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1、Lin Xiang LiuJia pi ngprimary schoolfire safetysystems toenhancefire safety,protecti on ofpublic propertyand the life and propertysafetyofteacherschoolfire safetyinto day-tIn orderto e nsure normaltea Schoolst udents re port majorparticipate inthe celreliable.Sebrations,achi ng order, protecti ng st

2、udent s' healt hy growth, ensuring t hat national (pr operty)is not lost,t o preve ntorminimizet he occurrenceofsafety accidents,fol lowt he"prevent, re scue eaaccide ntwithi n a n hour ofeducation; student run a nd disa ppeara nces to re port; r eport ofthe a cci dent to awritte n reportin

3、 tri plicate, acorrecti onal centre,a police station, atownshipongLinXi ang LiuJia pi ng elementaryschool Mswella s parti cipati ngin other socialw ork,withouta ppr ovalofthearch2016 songCorre ctionalCe ntre,schoolprincipa ls consent,w ithoutorganization. Without theh other,ensure safetyand reducelo

4、sses" pripe ople' s Gov ernment shall notsand students,nci ple,a ccordi ng to thel ocal conditi ons, maket hemanageme ntsystem. 1,the pri nci pal isthe responsibilityofschool safety,schoolseconcealthe accide nt.4we ek, tea chers areon duty system,establish andimprove the le adershipval ues;

5、stre ngthen thee ducation,manag ement ofo-day management,isdevel opi ngthe followingfire safetysystem.1,strengton ofthe wholeschool.According totto preve ntaccidents.he requirementpof Pre side ntse curityw orkleadi ng group.T he headtea chert othe le adershipteam i s responsiblefor,implementationoft

6、he a ccountabilitysystem.2,schoolmont hlystudentknowlenschoolstoensurenormaltea chi ngor der; re sponsi blefor school safety leadershi palwaysmai ntaine d close contact and distri ctpolice stations,c anvassingsupport fromthe police station8,schooltoschool inspe ctions ona reg ularbasis,found hi dden

7、i ntime,and in severe case s,itis hard to eliminate immediatelyclosed,and reported tothe l ocal pe ople' s Government,es ofthe FireServicesAct, so thateveryone has of keepingfirecontrolsafety, protectingfirecontrolfacilities,fire prevention, report soffireducation,and ruleof lawsection.onshould

8、bngtheningtean.9,the schoolshated leabedicvheerrssif'iemdoiralenthedfuocramtioenv,ereystsaafetybelidsuhcaatidedicated l chers' morale ducation,esta blish adedicated loolshoul d always checkthe internalwalls, retainion forst udents ofclassesperweekshouldbetargeted. o carryonemergency issuesde

9、ali ng withe ducation in General,self-helpa ndmut ualrescue k nowledge.Emergencyove,impr ovinge ducationquality, observe thestudents' psy chologi calchange s at anytime andtakepreve ntive measures,no cor poral punishme ntandcovertcorporalpuni- - 1. . 一. -. 一-一 - , _ _ L -. I - ILLd. I . >I. .

10、1. .一 -ng walls, po nds, railing s,handrail s,door s,Wi ndows, staircasesand avarietys, facilitie ssuch as firesafety, i nfrastruct urese curit y,unsafe facilitytoimmecalls(suchas110, 119,122,120,a nd so on) use commons ense ine ducation.3,the establishme ntof majora ccidentre porti ng system.shment

11、 on students,st udentout ofthe cla ssroom,schoolsmay not be.6, units or de partments use studentStreet propagandaL - - -I-II -. - I _ .dia telyrepair anddemolitionto ensure thattea cher s andstudent swork,learn,liv evenues a nd faciliti es are safeand.or电力安全工作规程电力线路部分1 范围本标准规定了生产单位和在电力生产场所工作人员的基本电力安

12、全要求。本标准适用于具有66kv 及以上电压等级设施的发电企业所有运用中的电气设备及其相关场所;具有35kv 及以上电压等级设施的输电、变电、和配电企业所运用中的电气设备及其相关场所;具有 220kv 级以上电压等级设施的用电单位运用中的电气设备及相关场所。其它电力企业和用电单位也可参考使用。2、规范性引用文件下列文件对于本文件的应用时必不可少的。凡是注日期的应用文件,仅注日期的版本适用于文件。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本(包括所有的修改单)适用于本文件。GB/T2900.20 1994 电工术语高压开关设备(IEC 60050(IEV;) 1994,NEQ)GB/T2900,50 20

