是指在事务开始时,创建数据快照:在事务开始时,已经提交的事务更新,能够被该事务识别;在事务开始之后,被其他事务提交的数据更新操作,不会被当前事务识别。This isolation level specifies that data read by any statement in a transaction will be the transactionally consistent version of the data that existed at the start of th

7、e transaction. The transaction can only recognize data modifications that were committed before the start of the transaction. Data modifications made by other transactions after the start of the current transaction are not visible to statements executing in the current transaction. The statements in

8、 a transaction get a snapshot of the committed data as it existed at the start of the transaction.在SQL Server 2016中,有两种方式指定隔离级别:当在解释性TSQL中访问MOT时,使用Table Hint指定SNAPSHOT隔离级别;当在Natively Compiled 存储过程中访问MOT时,必须在Atomic Block中指定隔离级别为SNAPSHOT。SNAPSHOT隔离级别只会影响读操作,而写操作不受隔离级别的影响,和其他事务完全隔离,因此,在Snapshot隔离级别下,当并

9、发事务尝试去更新同一行数据时,并发事务产生更新冲突,抛出错误 41302,41325,或41305,SQL Server选择一个开始时间晚的事务作为失败者,并回滚其操作,产生的Error是:Error 41302. The current transaction attempted to update a record in table X that has been updated since this transaction started. The transaction was aborted. When the current transaction attempts to inse

10、rt a row with the same primary key value as a row that was inserted by another transaction that committed before the current transaction, there will be a failure to commit with the following error message.Error 41325. The current transaction failed to commit due to a serializable validation failure.

11、 If a transaction writes to a table that is dropped before the transaction commits, the transaction terminates with the following error message:Error 41305. The current transaction failed to commit due to a repeatable read validation failure.2,提升事务的隔离级别在显式事务(Explicit)模式中,如果默认的事务隔离级别低于SNAPSHOT,那么必须提升


13、OT时,必须:使用Table Hint指定隔离级别:WITH(SNAPSHOT),WITH(REPEATABLEREAD) 和 WITH(SERIALIZABLE) 设置数据库选项:MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_ELEVATE_TO_SNAPSHOT 为ON如果发生MSSQLSERVER_41333 错误,说明产生交叉事务隔离错误(CROSS_CONTAINER_ISOLATION_FAILURE),原因是当前事务的隔离级别太高,解决方法是:将Session-Level的事务隔离级别降低到Read Committed。3,事务初始化模式(Transaction Initiation Mod

14、es)SQL Server 支持四种事务初始化模式:Autocommit:自动提交模式(默认模式),将单个语句作为一个事务,在语句开始时,隐式开始一个事务;在语句结束时,隐式提交该事务;在autocommit模式下,访问MOT不需要使用Table Hint指定事务隔离级别;SQL Server自动为MOT应用SNAPSHOT隔离。Explicit:显式模式,使用begin tran 显式开始一个事务,使用commit tran 提交事务,或使用rollback tran 回滚事务。在显式事务中,将事务中的一个,或多个查询语句作为单个事务进行处理;在显式模式下,访问MOT必须使用SNAPSHOT

15、隔离级别,通过使用Table Hint 指定SNAPSHOT 隔离级别,或设置数据库选项 MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_ELEVATE_TO_SNAPSHOT 为ON来实现;Implicit:隐式模式,查询语句隐式开始一个事务,必须显式使用commit tran 提交事务,或使用rollback tran回滚事务。使用该模式,必须设置选项:SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTION ONAtomic block:原子块模式,只能用于Natively Compiled SP中。在Atomic block中的所有查询语句都作为单个事务提交或回滚。在Atomic block中,支持的事务隔


17、如果设置Session的隔离级别为Read Uncommitted,事务访问MOT,将产生错误,MOT不支持Read Uncommitted隔离级别The transaction isolation level 'READ UNCOMMITTED' is not supported with memory optimized tables.2,如果设置Session的隔离级别为Read Committed:在Autocommit (单语句事务)模式下,能够访问MOT;在显式和隐式模式下,不能访问MOT;在显式事务中,访问MOT,将产生错误:Accessing memory op

18、timized tables using the READ COMMITTED isolation level is supported only for autocommit transactions. It is not supported for explicit or implicit transactions. Provide a supported isolation level for the memory optimized table using a table hint, such as WITH (SNAPSHOT).要想在显式事务或隐式事务模式下访问MOT,有两种方式:

19、使用Table Hint:with(snapshot),该hint只能用于MOT;WITH(REPEATABLEREAD) 和 WITH(SERIALIZABLE) ;设置数据库选项:MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_ELEVATE_TO_SNAPSHOT 为ON;ALTER DATABASE CURRENT SET MEMORY_OPTIMIZED_ELEVATE_TO_SNAPSHOT=ON3,如果设置Session的隔离级别为Snapshot,无法访问MOTalter database current set allow_snapshot_isolation onset transact

