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1、九大状语从句的引导词时间状语从句:when(当.时候), while(当.时候) ,as(当.时候,一边), after(在.之后), before(在.之前), since(自从), ever since(自从)till/until(直到),not.until(直到.才), as soon as(一就),whenever(不管什么时候),every time(每次),each time(每次)next time(下次),the first time(第一次)any time(任何) the moment(一就) by the time(到), directly(一就), immediatel

2、y(一就), instantly(一就), as long as(长达), hardly/scarcely when.(一就) once(一就)no sooner than.(一就) 地点状语从句: where, wherever=no matter where(无论哪里)原因状语从句:because(因为), as(因为), since(自以来), for(因为),for the reason that(因为),considering that, due to the fact that, owing to the fact that, in that(因为), seeing that(因为

3、),considering that/since(既然)等条件状语从句: if(如果), unless(除非), as(so) long as(只要),in case(万一) on condition that(条件是) supposing(假设),provided that(如果) ,as far as /so far as(就而言),even though, even if (即使), providing(that),方式状语从句:as(正如), just as(就好像,正如), as if(好像), as though(好像)让步状语从句: although(尽管), though(尽管

4、), even if(即使), even though(即使), as, whetheror.(无论),no matter what /when/how(无论什么,何时,怎样),now that(既然), despite(尽管),in spite of 目的状语从句:that, so that(如此以此于), in order that(为了), lest(唯恐)in case(唯恐),结果状语从句: so that, so.that, suchthat(如此.以至于)比较状语从句:as.as(和一样), not so.as(not as.as)(不如), morethan(多于) less.

5、than, the比较级. ,The比较级.1994-2008高考英语真题状语从句总汇1. How long has this bookshop been in business? _ 1982. ( 94 )A. AfterB. InC. FromD. Since2. Mother was worried because little Alice was ill, especially _Father was away in France. ( 94 ) A. asB. thatC. duringD. if3. If we work with a strong will, we can ov

6、ercome any difficulty, _ great it is. ( 95 ) A. whatB. howC. howeverD. whatever4. After the war, a new school building was put up _ there had once been a theatre. ( 97 ) A. thatB. whereC. whichD. when5. I am going to the post office. _youre there, can you get me some stamps? ( 99 )A. AsB. WhileC. Be

7、causeD. If6. You should make it a rule to leave things _ you can find them again. ( 99 ) A. whenB. whereC. thenD. there7. _ youve got the chance, you might as well make full use of it. ( 99 ) A. Now thatB. AfterC. AlthoughD. As soon as8. Well have to finish the job, _. ( 99 ) A. long it takes howeve

8、rB. it takes however long C. long however it takesD. however long it takes9. Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up _ I could answer the phone. ( 00 ) A. asB. sinceC. untilD. before10. The WTO cannot live up to its name _ it does not include a country that is home to one f

9、ifth of mankind. ( 00 ) A. as long asB. whileC. ifD. even though11. The men will have to wait all day _ the doctor works faster. ( 01春季 ) A. ifB. unlessC. whetherD. that12. Did you remember to give Mary the money you owed her? Yes, I gave it to her _ I saw her. ( 01春季 ) A. whileB. the momentC. sudde

10、nlyD. once13. Americans eat _ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910. (02上海春季 ) A. more than twiceB. as twice as many C. twice as many asD. more than twice as many14. How far apart do they live? _I know, they live in the same neighbourhood. ( 03上海 )A. As long asB. As well asC. As far asD. A

11、s often as15. A good storyteller must be able to hold his listeners curiosity _ he reaches the end of the story. A. whenB. unlessC. afterD. until ( 03上海 ) 16. Generally speaking, _ according to the directions, the drug has no side effect. ( 03上海 ) A. when takingB. when takenC. when to takeD. when to

12、 be taken17. Dad, Ive finished my assignment. Good, and _ you play or watch TV, you mustnt disturb me. ( 03上海 )A. wheneverB. whetherC. whateverD. no matter18. Was his father very strict with him when he was at school? Yes. He has never praised him _ he became one of the top students in his grade. (0