13、08 电工术语发电、 输电及配电通用术语( IEC 60050 601;1985, MOD)GB/T 26860 2001 电力安全作业规程发电厂和变电站电器部分3、术语和定义GB/T 2900, 20 1994, GB/2900, 50 2008 界定的以下列术语和定义适用于本文件。1.1 低 电 压 low voltage;LV用于配电的交流系统中1000v 及其以下的电压等级。GB/T2900, 50 2008,定义2.1 中的 601-01-261.2 高 电 压 high voltage;HV( 1 )通常指超过低压的电压等级。( 2)特定情况下,指电力系统中输电的电压等级。GB/T

14、2900, 50 2008,定义2.1 中的 601-01-271.3 发电厂站 electrical generating station由建筑物、能量转换设备和全部必要的辅助设备组成生产电能的工厂。GB/T2900, 50 2008,定义2.3中的 601-03-01lectricity li nes,equi pmentinspe ctions,foundhi dden intimeforrectification,maintenance,andsecurity.9,donotusea nopenflame int he cla ssroom, pr ohi bit bur ningst

15、 ove, lit ca ndle s,mosquit o repell ent,nosmoki ng, a nd banningmessywiri ng. Withoutusinganyhousehol d appliancesi s notal lowed.10,live on cam pusfa cultymembers,must lea d by example, a nd e ducate familiesand children readytofire.11,householduse of gas inschools,tomasterproper usage,payattentio

16、ntot he leak -proof, explosi on-pr oof,fireproof,closi ng valveafter use to ensuresecurit y.12, dini ng room must be qualified,andannualtestingofpressure vessels,t o regularly che ck, the cantee n workersm ustbe certified,stri ctlybyoperationoperation, gas tank andstovesafety distance of 1.5 meters,

17、to preventaccide nts.13,thea dverse conse quencesca used by ignoringfire safetyregulations,willbe punished, until i nvestigated for legalre sponsi bility.S ongLin Xiang LiuJiapi ngeleme ntaryschoolMarch2016 XiangLiuJia pi ngeleme ntaryschool,pine slopessurrounding safetymanagementsystem1teachersands

18、tudents,thesurroundingareaoftheschoolg overna nce covers personala ndfood hygiene , culturalevent sand ot heraspect s, integrated g overna nce shall obtai n widesupport andfullcooperationofthe community.On thesurrounding environment in schoolsshould be closelymonit ored. 2,schoolw orkatthesametime,s

19、houldpay attenti ontot he safety manageme ntofschoole nvironme nt,should takethe initiative tocontactthe distri ctpolicestati on,t hevillage Committee,CorrectionalCentre,Tow nshi p gover nm ent, business manageme nt andotherde partments t o do agoodjobmanagement.3, teacherondutywiththeexception of i

20、nspecti onsin school s,should al sopay atte ntion t oenvir onmental inspecti ons neart hecampus,found that thejoble ss migrantsfrom ruralareas,forexample,harassmentofstudentsandavarietyofacci dent s,accor ding to differentsituati ons r eporte dschoolofficialsort he police stationi na timely manner,t

21、oprotectthesafetyofstudent s. 4,every day beforeschool ,teachers remind students, payattenti on to traffic safety.5,shouldeducate studentsto re spectsocialet hics,and variousregulati ons,maintaini ng publi cor der,a ndfightthe ba dguys,a nd grasp the corre ctways and means ofmaintaini ng andimprovi

22、ng student s 'self-care abilit y. 6,t he esta blishme ntofemergency rescueteamsofteachersinschools,on hig h alertand de ploye d.SongLi n Xiang LiuJiapi ng eleme ntaryschoolMarch2016 song LinXia ng Li uJiapi ng primaryschool teachersandstudent sorgani zationsout ofsafetym anagementsy stem organiz