20、ion isolation level snapshot访问MOT,将产生错误,MOT 和 Natively Compiled模块在Session的事务隔离为Snapshot时无法访问或创建:Memory optimized tables and natively compiled modules cannot be accessed or created when the session TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL is set to SNAPSHOT.4,如果设置Session的隔离级别为Repeatable Read or Serializable时,访问MO

21、T必须使用snapshot隔离级别;如果Session的隔离级别是Repeatable Read 或 Serializable,那么访问MOT必须使用Table Hint:with(snapshot),在snapshot隔离级别下访问MOT:The following transactions must access memory optimized tables and natively compiled modules under snapshot isolation: RepeatableRead transactions, Serializable transactions, and

22、transactions that access tables that are not memory optimized in RepeatableRead or Serializable isolation.综上所述,访问MOT时,需要设置兼容的事务隔离级别:四,行版本(Row Version)对硬盘表(Disk-Based Table,简称DBT),Snapshot隔离级别将行版本化的数据存储在tempdb中;在其他隔离级别(例如,Read Committed,Repeatable,Serializable)下,事务通过加锁避免冲突。对于MOT,事务不会加锁,MOT使用多行版本实现事务的

23、并发控制,和Disk-Based Table不同的是,MOT的版本化数据存储在MOT的内存数据结构中,而不是存储在tempdb中。MOT的每一个数据行在内存中可能存在多个版本,每一个版本都保存在相同的数据结构中。实际上,MOT的数据结构是Row Version的集合,相同Row的不同Version不需要存储在连续的内存地址中,每一个Row Version是分散地存储在MOT中,每一个Row Version使用8B的内存地址来寻址。 The table has three rows: r1, r2, and r3. r1 has three versions, r2 has two versio

24、ns, and r3 has four versions. Note that different versions of the same row do not necessarily occupy consecutive memory locations. The different row versions can be dispersed throughout the table data structure.1,MOT的多版本(Multi-Versioning)MOT的同一行数据可以有不同的版本,因此,并发执行事务可能访问同一行数据的不同版本,由于在同一时刻,任何数据行都有可能拥有不


26、的数据仍然是3;如果在当前事务中尝试修改已被其他事务修改的数据,将产生更新冲突。访问MOT的事务使用行版本化(row versioning)获得一个事务一致性的数据快照(snapshot),在单个事务中,任何数据操作读取的数据是:在事务开始时,其他事务已经提交更新的数据版本,能够被当前事务识别;如果其他事务没有提交更新,那么当前事务读取不到更新之后的数据,只能读取到已经存在,事务已经提交更新的数据;在事务开始之后,其他事务所执行的数据更新不会被当前事务识别;例如:其他事务插入的新数据不会被当前事务读取到;其他食物删除的旧数据,当前事务仍然能够读取到;五,MOT的事务处理1,交叉事务(cross

27、-container transaction)交叉事务是指在一个事务中,解释性TSQL语句同时访问MOT和DBT。在交叉事务中,访问MOT的操作和访问DBT(Disk-Based Table)的操作都拥有自己独立的事务序号,就像在一个大的交叉事务下,存在两个单独的子事务,分别用于访问MOT和DBT;在sys.dm_db_xtp_transactions (Transact-SQL)中,访问DBT的事务使用transaction_id标识,访问MOT的事务序号使用xtp_transaction_id标识。2,访问MOT的事务生命周期当事务涉及到MOT时,处理事务的生命周期(lifetime)分为

28、三个phase:常规处理,验证阶段,提交处理,如图:Phase1:常规处理阶段,事务所有的查询和更新操作都在这个阶段执行:在该阶段,有时会产生更新冲突(Update Conflict),如果当前事务更新的数据行,被其他事务更新,但未提交,那么会产生更新冲突;If any query tries to update a row that has already been updated by an active transaction, an update conflict error is generated.在该阶段,有时会产提交依赖(Commit Dependence),这是因为事务读取到

29、被其他事务更新,但是尚未提交(处于验证或提交阶段);依赖失败(Dependency failure):如果当前事务依赖的事务提交失败,那么当前事务失败,产生错误 41301;During regular processing, a transaction can read rows written by other transactions that are in the validation or commit phase, but have not yet committed. The rows are visible because the logical end time of the

30、 transactions has been assigned at the start of the validation phase.Phase2:验证阶段,从该阶段开始时,在逻辑上事务已经完成,只是没有提交,其他事务能够看到当前事务更新之后的数据值;在验证阶段开始时,事务的更新操作已经完成,认为事务逻辑上完成,这使得事务更新对其他事务可见。在该阶段,事务并没有提交,SQL Server对事务更新进行验证;The validation phase begins by assigning the end time, thereby marking the transaction as log