13、3 北京春季) A. afterB. unlessC. untilD. when19. He made a mistake, but then he corrected the situation _ it got worse. (03 北京 ) A. untilB. whenC. beforeD. as20. _ I know the money is safe, I shall not worry about it. (03 北京 ) A. Even thoughB. UnlessC. WhileD. As long as21. Scientists say it may be five

14、or six years _ it is possible to test this medicine on human patients.   A. since B. afterC. beforeD. when ( 04 福建 )22. You should try to get a good nights sleep _  much work you have to do . ( 04 湖北 ) A. howeverB. no matterC. althoughD. whatever 23. It was evening _ we

15、 reached the little town of Winchester .  A. thatB. untilC. sinceD. before24. _ modeling business is by no means easy to get into, the good model will always be in demand. A. WhileB. SinceC. AsD. If( 04 浙江 )25. We were swimming in the lake _ suddenly the storm started. ( 04 北京春季 ) A. whenB. whi

16、leC. untilD. before26. _ I can see, there is only one possible way to keep away from the danger. ( 04 北京春季 ) A. As long asB. As far as C. Just as D. Even if 27. We were told that we should follow the main road  _  we reached the central railway station . ( 04 辽宁 ) A. wheneverB. u

17、ntilC. whileD. wherever28. _ you call me to say you' re not coming, I'll see you at the theatre. ( 04 四川 ) A. Though B. WhetherC. Until D. Unless29. You can eat food free in my restaurant _ you like. ( 04 重庆 )A. wheneverB. whereverC. whateverD. however30. _ I accept that he is not

18、perfect, I do actually like the person. ( 04 江苏 )A. WhileB. SinceC. BeforeD. Unless31. Several weeks had gone by _I realized the painting, was missing. ( 04 )   A. asB. beforeC. sinceD. when32. Jasmine was holidaying with her family in a wildlife park _ she was bitten on the leg by al

19、 lion. ( 04 上海 )  A. when          B. while            C. since          D. once 33. _, I have to put it away and focus my attention on study thi

20、s week. ( 04上海春季 )    A. However the story is amusingB No matter amusing the story is    C. However amusing the story isD. No matter how the story is amusing34. It is almost five years we saw each other last time. A. beforeB. sinceC. afterD. when35. What a tab

21、le ! Ive never seen such a thing before .It is it is long. ( 05 湖北 )A. half not as wide asB. wide not as half as C. not half as wide as D. as wide as not half36. Simon thought his computer was broken his little brother pointed out that he had forgotten to turn it on. ( 05 北京春季 ) A. untilB. unlessC.

22、afterD. because37. Id like to arrive 20 minutes early _ I can have time for a cup of tea. ( 05 北京 )A. as soon asB. as a resultC. in caseD. so that38. It wasnt until nearly a month later I received the managers reply. ( 05河南、河北 )A. since B. when C. as D. that 39. Unlike watching TV, reading is a high

23、ly active process (过程)_ it requires attention as well as memory and imagination. ( 05 江苏 )A. untilB. butC. unlessD. for40. The old tower must be saved, _ the cost. ( 05 浙江 ) A. howeverB. whateverC. whicheverD. wherever41. You must keep on working in the evening _ you are sure you can finish the task

24、 in time. ( 05 安徽 )A. asB. ifC. whenD. unless42. That was really a splendid evening. It' s years _ I enjoyed myself so much. ( 05 安徽 )A. when B. thatC. beforeD. since43. John is the tallest boy in the class, _ according to himself. ( 05 安徽 )A. five foot eight as tall as B. as tall as five foot e

25、ight C. as five foot eight tall as D. as tall five foot eight as44. Did Jack come back early last night?Yes. It was not yet eight oclock he arrived home. ( 05 福建 )A. beforeB. whenC. thatD. until45. Allow children the space to voice their opinions, _ they are different from your own. ( 05 湖南 ) A. unt