23、ati on a ctivities betwee nteachers andstudents,todrawupapreci sepl an a nd security mea sure smust be signed byt heschoolofficial sto reviewt hepr ogramme ofactivities agreeduponCorrectionalCenteragreedto imple ment.Organi zationto thefiel d relativelyfar oractivities requireapprovalbytheDeputyDire

24、 ctorofthe E ducationBurea u in chargeofse curit y. 2,ea ch a ctivityshoul d haveaspe cific responsibilit y, payattenti onto t heper sons age,physicalmatch. Route 3,activities,location,fieldsurveysshouldbecarrie d outinadva nce.4, activiti es forthe mea ns oftransportshould explainthe situati onto t

25、 heschool to compl ywith vehicl e,safetyrequir ements, before theli neforrepair s.5,ea ch a ctivitymusthave se curit y,emergency responseplanforaccidents.6,pi cni cs,hiki ng, picnic to pay attentiont o firepreventi on,foodpoisoni ng, preve ntion offallacci dents 7,the a ctivitiesnearthe rivers,reser

26、voirs,nomeasuresordonotmeetthe security requirementsoftheOrga nization and notletstudents intothewater- .L - 一reliable.SLin Xiang LiuJia pi ngprimary schoolfire safetysystems toenhancefire safety,protecti on ofpublic propertyand the life and propertysafetyofteacherschoolfire safetyinto day-tIn order

27、to e nsure normaltea chi ng order, protecti ng student s' healt hy growth, ensuring t hat national (pr operty)is not lost,t o preve ntorminimizet he occurrenceofsafety a cci dents,fol lowt he"prevent, re scue ea Schoolst udents re port major accide ntwithi n a n hour ofeducation; student ru

28、n a nd disa ppeara nces to re port; r eport ofthe a cci dent to awritte n reportin tri plicate, acorrecti onal centre,a police station, atownship- -II . L _ I 一. . 1 _一 . . . I. |_/, 一 一. .一-_ _I . I 一I_ . |_一I. |._ . I. _. _ _|participate inthe celebrations,aswella s parti cipationgLinXi ang LiuJia

29、 pi ng elementaryschool Mnginin other socialw ork,withouta ppr ovalofthech2016 songarch2Corre ctionalCentre,school principa ls consent,w ithoutorganization. Without theappr ovalof releva ntde partments, mayh other,ensure safetyand reducelosses" pripe ople' s Gov ernment shall notI -1.1 -.or

30、ganizesand students,nci ple,a ccordi ng to thel ocal conditi ons, maket hemanageme ntsystem. 1,the pri nci pal isthe responsibilityofschool safety,schoolconcealthe accide nt.4we ek, tea chers areon duty system,establish andimpr ove the le adershipval ues;stre ngthen thee ducation,manag-. I_ _ 一 L .

31、I I I- - I . .1. I_ - - 一 -studentst o parti cipatei nfire fighting,disaster re liefand soo-day management,ion. 7, schoolsshouldeducate stseement ofsdevel opi ngthe followingfire safetysystem.1,strengtudents to obeyt heschool r ules a nd r egulations, on time ,on time homeon ofthe wholeschool.Accord

32、ing totto preve ntaccidents.he requirement8,schooltoschool inspee ntse curityw orkleadi ng group.T he headtea chert othe le adershiptenormaltea chi ngor der; re sponsi blefor school safety leadershi.11 - -.一 .1.1 L . II - - I . I- .Lctionss ofthe FireServicesAct, so thateveryona reg ug ularbasis,fou

33、nd hioneddeni ntime,and ine has of kee pingfire controlsafety, proteipteam i s responsi palwaysmai ntsevere case s,itiponsiblefor,implementationofthe a ccounta bilitysystem.2,schoolmont hlystudentknowle dge about safetyeducation,educatintaine d close contact and distri ctpolice stations,canvassing s

34、upportfrom the police station on schoolsafetyand help.5,stre一. I - L L- - I Ld_-. d_ I. I .| I _ 一 一 一 . IIIL.s,itis hard to eliminate immediatelycting firecontrolfacilities,fire preventiclosed,and reported ton, report soffireothe l ocal pe ople' s Government,education,and ruleof lawsection.9,th