31、ically complete. This makes all changes of the transaction visible to other transactions, which will take a dependency on this transaction, and will not be allowed to commit until this transaction has successfully committed. In addition, transactions which hold such dependencies are not allowed to r

32、eturn result sets to the client to ensure the client only sees data that has been successfully itted to the database.在验证阶段,对Repeatable Read 和 Serializable进行验证,检查数据范围是否有更新。对于Repeatable Read, 检查行是否是重复读的,如果有数据行被其他事务更新,那么事务提交失败,抛出错误 41305;If any of the rows have been updated or changed, the transaction

33、fails to commit with error 41305 ("The current transaction failed to commit due to a repeatable read validation failure.").对于Serializable,检查数据范围是有更新,在数据范围中,检查是否有其他事务插入新的数据行,是否有数据行被其他事务删除,如果数据范围变化,那么事务验证失败,抛出错误 41325;The system validates that no phantom rows have been written to the databas

34、e. The read operations performed by the transaction are evaluated to determine that no new rows were inserted in the scan ranges of these read operations.This phase comprises the repeatable read and serializable validation. For repeatable read validation it checks whether any of the rows read by the

35、 transaction has since been updated. For serializable validation it checks whether any row has been inserted into any data range scanned by this transaction. Phase3:事务提交处理阶段,事务日志记录到日志文件,事务提交完成,一旦日志写入到Disk,控制权返回到客户端During the commit phase, the changes to durable tables are written to the log, and the

36、 log is written to disk. Once the log record for the transaction has been written to disk, control is returned to the client.After commit processing completes, all dependent transactions are notified that they can commit.3,等待(Waiting)访问MOT使用乐观多版本并发控制,不需要加锁,不会产生阻塞,但是,仍然会产生等待(Waiting),但是,永远不可能等待Lock释放

37、,而是等待:如果一个事务依赖其他事务,那么将产生提交依赖,必须等待其他事务提交成功,当前事务才能提交;等待事务日志持久化写入到Disk上的事务日志文件(.ldf)中;提交依赖等待不能避免,通常持续的时间非常短暂;在执行数据更新操作,需要等待事务日志持久化写入到Disk,虽然等待持续的时间通常非常短暂,但是,可以通过以下两个方式来避免:使用Delayed Durability;创建Non-Durable的MOT,使用SCHEMA_ONLY将完全避免日志写操作,对非持久化表执行的任何更新操作都不会产生任何的日志IO操作;六,冲突检测和重试逻辑(Conflict Detection and Retr

38、y Logic)1,冲突检测跟事务相关的错误有两类,这两类错误都会导致事务失败和回滚。大多数情况下,任意一个错误发生,都需要重新执行事务:并发事务之间产生冲突,分为更新冲突(Update Conflict)和验证失败(Validation Failure):更新冲突:在同一时刻,有两个并发事务尝试更新同一数据行;错误代码是41302;This error condition occurs if two concurrent transactions attempt to update or delete the same row at the same time. One of the two

39、 transactions receives this error message and will need to be retried. 验证失败:验证事务更新是否满足隔离级别Repeatable Read 和 Serializable的条件,检查数据行是否重复读,检查数据范围是否不变;错误代码是41305,41325;依赖失败:当前事务依赖其他事务,而依赖的事务提交失败;错误代码是 41301;2,重试逻辑(Retry Logic)如果事务失败是由于上述两种情况,那么这个事务应该重新执行,重试逻辑可以实现在Client或Server端,通常推荐在Client实现重试逻辑,因为在Clien

40、t端执行重试逻辑更高效,并能对事务失败的异常进行复杂处理。在Server端执行重试逻辑,仅用于在事务失败时,不向Client返回任何结果集,重试逻辑的示例代码如下: View Code七,事务的懒提交(Lazy Commit)在SQL Server中,事务提交可以是完全持久化的(Full Durable,默认),也可以是延迟持久化的(Delayed Durable),也叫做Lazy Commit。完全持久化(Full Durable)事务是指:只有当事务日志记录写入到Disk上的事务日志文件(.ldf)之后,事务才提交成功,并将控制权返回到客户端(Client);而延迟持久化(Delayed