26、ilB. even ifC. unless D. as though 46. The more I think about him, the more reasons I find for loving him _ I did. ( 05 湖南 ) A. as much as B. as long as C. as soon as D. as far as47. youve tried it. you cant imagine how pleasant it is. (06北京)A. UnlessB. BecauseC. AlthoughD. When48. - How long do you

27、 think it will be _ China sends a manned spaceship to the moon? - Perhaps two or three years. (06福建) A. when B. untilC. thatD. before49. Jenny was very sad over the loss of the photos she had shot at Canada, this was a memory she especially treasured. (06广东) A. as B. if C. when D. where50. "You

28、 can't have this football back you promise not to kick it at my cat again," the old man said firmly. (06广东) A. because B. since C. when D. until51. I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busily drying myself with a towel _ I heard the steps. ( 06湖南 ) A. whileB. when C. since D. afte

29、r52. _ environmental damage is done, it takes many years for the ecosystem (生态系统) to recover. ( 06江苏 ) A. Even if B. If only C. While D. Once53. He was about halfway through his meal a familiar voice came to his ears. ( 06辽宁 )A. why B. whereC. when D. while54. he has limited technical knowledge, the

30、 old worker has a lot of experience. ( 06全国I )A. Since B. Unless C. As D. Although55. Were just trying to teach a point _ both sides will sit down together and talk. ( 06 山东)A. whereB. thatC. whenD. which56. How can you expect to learn anything _ you never listen? ( 06山东 )A. in case B. even if C. un

31、less D. when57. His plan was such a good one _we all agreed to accept it. ( 06 陕西)A. so B. and C. that D. as58. This is a very interesting book. Ill buy it, _. ( 06 陕西 )A. how much may it costB. no matter how it may cost C. however much it may cost D. how may it cost59. My parents were quarrelling a

32、bout me _ I could not quite tell why. ( 06上海 )A. since B. though C. if D. until60. - Mom, what did your doctor say?  - He advised me to live    the air is fresher. ( 06四川 )   A. in where       B. in which     C. the plac

33、e where D. where61. - Why didnt you tell him about the meeting?   - He rushed out of the room    I could say a word. ( 06四川 )   A. before  B. until  C. when  D. after62. The cost of living in Glasgow is among the lowest in Britain, the quality o

34、f life is probably one of the highest. ( 06天津 ) A. since B. when C. as D. while63. If you are traveling the customs are really foreign to your own, please do as the Romans do. ( 06天津 ) A. in which B. what C. when D. where64. In time of serious accidents,_  we know some basic things about f

35、irst aid, we can save lives. ( 06重庆 ) A. whetherB. until C. if   D.unless65. _ most of the earths surface is covered by water, fresh water is very rare and precious. ( 06上海春季 )A. As B. Once C. If D. Although66 .He was told that it would be at least three more months he could recover and return

36、work. 2007江西 A. when B. before C. since D. that67. The field research will take Joan and Paul about five months; it will be a long time _ we meet them again.2007安徽 A. after B. before C. since D. when68 In my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much easier than _.2007安徽A. that used to be B.

37、it is used toC. it was used to D. it used to be69. Most birds find it safe to sleep in the trees, but _ they have eggs or young chicks, they dont use a nest. 2007湖南 A. why B. how C. unless D. where 70. Pop music is such an important part of society _ it has even influenced our language. 2007上海 A. as

38、B. thatC. whichD. where71. Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice, _ they knew it to be valuable 2007浙江. A. as if B. now that C. even though D. so that 72. My parents live in a small village. They always keep candles in the house _ there is a power out. A. ifB. unlessC. in caseD. so that 2007重

39、庆73. I wont call you, _ something unexpected happens. 2007 海南 A. unless B. whether C. because D. while74_I really dont like art, I find his work impressive. 2007山东AAs BSince CIf DWhile 75. Leave your key with a neighbor _ you lock yourself out one day2007北京A. ever since B. even if C. soon after D. in case76. We had to wait half an hour _ we had already booked a table (2007辽宁.)A. since


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