35、eonshould bediversifiedi nthe formeverysafety ngthe ning tea chers' morale ducation,estaschoolshoul d always checkthe interafety education forst udents ofclassesperweekshouldbetargeted. o carryonemergency issuesdeali ng withe ducation in General,self-helpa ndmut ualrescue k nowledge.Emergencybli

36、sh adedicated l ove,impr ovinge ducationquality, observe thestudents' psy chologi calchange s at anytime andtakepreve ntive measures,no coproral punishm ntan dcovertcorporalp.I I- . _ _ I 一 1- 一一 .-. - , _ _ L - . I- ILLd. I . >I. .1. nalwalls, retaining walls, ponds, railings,handrail s,d oo

37、r s,Wi ndows, staircasesand avarietys, facilitie ssuch as firesafety, i nfrastruct urese curit y,unsafe facilitytoimmecalls(suchas110, 119,122,120,a nd so on) use commonsense inei shment on students,st udentout ofthe cla ssroom,schoolsmaydiatelyreducation.3,t heestabl ishme ntof majora ccidentre por

38、ti ng system.not be.6, units or de partments use studentStreet propaganda - I _ .3.4 变电站(电力系统的)substation (of a power system)电力系统的一部分,它集中在一个指定的地方,主要包括输电或配电线路的终端、开关控制设备、建筑物和变压器。通常包括电力系统安全和控制的设施(例如保护装置)。注:根据含有变电站的系统的性质,可在变电站这个词前加上一个前缀来界定。例如:(一个电力系统的)书店变电站、配电变电站、500kv 变电站、10kv 变电站。GB/T2900, 50 2008,定义

39、2.3中的 601-03-023.5 电力线路electric line在系统两点间用以输配电的导线、绝缘材料和附件组成的设施。GB/T2900, 50 2008,定义 2.3中的601-03-033.6 运用中的电气设备operating electrical equipment全部带有电压、一部分带有电压或一经操作即带有电压的电气设备。3.7 开关站switching substation有开关设备,通常还包括母线,但没有电力变压器的变电站。3.8 断路器circuit-breaker能关合、承载、开断运行回路正常电流,也能在规定时间内关合、承载及开断规定的过载电流(包括短路电流)的开关设

40、备,也称开关。注:改写GB/T2900, 20 1994,定义 隔离开关disconnector在分位置时,触头见有符合规定要求的绝缘距离和明显的断开标志;在合闸位置时,能承载正常回路条件下的电流及在规定时间内异常条件(例如短路)下的电流的开关设备。GB/T2900, 20-1994,定义3.243.10 个人保安线personal security grounding line用于保护工作人员防止感应电伤害的接地线。ntsystem 1 teachersa nd students,t hesurrounding areaoftheschoolgoverna nce cover

41、s personala ndfoodhygiene , culturaleventsand ot heraspect s, integrated governa nce shall obtai n widesupport andfullcooperationofthe community.On thesurrounding environment inschoolsshouldbe closelymonitored. 2,schoolw orkatthesametshoul dpay attentit he safety managementofschoolenvironme nt,shoul

42、d takethe initiative tocontactthe districtpolicestati on,t hevillage Committee,Correctional Centre, Tow nshi p gover nment, busi ness manageme nt andotherdeo do agoodjobmanagement.3, teinspecti ons nearthecampus,found that tofficialsort he police stationi na timely manner,toBurea u in chargeofse cur

43、it y. 2,ea ch a ctivityshoulsy., 4p,aeyvaetrteynti don to traffic safety.5,shouldeducate studentsto re spectsocialet hics,and variousregulati ons,maintaini ng publi cor der,a ndfightthe ba dguys,a nd grasp the corre ctways and means ofmaintaini ng andimprovi ng students,location,fieldsurveysshouldbe

44、carrie d out inadva nce.4, activiti es forthe mea ns oftransportshould explainthe situati ontot heschool to compl ywith vehicl e,safetyrequir ements, before theli neforrepair s.5,ea ch aabilit y. 6,t have se curit yency rescueteamsanforaccidents.6, piofteachersin school s, on hig h alertand de ploye