41、Durable)事务是指:写事务日志的操作是异步,事务在事务日志写入Disk之前,提交成功,就是说,一旦查询语句执行成功,事务就提交成功,并将控制权返回到Client,但是数据更新可能并没有记录到事务日志文件(.ldf)中,直到事务更新的日志被持久化记录到Disk上的事务日志文件之后,数据更新才变成持久,存储数据更新丢失的可能性。懒提交事务持久化使用异步写模式,将事务日志异步地写入到事务日志文件(.ldf)中。在异步写日志模式下,SQL Server把产生的事务日志先保存在缓存中,直到填满缓存空间,或发生缓存刷新事件,事务日志才被写入到事务日志文件(.ldf)中。懒提交之所以能够减少IO操作的

42、延迟和竞争,是因为有以下三点优势:事务提交不需要等待写日志操作的完成,一旦查询语句执行完成,就把控制权返回给Client,提高了数据更新的响应速度;减少并发的事务产生写日志竞争的可能性;在懒提交模式下,日志被缓存起来,系统一次能够将更大块的日志记录写入到Disk,减少了Disk IO竞争,提高了数据更新的性能;在SQL Server 2016中,有以下三种方式使用懒提交模式:1,将数据库设置为懒提交模式ALTER DATABASE DatabaseNameSET DELAYED_DURABILITY = DISABLED | ALLOWED | FORCED 2,在Natively Compi


44、transaction_name WITH ( DELAYED_DURABILITY = OFF | ON ) 参考文档Applies To: Azure SQL Database, SQL Server 2016 PreviewRow versioning on disk-based tables (using SNAPSHOT isolation or READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT) provides a form of optimistic concurrency control. Readers and writers do not block each other.

45、 With memory-optimized tables, writers do not block writers. With row versioning on disk-based tables, one transaction locks the row and concurrent transactions attempting to update the row are blocked. There is no locking with memory-optimized tables. Instead, if two transactions attempt to update

46、the same row, a write/write conflict (error 41302) will occur.Unlike disk-based tables, memory-optimized tables allow optimistic concurrency control with the higher isolation levels, REPEATABLE READ and SERIALIZABLE. Locks are not taken to enforce the isolation levels. Instead, at the end of the tra

47、nsaction validation ensures the repeatable read or serializability assumptions. If the assumptions are violated, the transaction is terminated. For more information, see Transaction Isolation Levels.The important transaction semantics for memory-optimized tables are:Multi-versioningSnapshot-based tr

48、ansaction isolationOptimisticConflict detectionEach of these semantics is explained in the following sections.Multi-Versioning in Memory-Optimized TablesRows in memory-optimized tables can have different versions. Concurrent transactions access potentially different versions of the same row.Memory-o

49、ptimized table data is version-based. For any row there may be different row versions that are valid at different points in time. Disk-based tables maintain different row versions when READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT or ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION is ON. Memory-optimized tables maintain different row versions,

50、 even if READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT and ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION are OFF. The row versions of memory-optimized tables are not maintained in tempdb. Instead, the row versions are maintained in-line, as part of the memory-optimized data structures storing the rows in memory.Snapshot-Based Transaction Iso

51、lation for Memory-Optimized TablesAll operations in a single transaction use the same transactionally-consistent snapshot of the memory-optimized tables. All transaction isolation for memory-optimized tables is snapshot-based. For example, a transaction using the serializable isolation level to acce

52、ss memory-optimized tables will perform all operations on the same transactionally consistent snapshot.Transactions that access memory-optimized tables use this row versioning to obtain a transactionally sistent snapshot of the rows in the tables. The data read by any statement in the transaction wi

53、ll be the transactionally consistent version of the data that existed at the time the transaction started. Therefore, any modifications made by concurrently running transactions are not visible to statements in the current transaction.Optimistic Concurrency Control for Memory-Optimized TablesConflic

54、ts and failures are rare and transactions on memory-optimized tables assume there are no conflicts with concurrent transactions and operations succeed. Transactions do not take locks or latches on memory-optimized table to guarantee transaction isolation. Writers do not block readers. Writers do not

55、 block writers. Instead, transactions proceed under the (optimistic) assumption that there will be no conflicts with other transactions. Not using locks and latches and not waiting for other transactions to finish processing the same rows improves performance.In addition, if a transaction (TxA) read

56、s rows that have been inserted or modified by another transaction (TxB) that is in the process of committing, it will optimistically assume the other transaction will commit rather than wait for the commit to occur. In this case, transaction TxA will take a commit dependency on transaction TxB.Confl

57、ict Detection, Validation, and Commit Dependency ChecksSQL Server detects conflicts between concurrent transactions, as well as isolation level violations, and will doom one of the conflicting transactions. This transaction will need to be retried. (For more information, see Guidelines for Retry Log

58、ic for Transactions on Memory-Optimized Tables.)The system optimistically assumes there are no conflicts and no violations of transaction isolation. If any conflicts occur that may cause inconsistencies in the database or that may violate transaction isolation, these conflicts are detected, and the transaction is terminated.If a co


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