45、 d.SongLi n Xiang LiuJiapi ng eleme ntaryschoolMarch2016 song LinXia ng Li uJiapi ng primaryschool teacni cs,hiki ng, picnic to pay attentiont o firepreventi on,foodpoisoni ng, preve ntion offallacci dents 7,the a ctivitiesnearthe rivers,reservoirs,nomeachersand student sorgani zationsout ofsafetyma

46、nagementsysuresor do notmeetthe security requirementsoftheOrgaon a ctivities betwee nteachers andstudents intothewaterhepr ogramme ofactivities agreement.Organi zationto thefielnization alectricity lines,equipmentinspections,foundhidden intimeforrectificatiprote ctthe safetyofstudentd haveaspe cific

47、 responsibilits, payattenti itie- 一 - Ient s 'self-careabilitch a ctivitymusthave seetime,rde partments tstem org anizati onand notletstudents int- I _ - I Ihejoble ss migrantsfrom ruralaredto impleas,forexample,- -harassmentofst- .L - 一reliable.SLin Xiang LiuJia pi ngprimary schoolfire safetysy

48、stems toenhancefire safety,protecti on ofpublic propertyand the life and propertysafetyofteacherschoolfire safetyinto day-tIn orderto e nsure normaltea chi ng order, protecti ng student s' healt hy growth, ensuring t hat national (pr operty)is not lost,t o preve ntorminimizet Schoolst udents re

49、port major accide ntwithi n a n hour ofeducation; student run a nd disa ppeara nces to re port; r eport ofthe a cci dent to awritte n- -II . L _ I 一. . 1 _一 . . . I. |_/, 一 一. .一-_ _I participate inthe celebrations,aongLinXi ang LiuJia pi ng elementaryschool Mswella s parti cipati ngin other socialw

50、 ork,withouta ppr ovalofthearch2016 songCorre ctionalCentre,school principa ls consent,w ithoutorgahe occurrenceofsaf etya ccidents,fol lowt he"prevent, re scue ean reportin tri plicate, acorrecti onal centre,a police station, atownship . . I -I_ . |_一I. |._ . I. _. _ _|,nization. Without theap

51、pr ovalof releva ntde partments, mayh other,ensure safetyand reducelosses" pripe ople' s Gov ernment shall notI -1.1 -.organizesand students,nci ple,a ccordi ng to thel ocal conditi ons, maket hemanageme ntsystem. 1,the pri nci pal isthe responsibilityofschool safety,schoolconcealthe accide

52、 nt.4we ek, tea chers areon duty system,establish andimprovethe le adershipval ues;stre ngthen thee ducation,manag-. I_ _ 一 L . I - I I- - . I. .1 . . >一 - - 一 -studentst o parti cipatei nfire fighting,disaster re liefand soo-day management,ion. 7, schoolsshouldeducate stseement ofsdevel opi ngth

53、e followingfire safetysystem.1,strengtudents to obeyt hes choolr ules a nd r egulations, on time ,on time homeon ofthe wholeschool.According totto preve ntaccidents.he requirement8,schooltoschool inspee ntse curityw orkleadi ng group.T he headtea chert othe le adershiptenormaltea chi ngor der; re sp

54、onsi blefor school safety leadershi.11 - -.一 .1.1 L . II - - I . I- .Ls ofthe FireServicesAct, so thateveryctions ona reg ularbasis,found hiddeni ntime,and inone has of kee pingfire controlsafety, proteipteam i s responsi palwaysmai ntsevere case s,itiponsiblefor,implementationofthe a ccountabilitys

55、ystem.2,schoolmont hlystudentknowle dge about safetyeducation,educatintaine d close contact and distri ctpolice stations,canvassing supportfrom the police station on schoolsafetyand help.5,stre一. I - L L- - I Ld_-. d_ I. I .| I _ 一 一 一 . IIIL.s,itis hard to eliminate immediatelycting firecontrolfaci

56、lities,fire preventiclosed,and reported ton, report soffireothe l ocal pe ople' s Government,education,and ruleof lawsection.9,theonshould bediversifiedi nthe formeverysafety ngthe ning tea chers' morale ducation,estaschoolshoul d always checkthe interafety education forst udents ofclassesper


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